Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Enemy of my Enemy - Lothal Protectorate / Galactic Alliance



Following brief Imperial occupation of the planet Lothal, the local governing body, the Lothal Protectorate, seeks to extend a had of gratitude and friendship to their savior, the Galactic Alliance, while reaffirming their status as an independent planet. After brief negotiations with Valery Noble Valery Noble , Sword of the Jedi, Commander in Chief Solarus Fynch had sent invitation to those of the Alliance and the New Jedi Order for talks of peace, collaboration, and co-existence. With a weary population, the looming threat of the neighboring Empire, and increasing pressure from criminal third parties, Commander Fynch hopes that bridges with the Galactic Alliance may help put Lothal on the path to solace in a time where tension in the galaxy is at an exponential high...



Delegates from the Galactic Alliance have been invited to Capital City to meet with Commander in Chief Solarus Fynch in the flesh to discuss what continued collaboration and the future of Alliance/Protectorate relations may look like, from military aid to doonium exports.



The Lothal Protectorate has allowed the New Jedi Order to begin the investigation and restoration of the ancient temple that now lies in ruins on the planet. Those seeking to learn more of the history of their order may find this venture enlightening, and perhaps something more lies deeper within...



While Defense Force efforts have pushed the majority of the Empire's forces off of Lothal, some Imperial holdouts remain. A joint venture between the DF and the Lothal Protectorate's Riflemen have been dispatched to dispel these remaining forces from the settlement of Tangletown.



Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin | The Fynch The Fynch

"Don't be afraid to ask questions or chime in," Valery told the younger woman with a kind smile, as they waited for Solarus to appear and begin the meeting. As a Jedi, Valery couldn't arrange anything on behalf of the Alliance, so she hoped senators and other politicians would show up as well, but her diplomatic skills and prior experience here would likely still be welcomed. She had also brought along another Padawan, hoping to offer them a decent learning experience in a diplomatic environment.

"I've met Solarus before. Sometime after we took down an Imperial refinery on Lothal, and he's not too difficult as long as you remain respectful," she added before her fiery gaze shifted around. If anything, it would be the other politicians who would be difficult about their presence. Some were very supportive of the Jedi, but others definitely were not, and as frustrating as that could be, it would still be a valuable experience for Aveline as well.

For now, though, they were condemned to waiting, so Valery turned to Aveline and tried to open up some conversation, "Is there anything you'd like to know before things start?"



Valery Noble Valery Noble | The Fynch The Fynch
"Yes, Master Noble" Aveline said with a respectful nod. This would be her first diplomatic mission in the service of the New Jedi Order, an order she had not long been member of. To put it mildly, she was eager to not kark things up. Valery's presence comforted her. Staying close to the Jedi Master provided an excellent opportunity to observe and learn. The fact that she knew the guy they were meant to meet with added to that.

"That shouldn't be a problem" she said with a smile. Being respectful had never really been one of her struggles. Still, she would be dealing with politicians after all, and would have to be mindful. Things were never as it seemed. Aveline couldn't shake the feeling of being outside of her comfort zone. The intricacies of lightsaber combat felt far more familiar to her than that of diplomacy.

Aveline adjusted her light gray and white tunics. They had been fine as they were, she knew she was just fidgeting, but she couldn't stop herself. "I've not been on a diplomatic mission like this before. How do you use the Force in situations like these? Do you ever push on people's emotions to urge calmness? Is that wrong? Do you soothe people with your words instead?" Perhaps it was a stupid question, but it was better than wondering she figured.

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge

'Money made the galaxy go round.' It was a quote that Noah had heard many times come from many different lips, from the mouth of a petty street criminal to words spoken by an illustrious senator. Earlier in his life when Noah was rather...frugal, he use to think that this just boasting about one's wealth or desire to obtain it said wealth. When he acquired it himself however he understood what it meant, if you had money you could change the galaxy around you, for better or good.

Thankfully Noah had chosen to use his own wealth for good, using his arms manufacturing company Hekler'Kok Defense Industries to supply arms to small worlds at steep discounts to help them defend themselves and maintain their independence while using his private military corporation, the Galactic Foreign Legion to teach these worlds how to best use said weapons, also at a steep discount compared to normal corporate contracts. And if it meant sticking it to the Empire? All the more reason in his mind.

It was with this in mind that Noah had traveled to Lothal to meet with The Fynch The Fynch to discuss these very things. He had conducted his research on the man and found him to be a good and honorable man who simply wished to protect his home, a sentiment Noah could empathize with.

He entered the meeting room, dressed in a simple pair of comfortable sneakers, faded jeans and a button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbow. Being himself he was of course armed, with a knife strapped to his left calve and a pistol tucked into the back of his pants and hidden by his shirt tail.

