Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Dangerous Bedfellows | The Slice Syndicates




" , Corvex Karsten Halak Karsten Halak its a pleaaure to see you both." Her pleasant Mirialian voice made her seem much less threatening than she really was, but she was here to make friends of course, seeming friendly was part of the mission today.

"My people have told me your dock crews have been very accommodating. Our soldiers should all be meeting each other too about now, are we placing bets on who throws the first punch?"

"Heh. Not one of mine, I sure hope so." At least I've briefed them not to cause any trouble on our first joint event, in our own home. From my experience, the threat of a gun barrel on people's temples does make them subservient. Lots of people say that you don't want to rule through fear, but in a world so vicious and cutthroat, treachery is not a matter of will, but opportunity. Might as well castrate their spunk before they grow a pair.

The voice of the Mirialan does ring beautifully. Dangerously beautiful. The reputation and accolades does surpass the non-threatening looks being presented right now, shall we not forget. On the other side, the Hand of Eclipse, appearing just like what I expected. Cold. Menacing. Enigmatic. These are two equally threatening, as much as they are capable, partners. It's like the sayings you often hear on the street. The best companions you can have are always the unstable, most dangerous ones. Here, today, we got two, dangerous bedfellows. "The pleasure is mine."

"To new friends and future prosperity!" she downed the drink and placed her cup down before taking her place at the table.

I raise my glass of champagne, following Jester's toast. "To new friends and prosperity." A small smile curled up on my face. It's a nasty game we're playing, we're all going to end up fatally scorched, and karking rich, in no particular order. Might as well enjoy the ride.

With that, there's nothing preventing us from going through the real agenda for tonight. We all know what this is about, it's just the three of us, so no need for a speech or anything. I'll save that for later. "Shall we cut straight to the chase? The chaos in the galaxy. Especially the ones on our doorsteps." The GA, the Sith, the League, the Mandalorians, the Imperials. I do have info on them, some more than the others. I'm just trying to lure one of my partners to share first.

TAG: Corvex | Jester Jester | Closed

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“Are you even old enough to drink that?”

"Aren't we snide," Luck remarked, still grinning. For a moment his face shifted, becoming Thayne's, or at least an illusion of his face. "You've got yourself quite the baby face as well. I bet you'd look fifteen under all that grime."

As the illusion faded, a new arrival began to go on a rampage. They wanted raw, living meat. Gross, but who was he to judge what other people ate. The sniper seemed to give him a sensible answer and the old man seemed to suggest they go hunting in the streets, but Luck wasn't here to stop problems. No, far from it. The boy made an illusion of a rather generic looking person next to the Cha'ta'ri.

"Why not eat the Hutt?" the illusion of the stranger mused before walking back off into the crowd, vanishing.

Luck, meanwhile, simply continued to swirl his wine.

"I don't know about live food," he frowned, "But I would kill for a rare steak right about now. Hopefully it isn't as cheap as the wine."



| Location | Fighting Pits - Volsinii, Bracca
| Objective | BYOO - Blow off some steam
| Focus | Brequrrbass the Hutt | Impulse Impulse

Zayah watched as the next fight was moving to get started, raising her glass up once more as she took a slow sip from it, her eyes kept focused on the monitor above the pit showing off an aerial view of the arena for all the spectators not crowding around the ring. Her gaze would be sidetracked by the presence of the Hutt slugging its way over to her as she let the glass down to rest at her side as the Hutt addressed her, speaking in a rather short manner, " Bane... Not that it's a name of much consequence to a Hutt like yourself. " She paused as the next fight began with the new contender going in for a wild swing. Inexperienced, looking to make a quick buck, and too full of themselves with an overabundance of confidence in their own strength and no skill or technique to back it up. This wouldn't be a long fight - and she could tell by just a glance alone from the first two seconds of the match starting.
She continued on to answer the Hutt that approached her as she tilted her glass in hand, left and right, sloshing the liquor around in a controlled vortex, " Parties are for pushovers and people who don't like to get their hands dirty. I have a gang and crew I can rely on, and do the dirty work that needs to be done. So long as the credit is good, I don't need to be involving myself with people any more than I need to be - I have people to fill me in on anything that might be remotely interesting. Perks of being my own boss. " Her gaze left the screen above the arena as she had lost interest immediately in the fight upon seeing the quality of the opponent in the ring, her gaze instead wandering over to the Hutt briefly as she glanced them up and down before turning away. " And what brings a Hutt all the way out to Bracca? Apart from the obvious, since I'm sure every cutthroat, criminal, and big wig around here is here for the same exact thing. " Zayah managed a small and very clearly exaggerated smile in the form of a small upward curl of her lips before it simply vanished into a stern, stoic expression.
Her eyes fell upon an individual conversing with the organizer of the venue as she continued to lean back in her stool against the counter of the bar, waiting for a response from the Hutt to see if there was anything of interest to be gained from their conversation. Perhaps tonight wouldn't be a disappointment or perhaps she may be severely disappointed. Who knows?




