Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Planet Name: Epica
  • Demonym: Epicans
  • Region: Expansion Region
  • System Name: Epica System
  • System Features:
    Orbital Position: 2'nd
    Rotational Period: 25 hours
    Orbital Period: 360 days
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    Star: "Mythici", Main Sequence A-Type White Star; named after Epica's first Astronomer. (Sometimes appears green under certain atmospheric conditions)
    1'st Position: "Tyris", Small blue planet, liquid-surface - consisting mainly of ammonia, methane, and other chemicals; extremely hot & uninhabitable
    Asteroid Belt separating Tyris & Epica; consists mainly of Carbon, Oxygen, and Iron
    2'nd Position:
    "Epica", Terrestrial Planet; inhabitated
    3'rd Position: "Paluda", Gas Giant, comprised mainly of gasses commonly used in fuel production; Primedia Corporation operates a handful of mining platforms in high orbit.
    4'th Position: "Iontono", Ice Giant; composed mainly of frozen H20. As-yet untouched, due to extreme temperatures. Stories from those who've attempted to explore the planet claim much of the surface is covered in jagged shards of ice - some of which can grow to dwarf skyscrapers on planets like Coruscant & Denon. A single small moon orbits Iontono, called Iontono-B, which possesses no atmosphere.

  • Location: (x) - on the border of the Inner Rim & the Expansion Region, along the Corellian Trade Spine. The planet Moorja exists in the same Hex.
  • Major Imports: Exotic Foodstuffs, expensive artwork & decor, Weapons, Droids, Drugs & Medicine, indentured servants, others.
  • Major Exports: Olive Oil, Wine, Fine Cheeses, Fish, Lumber, Iron Ore, Artwork & Music, fruits & vegetables, others.
  • Unexploited Resources: Duralium, Gold, precious/semi-precious stones, various herbs & plants, archaeological artifacts from an ancient conventional empire

  • Gravity: Standard
  • Climate: Temperate
  • Primary Terrain: Forests, Hills, Mountains, Valleys, Grasslands, Oceans, Rivers
  • Atmosphere: Type I

  • Capital City: Epica City
  • Planetary Features: Primarily wild & rural, with small Villes linked by dirt or gravel roads.
    Ancient ruins of long-forgotten castles & fortresses from Epica’s ancient history dot the landscape. Numerous bodies of water, all bone-chillingly cold and unpolluted. Forests are tightly packed & dense, and it is easy to get lost without proper navigational tech or knowledge.

    Only a few large cities (such as Epica City) exist, and are densely populated. Epica City, primarily, is home to both the planet’s largest Spaceport & the highest quality shops, lodging and taverns. Most tourists do not stray far from Epica City; those that do, don’t often do so without a local guide.

    Towns are located along coast-lines, with homes & shops layered upon one-another in tightly-packed clusters. These bustling, populated areas are often centers of trade & commerce, where local markets trade in fish, hand-crafted goods, food & vegetables, livestock, and other assorted sundries.

    Villages (or Villes, in local terms) are numerous & wide-spread, with varying degrees of quality. Some are little more than collections of wooden shacks surrounding a central square, while others possess a combination of patchwork shacks and stone homes (each housing a single family). Villes often support themselves communely, each resident fulfilling certain duties for the good of the collective. Most Villes possess a single hand-dug well which provides clean water.

    Weather across Epica can vary wildly: the planet possesses 4 seasons: A temperate & wet Spring, a warm & dry Summer, a cool & pleasant Autumn, and a brief but intensely cold Winter. Fog & rain is common in the forested & mountainous regions.

  • Major Locations:
    Hydians Auction House, Epica City: Once housed on Chandrila, the Hydians Auction House was relocated from Chandrila to Epica nearly 200 years ago, and has since cemented itself as a powerhouse of influence both financial & political. The building spans an entire kilometer in length with multiple sections, is highly secure, and traffics in goods & services large and small. Its patrons are filthy rich, and make up a sort-of "club" all their own; to join, one must be connected and individually wealthy.
    Nostra Signora del Paradiso - “Our Lady of Paradise” (Ashlan Church), Epica City: The Ashlan Religion's headquarters on Epica, and a common stop for pilgrims traveling the Galaxy. Archbeacon Antonio Borgias Antonio Borgias oversees operations on a daily basis, and often attends or provides services personally. Ashla's Military Might is based around this imposing structure & very well-protected. Young & old, poor & rich alike intermingle daily.
    Secret Hot Springs: A very well-kept secret in the Matriscan Mountains, these secret hot springs are spoken of only in hushed whispers amongst the Canny Women on Epica for the springs' (alleged) healing properties. The location's natural beauty & splendor are legendary.
    Matriscan Mountains: An immense mountain range which spans hundreds of kilometers, and separates the most heavily-populated continent into eastern & western regions. Epica City is located east of the Matriscan Mountains, on the edge of the continent & a large ocean.
    Thousands of Mansions & Estates of various sizes: Countless homes, either occupied or abandoned, dot Epica's landscape. While the lower class often resides in small communal townships, the wealthy have taken to building & staffing large estates; some of these residences merely serve as "Vacation Homes", while others are full-time domiciles. A wide range of architectural styles can be found on the planet, even deep in the woods. There are even rumors of underwater homes residing in the oceans.

