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Character Darth Exter



Darth Exter (Originally named Zalos Ortron.)


RANK: Sith Lord


AGE: Physically, 45. Temporally, 910

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 1.8 meters

WEIGHT: 64 kilograms (standard gravity)



SKIN: Grey




  • Sith Sorcerer: Darth Exter is an incredibly powerful Sith Sorcer, and has recreated techniques that have been forgotten since the time of Ommin.
  • Frozen In Time: Darth Exter's physical body has stopped aging, due to a mixture of Sith Sorcery, and spending hundreds of years in hyperspace.
  • Lightsaber Duelist: While he prefers to face his enemies with Sith Sorcery, Darth Exter knows his way around a lightsaber too. He is an expert in Form II, a form which does not require great physical strength.
  • Authoritative: Just like his master, Darth Exter is a natural leader. He is not exactly charismatic in the same way, but he commands respect that is difficult to resist.
  • Physically Weak: Darth Exter is old, and has given up what little physical strength he has left to enhance his Sith Sorcery. In lightsaber combat, he must rely on precision and accuracy, rather than power and strength.
  • Trapped In Hyperspace: Darth Exter is currently trapped in Hyperspace, which means he can only interact with realspace through an "avatar". This avatar is incapable of using The Force, and can only be sustained for 1 hour before dissipating.

Darth Exter has grey, wrinkly skin, which is covered in faint scars. His face has pure red eyes, noticeably sharp cheekbones, and a downturned mouth. He wears a set of Sith robes, colored red with grey accents. His entire body has been covered with eldritch markings, which flow and fluctuate involuntarily.

Very little is known about Darth Exter's early life. What is known is that his original name was Zalos Ortron, and that he was born on the planet Duro circa 10 BBY. At the age of 19, he enlisted in the Duro Naval Academy. He was a natural at both fighter piloting, and leadership roles. In fact, he was one of the best students the academy had in years. However, while out on a routine practice flight one day, he had an inexplicable urge to fly out into deep space. He continued flying, until he reached the Galactic Barrier. Through a combination of his piloting skills, The Force, and good luck, he managed to navigate through the barrier, and reach Exegol.

Zalos landed on Exegol, and wandered into the Sith Citadel. There, he encountered the Sovereign Protectors. They took him to the Sith Throne Room, and brought him before the reborn Emperor Palpatine. While Zalos had never followed Galactic Politics closely, even he recognized the late Emperor of the Galaxy. Palpatine asked him about who he was, and how he had found Exegol. Zalos told the Emperor who he was, and the story of how he had arrived.

After Zalos finished telling his story, the Emperor revealed to Zalos that he could sense that he was descended from the ancient Dark Lord of the Sith known as Darth Caldoth. The Emperor also revealed that he himself was a Sith Lord named Darth Sidious, and offered to train Zalos as his apprentice. All Zalos had to do in return was to lead the Sith Eternal Fleet into battle during the eventual war of Sith reconquest. Zalos accepted this offer, and the Emperor assigned him the Sith name Darth Exter.

Darth Exter's training was mostly force-based rather than physical. Darth Sidious taught him unusual force abilities, such as pyrokinesis and self-levitation. He also taught him about the history of the Sith Order. Exter was especially fascinated with the sorcery of the ancient Sith king Ommin. Exter also constructed his own lightsaber, and learned the second form of lightsaber combat.

After Darth Exter finished his training, he began working with his master to recreate Sith abilities which had long been forgotten. They managed to rediscover Sutta Chwituskak, Dark Side Tendrils, and even Force Drain. He also prepared for the coming war, by designing new and improved spacecraft for the Sith Eternal Fleet to use, such as the TIE Dagger. Exter also occasionally left the Exegol system on special assignments to ensure the rise of the First Order, such as assassinating former Rebel leaders who expressed concern about the growing threat. By the year 34 ABY, the two Sith Lords were ready to enact their plans.

To begin, they used the First Order's Starkiller Base to destroy the Hosnian System, the New Republic's capital. The attack worked even better than the two Sith Lords had hoped it would, as it caused a political chain reaction which completely erased the New Republic as a threat. However, after this, the plan began to fall apart. Mere hours after the destruction of the Hosnian System, Starkiller Base was destroyed by the Resistance. A few days later, the First Order Fleet was crippled by the destruction of the Mega-Class Star Destroyer Supremacy, and the death of Supreme Leader Snoke.

This one-two punch to their plans caused Darth Sidious and Darth Exter to begin blaming each other for the dramatic failures of the First Order. To make matters worse, Darth Sidious had begun taking an active interest in a young Jedi named Rey who had contributed to the First Order's downfall.

Darth Exter eventually accused Darth Sidious of planning to replace him with Rey as his Sith Apprentice. Sidious did not even bother denying these allegations, which in Exter's eyes, essentially confirmed them. Exter suddenly began simultaneously attacking Sidious with Sutta Chwituskak and Force Drain, trying to kill Sidious with his own essence. This cycle of injury caused immense physical damage to his body, and gave him an undead, corpse-like appearance. Sidious managed to gather what strength in The Force he had left, and counterattacked Exter with a Force Storm so powerful, it opened a rift into Hyperspace. This forced Exter to stop attacking Sidious, as he attempted to hold back the storm. Sidious then used The Force to send Exter into the center of the storm, where he was consumed by the hyperspace rift.

Shortly after banishing Darth Exter, Darth Sidious made a broadcast throughout the Galaxy announcing his return. However, without Darth Exter, leadership of the Sith Eternal Fleet fell to Allegiant General Enric Pryde of the First Order. While Pryde was a competent officer, he was far out of his element in commanding the Sith Eternal Fleet. The fleet was composed almost entirely of starships which Pryde had only surface-level knowledge of, and no prior experience commanding. For an old soldier like Pryde, this was a recipe for disaster. To make matters worse, the Resistance attacked the fleet before it could even leave Exegol. While Pryde managed to hold off the first wave of the attacking fleet, when the second wave arrived, it was all over.

The Battle of Exegol was a horrific bloodbath, with a 99% causality rate for the Sith forces. Among these causalities were General Pryde and Darth Sidious.

This is where the story of Darth Exter ends, as far as the history books are concerned. However, the history books don't know everything. Exter survived his supposed "death", existing in the realm of Hyperspace. However, he did not survive completely unscathed. His formerly teal scales were discolored to a dull grey, and eldritch markings resembling tattoos appeared across his body. On a molecular level, his body was frozen in time, and he has not aged a single day since his banishment.

While in Hyperspace, Darth Exter encountered the Hypermorphs: sentient beings indigenous to Hyperspace. He managed to learn their unique language of flashing lights, and communicate to them using telepathy. He quickly discovered that their minds were completely different from most sentient beings in realspace. They were confused and terrified by Exter's force abilities, and he quickly forced them into his service.

With the Hypermorphs under his control, Darth Exter decided to focus on regaining access to realspace. After centuries of practice, he gained the ability to manifest an "avatar" of sorts in Realspace. The first thing he did with this avatar was to find out what happened to Darth Sidious and the Sith Eternal. When he learned about what happened, he was furious. While he was still angry at Sidious for banishing him, he had hoped that the Sith Eternal Fleet would achieve victory over the Galaxy. Instead, it was crushed before it could even leave Exegol's atmosphere.

Darth Exter vowed that he would find a way to return to the Galaxy, and take it for himself. But first, he would need to find someone to manipulate into releasing him.




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