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Dominion Disaster relief mission | AC dominion of Ruuria hex



Location: Reelin surface 32.5149° N 117.0382° W
Objective: supervise relief efforts
Eric Vales
Kahlil Zambrano
Millia Brimarch
Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
Pietro Demici Pietro Demici

"Conquering or rescuing states often forget so many people loved their old lives and see the new lords of the planet not as saviours but as conquerors. …" she said softly.

"I agree, and it is that thinking that we need to remember in our quests, to these people both the Jedi and Sith our outsiders engaged in a war that means nothing to them." She thought for a moment, Eina had integrated into the higher echelons of the Crusade so seemlesly, that she had never been given a formal title. In honesty, several of the leaders were without title as the organisation grows. "I think today go with Ambassasor, or better yet, Emissary. We can work out the finer details when we don't have hundreds of people booing us."

As Isla stepped forward, the man in the centre put his hands up and the crowds went silent.

"People of the Ashlan Crusade, the message here should be clearer than anything I can say with my humble words, we don't want you here and you need to leave" The crowd cheered this man.

Isla found herself having flashbacks to Panatha when the Panthans said the same, that led to nearly twelve thousand deaths and a similar number injured. The Reelin people were much less heavily armed, and were not as prone to violence as the Panthans, but he parallels were so fresh they bothered her.

"We are only here to assist in saving your people from starvation and disaster, We have no wish to take your planet from you, or impose any will over your people other than their own, we plead with the people of Reelin, please just give us the time to carry out this task and your trust in us will be rewarded"

The man paused and waited for the booing of the crowd to go on for a few moments, the crowd being on his side filled him with confidence "Fine words Ashlan, but the Sith too told us that we controlled our own destiny, except what they meant was that we contolled it until we failed to pay service to their whims. Are you ready to stake your life on your claims admiral?"

Isla was concerned what he meant by this, but she felt she knew, there was a good chance that they were going to be asked to stay as 'guests' until the mission was complete.
Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: Reelin surface 32.5149° N 117.0382°
Objective: Supervise relief efforts
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (weapons) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With:: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana
[ Kingdom Come ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina looked at Isla as she spoke and just nodded; the issue of conquering and liberating territories has always been difficult. She also experienced it in the Netherworld not even once during its existence. Ambassador, or Emissary. She didn’t know if any of them really covered what she was right now, but the Valkyrja had to agree that suddenly there was no better idea. However, she hoped that what she used was also appropriate.

So she continued to follow and watch the politician and Isla in silence, a few steps behind. Eina couldn't help but notice that several in the crowd had noticed her presence. She also felt that many found her very strange, but others were impressed by the Valkyrja presence. Many thought she was an angel or such a creature. She didn't really understand that, she didn't care who she looked like. As a shape-shifter, this didn’t really matter.

She knew from home military parades it was appropriate to wave, so she waved back with a kind smile to a group of children their parents had brought to this event. But after that, she was really paying attention to the conversation. Eina didn't like the last question very much, and the Admiral didn't answer it right away. Eina stepped closer and said,

"I do!" she declared firmly.





Location: Reelin surface 32.5149° N 117.0382° W
Objective: supervise relief efforts
Eric Vales
Kahlil Zambrano
Millia Brimarch
Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
Pietro Demici Pietro Demici

As Eina stepped forward and answered, Isla too admiring the bravery of her ally, also stepped forward.

"We both are willing to stake out lives on out good intentions, what would you have of us?"

The man smiled, looking at the two of them, there was a look of mild surprise on his face, but he expected a a trick so would only let his guard down so far.

"you will both stay with us, your people may have an appropriate time to complete their mission and then they leave. Only once they are off our world will you be returned to them."

Isla was not surprised and looked to Eina to see her reaction although she doubted the unusual woman would show much outwardly.

"You will of course be treated well, and be afforded the luxury of a welcome dignitary, we do not wish to prove ourselves to be savages that your foreigners must control. We will also allow you limited communication with your fellows, however, if the time that we agree passes, and your people remain on our world. Both your lives will be forfeit, These are my terms, you may discuss it, but if you do not wish to accept them, your continued presence will be treated as war."

The crowd continued to cheer and woop for their strong leader, holding down these invaders with his fist and protecting their futures.

"Well, Eina, I now feel bad for dragging you along to this party, how do you feel? I hope you don't mind my company for a little while?" She spoke to Eina calmly, the arrangement did not seem out of the question, and communication with home was also a huge benefit, ultimately she supposed they could be rescued by force if absolutely necessary, but Isla was determined to stand by her word.