There were many ways that the current conversation could unfold first and foremost would be to simply shoo him away at the point of a blaster which would be the most interesting highlight of the day. Or she could simply ignore him in the vain attempt that the hutt might leave her alone if bored enough. Each of those options did have some merit but he had to tell himself that no one could ignore the hot bod standing before them nor could they withstand the odor pouring from slime ridden areas.

Brequrrbass simply waited for a response from Zayah Bane Zayah Bane while focusing on a small commotion down in the Grand Hotel's fighting pits which would provide enough of a distraction. Enhancing the imaging technology on the monocle-computer towards the source for all this trouble in the form of Impulse Impulse who at present was talking with the manager of the event, though he could not hear the exact details but it seemed they reached an agreement. However the fight would probably be over in two seconds.

"Ah a quite interesting name, taken from the infamous bounty hunter of old I would presume." He explained making a connection between her name and that of Cad Bane. Glancing over in her direction as she explained her apparent dislike of the party; wanting more action instead of meager conversation with fellow criminals.

"A most valid point on the droll nature of conversation!, and as to why I am currently among my peers is that I require various connections in the underworld in order to sell my less than legal wares. Blasters, starships, fake uniforms for infiltrations and the like" Was furthered added with much gusto in the tone of voice; having quite the passion for selling stuff that was not his own.

[Nearby] Luck Ashé Fenn Ashé Fenn Zarr Hextal Thayne Tameron Thayne Tameron Kes Stag Kes Stag V01D Ω (Void Omega) V01D Ω (Void Omega) Kael Syddi

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Kael Syddi




Location: Volsinii, Bracca, Grand Hall
Equipment: Left Bracer, Refurbished Armor atop Kinetic Padded Bodyglove, Retractable Eye Covers with HUD Display, Rebreather/Translator Mask
Tags: Thayne Tameron Thayne Tameron | Ashé Fenn Ashé Fenn | Zarr Hextal | Luck | Brequrrbass the Hutt | V01D Ω (Void Omega) V01D Ω (Void Omega) | Kes Stag Kes Stag | Zayah Bane Zayah Bane

Heavy breathing came out as static when something touched him. A stranger that gave a familiar smile and offered the best options they had.

Which didn't please Kael.

"What is rare? Does rare cook the meat?" The alien leaned down a little, hot air coming from their mask as the analog voice posed its question.

Another raised their voice, offering the live food he sought.

Kael's mid-arms keeping Thayne from falling over as the large alien stepped away. Another voice came from the crowd making a comment about the Hutt.

Kael pausing mid-stride as his eyes scanned the crowd.

Finding the large being cozy with another as Kael leaned down and lowered their voice to

"Is the Hutt prey?" Leaning down and lowering his voice to Zann.






Chaos was precisely what they faced, from all angles. He grinned wolfishly behind his helmet, its single crimson visor glowing dimly in the center of his face. He enjoyed that Karsten Halak Karsten Halak was eager to get to the meat of this assemblage.

"If the rumors are true," Corvex said enticingly, "the League is a shadow of its former self. Eclipse looks to recover lost ground in their territories before the Sith Order make their moves."

He thought of the other forces surrounding them, those that were nearer to the Slice. Imperials were too scattered to pose a major threat, and even if they did gain enough momentum to stand with solidarity, corruption was almost a given component of their existence; Corvex was certain all three of the Slice's syndicates could leverage with them.

It was the Mandalorians and the Alliance that stood to be their largest source of headaches and lost profits.

"The Enclave are known to despise organized crime. They will not allow our operations to persist in their territory should it be discovered. Neither with the Alliance."