  • Force Nexus (Optional):
    Intent: A secret healing grove hidden deep in the Matriscan Mountains.
    Nexus Name: The Matriscan Mountain Hot Springs
  • Nexus Alignment: Light
  • Size: Small
  • Strength: Weak
  • Accessibility: One must be familiar with local legend, and have made connections with the local population (and/or the local Shamans, aka Canny Women) to be granted access to the site. It is extremely well-hidden deep within the Matriscan Mountains, nearly two days ride from any form of civilization. A guide is typically necessary for a first-time visit.

    To reach the grove, one must travel through the mountains under rough conditions made all-the-more intensive by the lack of civilized medicine & requirement of overland travel. The hot springs are located in a natural depression, hidden partially underground, and are inaccessible by air. A naturally-formed cave system (believed to be the result of volcanic activity millions of years ago) must be traversed carefully due to a number of pitfalls & natural hazards, which can include hostile fauna. In certain areas, artificial light is required due to a total lack of sunlight; any attempt to traverse these underground passages without some form of lighting is nearly impossible.

  • Effects:
    Applies healing benefits due to naturally-occurring minerals in the water. Volcanic activity from below-ground maintain a constant hot temperature (even in winter). Soaking in the hot springs accelerates the body's natural healing processes; relieves mental stress & confers strong feelings of physical well-being & relaxation. Minor wounds may heal in minutes, while moderate damage (including open wounds) may heal within hours of exposure. Significant mental stresses, including emotional trauma, can be healed with repeated exposure under ritualized conditions.

    Practitioners of Epica's natural shamanic folk religion claim that when under the influence of certain psychedelic compounds naturally present in Epica's flora, some are able to communicate with a "Guardian Spirit" which watches over the site. Canny Women have used the site for generations in dedication rituals which date back thousands of years into Epica's past. An extremely small amount of the local population claim to have visited the location to undergo healing rituals under the guidance of known practitioners.

  • Native Species:
    Animals: Viator, Caoineadh,
    Flora: Ploxum Angelitalis (Jack-In-The-Bush), Lavender, Grapes, Apples, Olives. Numerous other plants, herbs, bushes, trees, fruit & vegetables.
  • Immigrated Species:
    Sentient Races: Humans, Duros, Bothans, Bimms, Zabraki, Twi’leks, Cerians, Chiss, Ugnauts, Aqualish, Bith, numerous others
    Animals: Murra, Sheepo, Rib-cats, Runyip, Lurrite Reindeer (North/South Poles), Moth-Cat (Felis Mosura, Orbak, Nerf, Wisp spiders
    Flora: Marcan Herb, Mandalorian Oranges, Sihan Peaches, Jogan Fruit, Topatos, Agamarian Soybeans, others
  • Population: Moderate - 4,270,895
  • Demographics:
    75 - 83% Humans/Humanoid Races
    25 - 17% Others

    Note: Much of the planet is unexplored and a number of continents remain mostly untouched by habitation. Great expanses of wilderness stretch across entire continents, and conceal many secrets.
  • Primary Languages: Galactic Basic
  • Culture: Heavy emphasis on familial bonds & loyalty to one’s family. The majority of Epicans appreciate what they have, rather than yearning for what they do not - celebrations commonly center around food, home-brewed wines & “hooch”, and folk music.
    Daily life for much of the planet’s inhabitants is filled with various labor-intensive duties such as farming & construction. Butchers, blacksmiths, and other trades-folk work hard to provide for their local populations. Epicans consider hard work to be “good for the soul” and are prideful in giving their best effort. To provide for their families, many hunt - legally or illegally. Those that cannot afford basic hunting equipment will resort to more primitive tools.

