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Public Fill Your Boots! (Mandalorian Holiday Thread)



Location: The Mad Strill - The Enclave - Roon
Music Theme

Obran hadn't organized a thing, but he had come when word had spread through the Enclave. A barkeep had come to the planet from Mandalore with the diaspora and had decided to open up shop as the Enclave formed here. Cantinas were cantinas, galaxy-wide. But a Mandalorian cantina was cut of a different cloth, or so things were told. Rougher, if possible, than even Mos Eisley. You didn't check your weapons like some high brow areas. The patron had just reminded everyone they'd be held and made to do busboy work if they got out of hand. And given her size, and the fierce cudgel/rolling pin always present at her side, not many argued.

This time of year, many places had their version of a Solstice or Life Day celebration, and the enterprising woman had set up a sort of bazaar of traveling vendors outside, from Catharese bladesmiths to Hapan weavers and even a Corellian shipwright who somehow seemed more at ease amongst Mandalorians than any would have thought possible. Knife throwing, axe throwing, a band from Tatooine, and other carnival-like games were outside. Inside was a sabaac tournament, holo-chess and even an arm-wrestling competition and drinking contest being won by some burly Onderonian lout.

Obran had a perch on a ovular table, bes'bev out, playing old marching songs and telling tales to the gaggle of verd'ika and even a few more than grown warriors. The Rage of the Shadow Warriors. The Betrayl of the Ultimate. The Slayer of Mandalore. The Quest of Djarin. Even tales of the Mandalorian Civil Wars through the millennia. Music, theatric voices and more. Surprisingly, despite his gruff demeanor, the big Mandalorian quite liked children, a fact a few others noticed with a shake of their heads. Some enterprising Mando'ad with an eye for romance would see the heavy brow and olive skin, and the brooding eyes, and try to tie him to a family.

But tonight was the Cin Vhetin festival, as his adoptive father had raised him to call it. It marked the Mandalorian celebration of a New Year, and a turning point in the seasons. Raising his glass, the smith and occasional bard shouted loud, to a racuous return.

"Mando'ade, k'oyacyi!!!"

Come and celebrate the last year, socialize with the various Mandalorians, and maybe compete in games of skill or chance. You don't have to be Mandalorian or CIS to participate. Fun social thread with an easy pace to build characters from all factions!
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Tag: Obran Obran | OPEN

The Mad Strill was a new establishment at the Enclave, but a welcome one. Previously, finding drinks had been a chore, and finding a place to enjoy them was even harder. Most had taken to sitting in alcoves throughout the Forge, trading tales with each other or playing games of Sabacc or Cu'bikad with second rate decks, boards, and holoprojectors. It was frugal, but there was a sense of shared brotherhood in it. Siv had made companions and allies where otherwise he wouldn't have even met them.

But an actual bar was a significant improvement. And after being nearly killed by some abomination of a monster on Kestri, Siv sure did need a break.

He sat at one of the tables, joining in the singing and chants with his brethren. Some songs he didn't know, but more he did, and the sense of brotherhood was one that he hadn't felt since before the genocide of Mandalore. But, the Enclave? It had given that back to Siv. And he would be glad to participate in it.

sɪɴɴᴇʀs ʙʏ ᴅᴇᴇᴅ ʙᴜᴛ ʀɪɢʜᴛᴇᴏᴜs sᴛɪʟʟ



Tag: Siv Dragr Siv Dragr | Obran Obran |

A stranger in a strange land. That's what Aloy thought of herself as she entered "The Mad Strill" after her mission to the frozen catacombs. She was still missing her jetpack missile as she stepped into the light, Glowing spotcka and the myriad of painted beskar'gam reflecting gently across her visor as she looked the place over, Glad to see her people finding a sense of brotherhood in this place.

But as she walked further into the establishment, Tossing her new scarf over her shoulder, She couldn't help but notice that she didn't recognize any of them. No Vizslas. Kryze. Wren. Naudir. Hell, She'd take Gred at this point, Just as long as she knew someone here.
She'd spent the last decade in self imposed exile for fear of Mand'allor the Infernal's retribution for the sins of her father, And yet it wasn't until she returned to the fold of her own kind that she truly felt alone in this world. Gods, If only Tan'yill were here right now.

prosthetic leg tapped it's claws against the duracrete and whirred to a stop as one familiar Buy'c finally caught her eye.
Turning to the side, She sees none other than Siv Dragr Siv Dragr sitting nearby and singing, The silver-clad mandalorian had barely spoken to her since she arrived during the enclave's opening, And she barely recognized his voice even now, But he was the only one here she knew by name.