"I accept your terms" shouted Isla.​
Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: Reelin surface 32.5149° N 117.0382°
Objective: Supervise relief efforts
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (weapons) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With:: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana
[ Kingdom Come ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

It didn’t even occur to Eina to use a trick, that is, not such a vile trick. She was a fair and honest warrior. The man's words were clear, the term political or diplomatic prisoner was also known to Valkyrja. Very; not only from Netherworld, she knew this concept here in Realspace as well.

"This seems to be a family trait…" said, alluding to the fact that her mother had been a prisoner of war for more than a year after she surrendered at Serenno.

Her communication could not be restricted unless they were placed in a larger area without Force or in a Faraday cage to block MANIAC.

~ Should I keep Lord Demici or anyone else informed of developments? It's enough to think of the answer, Admiral, I'll hear it. ~ she offered.

She just nodded at the man's words that she accepted them too. Though Eina knew if she didn’t agree, the locals wouldn’t be able to hold her captive. She didn't understand Isla's question, so she looked at her questioningly for a moment. Anyway, it really didn't show what she thought of the situation.

"I'm not bothered by your company, Admiral. We're just doing our duty, aren't we?" she asked, then followed the guard when they were taken away, but she refused to hand over her weapons.





Location: Reelin surface 32.5149° N 117.0382° W
Objective: supervise relief efforts
Eric Vales
Kahlil Zambrano
Millia Brimarch
Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
Pietro Demici Pietro Demici

Isla looked at Eina out of the corner of her eye "Absolutely, Eina, please keep our allies informed," she said in her head, as uncomfortable as the idea of another entity reading her thoughts made her, it made a lot of sense to keep in full contact and they were about to have plenty of time to discuss ground rules when visiting Islas thoughts. Could she read this right now that she was concerned? she didn't know now how safe her thoughts were. She smiled at Eina, at the very least this was a woman she felt she could trust.

"I'm not bothered by your company, Admiral. We're just doing our duty, aren't we?"

This made Isla smile again, these little misunderstandings reminded her that she was not a native to these lands. "That we are, and I am glad my company does not bother you," She said that aloud.

The two women were led away by heavily armed guards, they initially tried removing their weapons, Isla was unarmed but Eina resisted. The guards looked at their leader for guidance, the man thought for a moment "let her keep them, as I have said, they are our guests, should they choose to try and use those weapons, they will immediately justify whatever actions we take against them, and their other allies." The leader already knew he was playing a dangerous game, what was a few personal weapons when the invaders had brought a small army with them. His hope was leveraging the cost of defiance, as opposed to having the strength to actually fight the Ashlans in a full scale war.

They were led through a gate into a compound that contained a pair of large buildings, they looked like military barracks, but one of the barracks had been dressed into surprisingly pleasant quarters, it would almost be comfortable if it wasn't for the bars on the windows and the rotating guards shifts.

"I suppose this is out home for the next week or two"

A member of staff brought them both tea and left them to settle in.

Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: Reelin surface 32.5149° N 117.0382°
Objective: Supervise relief efforts
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (weapons) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With:: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana
[ Kingdom Come ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina didn't answer that Isla agreed, just sent her a confirmation. She made this short telepathic message without Force, but Lord Medici and Lord Faust were much farther away, the Force was needed in this process. Thus, while the soldiers accompanied them, the woman reached out to the Force and sent a telepathic message through the Force to Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust and Pietro Demici Pietro Demici .

~ Lord Medici, Lord Faust, this is Eina. The Grand Admiral and I are political prisoners of the Northern Faction until the Ashlan Crusade is finished here and not leave the planet. You have two weeks to leave, if you stay longer on the planet, they will try to execute us. I can assure you, gentlemen, that I will not let Lady Isla get in more trouble. I'll protect her. ~

Meanwhile, they arrived as she also looked around their future home. Eina already knew she wouldn't be a particularly pleasant companion in the next period because she had to be very energy efficient.

~ I sent the message. I hope we won't stay here all too long. If I’m in my original form here or in the Netherworld, I don’t have to eat. If I want to keep my physical form here in Realspace, I have to feed on Force Energies. There is no such thing here. When I "run out of energy", I fall back into my invisible and immaterial form. I don’t want to put you in an awkward position like this. ~ she said briefly, she knew she would starve in the next period.

That’s why she spent most of the next week or two meditating and searching for Geiseric, and only talked or watched physical world's things when she really had to, or Isla wanted to talk to her.

Last post.[/color]


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