Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Ichtor 8 was a personal significance to the Eternal Empress, it was the turning point where she finally decided to turn her back on the CIS and return fully to the Eternal Empire and only serve the empire led by Darth Tacitus again. This was the place where an eternal friendship was made between her and Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter . The Sith Lord also left the CIS there after that; it was after this location that the Agents of Chaos faction was established, most people of whom were now subjects of, or worked for, the Eternal Empire.

In the past, the task was to hunt down a fallen First Order warlord; today's task is very similar. The differences were simple today, the target was a fallen CIS warlord and not an FO's.

After the betrayal and collapse of the CIS, the Eternal Empire continued to expand into the former territories of the CIS. In the north they already shared a common border with the Brotherhood of the Maw, so it was all impossible without war. And last but not least, there was quite a threat here in the south. The news was that Ichtor 8's warlord allegedly wanted to form an alliance with Maw to strengthen their position in areas southeast of Maw’s territories as well. Last but not least, this could be a good place to attack against both GA and EE from here.

And the Eternal Empire cannot ignore such a threat. Especially because there was more worrying news about another major planet in the region, Balis-Baurgh. It is a prison planet and space station where the CIS held political and other prisoners; and after the fall of the CIS, a criminal organization took control and in recent years the entire planet was transformed into a prison and slave colony, with tens of millions of slaves and prisoners on the planet today. According to the news, the criminal organization wants to do business with Maw to sell them prisoners, further increasing Maw’s slave-soldier army. Not to mention, the Black Sun’s local interests are also threatened. And last but not least, they would like to negotiate with several different underworld organizations like with the Kraken Coalition.

Meanwhile, the Galactic Alliance also learned of the news that the NIO could build a base and send an army to the planet Odessen, which borders GA in the Eternal Empire, and the two empires began rebuilding old ties after a trial in which Ashlan Crusade was the third party and helped the both sides. Following these talks, diplomatic relations between the Eternal Empire and the Galactic Alliance were reopened after being on ice after the conclusion of the Sith War. A necessary step, now that their territories bordered more extensively in the galactic south-east.. And then even the common enemy was not even mentioned, about the Maw...



Objective 1: Icy Winds (EE-GA objective)
Ichtor 8; a former CIS warlord on this planet is said to want to form an alliance with the Maw to support them in the war and to make easily to attack the Eternal Empire and GA from newer fronts. That’s why the Eternal Empire sends Blackwatch agents to the planet, with the support of the Hellhounds, to steal information from the warlord and kill him. If guilty of it, if not, the reason is still valid, that is he served the CIS and this is a retribution or a pre-emptive attack. The Galactic Alliance is likely to be on the planet for nearly similar reasons; they want information as well; but the GA wants to capture the warlord, and not kill him. Since diplomatic relations between the two states are neutral and only re-opened, it is not known whether the troops would treat each other, especially that they have different objectives about the warlord.

Objective 2: Underworld Businesses (EE/Black Sun, Kraken Coalition. Maw and other underworld figure objective)
At a sheltered point on the planet of Balis-Baurgh, this meeting is where the local criminal organization has invited the Maw, the Black Sun, the Kraken Coalition, and other underworld groups, individuals who may be interested in slaves and other underworld services. Here one can buy slaves, make deals and make alliances with other underworld figures and people. And for Black Sun and thus Arturo Braga Arturo Braga , this meeting will be personal, as the local organization, who call themselves Frost Claw, is also threatening the influence of the Black Sun within the Eternal Empire. The possibilities are endless, and new alliances can emerge. Will Frost Claw be able to further increase his influence, or will they be destroyed?

NB: If someone wants to join and not EE member, please send a DM to Nef (Ingrid).

Objective 3: Hell On Earth (EE-Maw objective)
At the same time as the meeting, chaos will break out on the planet. On the one hand, the Eternal Empire also arrived on the planet to kill the local warlord and exterminate the Frost Claw and release the prisoners, whom had been captured and locked in without committing any sin; and the Empire's other task to freeing the slaves. Probably the Maw will also arrive to raid, hoping to gain cheap and easily captured force who can be integrated into their war machine. Rarely found is such easy prey. There are several prisoners and slaves on the planet who can be the interest of the Eternal Empire because they have even been imprisoned by the CIS for treason and similar charges. The STRATCOM hopes that these individuals will be usable during the campaign and will be rescued from the planet during the liberation.

