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Approved Tech Dawn, Promise of the Wolf

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  • Manufacturer: Sylas Taff [Designs], Tom Taff [Blade Maker and Imbuer]
  • Affiliation: Sylas Taff
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Dawn, Promise of the Wolf
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Material: Alchemized Songsteel, Crisalite
  • Classification: Sword
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Average
  • Absorb and Release - Force Imbued to absorb and release energy using tutaminis as well as electric judgement.
  • Only I can use it - Focusing Crystal allows only the force user who created the blade to use it.
  • That's something new - Psychometry is able to be used thanks to the crystal allowing those who do not have it naturally be able to use it or those who do be able to use it to more success such as also reading living things.
  • Frosty touch - The blade itself is infused with a cold touch from the crystal which can freeze most of a person’s body. (OOC: The receiver calls the hit and how much it freezes them by.)
  • No use for you - Focusing Crystal allows only the force user who imbued the crystal can use the blade. Basically stops you from picking it up.
  • No I can't do it during combat - Pyschometry is only useful really outside of combat. There is very few ways someone could use it in combat.
  • Don't come to close this blade is cold - With the frostbite ability comes the issue if it comes to close to allies or even the user. (OOC: The receiver calls the hit and how much it freezes them by.)
  • Wait, why aren't the abilities working - Force Void items such as void stone and ysalamiri can stop a lot of the force imbuements.
  • It's too much, it's going to overwhelm me - The sword can absorb too much energy giving the user a kick back effect of the electricity slipping back on them.
After having finally made the armour for the group of his other padawan friends, Sylas decided to design a sword with his crystal placed within it. So he had his father Tom Taff help him create the blade itself with tutaminis to allow the padawan group to attempt to nullify the full effects of the electricity weakness within their armour as sith tend to use force lightning a lot. After the blades where made each padawan had to imbue each crystal with their force powers to activate the focusing part of the crystal.

This worked out in the favour of everyone as the blades took shape and allowed them to use the frost attacks from the blade thanks to the armour. However a downside to it was that the crystals made it so only the padawan who imbued the crystal would be able to use the blade that crystal was placed in. Anyone else trying to use it would be unable to.

However due to some complications the padawans were unable to attune to the swords. This left them to be maintained in the vault underneath the Taff house hold unable to be opened expect by someone whose DNA was keyed into the lock. When Sylas came back he was able to reopen the vault, however the padawans that these blades were originally meant for had moved on or become knights and the like.
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Submission Name: Crisalite
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Reason for Factory Modification Request: Needs to be brought back up to date

Submission Name: Frost Onyx Wolves
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Reason for Factory Modification Request: Needs to be brought back up to date

Submission Name: Dawn, Promise of the Wolf
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Reason for Factory Modification Request: Needs to be brought back up to date

Updated template to new factory standard using new template
Changed Intent and removed, mentions of the padawans for everywhere except for the historical information as that plot point is now invalid.
Added More to historical information
Cleaned everything up and made it look neater

This is ready to be judged.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Sylas Taff Sylas Taff

Cool sub again!
  • Please link Sylas Taff and Tom Taff to the Manufacturer.
  • Please link your bio to the Affiliation.
  • The Crisalite's link in the Primary Source is broken, please fix it.
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