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Approved Location Drey's Cortosis Mine

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Drey's Cortosis Mine


  • Barracks: The Barracks are where miners, administrators, or people staying temporarily at the mine live and sleep. The rooms are small and are gated by a door that requires accesses codes unique to the occupant staying there. There is just enough room for a bed; cupboards to store utensils, or other belongings; and if you pay for it you might be lucky enough to live in one that has it's own bathroom.
  • Bar / Cantina: A local bar / cantina is the main attraction other than the Cortosis mines. This is where the nearby populace living in the Barracks come to spend their leisure time. Food is cooked and served here, alongside alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. There are even Subacc tables.
  • Landing Zones: Some landing sites have been designated around the mine. Ships can land in these places where new comers can navigate their way into the area where the Barracks are located.
  • The Mine: A shaft has been excavated which leads down into the underground network of caves where Cortosis can be found. A path has been carved into the swamp which leads up from the Barracks to the mine entrance.


The mine has little to no security. Obviously, the populace of miners and others coming or going from the mine have their wits about them for attack. Trespassers will eventually be found or outright stopped by those living here. But if the mine were assaulted by a well armed force then it would likely fall depending on the competency of the attackers. Fences surround the Barracks which are designed to keep local wildlife predators, or trespassers from entering the mine itself. It's more form of 'defense' is that it is located deep in the swamplands which cover Obredaan itself which can be difficult to traverse via foot.

Drey's Cortosis Mine works out in the same way as the other Cortosis mines on Obredaan. A shaft, pieced together out of recycled metal torn from broken equipment, creates a tunnel that leads down into the mine itself, where rare ingots of Cortosis is mined. Thick layers of mineral dust hangs in the air, making it difficult to breathe or see without the right equipment, of which they do not have access too because it would cost too much credits to provide. This means that the miners are normally bald or balding, plagued by illness and disease borne out of inhaling the toxic dust created from the mining and extraction of Cortosis ingots.

Trapped between the Cortosis mines previously owned by Ri'ess-Emeritus Industries, Drey's Mine was once owned by the corporation before it was taken by Alicia Drey Alicia Drey in exchange for her shares in the company. The mine itself was the one that was found to have the largest and richest deposits of Cortosis ore, as surveyed by the company prior to parting ways with it to the Chandrilan entrepreneur.

If beneath the surface was dark, then the above couldn't be described as anything better. Surrounded by the Obredaan swamps, it rains almost daily, adding to the aura of depression associated with the mines. Barracks line up outside the mines, playing home to the native Jin'ha and other immigrated species who worked in Drey's Mine and the other Cortosis mines nearby.

In 902 ABY- several decades after Alicia parted ways with Emeritus Industries- a meeting was held above Obredaan. Attending the meeting were Alicia Drey Alicia Drey , Casteban Mecetti Casteban Mecetti of Mecetti Nationalized Industries, Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell of Salacia Consolidated, Nute Griimda Nute Griimda and Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe of the Trade Federation of Planets and Vyllia Santhe Vyllia Santhe of Santhe-Sienar. While Vyllia was not apart of the deal for the re-opening of the mine (after it had been mysteriously closed for several decades) the other parties were involved in a deal that would see the mine re-opened, and Cortosis becoming available to all involved in the arrangement.

The new arrangement for opening the mine saw Mecetti Nationalized Industries covering the costs and manpower for mine, while Salacia Consolidated were brought in due to their expertise in mining and excavating rare ore such as Cortosis. Seeking to use the rareness of Cortosis to their advantage Alicia and Casteban invited representatives of the Trade Federation to attend the meeting to finish the arrangement in a bid to gain their political and economic contact, while Santhe-Sienar were invited to the meeting to finish another arrangement and orchestrate contact between all parties attending the Obredaan Peel.
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[member="Coryth Elaris"]

I have no idea what is going on. I am fairly sure that I added the correct link (for the Jin'ha) when I first posted this and I am 100% certain I add the Jin'ha link when you told me to fix it. So I'm just going to remove the link altogether because either a strange bug is going on or I am being massively trolled.
I suspect its a bug. Or the forum hates you. One or the other :p

If you want, I can go in and edit your post and put in the link. But that's up to you. I don't mind doing it, if you want it there.

[member="Alicia Drey"]
Judah Lesan Judah Lesan

Sorry. Please don't delete this submission. I thought archive meant a request to move it back to where it was before. I only came back to the website last month so I am still getting to grips with things. No, please approve the submission as I have fixed the broken image, links and I have updated it's affiliation/description to reflect new roleplay.
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