So, She made her way to his table and addressed him the same as she had the day they met;
<"Mind if I sit here, Vod?">


Well-Known Member
Talohn was likely known by some in the enclave. The first Verd to be recruited in a while. The cathar and his partner, the droid, already had a bit of a reputation before they joined house Verd. Specifically the droid, known for it's vulgar nature, terrifying combat tenacity, and sithlike sadism. Talohn himself, not as well known as his droid, was known for his tech skills. Specifically breaching. His skills in vault cracking, security breaching, and infiltration, were an asset to any heist team he was on. Not to mention he could still manage in a fight. This time around, Talohn isn't in his armor. He doesn't see the point if it's just a leisurely celebration. Instead, he's opted for a pair of jeans with black leather boots, a white shirt, and a dark armorweave longcoat that goes down to his knees. At his side, he's got the trusty Kusak heavy blaster pistol. Not to mention The Mule, a 10 guage sawed off shotgun in a holster on his lower back. He has no plans to use either of them, but it never hurts to be prepared.

Madlad, the ever present Devil droid, followed along beside Talohn. It's metal feed lightly dinged on the ground. It's a valuable droid to be sure, something internally must be valuable since the mandalorians nearby would recognize that it's got literal beskar armor plating under that paintjob. It walks with a confident stride, it's single eye lens scanning all that are present at the market. "Hmm....Organic celebrations. I'm sure I would find them more pleasant if I had the ability to consume alcohol...." It mutters in that intimidating deep voice it has.

The next person in the group was another person that might be known in the enclave. Talohn's little foundling, a child by the name of Monari. The 9 year old cathar calamari halfbreed is dressed in a pair of dark blue cargo shorts, with a white shirt and a dark blue leather poncho. A bit on the shy side, she's following along behind Talohn, keeping close. She doesn't wear shoes it seems, never has. They bother her amphibian feet,

The final person in their group was Leea Pandec, Talohn's new pilot. She hadn't been there long, but Talohn and his crew were already regarding her as part of the family. They'd all eat at the same table, she'd be invited to game night. Leea was more than just the help. They were casually passing the market stalls until something caught Talohn's attention. He stops before the Catharest blade stall, eyes lighting up with excitement. It was unlikely they would understand it, but Talohn leans on the counter of the stall, greeting the cathar running said stall in his native tongue.

They trade greetings and discuss in catharese for a solid few minutes before Talohn leaves some credits on the counter, and picks up a shortsword. It's a curved blade meant to be compact, and is meant for slashing. With a grin, he turns to Leea, handing it to her. "I'll teach you some basics on it later. Let's go check out the bar, then you can explore all you want. Get to know people, and see what you think. Eh?" With that, he turns about and continues towards the cantina.

When they finally arrive, Talohn gazes about, happy to see so many new faces. Though even more, he was happy to see a familiar face. From across the bar, he waves as he approaches. "Obran, my friend. How goes it?" He weaves through a few people to make his way over to where the man is sitting. Once at the table, he gestures to a booth that's near it. "Mind if I sit. I should probably introduce you. This here." He Pats the mirialan on the shoulder. "Is Leea pandec, my pilot. The little girl is,,,," He looks down. "Gone....Where's monari?" he looks up again, pivoting about to try and spot where the kid went. When he spots her, he chuckles nervously. "Oh no..."

Who is the unfortunate victim? Well, Monari is obsessed with tech. So the leg she spotted on Aloy was to her what a lamp was to a moth. Earlier, without Talohn noticing, she had scurried over to it. If the child wandering up had failed to get Aloy's attention, she would hear a tapping on her metal leg, then a child's voice. "Cool leg, does it help you climb, walk on walls? I can hear it whirring. Gears grinding maybe? Some new smoothed gears and a bit of oil and they'll be so silent that stealth will be possible again." The child giggles, poking the leg again while sitting on the floor. "Sturdy."

Madlad, not as polite as Talohn, sits down in the booth without hesitation. "Telling stories of old, hm? I am not one for such sentimental concepts, but I see the need in passing on stories of one's culture. You are doing good work."

Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla Siv Dragr Siv Dragr Obran Obran Leea Pandac Leea Pandac
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Ode to the Passed Mando (excerpt)
Gate to Heaven:

While I am free to enter
I stand guard at the gate
Welcoming my brothers
Who too often share my fate
We each share a commitment
To our people and the Code
In this life and what follows
To this our final abode

Leea had never really learned much about Mandalorians. Of course, she had seen holos, their fame pretty much made it impossible to not know of the Mandos and fairly broad aspects of their culture. They were almost as legendary as the Jedi on her homeworld. Almost every military unit she had served in had in some way claimed connection with a Mandalorian clan or person in the past. Yet for all of this, she had only ever met two such people before now. The first had been a mercenary of a rather foolish bent on a jungle world hired to cooperate with her squad to defeat an enemy unit. The man had met a rather unceremonious demise when he stepped on a landmine.

The second Mandalorian Leea had ever truly known was her current employer. Though, she would hardly have guessed such, given his friendliness and altogether normalcy. He was no super-sentient, in fact, he was altogether like so many people she had met and fought beside in the past (Indeed sometimes he was a little too like a vast number of people who had fallen in Leea's experience). In such a short time he had become as close as family, something that seemed strange the Mirialan after years of being alone in the galaxy. Not that I'm complaining about that.

She had been given a rare honour to join in a celebration hosted by the Mandalorians. At least, that was how Talohn had explained it to her. The near-human had been somewhat uncertain as they walked through a busy market, bustling with the sounds and sights of life and prosperity on a special day. As the Cathar leader seemed momentarily distracted by a stall whose owner was clearly a skilled bladesmith, perhaps less praise given Leea's lack of knowledge in the field. How many would that be now? Wonder if ML ever wanted a new sword, maybe he prefers his own methods an- Blast!

Caught off-guard by the sudden movement from Talohn, Leea barely managed to catch the tossed weapon. As it was, she fumbled with it for a moment, half fearing it would slide from the scabbard and she would hurt herself or someone else by way of accident. However, nothing came of it, and she soon continued on, laughing along with the others at her predicament, though her greyed cheeks would likely have revealed her embarrassment about the misstep. Probably doesn't know I've never trained with one of these things in my life... Actually, he probably does. Maybe this will be a good place to start. Definitely better than a battlefield. Leea was one fortunate few in the galaxy to have seen many battles, and yet never once been caught in close quarters. Except of course that one time on Dubrillion, but had a shotgun then. Blast Quarians make a mess...

When she entered into the cantina, Leea was reminded of a thousand similar places she had visited on countless worlds. But it feels different. Maybe it's all the armour. She followed the Cathar Mandalorian, uncertain of cultural boundaries that might cause trouble, Figure at least following him I won't get shot. Unlike some of the others in the establishment, Leea was in plain clothes, a pair of fitted black trousers and a long-sleeved blouse of a near-violet hue. A small part of her history still shone through in the form of her rather out-of-place brown hide boots, the fifth or sixth pair she had received in her military career. Polished and wound tightly with trained precision, they stood in stark contrast (to any who noticed) with the rest of her outfit. Talohn could attest, she rarely travelled anywhere except in a combat boot of some form. Perhaps even more readily, he could reveal she occasionally complained about their tightness and uncomfortableness, nonetheless refusing to wear much else.

As she was introduced to Obran, Leea gave a deep nod. Though I heard somewhere that is respectful to the Mandos... Eh, it will have to do. "It is good to meet you." She spoke with sincerity, pushing past her concern enough to interact. Maybe this will become easier over time. Blast I wish I were in a firefight... even behind the yoke is better than this. Parties had never been her scene, although perhaps that was more due to lack of experience, than a lack of propensity.

Obran Obran Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla Siv Dragr Siv Dragr Talohn Atar Talohn Atar
sɪɴɴᴇʀs ʙʏ ᴅᴇᴇᴅ ʙᴜᴛ ʀɪɢʜᴛᴇᴏᴜs sᴛɪʟʟ


O B J E C T I V E :

Aloy had already taken a seat near Siv because quite frankly she didn't need permission and who would refuse to sit with an Alor right? Usually she was more polite but today was just one of those days. The Quartermaster had her running all around Kestri in the cold for some odd keys, The union had her stressing at a command table instead of blasting traitors in the face like her job description says and her birthday had recently been derailed by her "Comrades" during the first time she'd tried to relax and have a birthday that didn't involve getting blackout drunk to drown memories or fighting for her life in some backwater starport full of gangers. She was 26 years old now, By galactic standard at least. And truth be told, She'd rather have spent her one day of the year with Tan'yill, But like her cranky old man always told her "You don't get what you want".

