Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Felix Astermo


Have you ever seen anything so boring? The architect deserves to be shot.
Spiritual significance? Oh come off it, spiritual doesn't have to be bland!

Moniker: Felix Astermo
Species: Human
Homeworld: TBD; Alderaan?
Allegiance: Self-Realisation
Height: Rather Tall
Build: Lithely Fit
Skin: Healthy Tan
Eyes: Gleaming Gold
Hair: Perpetually Messy
Age: Neither old nor wise.

Traits: Ambitious, Distractible, and Vain.
Likes: Luxury, Creativity, and Beauty.
Dislikes: Restrictions and Blandness.
Tropes: Mad Artist & Brilliant, but Lazy.
Theme Song: Glitter & Gold by Barns Courtney


  • Alchemical Artistry: Felix has a knack for 'reality alterations'; while still a mere novice, he has a few tricks up his sleeve.
  • Creative Soul: Felix has ideas aplenty. Good ideas? Yes! Terrible ideas? Also yes! Ask forgiveness, not permission.
  • Feckless Dilletante: Felix can commit to a goal with obsessive focus... right up until something new catches his fancy.
  • Felix has plenty of friends, at least according to himself. Sure, he's burned a few bridges, but who hasn't?
  • 'Introductory Occultism' by Kal of Masque; Chapter Four has some great ideas, but he can do better!
  • A Force-imbued sword... well, it's actually more of a dagger. Also, it's a work in progress. Sharp, though - and pretty!
  • A chemistry set! It's not quite standard, mind you. Lots of fun additions. Illegal? Maybe, maybe, who can say?
Without the Force, would he have been a painter? A sculptor? An engineer?

Whatever his fate, it would have been dreadfully mundane compared to what he views as his new destiny. From humble (middle-class) origins, this (self-proclaimed) once-in-a-generation genius endeavours to dazzle the galaxy with wondrous arts and unrestrained creativity.

Naturally, such brilliance will not shine unopposed. There will be those who raise questions of morality or pedantically pull forth restrictions from dusty criminal codes. Felix is all too happy to convince them of the error of their ways. A natural-born philosopher (or so he says), he will field their questions, evaluate their arguments on their merits, and (in all likelihood) proceed to do exactly what he was planning to do in the first place.

After all, people who spend their lives fuzzing over the opinions of killjoys never achieve their dreams!

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