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Approved Starship Dybbuk-Class Heavy Cruiser

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Commodore Helix

Disintegrations done dirt cheap.

  • Intent: To create an elite heavy cruiser for Helix Solutions
  • Image Source: Josepets
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Helix Solutions
  • Affiliation: Helix Solutions
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Dybbuk-Class Heavy Cruiser
  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Material: Durasteel, Quadanium, Impervium, Phrik, Starship components, weapon battery components
  • All Standard Features
  • Thermal Shielding, Heavensplit Railgun Batteries, Port and Starboard Proton Cannons
  • Night of Horror: The Dybbuk-Class is armed to the very bulkhead, capable of flattening nearly anything that stands in its way. Armed with enough turbolasers to scatter a small fleet of weaker ships, it also possesses a small battery of Heavensplit railguns, a single starship-grade Proton Cannon on both port and starboard sides, and a bristling point defense battery to keep fighters away from itself. As a result, even larger ships should carefully consider a fight with this behemoth.
  • Undying: The cruiser possesses defense to equal its offense, being protected by an entire suite of redundant planetary-grade thermal shields that render most conventional weapons ineffective except in great profusion, and staggeringly expensive phrik-laced impervium armor capable of withstanding extended turbolaser barrages.
  • Rare Terror: The Dybbuk-Class nearly broke Helix's budget when it was first commissioned, and as a result only a low single-digit number of these vessels are believed to exist, with replacements for any lost ships likely to be a very long time coming.
  • Underbelly: Much like the smaller Vourdalak-Class, the Dybbuk's excessive power needs take up much of the ship's internals, with the ships's reactor and associated systems alone taking up as much real estate as a small city. The sheer space demands on the power leave little room for a hangar, and much of what is there is given over to support craft.

The Dybbuk-Class emerged as part of a top-secret Helix military program to create a lynchpin vessel for its most important strategic objectives.

Helix Solutions lacked the resources needed to create the massive war vessels the greater powers could, but it intended to at least come close with the Dybbuk. Existing in the low single digits due to the outrageous cost of production, these massive battlecruisers nonetheless are worth what they cost, capable of fending off small fleets alone, devastating planet surfaces if allowed to bombard, and being very well-rounded and resilient combatants for their class.

Helix is generally hesitant to deploy these vessels at all, as replacement would be beyond their immediate power, and most in existence hover near their flagship to defend it, as part of its constantly-mobile fleet. Even those who have done regular battle against Helix and its predations are likely to have never seen or heard of the vessel, such is its rarity.

Still, in times of crisis or when smaller vessels have failed, the Dybbuk can occasionally be seen making an appearance, looming into battle and tearing smaller vessels to scrap in short order as it projects an eye-watering storm of firepower into the surrounding space. While it can by no stretch truly compete with a SSD (unless deployed in numbers in a come-the-apocalypse scenario) it can incentivize ships of equal or smaller size to seriously rethink the value of the current conflict, or force all but the most intransigent of sieged worlds into surrender. Fighters too are likely to have an ugly time, as the Dybbuk possesses a substantial omnidirectional flak array, making the space around it a very inhospitable place to fly for all but the best pilots.

Its defense is nearly as complete as its offense, sporting multiple, planetary-grade thermal shields from a city-sized shield projector bulb on its underbelly. Much like with the Vourdalak, when one shield fails, another of several will take over, enabling the vessel to withstand prolonged firepower from multiple other enemy vessels, and stay in the fight for an obnoxiously long time.

Sadly, the Dybbuk shares its smaller cousin's ravening power needs, particularly with its demanding railgun and proton weapons, leaving very little room for a hangar or other such luxuries. What space it does have is largely given over to landing or support craft, and its fighter array will likely not prove adequate to deter enemy strike actions. While it contains a significant point defense array, skilled or particularly agile bomber pilots who can survive the storm can nonetheless inflict significant damage on this vessel if not stopped, and it relies on its support fleet to drive off very large bomber wings. Boarding parties too can cripple the vessel by sabotaging the shield complex internally (though the troops inside will pull out all stops to halt them) likely leading to the destruction of the entire ship as the resultant surge fries all systems. Helix deems such losses among the pride of its navy unacceptable, as any of these vessels lost in combat are functionally irreplaceable in the short term, taking a prohibitively long time to build.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Commodore Helix Commodore Helix

I am fond of the design!
  • The Manufacturer and Affiliation links are wrong, those lead to a factory sub, not to your faction. Please edit them.
  • And one more thing, the 4.000 metres ships' Very Low hangar is only 10, not 12. Please edit this one too.
    4000m [Base: 4 | Very Low: 10 | Low: 16 | Average: 22 | High: 28 | Very High: 34 | Extreme: 40]


King of Pumpkins
Submission Name: Vourdalak-Class Cruiser
Link to Submission: Link
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Tweak weapons and add my new shielding systems

Submission Name: Nosferatu-Class Medium Destroyer
Link to Submission: Link
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Add my new shielding systems

Submission Name: Bruja-Class Heavy Carrier and Support Ship
Link to Submission: Link
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Add my new shielding systems

Submission Name: Dybbuk-Class Heavy Cruiser
Link to Submission: Link
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Add my new shielding systems
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