In fact, She usually got the exact opposite of what she wanted. Like for example the sight of a bunch of mandalorians who weren't even wearing their armor, Which always ticked her off. Mandalorians needed to be prepared, And they should show their pride and beskar wherever they go, Or so she thought anyway. Or were these people even mandalorian? One of them was... A droid?

Hell, She might have said something about it were not for the sudden tugging she felt on her prosthetic leg, Causing her claws to suddenly clench and recoil as she brought her leg up, Seemingly bringing up a child with her. And a damn cute child too, Cathar, Mixed with something else.

" Cool leg, does it help you climb, walk on walls? I can hear it whirring. Gears grinding maybe? Some new smoothed gears and a bit of oil and they'll be so silent that stealth will be possible again. "
The child plops herself down, Poking at Aloy's leg after she set it back down

The kid's smile, The enthusiasm, Aloy never thought herself as a kid kinda person but recently, Little things like this started getting to her more and more. It made her wonder about adopting a foundling with Tan'yill, Being the mother she never had. It was... A warm feeling. Happy, In a way she didn't quite understand nor realize.

<"Well well,"> She removes her helmet, Revealing her short but vibrant ginger hair, Sky blue eyes and the warm smile that had been growing beneath the helm "Aren't you just the sweetest little thing?"

She pats her on the head "Might be grinding gears, But I reckon I'll be fine. I use sound dampeners when I want to be sneaky, Though It's not as fun as blowing thing up!" She laughs "You got a name kiddo?"




Tag: Obran Obran | Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla | Talohn Atar Talohn Atar | Leea Pandac Leea Pandac

One of the Mandalorians that he had worked with previously, Aloy Vizsla; he'd met her at the initial gathering when the Enclave had been founded, and recently she'd saved his life in the tunnels of the frozen temple on Kestri. He respected her as a fighter and warrior, and when she asked if he minded her taking a seat, he very well didn't. "Take any one you like," he grunted almost warmly, waving a hand over the semi-empty table.

He went back to sipping his drink and intermittently joining in the raucous celebration when he noticed another Mandalorian he'd met before -- Talohn Atar, one of the more familiar helmets 'round the Enclave, accompanied by two girls; one, a species he didn't recognize, and the other the Miralian. The Mandalorian was accompanied by his death-droid, Madlad, as usual; a bit of a character, but not one whose combat skills were to be underestimated.

Aloy seemed to take an interest in the younger kid, removing her helmet to get more personal and giving a kind of friendly pat on the head. Siv, meanwhile turned to Talohn, who was talking with Obran alongside the Mirialan. "Obran, Talohn," he said, raising his mug of ale, "you ever hear a Dragr classic? The Thunder of Dra'khrr?"

Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii

Obran Obran Siv Dragr Siv Dragr Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla Talohn Atar Talohn Atar Leea Pandac Leea Pandac

Mig walked in, chuckling a little. He may've been late, but he was still excited to just sort of sit back and relax for a change. Between Concord Dawn and everything else in the Galaxy his hands were filled. Behind him was Leddie, who immediately took an interest in Obran's Be'bev playing. She had her own in her hands, and quickly tried to figure out the toon he was playing then before attempting to follow along by ear.

He smiled at the little Zabrak. She was ten now. Growing up fast.... Too fast sometime. He then looked over at the table, seeing the others there. He chuckled a bit and walked up.

"I don't know, tat. I might be biased but I prefer the stuff from Concord Dawn." Mig would chuckle again, before asking for a seat, and quickly looking at the others. "Hard to believe the way fortune has handled itself recently."

As Mig spoke, Leddie let the adults talk before noticing Monari.

