Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Die Shize's Character Repository

I will utilize this thread to keep track of my characters, whether active or inactive, alive or dead, and their threads.

Active PCs

  1. Yondir Fenn - Jedi Knight
  2. Drane T'keen - Sith Knight
  3. Korn Kray'ac - Mando merc
  4. Oshin Jantu - Indy assassin
  5. Tameon Sylverian - Sith Knight
  6. Senestra Sylverian - Sith Knight
  7. Jon Dromon - Bounty hunter
  8. Jayrenel Metrum - Doctor
  9. Poe Ett - Sector Ranger
  10. Vayla Mirana - Jedi Knight
  11. Zad Ruzed - Sector Ranger
  12. Casany Praxor - Mandalorian bounty hunter
  13. Mazeryl Xiron - Governor of Kazarek
  14. Kanni Ugaiya Kilran - Assassin / Daughter of Velran Kilran
  15. A.N.A. - Artificial Neural Assistant
  16. Sage'tare Baracco - Pirate
  17. Perla the Hutt - Hutt
  18. Fire - Actor
  19. Cook - Cook
The Light
  1. Yondir Fenn - Jedi Knight
  2. Vayla Mirana - Jedi Knight
The Dark
  1. Drane T'keen - Sith Knight
  2. Tameon Sylverian - Sith Knight
  3. Senestra Sylverian - Sith Knight
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