After entering he scanned the room and made note of those present, pleasantly surprised when his eyes fell on Valery Noble Valery Noble , a friend of his. He gave her a smile and nod as he noticed Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin . Eyeing the younger girl he assumed she was a padawan here to learn from a master.

Deciding to keep himself entertained Noah simply leaned against a nearby column and people watched, a hobby he had developed from his time as a sniper in the Galactic Republic army.
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Attire & Equipment

Fashionably late as always, The CEO of the Black Hand Collective enters through an automatic door. Of the few Mandalorians present, she must have been quite the standout; Dressed in full Beskar armor done in sky-blue paint, adorned with a fine kimono and long scarf, both in blazing red, that seemed to billow behind her as he marched into the room.

The scarf itself seemed to clink and clack against her armor, as the very fringe had been used to string up Sith-Imperial coins of aurodium on either end. Several seemed to have been melted by blasterfire or punctured by slugs, as a testament to how exactly she had earned her expensive decorations.

She was no sell out... Opting as always for the Iron Price.

And yet, she had come here not to represent her clan nor the enclave, but to represent her company. Playing corporatist had never been a favored pass time of hers. The mere thought of the word left a foul taste in her mouth.

No she was here for one thing, and one thing only; To make the Imperials suffer. To a follower of the old ways, many wounds took time to heal. And the wounds the empire had left on her soul when they
turned their back on Mandalore so many years ago, sending Mandalorians to kill their own kind, These had hardly even begun to fade.

So there she stood. Alone. No Clan. No Enclave. No Nite Owls. Not even her own rebel cell...

No doubt many eyes would be upon her, however. To these eyes, she regarded with little more than a slight bow of her head. And then, nothing. Not a sound. Not a move, save for leaning back against the wall with a thumb in her belt and on either hip.

No one thus far interested her. Not out of distaste or simple apathy, but simply ignorance as to their identities. She had other priorities, Namely; getting arms into the hands of the protectorate. Her daughter, Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla , would no doubt demonstrate the effectiveness of these weapons in the field at the earliest opportunity. Her job was to simply convince Lothal to contract her company. Either to deliver them, or to make weapons specifically for the protectorate. Whatever they required, really. Armor and vehicles were on the table too.

The Jedi across from her did little to hold her attention for now. Her family owed much to the Jedi Temple of the Galactic Alliance, and with Jademar Eurisa Jademar Eurisa potentially joining their family, the time to view Jedi with suspicion had long past. Noah Corek Noah Corek , she did not recognize either. at least, not yet.

She highly doubted anyone would recognize her either. The Nite Owl crest, perhaps, which sat on her pauldron still even if faded. But she would be as surprised as she would be thankful if anyone recognized the fanged-maw surrounding her visor or the white handprint atop her helm, denoting her once proud service to Mand'alor the Reclaimer, and the face of the now Ex-Alor of House Vizsla.




Brushing a small bit of dust off the shoulder of her dress uniform, Ari made sure her old New Alderaanian Security pin was visible next to the Gold Starbird she'd been awarded for her actions in trying to defend her homeworld. Thumbing quickly over the Tionese script in the datapad she carried, she made sure to skim through the large variety of notes and intelligence reports she had compiled regarding the planet as she made her way from the locker room she'd been allowed to use to change out of her flight suit and towards the meeting room where the other Galactic Alliance dignitaries were meeting with the Protectorate's Leader, The Fynch The Fynch .

While she had thought from the beginning that serving as a military attaché to this mission was something that would've been better served by a field grade officer or an intelligence officer than a starfighter pilot, she wasn't going to argue with her 'handlers' at Joint Base Coromon, and she definitely wasn't going to help another free people from being overrun and conquered by the Empire. Reading through the reports, she kept a close eye on the hallway ahead of her, making sure not to miss her turn. Putting her datapad to her side, Ari entered the room with measured steps, offering a polite bow to the jedi, Valery Noble Valery Noble and Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin , and a crisp nod to the Mandalorian and man she hadn't met.. "Master Jedi, I greet you."
Wearing: Interceptor Gear

Armed With: Old Mercenary Set (Damaged)

Mercenary Slugthrower (Empty)

Came to Lothal in: C-70 Charger

Objective: 2

His fuel situation had taken him to Lothal to hide.

His ship was so old and so outdated it didn't even register as a possible military threat, and he had been allowed to land on the planet after passing inspection. He had nothing.

He landed in the wild parts, deeply hesitant to go to the grasses of Lothal due to how it reminded him of Dantooine.

His shield and spear were significantly damaged still, the spear snapped in half with only its vibro electronics, and the Shield had taken such a beating it would barely hold up in a fight. But it was all he had. almost out of supplies. No food. Barely any repair parts. An empty gun.