ASSOCIATES: Zayah Bane Zayah Bane | Brequrrbass the Hutt
LOCATION: -redacted-
TIME: -redacted-

The previous fight in the ring did not take long, and by the sound of all who had bet on against the challenger, the winnings were not much. That was the problem with a clear cut winner, the house did not have to pay out when they won. Pulse was about to change that. Oh it was going to get the organizer in hot water, because someone would be foolhardy enough to place their credits on a new face and a complete stranger. There was always one, and it was what made the odds interesting.

Could Impulse win? He knew he could. Wee, that was if the ring did nothing to interfere with the built in tech. Considering these fights were illegal, however, Pulse was certain all of the gadgets up his sleeve would still work. In truth, he just needed the speed which came from one of the devices. Pulse was pretty strong otherwise.

The announcer made a big deal about the match.

Figured. The house was already trying to minimize their losses by evening out the odds.

He smirked.

“No rules for this fight. Everything counts.”

Suddenly Pulse was nervous. If everything was on the table, then he was not just fighting to win. Pulse was fighting to live. He cracked his knuckles trying not to give off that he was shaken by the news. It did not matter. His tech was in, that was all he needed. Hopefully he did not have to kill the other guy though. That was not part of the deal.

A simulated bell was the only signal they had to begin. The brute was huge, Smasher huge. Pulse knew someone his size back on Denon, and that was not the kind of guy anyone wanted to run into in a back alley.

A punch.

Pulse dodged.

Seemed the guy was smart and testing him out. Fortunately the cyborg did not have to use any of his favorite toys to dodge. This hulk of a fighter was slow, but the way the wind moved told him one punch was all he could take. Pulse would be done if anything landed.

“Okay focus,”
he muttered to himself.

His device lit up, and in what would seem like a blur to most people was a series of punches which took the brute down near as fast as the previous victim. Pulse stuck his boot on this opponent's chest. He was clearly unconscious. A quick glance to the organizer said one thing only.

…get my credits.​


| Location | Fighting Pits - Volsinii, Bracca
| Objective | BYOO - Blow off some steam
| Focus | Brequrrbass the Hutt | Impulse Impulse

Zayah rolled her eyes as she watched the contender in the ring get laid out with a few swift hits and then a final swing to their jaw, watching them fall forward onto their face as the announcer declared the contender a disappointment and announced the continued winning streak of the current fighter. She was half paying attention to the conversation at hand as she took another sip from her glass, waiting for the next poor soul to step into the ring hoping to make a quick credit as the Hutt mentioned some old bounty hunter, " Bounty Hunter? Never heard of anyone by the name Bane. Can't have been that great then. " She simply shrugged before letting the glass dangle in her fingers at her side. " Only name I've known growing up - doesn't matter much anyways. "
As the Hutt continued on to state his business, Zayah rolled her eyes. It came as little surprise to her that the Hutt was just dabbling in the usual business, with little deviation from the norm. She sighed quietly to herself as she idly swirled the contents of her glass around in hand as she waited for the Hutt to finish his sentence before replying in a curt tone, " That's it? " She raised an eyebrow in confusion and twinged with a subtle hint of annoyance - no talk of anything big and extravagant like taking over the Hutt crime families or anything like that, just the boring old business partners and connections. " You could be having this conversation with the more reputable syndicates and getting far more value from them. Me? I'm just a gal of no consequence. " she said in a dry tone, punctuating her sentence with a tone of sarcasm.
The last fighter was dragged out of the ring as the announcer let it be known that there were no rules for the next fight. The comment made her perk up a bit as she spotted the next contender; the individual she caught talking to the organizers. She glanced back to the Besalisk bartender and slid a credit chip toward her before speaking, " My usual bet. " The Besalisk offered a toothy smile as they grabbed the chip to place the bet for Zaryah. The audience scrambled to place their bets on the expected winner as the announcer whipped their appetites for violence into a frenzy. It was not long before all bets were placed and the match began.
The fight began with the fighters testing each other out as expected - but then came something unexpected. Just as quick as the fight started, it ended, with the challenger landing a series of blinding fast blows that dropped his opponent. The audience went quiet, trying to figure out what happened as Zayah chuckled quietly to herself. She always bet on the underdog with something to lose in a no-rules fight, and she just made a pretty credit from it.
The Besalisk bartender came back with her chip as she chuckled to Zayah before handing it back to her, " Right again Bane! How do you always manage it? " She took the credit chip back, tucking it under her jacket pocket before placing a stack of credits on the counter to pay for her drink as well as a generous tip, sliding it over to the bartender. " Just luck is all. Nothing more. " Zayah responded with a smile. The comment was a crock of poodoo and the bartender knew it, but Bane was not one to make bets without good reason. The bartender cackled as they picked up one of the credits meant for the drink and flipped it back at Zayah who raised a hand to catch it with ease before pocketing it, " Your drinks on me Bane. "