Tag: Talohn Atar Talohn Atar | Siv Dragr Siv Dragr | Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla | Leea Pandac Leea Pandac | Mig Gred Mig Gred

Talohn was greeted with a smile and deep head nod, as was his companion. The beskar flute had been set aside, and a large mug of netra'gal was drained in one pull with a feral grin. Often the smith was reserved, dour looking, but in a climate such as this mirth and mischief flowed just as naturally from him, as he wagged an eyebrow at Leea in a good-natured tease and welcomed her.

"Siv? Can't say as I've heard it actually. Clan-songs are not my strong suit, but I'd love to hear it"

Smiling, he roared in a rowdy but humored voice for more ale, and gestured to the collection of mugs sat before them.

"A toast! My friends are the best friends. Loyal, willing and able. Now let’s get to drinking! All glasses off the table!"

With that, he hoisted a mug and took a mighty pull, near draining it in one go again, smiling at Siv in anticipation.
Well-Known Member
The child grins up at Aloy as her head is patted. Certainly a cute kid, with a gleam of intelligence in her eyes. She reaches a blue furred hand up to shake Aloy's hand. "Name's Monari. I'm with him." She says, pointing at none other than Talohn, that mando in the room without armor. "The Cathar and the droid. What's your name?" She questions. She's oddly articulate for her age, her words when speaking sound grownup, relatively intelligent. Calamari are known to have intelligent minds at a young age.

Talohn meanwhile, at Obran's table, sighs. "I'll get my drink in a minute. Not to mention before I get inebriated, I have something for ya." He gestures to the Mandalorian smith. Madlad takes the large bag it has sitting in it's lap, which it proceeds to lift, setting it down before Obran on the table. Talohn gestures to the bag, wanting the mandalorian to open it. When the bag is opened, it reveals the gift talohn made for Obran. Grinning widely, Talohn gives him the info. "That there is a rapid fire 10 guage slugthower, able to make use of both guage and slug rounds. Nine shots per magazine, with a rapid fire, semi auto, and three round burst mode. You can see them in the bag, it comes with a belt and a stand, allowing you to use the belt instead of the magazine to convert it into a rapid fire slugthrowing LMG at with minimum difficulty. If you can't kill it with this, it's not meant to die." This would be the first time Obran has seen Talohn's gun handiwork, and what he would notice here is genuine talent. The gun is bulky, matching the level of it's power. He used 3 different barrels instead of just one in order to keep the gun from shattering when repeatedly firing 10 guage rounds, and the durasteel parts are held in place by a beskar frame, making sure the gun was as sturdy as it could be without being made out of just beskar, "You enjoy that, I'm gonna go check on my kid."

Before heading over to where Monari is, turns his gaze to Leea. "Hey. don;t be nervous. The folk here don't bite. Get a drink, relax. Non alcoholic drink, by the way." He specifies, parental instincts taking over for a second. "Ask Obran about the mandalorian clans and such, familiarize yourself. After all, you're interested in joining, yea?"

With that, he turns about, weaving through the people wandering about the bar until he arrives at Aloy and Siv's table. "Monari, what'd I say about wandering off?" He states, not addressing the two other mandos yet as he crouches down beside his child. The kid frowns, pointing at Aloy's leg. "Look, I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself. I mean, look at that. It's so cool!" Just as weak to badass tech as Talohn, his eyes drift up for a moment to look at the robotic leg. "That is pretty cool. But that doesn't constitute running off." he playfully ruffles her hair before standing up fully to offer her his hand to shake. One can already see the similarities between the cathar and his child in terms of personalities. "Name's Talohn, I'm sorta new around here. I was recruited into house verd not long ago. Been a few months at least." Then he notices Siv, and gives him a nod as well. "Siv. Haven't seen you since that raid on the vault. How ya been?"

Siv Dragr Siv Dragr Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla Obran Obran Leea Pandac Leea Pandac Mig Gred Mig Gred




Another presence entered into the Mad Strill. A tall, masculine figure dressed in black armor not dissimilar from the Neo-Crusaders of old. It was streaked with ceremonial red markings. The mysterious figure known as Tay'haai.

He was a loner and a virtual nobody. His name was chosen because he did not feel deserving of his born name. An old man who did little odd jobs. He was often seen around various parts of the Enclave. Namely, he was among the many faces that could be seen in the forges of the complex, repairing or creating gear for members. Yet, he never seemed to leave the Enclave itself unless it was requested of him.