He had no ID. No Citizenship. No Identification papers of any sort that would allow him to get a proper job. He was stuck foraging for supplies. So he landed in the wild, a fair distance from the Lothal temple. Which he could not sense, and did not want to go to.

He needed to find a way to make a fire and eat. He was running low on energy. He needed something. Anything. Even a rodent would do at this point.

Nathan had eventually set out, looking for game in his pitch black biker leathers, beard having grown a bit.

(Character Theme Song Power Up)

(Theme: "Man With A Harmonica" by Ennio Morricone Plays)

Nathan Bloodscrawl walked the land of Lothal, and nothing paid him mind. A dark spot walking across a green land with broken weapons, broken like his memories were, like his command of the Force was. He could do nothing with it, sense nothing with it.

For that, he was greatful. He didn't want it again. Once had been enough.

Nathan's stomach grumbled, like it had since near the end of the trip through hyperspace.

He spotted a lake in the distance. He expected there was something in it to eat.

He kept a lookout. Lothal was safer than most worlds, but no place is ever truly free of danger.

The wind blew past his hair and skin, and it stirred nothing in him. The sun shined gloriously above and he felt no invigoration. The land was beautiful, and green, and tingling with life and potential and he felt no hope, his expression grim and mirthless, his dull green gaze scanning the landscape with the casualness of a deliveryman checking a off a delivered package from his list.

No Hope. But also no Fear.

He debated with himself, as he walked, what exactly his plan was. After he found food, then what? He had no money to buy more fuel, and no real means of acquiring funding beyond getting possibly lucky at scavenging.

But even if he solved all his current problems, what was his actual plan after that? He wasn't looking to play Hero. Probably better off in a factory somewhere.

A low pitch growl caught his attention. He went still, heart rate not going above 70 bpm.

The Loth Wolf, its fur a slick golden color like its eyes approached. He remained still.

"Hmm...strange smell..." the Wolf remarked in a deep, oily baritone. (Your muscles, they're different: 90 XP)

Nathan's expression remained unchanged.

"I'm not bothering anyone. I just went looking for something to eat. At that lake there." Nathan said.

"The Force has guided me here. and it never lies. Welcome to Lothal."

"What do you want, Wolf?" Nathan asked tersely.

"You have been pulled from death. My eyes can see it. You have been to this world before. You went by a different name."

"Keep your sight to yourself, Wolf, and leave my nature from your thoughts." Nathan replied curtly and turned to walk away.

The growl from the wolf did not stop his walk.

"You are bold to turn your back on a Wolf of Lothal." The Loth Wolf said.

"If you're gonna eat me then do it..." Nathan replied casually. "May you choke if you do."

"So eager to die?"

"Certainly not eager to talk to a Loth Wolf." Nathan replied coldly. "I just want something to eat. Find someone else to manipulate."

"You see guidance as manipulation."

"Isn't it?" he asked rhetorically. "Leave me be, Wolf. Let my past rest in its grave."

"A guest does not get to tell the Master their priorities, Morris Crownwraithe."

Nathan didn't stop at the mention of that name.

"Don't know who you're talking about, Wolf."

"Yes... perhaps you don't, at that. Allow me to remind you..."

A howl from the wolf and suddenly Nathan was falling through blackness.

He hit the floor of ancient stone. It was dark all around him.

Nathan grimaced.

"All I wanted was something to eat."

Nathan began walking, and realized he was in the Lothal Temple. Nobody had come in yet.

Nathan began walking, light filtering through cracks in the roof...

"I don't want this..." Nathan said to himself. "Not again. Never again." (Kotor reference # 7776445544!: 90 XP)

"You hear me, you damned furball?! I SAID I DON'T WANT IT!" Nathan said, suffering a rare loss of temper.

He got his breathing under control. Might as well scavenge. He wouldn't take artifacts. He wasn't suicidal.

Nathan attempted to ignore the tingling in the back of his skull. He knew the stones of this place still had juice in them. Knew they were trying to whisper to him. He refused to listen. Refused to hear it. Would not hear it.

He began searching it's passages for something he could use, patiently scanning. He didn't flinch as a Loth Cat jumped out from the rubble, hissing.

He stepped back, watching it sniff him, then scrunch it's large, round face, hiss again, and run off.

Nathan traveled down one passage, spotting old tapestries of ancient Jedi in meditation. He experienced exactly zero nostalgia. He headed for a chamber and spotted an old workbench, a small Molecular Furnace. Bins of scrap, carbon, old Electronics.

He immediately went to work, gathering repair parts, a fusion cutter, and began executing repairs on his shield first.

The snap hiss of a Lightsaber caught his attention. He stopped his repairs, turning slowly.

A Jedi Training Droid, armed with an Indigo- Colored Kyber Crystal Lightsaber, stood in the entrance, in a Two Handed Form 1 grip.

It was rusted. Bits of it's internals were exposed through gashes in its chassis.