Location: Volsinii
Objective: Meet with the new Lords of the Slice
Tags: Corvex Karsten Halak Karsten Halak

Inventory: In bio

Jester relaxed as the others shared h3r toast and she tried to get a read on them, you kept your friends close and your enemies closer, or so the old saying went, she would have fun finding out which these might be.

"Shall we cut straight to the chase? The chaos in the galaxy. Especially the ones on our doorsteps."

"No foreplay? You remind me of my ex" she said with a playful wink as she listened to what both of them had to say. About Alliance and about the Enclave, both factions could cause significant headaches for them if the so chose too.

"The Galactic Alliance pride themselves in upholding the law, but like in most democracies, there is little filter on who gets in to power and chit floats. Get the right senator or planetary governor in your pocket and they won't be a problem. Saying that though, they do have their Jedi enforcers, harder to corrupt than their politician and notoriously quick to violence." she shrugged, she had trained with jedi, they were good people, but powerful and dangerous, the exact sort of people that criminals had to avoid.

Jester put a grape into her mouth and bit down on it, allowing its juices to wet her tongue. "The mandalorians on the other hand, not dealt with them much myself, but my brethren from the Kraken's inform me they can be a real pain in the ass. Useful bounty hunters and hired muscle though if you find the right one." she laughed a little.

"As to the Empire... which one? There have been as many people heralding an empire as I have had got meals. I have friends in the old Imperial Order that used to rule most of the Galactic North East, but that is all I will say about them for now, their situation is... precarious. The new Empire of the lost...?" she shrugged and gave a who knows look at her colleagues. They were a bit of an unknown factor, but Jester was confident that like all empires, they would know the benefit of allowing a healthy criminal underworld to flourish.

She took a large gulp of her drink as they spoke, already enjoying herself.


Kreak Sinn



"Is the Hutt prey?" Leaning down and lowering his voice to Zann.

"No, no, not the Hutt. Those slugs taste like piss and metal, you wouldn't like it."

Not only that, the Hutt is most likely someone who has friends at the high place. It's always the same with the Hutts. Generational wealth, rampant slavery, overtly deceitful business tactics. I have no problem crossing the dirty reptiles, I've done it multiple times. However, it's still not something I'd do for trivial reasons. Not when there's a lot more tasty meat available here.

On the back-side of the hall is a long hallway with doors on the side, one which leads to a small storage room. Inside are cages filled with various animals; porgs, manka cat cubs, paddy frogs, baby krayt dragons amongst them.

"All yours." I offered it to Kael with a grin. Personally, I don't like live food. Still, it's always fascinating watching others dissect their breathing prey, screaming in agony. There's a special mold of barbarism trapped white-hot inside of people who live for that. Whether it is physiological or psychological. It's more likely to be the former in Kael's case. Such an astonishing creature, menacing yet pure in the most deranged sense. Which raises the question, who, or what, is he here for? "Tell me, what brings you here? To this sad sack of a town? You look like someone who's destined to do something much bigger than all this."

PROXIMITY: Ashé Fenn Ashé Fenn | Kes Stag Kes Stag TAG: Kael Syddi | Open


Kael Syddi




Location: Volsinii, Bracca, Grand Hall
Equipment: Left Bracer, Refurbished Armor atop Kinetic Padded Bodyglove, Retractable Eye Covers with HUD Display, Rebreather/Translator Mask
Tags: Thayne Tameron Thayne Tameron | Ashé Fenn Ashé Fenn | Zarr Hextal | Luck | @Brequrrbass the Hutt | V01D Ω (Void Omega) V01D Ω (Void Omega) | Kes Stag Kes Stag | Zayah Bane Zayah Bane

There was a disappointed sound that filtered through the mask. A grunt that was little more than a buzz when he was told the Hutt was prey, and was not tasty at that.

A desperation meal then.

Following the man, a hallway to the back was revealed, and Kael glared at the footman that had been at the food table that scurried by as they entered. Upper arms bracing himself in the hallway as a door opened to the familiar sound of claws and rhythmic breathing.