Eclipse Rebellion: Not to mention that countless rebels are also in captivity and in slavery on the planet and must be found and rescued before the Eternal Empire finds them earlier.

Objective 4: Chaos In Heaven (Everyone who has ship/fleet)
Efforts to obtain Balis-Baurgh have been made not only on the surface of the planet, but also in the space around the planet, a huge space battle has developed between those here. Not only did the incoming fleets attack each other, but the occupying fleet of the Eternal Empire was also here, whose main purpose was to destroy the Fleet of Frost Claw and the vast space station around the planet. Once upon a time, this space station was the only prison in this place, but now it is the headquarters of Frost Claw and from here they control the planet and the entire prison / slave colony. A highly protected, super safe place. In addition to the space battle, the most important thing is to destroy this huge space station by the Eternal Fleet, this was the most important move to consolidate their position in the region.

Objective 5: BYOO
Bring your own story, there is an entire hex worth of stories to be told. Have fun in any way that you please!

Logan / Solipsis previously allowed us to use Maw forces as NPCs, so the explanation is that we've involved them, and of course Maw PCs can join as opposition if they want.
And of course no one expect the Maw will to show up and buy slaves, it was an idealistic idea from the organisation. They always take what they want by force.

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Try to make some kind of deal with GA which is normalise relations between the factions.
Location: Aboard the ENS Crimson Empress, Unknown Location
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Eternal Imperials: Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström | Trinity Harris Trinity Harris
Galactic Alliance: Open
[ Empire Forever ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

To tell the truth, the negotiation with the NIO went much better than the woman thought. Of course, neither side trusted the other, but that’s natural. Nevertheless, such progresses have been made, which were beyond expectations. And now GA followed. There was indeed hostility to them in the war, as the Eternal Empire attacked the Byss, but later they did not do any hostile move in their direction. And Ingrid betrayed the TSE in secret, hogy to save Tithe's life. Later, however, when they got out of the war, they also made "peace" with GA. That is, no attack contract, they ended the war.

One of the conditions for ending the war was that neither side would talk about what had happened during the year when Ingrid was in prison of war on Coruscant, and in return the Galactic Alliance was abandoning the exile of the Eternal Empress and continuing to be recognized as the ruler of the Eternal Empire. Since the collapse of the Sith Empire, there has not really been any connection between the two states, although they had already shared a fairly long border.

The strengthening of the Maw, the attack in Coruscant, where Ingrid also played a major role to save the planet, and then the hostility between GA and the NIO, and the subsequent EE-NIO contract, also changed the situation. The Galactic Alliance then contacted her again to try to negotiate. In fact, after the collapse of the CIS, it would all have been really timely.

The Eternal Empire is currently performing military operations again in the formerly CIS space, so Ingrid has arranged a meeting with GA representatives at this location. The loyal old baron, the Overseer was still here with her, and the young talented scientist, who was already there in negotiations with the SJC. The Crimson Empress was currently waiting between Ichtor 8 and Balis-Baurgh. This was the coordinate where Galactic Alliance delegates also had to arrive.

Ingrid secretly hoped to meet her old friend, whom she considered as a friend, and he was the current Chancellor, but she knew the man would not come here to the meeting today. She means, the chances are too small. In any case, because of the previous negotiations - the ceasefire - she thought that this discussion would not be nearly as tense as the previous one when they met with the NIO.

<"If all is true, it will be a much less tense meeting than the other was."> she told her two companions.


Kessia Miran / Agent Chameleon
Knight Warden of the Wardens of the Shroud, Agent of Blackwatch, sithspawn, L’lerim’s right hand, Agent of Nite, Member of the Hellhounds
Objective: Kill the warlord, gather information
Location: Warlord's base, Icthor 8
Equipment: Væringi MK. I Assassin Armour | 2x Sunfury Pistol | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | 2x Red blade lightsaber shoto | Cloaking Device | Amuler of Many | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Open
[ Rise of the Empire ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Kessia was already looking forward to finally taking part in such a task, such a mission. She hasn't been in the field much lately. Rather she was to spy on different areas, especially after the Maw, as they had the least information from that region. But now she finally had time to be home and was able to come on this mission. She was already in the service of House L'lerim at the time, so she knew exactly how important and historic this planet was for the Empress. And the mission was similar now.