    The wealthy 2% of Epica’s population live a life of luxury with all their needs provided for. Representatives & employees see to the daily administration, while the heads of the various Noble “Families” fulfill whatever desires or plans they might have. Barons over certain areas may be intensely involved in local affairs; holding court to rule on disputes, directing operations, etc.

    Society is generally peaceful, minus an underlying (slowly simmering) anger from the lower class against the rich. Communities are mostly self-sufficient & insular, but many groups form close bonds of friendship with other neighboring towns and villages. These groups often trade in news, goods, and services; most trade occurs on a “barter system” rather than an exchange of currency.

    Arts & Music: The planet does possess an incredibly diverse love for the arts. Folk music (much of which is entirely unique to a certain region) can be heard at any gathering of people. Some incredibly wealthy (and generally well-received) musical composers reside on Epica and produce some of the Galaxy’s most beloved musical scores. Sculptors & painters meet in the larger cities (where they can reach the largest & wealthiest patrons), and their works are as diverse as the stars.

    Education: Higher Education amongst the civilian population is rare. 16% of the lower-class cannot read or write; the exception consists of tradespeople & business owners, and these are mainly centered in the cities. Most noble families seek higher education off-world, though a particular university resides within Epica City where local middle-class children are often sent.

    A small handful of orphanages present on Epica operate with little oversight, and vary wildly in how prepared the children under their charge become.

    Larger towns often employ engineers, architects, and other well-trained Tradespeople who’ve either obtained their training on Epica or from off-world & immigrated. These Tradesfolk are typically well-paid and often well-known by the locals. While not “Poor”, they would be more well-off than others, and may be centric to daily life.

    Sports: Contests of skill are seen as communal entertainment. Duels among the wealthy are somewhat common as a means of determining social position or resolving minor disputes. Larger disputes, such as territorial concerns, are judged by the heads of whatever families are involved - if necessary, involving the Council of 10.

    Religion: The Ashlan Crusade is deeply ingrained in Epican Culture. The Archbeacon of Epica acts as a representative to the Council of 10, and is one of the most powerful men on the planet. The Church itself provides humanitarian aid & religious counseling to all Epicans. The majority of the planet identify as strong believers in Ashla & are devoted to the Church’s beliefs. Their headquarters is based in Epica City, but smaller churches reside in a number of towns across the planet.

    Some aspects of traditional folk beliefs & local superstitions persist, however. Smaller villes with very little exposure to the Galaxy beyond rely almost entirely on local healers; so-called “Canny Women” who serve as spiritual advisors, homeopathic healers, and guardians of natural lore. Often, these “Canny Women” might stand at odds to the more dogmatic practices of “Ashla’s Faithful” - but these differences are often superficial.

  • Government: Feudalism
  • Affiliation: Neutral
  • Wealth:
    Wealthy: 2% of the Population: Consisting of wealthy exiles, disgraced nobility, powerful barons, and visitors from the Core seeking adventure.
    Low: 5% of the Population: Consisting of disgraced nobility, white-collar criminals fleeing persecution, well-paid servants, private security,
    Poor: 93% of the population: Consisting of Native residents & immigrants/refugees. Roughly 2% of this total is transient, passing through the system either toward or away from the Core.
  • Stability: Medium
    Epica operates on a Feudal System of Governance, based around 10 of the most powerful Families operating around the Planet. Each of the 10 Families governs a significant portion of the Planet, with the most powerful groups holding the most influence & land. In order of power (from most to least), the 10 Families are:

    1: House Borgias
    2: House Lagan’ia
    3: Atria Engineering, Inc.
    4: Primedia Corporation
    5: The Primakov Family
    6: House Kouursh
    7: The Fabria Family
    8: Communal Society of Epica
    9: The Trinia Nation
    10: The Malkuth Clan
    Numerous other Families exist, but none are as powerful as the 10 Families of Epica

    Administrative Structure
    • The Epican Council (Consisting of the leaders of the 10 Families)
    • Governors (appointed representatives from each of the 10 Families)
    • Barons/Overseers (Local Leaders, may or may not be associated with the 10 Families)

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Major social issues center around the disparity of wealth & personal rights. Talk of revolution of any kind is illegal and severely punished. Anyone who questions or attempts to disrupt the status quo is either incarcerated, killed, or exiled. In some regions, hunting is outlawed without direct permission from the local overseer. Poaching is common, and severely punished if caught.