Any sound that was coming from the room shortly died in the span of his arms reaching for the door and the act of pulling himself inside.

All yours.

The visible set of eyes narrowing briefly at the man. Those words usually held a price. Whether now or later. But the temptation of prey was too enticing to be cautious.

"Generous." As much of a thank you as Kael could manage. Mid-arms rubbing claws together as his upper arms touched a cage on either side of the packed room.

The occupants of each cage he touched shying away from the clawed hands as he peered inside and evaluated. The gizka did not shy away however, used to being around large beings of all varieties.

A sharp hiss of annoyance at the sight.

The baby krayt dragon rose to meet him in challenge however, and that more than caught his attention as one large arm settled against the top of the cage, the other unfastened the door while his mid-arms prepared to meet the little thing.

It hissed and spat, cowering at first before striking out. His upper-arms freed as the dragon snapped forward. His clawed hands greedily encircling the little beast and dragging it out from its cage on the floor.

The strangled squal growing as his arms kept it in place despite its attempts to break free. One of his smaller arms reaching up and removing his mask.

The mandibles stretching and chattering in freedom as he spoke.

"It's best when it fights." Full of life and fighting to remain. The predator drive in full swing as he snarled. The scream of the dragon sharp as he began with a leg in one snapping bite.

Tearing it free with a quick jerk of his head as the coagulation agent began to work. The pained scream slowly dying out as the dragon cried and squalled.

A gulp without chewing before an answer to the question was made.

"Exiled. Clan of cowards. Clan wanted peace. I want fighting. Prey. Planet is full of that." Anger plain as he bit into the tail that had lashed out and struck him in the face. For as large as the wounds were, the blood was quick to clot rather than freely bleed, and the dragon was becoming surprisingly calm as the event unfolded.


Darth Prodromus



"That he isn't." I answered while taking a swing of the whiskey I had in my hand. These types of festivities aren't the ones I'm used to attending. I was a Sarbāz under the now Grand Satrap for the longest time, he has this new blood rebel heart in him, rejecting the decadent tradition of Crymorah Syndicate. It was all small parts of a feud that led to him taking power of the syndicate. "Still, old habits die hard. This is Crymorah's favorite pastime, blowing our hard earned money on glitters and gold. The old guards, at least."

Kes Stag, an interesting name. I would've thought that this colleague of mine would have a Mandalorian clan as his last name. Fett, Vizsla, Rook, you name it. Whether Stag is a small clan, or the guy is just wearing Mandalorian armor, I'll have to find out. "Ereškigal. Sarvān of Crymorah." I raised my drink, offering him a toast, while my lekkus slightly perked up.

"Nope. Grew up here, climbed the rotten ladder of the city, spent my whole life around the folks, became one of them." A classic rags to riches story, except I'm still far away from the top. A rarity amongst our syndicate. Nepotism is a very rampant practice here, and it has taken a toll on our performance, before the Grand Satrap assumed control. He was also one of the few who rose up from the gutter. It makes total sense that he's recruiting many newcomers from the outside, we really need the quality boost. "What brings you here, Kes Stag?"




"I'll save the foreplay for the future." I grinned at the Queen's sass. The fun and parties and pleasantries is of course something that I've thought of as well in such precarious alliance. With profits come prosperity, and with prosperity come pleasantries. Yet the day is not today, our position is too shaky, our operations is too close to the fire, and the galaxy is in a too much of a turbulent state for acts of gratification. "Right now, I just want to consummate our wedding." I took a swing of my drink while letting the others go straight to business.

"We're all in in supporting your endeavour in League's space. It's a lucrative market, druggies and all." A market that will be a free real estate for Crymorah if maintained well. The average citizens of the league are more open to decadent activities, ones that pump credits to our pocket. Retract the unlimited freedom provided by the League's government and they will yearn for it still, regardless.

"The Enclave and the Alliance are just two, slightly different states. They might be anti-crime on a surface level, but they're also very decentralised. We're already operating on their space to an extent, I have people who can work around the loopholes, given time and resources." A particular one, someone who is hard to work with. They don't have to know, it's an internal thing. It'll take a lot to please the Arkanian and makes him do the work, but it will all worth the cost.