Stealing information and killing a warlord. According to intelligence, the Galactic Alliance's agents may also show up, although they were not allowed to attack the other team. The war was over, and now they were allowed to work with them and help each other if needed. However, another war had to be avoided as much as possible. Given that Maw was now a much bigger threat than anything else right now.

The cloaked dropship flew low over the snowed dunes and snow-covered plain toward a base on the side of one of the mountains. They will arrive soon.

<"We'll be at the position soon. There may be GA agents there, according to the information, they are also hunting for the warlord. Everyone should remember, if we see them, we should not start a war, because diplomatic meetings with the GA are taking place at the same time as the deployment. If they are willing to cooperate, we will work with them. If not, let us show that we are better and faster. Everyone moves fast, act efficiently. We don't have to leave a survivor. They are all mercenaries or they were served in the CIS."> the woman gave a quick briefing to the others.

The dropship that brought the team arrived a few minutes later over the base, the doors were opened, the ropes were lowered to allow the team to descend to the roof.

<"Go, go, go!" she said to them.


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Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Protect Arturo
Location: Frost Claw's base, Balis-Baurgh
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"Did you really want me to come with you to intimidate them because I’m Mandalorian?" I asked wearily. "I was thinking of a slightly more romantic pastime when you said so."

But at least I wasn’t far away and I didn’t have to come from the other end of the galaxy, but only from the middle of the Eternal Empire. We were slowly done moving the headquarters of House Orchid to Evaar'la Yaim. After all, I promised him earlier that I would find a way to be closer to him and to Kalidan. And of course, I didn’t say no to asking me to come. But I would have preferred a dinner and watching a film together rather than deterring others because I am a Mandalorian.

"Please try not to abuse the fact that I'm here with you. You know I'm not an assassin. And take care of yourself!" I asked him.

I was still smiling at him in the ship, and kissed him, and then when we left, I also put on my helmet. It was already a hostile area, so I didn’t want to be out here without it. Not to mention that I couldn’t do too much else as a Mandalorian. While we were still walking down the hall, I watched the neighbourhood and walked on his side so that I could protect him at any time if necessary. There were quite a few different people here, from all over the galaxy.

"Do you think you can retain the sole authority of the Black Sun in the Eternal Empire?" I inquired.

I knew losing Broka was a big loss and now he had to keep Black Sun together. I was hoping it wouldn’t all fall apart. Just because of his ego. When we get into the room, I will stop by the wall or just behind the chair, as he requested or asked from me. I don't know how much he wants to brag that Mandalorians are behind him…



Location: Frost Claw's base, Balis-Baurgh
Objective: Link up with comrades
Equipment: Rifle, Sword, Magnetic Thermal Detonators, Thermite Explosives, Heavy Blaster Pistol, Carbine
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera | Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Open


He was here because he wanted to do something useful and not just float endlessly around space. It did not help that he was increasingly having to be a broker of family matters as he along with his brother, were their mother's only surviving eldest sons. So there had to be a way to make the succession as clean as possible when she died. Soon it may be anything but calm.

Tovald hated these things as he knew the Clan stood divided between them and will cause a crisis. But then he got a call from the guild and the EE to travel here to assist Sil and anyone that needs it. It wasn't war but it was something that he can do well to escape the escalation of Clan intrigue.

Many said to his face that he was not Bounty Hunter material due to his less typical attitude as an Ubese. But there is the thing, his kind differs as much as Humans or Zeltrons differ between each other and within their kind.

He did not openly call that assumption out, no need, as it was a losing battle anyway. His focus hardened as he carefully picked his way around the ship, he had applied to be here as an associate of Black Sun. He had to also keep the fact that he now has a small entourage of spiders following him on the ceiling. That's going to be an interesting conversation starter, Sil won't believe him and Arturo will think he's stark raving mad.

