Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Eternal Empire | Temporary Repository

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Not so long ago, certain changes were promised. This also belongs to this, you can apply for STRATCOM positions. By becoming an empress from Ingrid, 2 positions in the government have also been freed up that we would like to distribute among the active players. The Overlord cannot be applied for because it is a position of trust and to earn it in threads. But this was otherwise given to the former Overseer of the Armed Forces (character of Tacitus).

Structure of the STRATCOM:
  • Overlord: The Overlord takes the role of the Emperor's/Empress' right hand, effectively functioning as the lieutenant of the monarch and the second in command, acting as regent of the Empire, should the Emperor/Empress be incapacitated.
  • Overseer of the Armed Forces: The Overseer of the Armed Forces is the official tasked with leading, organizing and outfitting the Eternal Army.
  • Overseer of the Office of Finances: Occupying a highly crucial role within Strategic Command, the Overseer of the Office of Finances is responsible for managing the economy and finances of the Eternal Empire. (can be applied for)
  • Overseer of the Supreme Court: The Overseer of the Supreme Court is tasked with organizing and leading the judicial branch of the Eternal Empire, appointing and dismissing judges and making decisions concerning the judiciary.
  • Overseer of the Committee for Public Works: The Overseer of the Commission of Public Works handles education and healthcare within the Empire, along with infrastructure and development, insuring that these departments operate smoothly and efficiently.
  • Overseer of the Intelligence Committee: A far less conspicuous, but no less important role, is that of the Overseer of the Intelligence Committee, who is responsible for handling tasks which require discression. The Overseer of the Intelligence Committee is in charge of the Empire's espionage, assassination and propaganda departments.
  • Overseer of the Scientific Development: The latest position, which was given a role only after the beginning of Ingrid L'lerim's reign. It is the responsibility of the person in this position to oversee all government scientific developments, to decide which priority to give, and how much to allocate. All scientific developments belong here, not just the military industry.

  • Overlord: Tubrok Ragal Tubrok Ragal
  • Overseer of the Armed Forces: Shran
  • Overseer of the Office of Finances: Ty Sibo Ty Sibo
  • Overseer of the Supreme Court: Admiral Tobias Larr
  • Overseer of the Committee for Public Works: Can be applied for
  • Overseer of the Intelligence Committee: Can be applied for
  • Overseer of the Scientific Development: Mikilanna Mihaly

Application form:
Character name: The name of the applicant character.
Position: The position applied for.
Why?: Why would you want this position (IC and OOC)? You why and why your character?
Why you?: Why should you and your character be chosen for this position? What knowledge / background does the character have to be able to fill this position? What plans would you have for the position (IC and OOC)? What do you want to achieve?
Extra question: How do the characters fit into the idea of the Eternal Empire and the military? How do they see the military and political affairs of the Eternal Empire? Or for Force User characters, why would they choose Sith when they have a completely different idea than what they accepted in the Eternal Empire?

[b]Character name[/b]:
[b]Why you?[/b]:
[b]Extra question[/b]:

It is important to note that anyone who is not active enough will be removed from the position and then it will be placed in the vacant positions.


Links: EE Wiki


If you wish to have your Chaos submissions or companies added to the Eternal Empire Wiki, please post a request in this thread, using the following application form. Please note that only approved submissions are allowed.

Name of Submission: <self-explanatory>
Category: <specify whether factory of codex, leave blank if it is a company>
Submission Type: <what type is your submission, I.E. starfighter, blaster rifle, company, etc>
Submission Link: <post a link to your submission>



The Eternal Empire lives and breathes through its members, the wonderful community which has made and continues to make this faction possible. To make things a little easier to organize and avoid your ideas getting lost in the clutter on discord, we have created this thread for you to post suggestions and feedback. Feel free to post any ideas you have, as well as any criticism. We wish to continue building this faction in a way that involve the suggestions and and preferences of the community, thus your ideas and opinions matter.

We made a survey in which we would be interested to know what threads you would like, in what direction the plot of the fraction will should go. I kindly ask you to complete this survey, it will take about a minute.
Thank you very much! :)

Ps.: In addition to the questions asked in the survey, you can made other comments here. :)

First of all, you are a fantastic community that I really love! And thank you for helping to keep the EE as a major faction. And of course, thank you for completing the survey. You are fantastic! <3

This is our long-running new narrative / plot that has already been mentioned. Everyone who completed the questionnaire wanted a long, coherent story. In this post, I will write about this and the questionnaire. Although I’d love to tell you everything right now, I still try to stay spoiler-free. And of course we are curious for any feedback.

The majority preferred the long coherent narrative, in addition to the social threads and sub-factions’ own stories. In addition, you want your own characters to decide and control situations. As everyone could see, we have already started moving towards this, e.g. see Batuu, where I, too, am only present as an observer, and they could have done everything without top management. This will continue to be the case, because that is what you want. In addition, you want a lot of intrigue.

We tried to invent the new narrative in such a way as to unite all factions against a new, common enemy. In fact, it's not that new, because we managed to figure out the story in a way that a group / organization calling themselves Shadow Empire is older than the Eternal Empire and perhaps the First Order. They were here, we were the invaders and they weren’t happy about it. They have a number of plans that they carry out in secret, so it was not possible to know about them so far.

Their plans are such that they affect all factions and even the AoC can easily join because they can be affected. So that’s why they’ve been given such background that touches on Loyalist aspirations, the cause of the Rebels, the underworld, smuggling, and the business world as well. That is, they affect the daily functioning of the Empire.

The plot; each of our new threads will have at least one objective that will take this story forward, of course it could be that the whole thread is just about that.

How to participate in it?
Either way, it can be a plot of faction threads, dominions, or even private threads (if someone is planning this, indicate which thread is the one so that we can collect the links. ^^)

Besides, which is a bit spoiler, but hopefully wins the liking of everyone (the majority), anyone can be a member of the Shadow Empire. This is because the group works very much like Hydra (especially the comic) known from the Marvel universe. That is, they have a great many brainwashed sleeping agents everywhere throughout the Empire, among the rebels and other sub-factions; so players can be members of it without even knowing it in the beginning. Of course, all this is based on consent / request; whoever wants it, only they will be involved in it.

Those who are interested, I personally, but probably the rest of the staff, will be happy to help the character figure out some extra plot to get a bigger role in the threads and the life of the faction.

In short, that would have been the case if someone had a question, a request, a comment, they would calmly indicate it here, or on the discord, on the “Shadow Empire narrative” channel. Or, if someone wants to join the Shadow Empire, it can also be indicated. And in the near future, there will also be Codex and Factory subs for this group, to this narrative.

The SE narrative's thread list:

  1. Secrets under the Ruins - Dominion, Prologue
  2. Shadow Empire: A New Dawn (Bakura) - Faction thread
  3. Shadow Empire: You Came Here to Die - Dominion
  4. Shadow Empire: Time is of the Essence - Dominion

Just for sure:

This includes submissions what EE members are free to use as equipment, and the like.

If someone has written a submission and would like to add it to the list, write a post in this thread or tell one of the staff.

Eternal Empire



U = Unique [will need admin approval or personal purchase]
SM = Semi-Unique [will need admin approval or personal purchase]
LM = Limited
M = Minor
MP = Mass-Produced

S T A R S H I P S​

Droid Starfighters
Support Ships
Star Destroyers

Space Stations

Avalon Class Orbital Defense Platform [LM]
Thanatos Class Orbital Planetary Gate [LM]

V E H I C L E S​





W E A P O N S​

Small Arms

Heavy Weapons

Melee Weapons






Personal Defenses




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