"In-tru-der..." It vocalized with a malfunctioning vocabulator.

Nathan held his broken spear to one side.

"Not by choice."

"All in-tru-ders must be de-stroyed."

Nathan sighed.

"Let's go."

The Droid attacked him rapidly with a series of overhead power blows, that began to cut a little further into his Cortosis weave Durasteel shaft with each blow.

He was driven backward, not having any true dueling technique, only able to crudely block ferocious strikes.

He rolled to its side, barely evading it's swipe, he heard the hum in his spear go dead.

He scrambled for his shield, barely getting it up before the Droid was striking it as well, biting through half centimeter by half centimeter with every blow.

Nathan timed it so when it pulled back for another strike, he charged, slamming into it violently with his shield and knocking the Lightsaber aside.

He smashed his now unpowered kite shield against the Droid repeatedly, but a blow from it's fist smashed his cheek and flung him backward, and he was exhausted from lack of food and water anyway. So he was more stunned than he would have been. Survival instinct made him duck the swipe for his head. He grabbed its arms, it's Droid hands trying to force the Lightsaber to his face.

His expression remained unchanged, though blood now poured down an open cut on his forehead.

He was hurled backward , dodging the strike and running out, now weaponless as it gave chase.

He ran trying to get as much distance as he could, seeking somewhere to hide, or some way to fight back.

He tripped over debris, tumbling to the ground, He spotted a mummified woman's corpse, covered in a reflective, metallic gray catsuit, clutching a DC-15S.

He scrambled for it, wheeling around just as the Droid closed in.

He pulled the trigger, not afraid of the possibility it might be empty.

He didn't fear death. Death no longer held any surprises for him.

The spray of automatic fire blasted the Droid apart. The Lightsaber blade barely missed his face (He didn't bother to blink) as it tumbled away from the Droid, shutting off as it clattered to the ground.

Nathan rose up, dusted himself off, then went and stared at the Lightsaber.

If he took it, he could sell it. It would immediately solve a lot of his financial problems.

But he'd have to touch it.

He refused to.

His stomach growled badly. He spotted a small Loth Rat and took aim.

"Sorry, little guy..." He said, firing...

Later on...

He had scavenged enough repair parts to use his broken vibro spear, converting it into a vibro knife to skin the dead rat, and parts from the Droid and the work bench had been used to make a basic heating plate to crudely cook the rat meat on. A simple nail, sterilized with intense heat from a makeshift electric lighter, served as an eating utensil.

It tasted awful, but he ate it anyway.

He felt some strength return. He then set back to work fixing his shield. Paint job was trashed, but he needed it functional, not pretty.

He began scavenging raw materials, sticking them into the Molecular Furnace and converting the materials, entering in the programming to create ammunition, nearby printers churned out the desired products...

("Super 16" by Neu! Plays)

(Nathan has acquired supplies!)

4X Clip of 45. ACP Ammo (7 round capacity)
Welding Goggles
Fusion Torch
Advanced Bio Stabilizer Mask
Tusken Raider Bandolier (1)
Stun Gauntlet (1)
Knuckle plate vibro blade (1)
Poncho (hooded, black)

Nathan took his items and proceeded to leave the chamber, deciding to go investigate the corpse he had found, hoping it might have medical supplies...
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Today was an important day. In the hundred years that the Lothal Protectorate had been active, not one of his six successors had taken the steps that Fynch would be taking to solidify alliances, at least on a military level. The Commander in Chief saw the importance in this, however. Neutrality would, inevitably, become a target, a breeding ground for the fears and desires of the peoples around them. The Empire saw this neutral standing as an opportunity to lay claim to his world, and they would no doubt attempt such things again if given the chance. With rumors of a superweapon in production, Fynch would be damned if he let Lothal doonium aid the creation of another galactic menace. Now was the chance to build bridges with friends and reaffirm Lothal's statement of neutrality. One way or another, his people would have peace. Maybe not in his own lifetime, but certainly for the next generation.

"Sir," a voice cut in, one of his Riflemen. The soldier had stepped in from out in the hall. "They've begun to arrive. Shall I see them in?"

"You may," the large commander affirmed. "I'm ready for them."

The doors of his office were opened, and those awaiting audience with the Protectorate's Commander in Chief would be welcomed in. Along side the familiar face of Valery Noble, some new faces were present. Arms dealers, one baring a New Alderaani pin, and one who seemed to be another Jedi. All parties, of course, had a reason for being invited to this place, all of which he would address in time. For now, however, it was time to put on the face of a good host.

"Welcome, friends," Fynch began, smiling warmly from behind his desk. "I'm glad you all could be here today. Please make yourselves comfortable. We have much to discuss."