Tovald turned down a purple liquid in a thin glass as it was offered, he learnt his lesson about ingesting weird stuff, those mushrooms made his insides bloat and seize up and he went weeks without sleep, too energised to even think coherently. He soon crashed into weeks of nonstop sleep afterwards. That was something he will not forget in a hurry.

He knew that helmet anywhere, he found Sil, thus he made his way over, careful not to elbow anyone out the way as he walked.

<"Hello."> He called out carefully and without too much fanfare.
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Still going, despite everything.


Objective: Underworld Business
Location: Balis-Baurgh
Tag: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera


Walking quietly alongside Silhanna, Arturo did his best to appear calm and collected as they pressed deeper into Frost Claw turf alongside a handful of Black Sun enforcers. Having touched down only a short time ago, the Underboss had done his best to make as subtle an entrance as he could given the circumstances. Past correspondence with the Frost Claw had filled Arturo with a certain trepidation, but he had managed to put his personal feelings on the group aside for now. Business took priority after all. What he thought of the Claw and their... 'ways' mattered little when there was money to be made, deals to be struck.

Evidently the Claw felt the same, otherwise they wouldn't have agreed to a parley.

Gazing at Silhanna out of the corner of his eye, Arturo allowed himself a small smile at her words. They had been together for months now, and still she doubted him so. Arturo would have felt hurt, if he hadn't found himself so thoroughly amused. "I didn't invite you along to intimidate anyone, Sil," he had told her back on the ship, back when they had more privacy and less witnesses. "I invited you here because these talks are important to me, and you're the only one I trust to watch my back through this whole sorry affair." Admitting as much to Silhanna had been easier than Arturo had expected. Indeed, he had grown to appreciate the twi'lek's presence, much to his own surprise as well as the chagrin of a certain follower of his.

Turning up the lapel of his trench coat, Arturo shook his head, thoughts returning to the present. "I won't need to, I've got you to take care of me." Arturo half-joked, winking at Silhanna as his hands returned to his sides. Nara Aikan’sefu, Arturo's second and one of his trusted few, caught the affectionate gesture and scoffed noisily. The twi'lek often acted up when Silhanna was around, Arturo noted; it was highly likely she didn't approve of the bounty hunter. Not many professional criminals did, truth be told. Arturo must have been the exception.
"Do you think you can retain the sole authority of the Black Sun in the Eternal Empire?"

His expression changing to one of thoughtfulness, Arturo shook his head. "Honestly? No. No, I don't think I can." No sooner had the words left his mouth did Arturo find himself regretting them. They were an admission of weakness after all, and the Underboss had spent most of his adult life trying to appear strong. You had to, especially when friends just as readily became foes. "Annaj saw to that. I've been trying to pick up the pieces, unite the gangs, but..." Arturo let the words fizzle out. "Too little, too late."




Eternal Empire Dominion of Ichtor 8 and Balis-Baurgh
Objective 4


Flames washed over Uriel's craft as his interceptor soared through the blasted remains of a Frost Claw fighter-craft. The Lance mainline would always be his first love, but Zwiehander Union engineering was something else... this little demon could move.

With a whooping cry, the young Chiss spun the TIE/PI after another Frost Claw ship, which quickly managed to cut behind him.
"Oh!~ Fancy. Alright, I'll give it to you; you can fly."

The young man's coms chirped at him. He lazily slalomed his fighter away from his pursuing enemy's blasterfire with one gloved hand, as he clicked open the channel with the other. "Ladies and Gentlebeings, this is your captain speaking. Clear hyperlanes and beautiful starfields tonight, expect no interruptions on our nonstop service to Naboo-"

"Can it, no-scuff. You're being hailed, priority frequency."

Uriel huffed indignantly. What a silly insult, to insinuate his armor wasn't scuffed due to lack of combat. Every good soldier ought to be polishing the scuffs out of their armor after each mission; appearance mattered.
"Sounds fun, just let me wrap up here."

He punched the interceptor's scramjet and lengthened his lead on his pursuer, looping around a Frost Claw cruiser. Fighter command sounded impatient; young, arrogant, and rich fighter pilots from Capital Planet squadrons could have that effect on officers. "What part of priority frequency do you not understand, Segboldt? This is urgent."

Uriel only grinned as he found himself arcing behind the hapless Frost Claw pilot yet again. His targeting computer lit up green and made a happy little noise.
"Then rest assured, I'll wrap up here urgently."

