Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello there. I have recently created a new character named Darth Exter, and I’m looking to get his started on some threads.

The basic premise is that Exter is an ancient Sith Lord who was banished to Hyperspace, and can now only interact with Realspace through a force avatar. His goal is to escape his prison, and return to Realspace.

I don’t want to write Exter’s escape in the very first thread I do with him, so something more casual would work. A few ideas I had:

  1. Exter helps a criminal or low-level Sith in order to gain pawns “connections” in Realspace.
  2. Exter talks to a high-ranking Sith Lord to assess whether or not the new Sith Order lives up to his standards.
  3. Exter looks for a potential apprentice that he could train after he escapes.
If the character sounds interesting, but none of these ideas do, feel free to suggest your own.

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