    The Ashlan Faith allows the Noble Families to instill a level of discipline over the population unattainable by coercion. The idea of openly questioning the status quo & instilling a sense of independence is conveniently absent from the Church’s teachings on Epica; replaced with a focus on the Familial Unit, and an acceptance of one’s place in “Ashla’s Great Plan”.

  • Freedom & Oppression: The Poor have been subjugated for generations and are responsible for (nearly) all agricultural production, from farming to the care of livestock. They are also used (alongside indentured servants) to perform whatever laborious tasks “requested” of them - though the threat of violence and/or coercion is ever-present. The majority subsist in near-squalor, with a rare few possessing any form of running water or plumbing. Homes are commonly oft-repaired, built by hand, and simple. Particularly desirable individuals (such as beautiful young females & athletically-fit young males) are at-risk of conscription or mandatory “service” to whatever local Lord or Lady governs them. The majority of the population could never hope to own, much less care for, a conveyance of any type beyond common pack animals.

    The wealthier members of Epican Society live in grandiose homes built upon large tracts of land; many of which have remained within familial control for generations. Regions with a significant population are often controlled by Baronies, with a single extremely powerful family controlling almost every aspect of life in their area.

    The majority of the population is restricted from owning any form of blaster or firearm, though more traditional weapons are relatively common (such as archery, edged weapons, clubs, spears, and the occasional hunting rifle). Amongst the Nobility, weapons ownership is common (to varying degrees of proficiency).

    Laws, by & large, do little to keep Epican Nobility in check: while those holding power are free to do almost anything they please, the poor suffer numerous injustices. Traditions such as “The Lord’s Right” are rare, but not uncommon. The particular “laws” individuals might suffer is entirely dependent on their local Baron or Baroness.

  • Military: Each member of the 10 Families possesses its own Security Forces; some groups are simply hired toughs or criminals who’ve relocated to Epica, while others are legitimate Mercenary Companies, Private Military Companies (PMCs), or personal muscle.

    The strongest of the 10 Families possess their own Naval Forces, and field ships in orbit.. The few that do not have established agreements & alliances with others, in order to secure the skies. While Epica’s defense forces are “Patchwork” in some respects, they are respected for their professionalism, dedication, and aggression.

    Each Baron employs a security force which enforces their will on the populace. These forces vary in terms of professionalism, training, and effectiveness; they also do not always work well together. Personal rivalries & disagreements have affected various relationships between Barons, Families, and groups.

    A detachment of Ashlan Marines & members of the Order of the Sisters of Ashla are present on Epica, and may assist in the event of large-scale planetary assault.

  • Technology: Entirely dependent on wealth. Those below the Galactic Standard poverty line rely on hand-tools, communal workers, and the rare purchase of expensive farming equipment while the wealthy enjoy the finest luxuries such as high-end security systems, custom droids, well-equipped personal lodgings with the finest amenities, etc.

    Electricity is generally common, except in the most rural & isolated regions. Most towns & villages rely on communal generators (often built and repaired with a patchwork of materials) which may or may not be reliable. Larger cities, such as Epica City, are lit without fail.

    As Epica is located on a major Hyperspace Shipping Lane, tech from across the Galaxy has made its way to the planet. Moisture Collectors, farming & mining equipment, lights, power generators, and much more are relied upon daily; although, the general condition of these devices can vary greatly.

It has been said that “If Eden was Ashla’s first creation, Epica was his second - with none of the mistakes of the first.”

Stories of Epica’s natural beauty have spread far & wide, drawing the wealthy, the adventurous, and the curious. Immense forested mountains covered in mist, natural streams & rivers through-which streamed chillingly cold melt-water, expansive fields covered in native flowers, great oceans with unplumbed depths, and dark mysterious valleys which no being has tread - if there was ever such a thing as a Paradise world, Epica was it and more.

During the Yuuhzan Vong War, Epica was believed to be far too remote to draw the attention of the Vong, and-so drew countless wealthy peoples & families to the planet who were seeing safety & security. During this time, the Hydians Auction House was relocated from Chandrila to Epica, likewise contributing to an influx of wealth and power from the Galaxy's more affluent & influential.

The world’s reputation grew to outmatch its’ relative seclusion in-relation to the rest of the Galaxy. Over time, the wealthy & the powerful were drawn to this natural wonder: purchasing land, using their power & prestige to seize control of the local government, instituting their own laws & localized rules, and forcing the native population into labor. Epica has existed thus for almost 850 years, growing fat & lazy as a great class divide deepens. 80% of the planet is still, as yet, untamed; the remainder having been taken over by cities and small villes, with the latter being ruled similarly to baronies. Great expanses of open wildlands bridge the gap between civilized areas, which rely on either air travel (by the rich) or dirt roads (by-and-large used by the impoverished farmers & laborers).