"The new Empire of the Lost is worrying, as are the Sith. I am not familiar at all with most of the main actors, and the ones I know are up to no good. There's been news of a darkside cult clearing up the Pyke's region. Good for us, yet dangerous in the long run." There's just too much for us to handle if all these superpowers decided to declare a war on drugs and crime. Dissidents, rivalling factions, greedy individuals and corporations, that's our way in. We're not state actors, we can't and shouldn't approach these problems head first, like we are one. This, all the contacts and the loopholes and the infinite opportunities for expansion, this is why I'm willing to swallow my pride and seat with the other two. "Your contact in the old Imperial Regime might come in handy, my Queen."

TAG: Corvex | Jester Jester | Closed

Location: Bracca
Objective: A New Chapter
Tags: Focus: Ereškigal | Thayne Tameron Thayne Tameron , Ashé Fenn Ashé Fenn , Zarr Hextal, Luck Kael Syddi Brequrrbass the Hutt

"Heaven offers nothing that the mercenary soul can desire"

Kes raised his glass to meet Ereškigal's and a soft 'clink' soon came after. He listened as she spoke, she was Crymorrah, the syndicate Kes had joined. She was a veteran of the Syndicate and this had seemingly been her whole life, Kes on the otherhand onetime crusader who had spent most of his life as a freelancer, running guns, spice whatever paid. She was here because she worked for it while Kes was here out of necessity for new blood, he'd have to watch his own ambition around people like the twi'lek.

He took a sip of his drink as Ereškigal asked another question. His first answer was not good enough, in fairness he was boasting and there was little substance to his words. Anyone could claim to be a gunrunner these days.

"Tired of running by myself, galaxy is getting a dangerous place for freelancers." he said before taking another sip of his drink. "Run into a lot of heat with the Alliance and can't say I'm all too friendly with my own 'kind' " he said referring to other Mandalorians. "The Syndicate seemed like the place to go, got good job security 'round here." a smirk appeared on his face.

Having finished the last of his drink he placed it on the tray of a passing server droid. "Still need to get to know all of Crymorrah's operations, except for the spice dens, quite familiar with those." he pulled out a cigarra laced with spice, uncaring whether he was allowed to smoke it or not he lit it, the smell of tabac soon filling the air around him. "But I'm a fast learner."



“This should be interesting,” Thayne said as the four-armed hulk stepped away, trailing Zarr Hextal and his promise of live prey.

He was skeptical of anything that fresh living in the kitchen, but he’d seen stranger things before. The assassin followed the pair into the back room, offered an apologetic shrug to the waiter, and then leaned against the wall to watch this unfold. Call it curiosity, but Thayne needed a bit of fresh morbidity. It’d do his soul some good to watch a life end. It had been a few weeks too long this time since his last contract.

He watched as Kael Syddi rended the little lizard’s leg from its body, effortless and proficient. Then its tail. Zarr was unphased, but Thayne uttered a perfectly-timed “fuck me” as the blood coagulated beautifully.

“I know a few Jedi who are deserving of your… delicate work,” Thayne offered, piggybacking off Zarr’s assertion.

Clan warfare was too primitive. Kael could be so much more than a professional killer. He could be a natural. Clearly, he already was.

Thayne needed that kind of appetite for a partner.



Location: Volsinii, Bracca
Objective: A New Chapter
Tags: @Brequrrbass the Hutt Zayah Bane Zayah Bane Impulse Impulse

Mud splattered across Vismaya's boots as she walked through the streets of Volsinii. Cursing, she leaned down and attempted to rub some of it off - the young theelin took great lengths to perfect her appearance. This much was obvious from her shining rhinestone crop top, partially hidden by a jacket with hand painted diamond motifs, her skintight, black leather pants, and her rhinestone choker which matched her top. Brushing her short, curly blue hair behind her two, small horns on either side of her head, the teal skinned theelin glanced at the world around her.

Vismaya liked Bracca, or perhaps, she liked the idea it represented. A fresh start, a chance to make things new. Which was ironic, considering the planet was a ship scrapyard. But then, Vismaya did enjoy a bit of irony now and then.

'Speaking of irony,' She thought as she entered the hotel. 'Is this where the scum of the galaxy gathers - in a high end hotel, sipping wine like kings and queens? What hypocrites.'

This irked her. She couldn't stand it when people pretended to be better than others, or pretended to be something they were not. Shoving her hand in her pocket, she used the other hand to grab a cocktail from one of the drink stands and down it. Slowly, her anger faded, and she stretched, looking around the room.