"So.. How many ancient temples have you gone to before?" Iris shouldered her pack for a bit, glancing down towards the Padawan beside her. There were still a lot of things she needed to learn about his own experiences. Part of the reason she brought him here, at that. Going into warzones was a good way to learn his skills, but not so much who he was. And y'know, Zak was still a teenager. Still a kid.

She really didn't want him to be in combat. Ever. But that wasn't how the Jedi were.

"I've been to.. Maybe three, I think."

Zak Dymo
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A lone gunship breaks through the clouds high above Tangletown, descending somewhere far above the rolling golden hills until the houses became clearly visible. Almost as soon as they had entered AA range, a cloaking device would veil it in secrecy...

When the boarding ramps opened, A team of ten armor-clad warriors leapt out one at a time from either side, trusting the ship's autopilot to land safely in the shadows beyond the settlement, and their jetpacks to kick in at just the right time.

Among was Tayl Vizsla, The Twi'lek clad in her gray-white armor bearing the markings of House Vizsla, and The Black Fleet
. Her mother, Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla would tend to politics and business, attempting to pave the way for their enigmatic fleet to engage The Empire without backlash from the strangely neutral Enclave, And a safe harbor for the fleet to rest in between their acts of Rebellion. Mandalore was still in Imperial Hands. Even if a cursed and dead world was not worth dying to retake, The stain on her people's honor was a different story.

The Mandalorians were owed vengeance. That had become all the more clear
over the skies of Kestri. It had become personal.

And of course, The fleet needed to demonstrate their own usefulness to the people of Lothal. Arrangements had already been made to secure a joint operation between the fleet's current best and only commandos, and the whatever forces the Protectorate or Alliance sent.

It was a welcome change from dealing with underworld crime syndicates. Now she could feel the rush of battle and still feel good about it at the end of the day. Lothal deserved better. Didn't hurt that she mother wanted to demo weapons they might be buying though.

<<60m, closing>> Redsun spoke over the comms, prompting the entire team to activate their jetpacks to slow their descent. It wasn't long after that Tayl and the rest had dropped inside a small courtyard on the edge of town which had been identified as a mortar nest.

Several members from both imperial mortar crews had been slain with silent dart launchers before the team had even landed, With the rest being felled in melee.

The young Vizsla herself was quick to snatch one trooper mid attempt to plunge a knife into her back. Her grav-gaunt had snatched him by the shoulder, but she failed to react fast enough in preventing a glancing cut into her arm. To this, she merely responded by slamming the Imperial scum into the wall beside her, killing him instantly with the force of her Grav-gaunt.

Viper team's medic approached her with a simple nod and applied a quick gust of bacta spray to the wound. He was regarded with a thankful nod in kind, and the rest simply took plasma-cutters to the mortars.

<<Viper; Confirming target destruction. Friendlies are clear to move, over>>



Lothal, Tangletown
Tags: Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla , Open


<<Viper; Confirming target destruction. Friendlies are clear to move, over>>

"That was fast," Driver muttered to himself. "Guess the Black Fleet got the job for a reason."

<<You have permission to engage, Gorgara Company. Move in and cover those exits. I don't want any Imps slipping through the cracks. And get those damn walkers down here.>>

The Sergeant Major was on a hill overlooking the settlement of Tangletown. He hated working with locals in most instances. Bad memories from back in the Clone Wars. They often had a tendency to cause problems for organized forces such as the operation he ran now. Fortunately, the Protectorate was tolerable, and the mercs they hired out were good with military tactics. That was all he could really ask for. As the clone barked out commands, HAAT dropships flew in on all sides of the settlement, deploying HCTE walkers around the perimeter they had established.

"Okay," he sighed.

<<Grandpa; Copy that, Viper. Choke points are secure. Tangletown's locked up tight. Feel free to start pushing tangos this way at your leisure. A small detachment will be moving in to assist you. Got a spare walker and a Jedi for you, over.>>

"Alright, kid, they have those Imperials scattered. Get in there and help flush out any remaining resistance. Who knows. We may have this place locked down by the time negotiations are done. Remember, the walker's for covering fire, not engagement. Keep it back. If you're gonna go down those narrow streets, take your men by foot."


"Yes, sir. Consider it... done? I'll figure out the lingo later. Er, right then. Let's move in!"

Soon, the young Jedi was advancing into Tangletown, perched atop his walker with a detachment of seven troopers in toe. Driver would have liked to go in himself, but protocol dictated that he be in a location where he could best command his unit, much to his dismay. The clone would just have to let the kid have fun. At least he was a variable that the Sergeant Major could account for. Time changed many things, but Jedi certainly were just like they'd always been, at least when it came to combat. It wasn't always great, depending on the Jedi of course, but he was happy to have a constant on the battlefield.

Driver's forces cover key chokepoints and a small detachment lead by Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el enter to assist mercenary forces.