While corruption exists, it’s simply accepted as “business-as-usual” and “the way things are done”. There is little the natives can do against their powerful overlords… purchasing passage off-world is not only expensive, but requires proof-of-identity (which most natives born on the planet do not have). The planet’s ruling wealthy class have near-total freedom, while the poor majority have very little. Through the dominant religion on the planet, the Ashlan Church assists the Nobility in maintaining subtle control over the population, and the combined might of the two is nearly impossible to overcome.

Due to Epica’s position on one of the Galaxy’s largest Hyperspace Shipping Lanes, it sees constant traffic of visitors & shipments passing between the Core & the Outer Rim. This has continued for centuries, with many cultures intermingling; but rather than diluting some of the planet’s unique traits, this has served to enhance them. The ancient architecture, raw & untouched wilderness, and inherent mystery of the planet only makes its legends & mysteries deeper and more romantic.
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Under Review Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

Sorry for the long wait for judgement on this one. Broadly, it looks great! Nice detail in Culture and Government & Economy in particular. There are just a few things to address before I can approve this.

  • System Features: You mention that Epica is the second planet in its system, but you don't list any of the other planets, moons, asteroids, the sun, etc. You have free license to fill that in a bit here, so I'd recommend expanding this section a tad.

  • Major Locations: Per the template, please provide a basic description of each of the major locations. This helps writers to know what to expect out of these locations beyond just their names.

  • Force Nexus fields: The nexus fields are optional, so they can be deleted if you don't have a nexus in the sub.

  • Native Species: Out of the species you list, only the Viator, Caoineadh, and Jack-In-The-Bush are native. Native means "originated / evolved on this planet", and Epica is not the homeworld of orbaks, nerfs, humans, bothans, or duros, for example. All of these should be moved down to Immigrated Species. It's weird because the Wiki's text talks about them as a "native populace", but you'll see that they are listed in Immigrated Species in the infobox.

  • History: There's very little Legends info on Epica, but it would be positive to mention what little there is in your history section. A sentence or two about immigration surrounding the Vong War, and maybe that auction house, would help with consistency.

Let me know if you have any questions or need any support!
Under Review Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

Sorry for the long wait for judgement on this one. Broadly, it looks great! Nice detail in Culture and Government & Economy in particular. There are just a few things to address before I can approve this.

  • System Features: You mention that Epica is the second planet in its system, but you don't list any of the other planets, moons, asteroids, the sun, etc. You have free license to fill that in a bit here, so I'd recommend expanding this section a tad.

  • Major Locations: Per the template, please provide a basic description of each of the major locations. This helps writers to know what to expect out of these locations beyond just their names.

  • Force Nexus fields: The nexus fields are optional, so they can be deleted if you don't have a nexus in the sub.

  • Native Species: Out of the species you list, only the Viator, Caoineadh, and Jack-In-The-Bush are native. Native means "originated / evolved on this planet", and Epica is not the homeworld of orbaks, nerfs, humans, bothans, or duros, for example. All of these should be moved down to Immigrated Species. It's weird because the Wiki's text talks about them as a "native populace", but you'll see that they are listed in Immigrated Species in the infobox.

  • History: There's very little Legends info on Epica, but it would be positive to mention what little there is in your history section. A sentence or two about immigration surrounding the Vong War, and maybe that auction house, would help with consistency.

Let me know if you have any questions or need any support!

I apologize for the long wait; thank you so much for your patience The Mongrel The Mongrel ! I have finally completed the edits you've requested!

System Features: Added a few planets & features for the Epica System which will be further fleshed out in the future.

Major Locations: Brief descriptions provided for each location.

Force Nexus Fields: I have added a small Nexus to the sub. Any feedback is welcome!

Native Species: Edited as requested!

History: Edited as requested!

Please let me know if you'd like anything further. Thank you, again, for your patience!
Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

Lookin great overall! The nexus is well done and the locations are interesting.

The one remaining thing is Native Species, because Orbaks, Nerfs, and Wisp Spiders are not native to Epica either. The precise origins of Orbaks and Nerfs are unknown, but given that they spread all across the galaxy before Epica was ever settled, they cannot have evolved there. Wisp spiders, we can assume, are native to the planet Dalna, though it's fine for them to have been exported to Epica; bugs get around.

If you can move those three into Immigrated Species, this will be ready for approval.
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