He was occasionally spotted breaking up disputes between different clan members or refereeing training duels on occasion. If anything, Tay'haai was devoted to the ideas of unity and preservation of Mandalorian culture. He was only vocal when it came to moments where Enclave members squabbled and created disharmony. But he was but he was simply one man, one who shuffled about in enigmatic shadows.

All that was really known about this Mandalorian was that he was older, easily being a father or grandfather in relativity to most members of the Enclave. In addition, he seemed to hold no clan signet or affiliation. He claimed that he was the last of his clan, whom all perished in the Sith-led genocide on Mandalore and its people. In a way, he considered the whole of the Enclave as his clan now.

And thus was his role now. He would share in the merriment of the season with this new, large family of his. He would also keep an eye out for them, as Mandalorian parties often became rowdy, for lack of a better descriptor. He sat himself at an empty table and kept his silvered visor staring out into the crowd...

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sɪɴɴᴇʀs ʙʏ ᴅᴇᴇᴅ ʙᴜᴛ ʀɪɢʜᴛᴇᴏᴜs sᴛɪʟʟ



Tag: Talohn Atar Talohn Atar | Siv Dragr Siv Dragr | OPEN

Aloy glanced up at the Cathar and droid Monari had mentioned. Figures, The unarmored bunch. But then, Maybe she was just being a hardass, As long as they raised her well, Didn't really matter she supposed.
She shakes the thought and gently grasps Monari's little hand, Giving her a light shake and a warm smile "Aloy. Aloy Vizsla, Good to meet you kiddo"

It wasn't long after that Talohn Atar Talohn Atar made his way through the crowd and up to Monari, Getting onto her for running off as any parent ought to. Then they both commented on Aloy's "Cool leg", Prompting a slight chuckle from the Vizsla as she scratched at the frayed hair on the back of her head before accepting the offer for a handshake, Giving the cather a firm shake with one leather-clad hand.

"Well met, Talohn. Name's Aloy, Alor of House Vizsla. But, Friends call me Red" She smiles, Tugging at the red scarf around her neck. "For what it's worth, I'm sorta new too. At least in The Enclave, Bit of a stranger to most, But here's hoping that ain't permanent huh? Seems you two know each other though, Been up to anything good?"


They seem nice enough, friendly even. Used to them being more standoffish. Maybe that's for when they aren't with their own. Leea failed to hold in a nervous smile as Obran teased. She found herself quite self-conscious in the midst of all these armoured Mandalorians, half-wishing she still had her own combat armour. Though, maybe seeing a different suit would cause more trouble. I mean, I probably won't aggravate anyone in these plain-clothes, versus a suit with some emblem of an organization or power these guys may have fought.

Hearing Talohn's suggestion to avoid alcohol, the Mirialan instinctively agreed. Although there had been some attempts in the past, she had found harder drinks to be difficult to keep down, and her constitution for such things woefully weak. With a subdued nod, she stepped back from the table to get hold of another drink. As it turned out, perhaps as she should have expected, much of the menu was in Mando'a and it took all too long for her to get hold of a tea of some brew. Cassius tea. Bloody hope I didn't step out of line there... Raising the drink in a silent salute to a moment which had already passed, she lifted the cup to her lips and tasted the new beverage. Whatever she had expected, this had turned out quite different. It seemed that Talohn had managed to find Monari and caught up with someone. Let's get to know some of the people around here. Or at the very least, listen to what they have to say.

The Cathar had mentioned her interest in the clans, though she was still not entirely convinced her place was with these people. They reminded her of the military in their comradery and familial-esque bonds, however, it remained a matter of time to decide whether or not she was truly a positive fit here. She returned to the table with Obran and the other mandalorians and listened for their conversation, perhaps she would find a point to join in, otherwise, she might be able to learn more about the people from their own conversations.

Obran Obran Talohn Atar Talohn Atar Siv Dragr Siv Dragr Mig Gred Mig Gred Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla Yagetaka Yagetaka
Tʜᴇ Cʜᴀʀʜᴏᴜɴᴅ




Yet another joined in the festivities: Aisha Garon. She was dressed in her reforged armor. After the battle upon Wayland, she took up an oath with Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla 's Nite Owls. To show solidarity with her new sisters, Aisha had her armor changed. No longer was it black, red, and orange. It now was blue, white, and dull silver - the colors of the Owls.