Note: Jasper will be the main focus going forward, so Driver is just gonna hang back and be an NPC.


Anton Sai

Objective 3

Lothal, Tangletown

Tag: Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Open​

Miles outside the town dozens of Lothal riflemen waited, lying and concealed in the tall grass of a large hill. They and other militia teams had been concealed for hours, observing the settlement, feeding the information to their offworld allies who finally made their move.

Anton Sai, lying on his belly, looked through the holobinoculars, watching the Mandalorian mercenaries make short work of the Imperial mortar crew. The young man at first smiled, impressed with how the armored warriors were dealing with their enemies. Then a frustrated scowl surfaced on his expression.

The very fact that they have to rely on offworld mercenaries and Alliance forces made clear how desperate Lothal truly is. When will we ever be strong enough to defend ourselves from outsiders without involving even more of them? He asked himself but there was no immediate answer. Soon Anton heard GA ships coming in. Putting down the holobinculars he spared them a glance.

Seeing their allies block off the choke points the senior rifleman, a grizzled Weequay named Gragg exclaimed pointing to the settlement.

"Showtime rough riders. Let's free that town!"

Hearing the cheers they all whistled, calling for their Orbaks who came at their collective. A brown one came over beside Anton snorting somewhat in annoyance causing his rider to chuckle.

"I know I know Rohan but thank you for being so patient." Petting the great creatures on the side Anton swifty climbed on the saddle, drew his pistol in one hand and held the reins with the other.

"Go! Go!" He commanded while using the reins to enforce it and Rohan let out a grunt before galloping forward alongside many more.

Similar scenes played all over the outskirts as squads of Lothal riflemen riding mounts, swoops or small speeders charged to link up with their allies.

Today they will free Tangletown.
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"I've been to.. Maybe three, I think."

How many old temples had he been to?

"Does Coruscant count?" the boy asked, obviously in jest. It had been rebuilt, what, a hundred times?

"There's a Jedi enclave on Commenor that's pretty old. I think," the Nautolan mused aloud, mulling the question over as his eyes roamed around the temple around them. "Since I was born there, it's the first Jedi place I knew," he added as the pair walked.

"There's a temple on Rhen Var," the Nautolan remarked, as the thought came to mind. It was where the Silver Jedi had a training facility. Once upon a time.

Before the Sith had conquered the Mara-Perlemian Trade Corridor.

"Or, there used to be," Zak added, glancing over at Iris. "I doubt its there now."

The Jedi and the Sith both liked to tear down the places of the other. Rebuild. Tear down. Do it again. Remix it.

"So that's... two?"

He added it back up in his head.

"Yep. Two."



"I meant more like.. Ruins. Like where we're going."

Well, information was information. She even learned where Zak was born. That was important to know, right? At least she was working on her small talk skills, or lack there of. A temple that could've been lost stuck out more than anything else. Rhen Var. Maybe they should visit that some time. Not now, though. The grassfields of Lothal continued as far as the eye could see, but now they were here. Near the spirals of the temple.

Or where the temple was supposed to be. She blinked, glancing over one of the rock formations. Wasn't there supposed to be a door? The colors were certainly bright here. The Force was strong.

"What do you hear? What's the song of this place?"

Zak Dymo

Lothal, Capital City

Lothal's desire for independence was laudable, but unimportant. The trade possibilities with their world as it sought the Alliance's aid, on the other hand, was quite enticing. Of course, Denon's many corporations would gladly take advantage of them -- if they allowed it -- but otherwise an equitable financial arrangement could suit both parties. They weren't the type that subsisted entirely on exploitation. Merely... opportunism. It was up to the other party to find their backbone; Vexx wasn't going to do it for them (for free).

Dominique Vexx strode through the hallways with a mind for the time. She arrived as the doors opened to admit the group into Solarus Fynch's presence, which was the perfect timing on her part. It avoided unnecessary "discussion" about what people thought of the DireX's recent actions, and would allow all of them to remain focused on the matter at hand: Lothal's future. Lothal's prosperity. Denon's prosperity.

Golden eyes regarded the Jedi Master, Valery Noble, as the group slipped into the room. The woman had the annoying knack of initiating discussions with governments, which meant for the moment Vexx would have to accept the woman had the lead. Unless Vexx could take command of the situation -- a delicate maneuver, especially with Valery as the opponent. Though made easier by a derth in pests -- other Senators. Whether the rest would be of concern remain to be seen.

"It is our honor to meet you," Vexx replied politely along with the appropriate salutation for Lothal's Command in Chief. A smile graced her lips. "I am Denon's Senator, Dominique Vexx, and wish only for the enrichment of your people and your world." Valery might have the lead and even introduced herself first, but that didn't mean Vexx was without cards to play.


