Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Cyrennus




NAME: Cyrennus
FACTION: The Republic
RANK: Private, Shock Trooper Corps
AGE: 19
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6 feet
WEIGHT: 90 kilograms
EYES: Grey
HAIR: Thick
SKIN: Tanned

(+) Extensive Military Training
- Cyrennus has been extensively trained in all thing related to his military service. Light and heavy blasters, hand-to-hand combat, basic first aid, basic piloting -- you name it. He is also extremely fit.
(+) Unbreakable - Cyrennus' will is nigh on incomparable to any other being in the galaxy.

(-) Green as Grass - A temporary weakness, as with experience this will become irrelevant. However, for the time being, Cyrennus is a fresh-faced recruit and unaccustomed to the horrors of war.
(-) Addictive Personality - It's just a matter of time before some pleasurable substance takes a hold of Cyrennus' private life.
(-) Gambler - Tying into his addictive personality, Cyrennus spends most of his money on gambling. If there's a chance, he'll take it -- for better or worse.

A well built man standing at a respectable six feet. His features are young but defined, as he straddles the uncanny transition from teenager to man. There is an intensity to his gaze that is softened by the half-smile he's usually flashing. Cyrennus' personal clothing style, when not in uniform or battle-rattle, is utilitarian. Usually boots, cargo trousers and a t-shirt. Maybe a bomber jacket. Depends on the weather.

His dress uniform is pressed and immaculate. His armour as clean as it can be.

Although it would be easy to assume the contrary, based on Cyrennus' chosen career and general lifestyle, he is actually a prince of Doan. Born into royalty, he was blessed with all the privileges and freedoms such an upbringing provides. Education, opportunity, etc. However, as he grew older, he also grew to dislike the treatment of the general population. He began to detest the royal way of life and its gross inequality compared to those they ruled.

Around the age of sixteen, Cyrennus began to campaign. He held passionate speeches around the planet and rallied the disenfranchised. A civil war was brewing, stirred by a prince of all people. The Royal House would not suffer this gross disobedience from one of their own and had Cyrennus, now seventeen, exiled. Stripped unofficially of his titles, and inheritance, a media campaign informed the people of Doan that Cyrennus had been misinformed and wrong. That he had accepted this and, out of embarrassment, had left the planet wilfully.

Not quite.

In the two years that followed, he realised that this inequality was rife in all aspects of life in every nook and cranny in the entire galaxy. He would never be able to change it. He would, however, be able to make things slightly better for some people. Having been ready to fight for his beliefs before, and knowledgeable in galactic history and current affairs, Cyrennus was drawn to Corellia and the Republic upon its inception. He signed up with the Republic Military soon after.

The culture shock of no royal treatment was easily overcame by the sense of duty now instilled deep within the man. He'd fight and die for the liberty of every citizen under the flag of his adopted nation.

Any official military vessel he's assigned to.




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