She felt uneasy in the room, however. This was her first time upon Room, and indeed her first within the walls of the Enclave. Yet, this place was supposedly friendly to all Mandalorians. How did they know who was truly Mandalorian from those who were convincing pretenders. Her visor scanned the room and she sighed.

She decided it defeated the point of a holiday if she was working herself up. She saw her commander, giving a friendly wave in Aloy's direction before moving onward to an empty seat. This cantina seemed cozy enough. Perhaps she could possibly have a good time after all...




Tag: Baradium Vrax Baradium Vrax | Obran Obran | Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla | Talohn Atar Talohn Atar | Leea Pandac Leea Pandac | Yagetaka Yagetaka

As the drinking and singing carried on, Siv noticed another Mandalorian enter the bar, one whose beskar'gam he was not familiar with. Many Mandalorians came and went through the Enclave -- some came back on a regular basis, whether it fixes their broken weapons, buy near gear, refit their ship, upgrade their armor, or any other number of things that they wouldn't be able to do on their own. Siv in many ways was one of those Mandalorians, 'cept he also got a fair amount of jobs from the Enclave's Karjr board as well.

But this particular Mandalorian was wearing the garb of the Nite Owls, a group which out of all of their members, Siv had only ever met one: Aloy. And so they piqued his interest, and he raised his half-full mug. "Vod," he called over the noise of the Mad Strill, "Pardon me, but what do they call you? Haven't seen too many Nite Owls around these parts."

As the positively demented weapon was presented, Obran began grinning like an idiot child. Slughtrowers, particularly shotguns, were his favorite. But a potentially BELT FED HIGH VELOCITY SHOTGUN!? This he would put to use, and he gathered Talohn in a bear hug that might have creaked ribs and definitely left the Cathar a little breathless, the barking laugh genuine and almost a touch of madness in it.

"I love it! The gifting wars have begun. At this rate, I'll have to make you a starship to get ahead! This gun is a monster!"

The conversation around him went on, and like any good bard or storyteller, Obran let it. He sat quietly, examining his new weapon at first, drinking it in. There was fraternity on the battlefield, and a joy he felt fiercely in war. But this...? This was what the fighting was for. This was the core of the mando'ade. Fighting? Yes, a base tenet. But the bonds and bearing seen in this moment were what he knew best of his people. Too many not a part of the Clans never saw this side, and didn't deserve to if he was frank.

Picking up the beskar flute, he began a simple melody, one he had begun working on himself on and off. It was part drinking song, part remembrance. Wistful, yet joyous. Yet stirring, rather than calm and sedate. And wholly new to the audience at the bar.

It was a Mandalorian tune, and as he played, one foot gently tapped time against his stool, until others began to thump tankards and weapon hilts in time. At the end of it, he raised his own tankard high.


Guess he would need to put words to the tune now...

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sɪɴɴᴇʀs ʙʏ ᴅᴇᴇᴅ ʙᴜᴛ ʀɪɢʜᴛᴇᴏᴜs sᴛɪʟʟ



Tag: Baradium Vrax Baradium Vrax | Siv Dragr Siv Dragr | Talohn Atar Talohn Atar | Leea Pandac Leea Pandac |

The friendly wave from Baradium Vrax Baradium Vrax caught Aloy's eye immediately, Prompting her to wave to in return, Waiting till Siv had finished his piece to call out to the Togruta warrior "Hey, Owl! Come drink with us" She calls out with a warm smile on her face, Even turning to Leea Pandac Leea Pandac and nodding towards an empty seat
"You too. It's not a mandalorian party without drink, Tales, Or a good fight. You look like you could handle either!"

While watching for Aisha's reaction, She leans in to speak with Siv for the moment "
You don't see us much because we report directly to The Mand'alor. We're tied up in the mandalore sector waging war against Death Watch. If we have permission to base on Roon however, You might see more of us."

Well-Known Member
When Obran collects Talohn up in that hug, he emits strained laughs as the fellow mandalorian squeezes all the air out of him. "Agh....ow..ow.....Hey, Obran. I have a spine you know, it's....." When Obran finally puts the cathar down, he takes a moment to stretch, causing multiple pops to be audible in a sequence down his spine. Taking in a deep breath, his eyes meet Obran's as he chuckles. "Glad you like it....I'm gonna..." He takes a deep breath once more. "Check on Monari." With that, he turned to head off from the table.