Tag: Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx Valery Noble Valery Noble Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin Noah Corek Noah Corek Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla Ari Naldax Ari Naldax The Fynch The Fynch
As the first Senator spoke and her words were unfollowed came the sound of a heavy object being pushed across the floor, and through the door waddled a matte white protocol droid which stepped to the side to reveal the large form of Sssar Taszzn. The Filithar had not been seen in quite sometime since his retirement to Tython but in recent weeks had re-emerged in by calling to arms the underworld's bounty hunters to capture Marlon Sularen for the lofty sum of some 2 million credits "Our sincerest apologies for the late arrival." spoke the droid and motioned to the Filithar who now pushed his great form into the room, winding time over time in a mass of coils. In doing so creating an illusion that all coils were in constant, unending, motion "May I have the pleasure of introducing the Honorable Sssar Taszzn of the Tython Sector Court, first Senator Emeritus of Eclipse Station of the Founding Delegation of the Federal Assembly of the Galactic Alliance, Former chairman of the Committee on the Judiciary of the Galactic Alliance, and the former and first chairman of the Committee on Infrastructure of the Galactic Alliance." Sssar's intense golden eyes were, of course, unblinking as the protocol droid introduced the veteran statesmen to the assembled individuals. During his course in the highest lawmaking organization in the Alliance, and perhaps in the galaxy, the former Senator had garnered a well earned reputation of being one of the strictest advocates of Law and Order politics bordering on the extreme "My apologiesss, Commander Fynch, for usssse of a protocol droid. However given my unique circumssstancesss it isss often the mossst efficient meanssss of communication for firssst impressssssionssss." he most definitely meant his strong accent and emphasis on a certain letter of Galactic Common.

Sssar's senses were very keen and he had heard what the Senator of Denon had said about profits and looked from the Protectorate Commander to the Senator for a brief moment as he considered her silently, then turned his attention back to the most important man in the room "Commander Fynch, it issss my underssstanding that you may be in the midssst of a criminal undermining of your rule of law. I have thussss come to offer my assssisstance in quelling thesssse ssssseditiousssss organizationsssss. You will find no ssssstauncher ally in upholding your adminisssstration's purssssuit of jussssstice and peacekeeping effortssss within the Alliance or without. I offer the ssservicesss of the Ssssector Rangerssss of Tython and a contingent of my own perssssonal sssstaff of sssspecialisssstsss."
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Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin The Fynch The Fynch Noah Corek Noah Corek Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla Ari Naldax Ari Naldax Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn

The question Aveline asked drew a smile to Valery's lips — it was a thoughtful one, so she appreciated it greatly that she took the time to ask it, rather than make assumptions and possibly create very tense situations. "Pushing on people's emotions is generally not the right thing to do. Jedi don't go far beyond the mind trick, and that should be used only when necessary. It won't work to sway a debate in your favor though, as they'll snap out of it eventually and only be angered."

"What you can do is pick up on emotions in the room to adjust your tone and the words you chose, and strategically address whatever concerns there are."
With the answer given, Valery finally spared a glance in the direction of the others who joined the room. She first dipped her head to Ari Naldax Ari Naldax , then her friend Noah Corek Noah Corek , and lastly looked over at the Senators, who she recognized but had never met before.

It was good that so many were here for this discussion.

Finally, The Fynch The Fynch appeared, and Valery greeted him with a brighter smile. She felt confident that she'd be able to get along with him quite well, and they were on the same page the last time they talked. Hopefully, that would continue today with this new meeting.

"I'm glad you all could be here today. Please make yourselves comfortable. We have much to discuss."

Valery nodded and turned her eyes back to Aveline, "Let's get started," she sat before moving inside to make herself comfortable. But within seconds of getting seated, the senators were quick to start the meeting. For now, though, Valery remained quiet and listened. She held no political power, but she could either support or counter their arguments if she felt it was necessary.

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Attire & Equipment


Aloy remained silent for the duration of the waiting period, taking the time to give everyone else a once over and make observations.
So far, Valery Noble Valery Noble and the younger Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin standing next to her were the only ones that really stood out to her, if for no reason other than being Jedi. Which in of itself wasn't surprising, given that this meeting was intended for the Galactic Alliance. In all honesty, she felt a little out of place and perhaps even intrusive! However, The Commander in chief had been somewhat receptive of her desire to establish a sort of alliance with Lothal, and thus she was here all the same.

Ari Naldax Ari Naldax was next to arrive, keeping her words short and few, which was already a positive in the Mandalorian's book, albeit small. If she was lucky, maybe the arriving senators would have a similar mindset and they could make do without the flowery and meaningless drivel that most politicians spewed for hours at a time.

Or... so she had hoped, until now.

"I am Denon's Senator, Dominique Vexx, and wish only for the enrichment of your people and your world."