'Who here looks like they could protect me?' She mused inwardly, glancing at the various criminals gathered in the space. Scanning, her eyes fell upon a hutt, who was speaking to a beautiful Echani woman. 'Hmm, I'm not usually one for species prejudice, but If I know anything about Hutts, it's that they're always looking to make underhanded deals. And if this one is confident enough to flirt - or even talk - to that intimidating lady - well then, he's clearly at least somewhat wealthy. Exactly what I'm looking for.'

Taking off her jacket and wrapping it around her waist, Vismaya casually made her way over to Brequrrbass. Flashing him with her most charming smile, she fought back the urge to wrinkle her nose at the smell.

"I'm so sorry, but I could not help but notice that you stand out in this room," she began, a hint of an Onderonian accent coming out in her speech. "I do believe that that is due to a certain...commanding presence you have. In fact, you strike me as a leader, and a good one at that. Tell me, are you by any chance here looking for new hires?"





"So long as this 'consummation' doesn't turn into Crymorah or Umbral fucking me and my consortium," Corvex goaded with a raucous laugh. He found it humorous, but there was no illusion behind the laughter; The towering Evereni would not bend over without an enormous boon for his consortium.

He leaned forward, both hands visible on the tabletop as he peered at his potential comrades from behind the glowing red eye center his mask.

"Eclipse is a business," he started, before raising a corrective finger.

"A corporation. We are professionals, with markets spanning dozens of developed systems. Eclipse provides security, information... removal of troublesome opposition... cooperative labor forces..."

He doctored the words up nicely, just like he did with potential clients, but Karsten Halak Karsten Halak and Jester Jester knew precisely the markets he referred to. Eclipse may have been corporate in design, but they peddled in assassinations and slaving just as frequently as espionage and private security.

"Businesses need partners, but those partners have to carry their weight. Jester, your Umbral fleet deals with the Imperials, yes? Can you say with certainty that they will play nicely with our little alliance?" He chuckled at the thought. There were nearly as many fragments of the Empire as there were syndicates in the Outer Rim. Each of them hungrier than the last, but just as doomed to fade as well.

He only hoped she didn't see his Sith contacts the same way. It wasn't long ago that the Sith Order failed to uphold their end of the bargain, leaving Eclipse at the end of the Trade League's spear.

Corvex looked to the Rodian then, eager to hear more about his own connections. Of the two, this Crymorah Syndicate was the least familiar to him.

"And what of you, Grand Satrap?" the Evereni said with a grandiose hand wave. "What does your enterprise bring to the table?"

Murba only added to the eclectic gathering near the Grand Hotel on Bracca. The Hutt had made his way into the lobby leading his pet Nexu along with a reinforced leash attached to a body harness, a fine specimen with a brown coat speckled with black streaks. The beast turned her wide head looking at all the sounds, faces, and reacting inquisitively to the smells, lumbering alongside her master. Murba wasn't particularly comfortable here, he preferred the open air, rather than a shining jewel resting on a scrapheap..

Upon entering the lounge and bar area it was clear there were multiple factions inside. Many faces, many different cultures one might say. The Hutt easily scanned the room, eyeing up who he wanted to approach first, he spotted a few familiar faces; some lower level Crymorah who he had met prior. He was about to proceed to another portion of the room when he saw a Mandalorian stride across the room, gathering dirty looks from those he had pushed aside.. Murba chuckled to himself as he watched the man take off his helmet and lean against the bar. Murba made his way over to him, faithful Nexu behind him.

Murba approached the man, attempting to gain his attention and perhaps meet a kindred spirit..

"I am Murba Jiidak Anzani, it is a pleasure to make the acquaintance of a Mandalorian. I once employed one of your kind to assist me in the capture of an illusive Nexu, that woman was one of the most skilled trackers I'd ever seen.." Murba dipped his head in respect to the Mando, raising a hand to motion his Nexu forward, he got the beast's attention bringing her forward then into a sitting position. The Nexu stared at the Mando, gazing at his armor, as if being reminded of a past day gone by. "She is the result of that tracker's skills." Murba eyed the Mandalorian's armor and helmet, taking the measure of the man. "Tell me.. are you a hunter as well, of beast or of man? From the looks of your armor, you've seen much in your travels." Murba's Nexu moved behind him, perching upon the frame of his tail. Murba eyed the beast with slight annoyance, ignoring her as he paid attention to the man infront of him, he then noticed a green-skinned woman behind him..
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