Thus, his conversation with Aloy commenced. He nods at her words. "Pleasure to meet ya, Aloy. Another Vizla? I actually did a job with someone from your group a little while ago. Ursula was her name? Wild one, that. Likes droids more than people." He crosses his arms. "I myself don't know terribly much about the clans, being completely new to mandalorian culture. Though I understand to an extent. They all have different beliefs and creeds. Similar to the clans back home on Cathar actually." He gives a casual wave to Aisha, and gestures for her to join them, as all the others are. "Another face I've yet to see. Ot ii drabat a' zyo'ra tak pya, as my people say."

Then he looks back to Aloy, grinning happily at her question. "Oh, I'm always tracking the good stuff." Then Monari speaks up. "Talohn, when you're saying it like that, you sound like you're talking about dr-" Before she can finish, Talohn crouches down to press a finger over her mouth. "Zzzt! Do not even."
The cathar once again stands up to his full height, giggling like a little hyena while standing beside him. With a deep sigh, Talohn continues. "Since I have to specify now. I do plenty of other things, but I'm an extremely talented vault cracker. Most of my work for the enclave involves stealing beskar and performing heists to retake what belongs to our people. I will not confirm nor deny what I was doing before I joined the enclave, but now my days mostly consist of reclaiming beskar. I'm always tracking a cache or two of it. Point is, you folk ever want a vault cracked? A building breached? A security system bypassed? Just give me a call." He nods.

Meanwhile, the droid sitting in it's booth turns to gaze at Leea. "You are nervous. Think happy thoughts. You will not be judged here. I mean, they don't even judge me." the droid, though it doesn't have longs, vocalizes a sigh. "Ok, that's a lie. I am very much judged. However, they are a very accepting bunch. You will fare fine."

Siv Dragr Siv Dragr Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla Baradium Vrax Baradium Vrax Obran Obran Leea Pandac Leea Pandac
Tʜᴇ Cʜᴀʀʜᴏᴜɴᴅ



Tag: Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla | Siv Dragr Siv Dragr | Leea Pandac Leea Pandac

Aisha's helmet nodded to Aloy's invitation. The young woman made her way toward their seats before joining them. She reached to her helmet and disengaged its connection, a hiss of air wisping out as the pressure was released. She lifted her helmet, revealing her face. A youthful Togruta in her early 20s, skin like the color of a ripe meiloorun fruit. She nodded to Aloy.

"Commander Vizsla. Good to see you here. I hope the festivities haven't been too rowdy yet. She gave a wry smile, "I would have hated to miss any of the fun."

She turned her attention to the male that addressed her. Blue eyes stared him down carefully. It was almost as if her predator ancestors came forth in her eyes. She looked him up and down before nodding some in her assessment of him.

"I am Aisha Garon, granddaughter of Strider Garon." She spoke proudly of her clan affiliation, "Who might you be, stranger?"

She relaxed in her seat more. She knew that she was in good company with Aloy, but she was wary. Her experience on Wayland showed that even Mandalorians were capable of turning on one another. These were unsafe times, and she saw it a blessing to be cautious...

They certainly are welcoming. Leea nodded to the droid in thanks before taking a seat beside the others. Fighting and drinking, seems a fair pair.

Glancing at Talohn for a moment, she shifted her gaze to Aloy and responded, "Leea Pandac. I'm currently employed as Talohn's pilot, although I used to be a foot soldier." She took a moment before determining to take a bolder step, at least for her, "I believe I could handle a bit of both. Though maybe not as much as the others present."

She hardly expected a fight to break out, but then again, this was a bar with a decent amount of libation occurring. Maybe I should have brought my blaster. Eh, probably wouldn't have done me much good, looking at the equipment some are carrying. "If I may ask, what exactly does the Enclave tend to do? Talohn talked briefly about recapturing beskar, returning it to Mandalorians or something. Is the Enclave like a guild or unit?" She endeavored to be carefully selective with her words, but the reality was, she was uncertain how to brooch the subject without sounding foolish or offensive. Nonetheless, she gave it a shot and tried to keep her face from blushing too much.

Talohn Atar Talohn Atar Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla Baradium Vrax Baradium Vrax Siv Dragr Siv Dragr Obran Obran

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