The senator from Denon arrived with calculation, intercepting the commander in chief to make a good albeit vague impression.
"Pff" Aloy merely scoffed, facing away from the two until otherwise addressed. With Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla and Iris Arani Iris Arani 's excursions into Denon, The Ex-Matriarch was well aware that "Enrichment" meant little more than corporate domination. Between spice, giggledust, and Venari Krayt Venari Krayt 's own enslavement, Denon had done little to impress Vizsla. No, it had done quite the opposite, actually.

Denon was everything she
hated about galactic politics.

"Welcome, friends," Fynch began, smiling warmly from behind his desk. "I'm glad you all could be here today. Please make yourselves comfortable. We have much to discuss."

It wasn't until the Commander in Chief himself invited them in that she left the comfort of her little corner to begin the day's task.
She entered the room, giving The Fynch The Fynch a polite bow reminiscent of Atrisian nobility, and simply took a seat at the far end.

"Commander Fynch, it issss my underssstanding that you may be in the midssst of a criminal undermining of your rule of law. I have thussss come to offer my assssisstance in quelling thesssse ssssseditiousssss organizationsssss. You will find no ssssstauncher ally in upholding your adminisssstration's purssssuit of jussssstice and peacekeeping effortssss within the Alliance or without. I offer the ssservicesss of the Ssssector Rangerssss of Tython and a contingent of my own perssssonal sssstaff of sssspecialisssstsss."

Another senator from the alliance arrived fashionably late to the meeting, Earning a quick glance from over the Mandalorians shoulder and nothing else. She could, at the very least, respect the serpent's initiative in offering armed aid before the meeting had even truly begun. Otherwise, his gilded hissing would have meant next to nothing.

Curiously, The Jedi hadn't even bothered with an introduction. Meaning she was either confident enough in her own standing with Lothal or that she wasn't even here as part of the negotiations. Just a watchful eye, perhaps?

Sadly, Aloy had to be both of those things. A first line of defense if anyone had particularly stupid ideas today, and a concerned third party noble intentions. If one could consider gutting The Empire from the inside out to be noble, at least.

"Well, if Introductions are in order..." She began, turning to face The Fynch The Fynch . "I am Aloy of Clan Vizsla. Previously Alor of House Vizsla, hand of Mand'alor the Reclaimer, Commander of the Nite Owls. Currently CEO of Black Hand Collective and Master of the Black Fleet. And... whatever else people have started calling me these days"

Her tone sounded almost bored with her own titles. But sadly, someone had to remind the other bigshots that she wasn't just some arms dealer. She doubted any of them kept track of Mandalorian politics now that empire was sitting atop the carcass of her homeworld.

"We are here discuss mutual aid against The Empire. Nothing more, nothing less" She added with a playful gesture of her cybernetic hand, appearing more like a porcelain doll's than a prosthetic. Though if one looked carefully, they could see the gleaming Beskar underneath.




"I meant more like.. Ruins. Like where we're going."

"Yeah, like Rhen Var," the Nautolan chirped in reply as the pair continued wandering through.

Master Arani had probably never been to Rhen Var. It wasn't exactly close to Alliance space. In fact, it was pretty far in Imperial space now, but there had been a time when the Silver Jedi on that world had held the front line against the Mandalorians and the Primeval. "There... there was this, like... There was this base where the Silver Jedi did training or whatever. But. But then, like, there was this temple. Or ruins, whatever, where there had been a temple."

Zak didn't know much about the temple. It was old. And ruins. That was about all there was to tell. Or to see, at least so far as the boy could tell. "There was a Jedi Artisan from Midvinter who would study the ruins," the Nautolan recalled, before he looked over at the woman and remarked, "I think he made a tea pot for Matsu Ike Matsu Ike or something."

That was random. But Zak could be random sometimes. Or all the time.

What kind of music did he hear?

"Hmmm," the boy mused, closing his eyes for a moment as he listened.

"It's... sad," he remarked finally, as his eyes fluttered back open. Turning his head, his arms came up as he gestured while he spoke. "Like... someone playing on a wood flute. Or... or the echoes of someone singing but you can't make out the words or the melody exactly."

They definitely needed to change the music.

Put on some rock! Maybe a power ballad with a guitar solo.

"What colors do you see?"


Jem kneeled at the temple entrance, her fingers pressed into the dusty thresh hold. You feel that, daughter? I am inevitable.

Her father's phantom voice pressed through her concentration. There was no way of knowing if it was fragments of his shattered soul, or just... signs of her cracking. Both possibilities were frightening, so she treated it all with the same, tempered disregard.

Accept it.


She stood and let herself into the ruins, following the call of the force that had brought her here. It was separate from the darkness that still brushed against her soul-- purer, and with purpose. She let it guide her deeper in, wary of something malignant lurking around the bend-- anything to explain the twisting sensation of her father's glee.

It wasn't often that she heard him anymore.
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