His thumbs jammed down the firing switch on each control stick. Green light flashed from his interceptor's cannons, and then his little craft was, once again, baptized in flames and debris. Cathartic. Satisfying.

"Ok Command, that's two fewer bandits harassing your bombers- your welcome, by the way. What does that bring me to today, 5?"

The coordination officer didn't respond right away, and Uriel had to grin. On Kalidan, with the bigwigs watching, pomp and decorum were the rule of the day. But whenever he could pull some strings to snag a temporary assignment out where the action was... well, these administration types were just too much fun to mess with.

"Aw c'mon, don't be mad. If it makes you feel any better, you're not unlucky; I'm always this good."

Now Command spoke, and sounded unusually smug. "Sorry Warrant Officer, I was just having a laugh over this communique. Evidently you're being reassigned... permanently."

Uriel had no response ready for this, which was rare for him. Reassignment? As in, he was being cut from the Civil Aerialists? No more honor guard duty? But no, this was probably a joke. Either the coordination officer was having a laugh, or the 'priority frequency' was really just his father using his influence to play a trick on his son. But Uriel didn't let go of the nervous possibility... of the hope. No more flyovers and stunt maneuvers and dinner parties? It sounded too good to be true.

Clearing his throat, he slicked back his dark hair that had fallen over his eyes at some point during the dogfight.
"I've got a quiet moment. Patch them over."

Command clicked off of the comlink. Silence. Uriel waited with baited breath for a voice to speak; his father's, a general's, a corrections officer, someone.

And then, without warning, words began to flash across his fighter's display screen. And his life changed forever.

Uriel Segboldt, Warrant Officer, 4th Class-
Reassignment orders inbound.
Your new position is classified.
Logistics Corp
Unit 404
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Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development


Warrant Officer Trinity Harris
DXenbo MAnthro

Riding: Phantom
Accompanied by: Plushee Companion Droid
Hersir Imperial Uniform
Viper Mk. I Skinsuit
Ship: Luminary class light explorer exchanging crew space for biolabs

Location: Aboard Crimson Empress
Objective: Accopany Senior Politicians to negotiation
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström

Dr. Harris had landed her science vessel aboard the Crimson Empress some hours before as instructed and had been given time in private quarters to prepare herself for her task today. She would be alongside the Empress and the Baron Strom. How was she here, she thought as she looked at the mirror, this was well above her pay grade and also above her rank, but she didn't feel nearly as uncomfortable as she had when first meeting the Silver Jedi's. The past months had grown her confidence and now the uniform wrapped around her snuggly made her looked the part. The Doctor looked at her notes one last time, she had done some research on the Galactic Senate on route to this meeting. She found the very different government styles very interesting from an anthropological perspective, but this time the research was for duty, not for pleasure.

A little later, looking immaculate

<"If all is true, it will be a much less tense meeting than the other was."> she told her two companions.

She was not at the last negotiation but had ensured to read up on the publicly available information. "My Lord, it is an honor to attend along side you, I hope the Chancellor recognises your hand of friendship. The Galactic Alliance in my opinion are a much more open culture than the Imperial Order, it gives me some confidence in the matter."

Dr. Harris did not mention the rumours that the Chancellor was dealing with a rising movement against him, and thus may be more eager to accept support. This theory was in her portion of the preliminary notes she had submitted to the Empress, but no doubt her own agents were well aware of the political movements withing the Alliance.

For her part, Trinity was eager to arrange discussion with their scientific departments, the Alliance were a modern society and an exchange of ideas would do a lot for her own research, and selling her developed technologies could hurt her finances.

She looked toward the Baron "Baron, if there is any assistance myself or my department can offer you, please let me know. I hope I can add something to the discussions here, but my political clout is not nearly as much as your own"

She smiled with dignity, and pride for the experience she was getting today.




Location: Varl Station watching fight
Tags: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a
Wearing: This outfit

Cass looked at her drink as she sat in the corner of the cantina, by Ashla she was burning the midnight oil at the moment. She was determined to make a move for leadership of the Kraken Coalition, but to do that, she needed to have something to show she was more than the other pirates, they had a decentralised leadership at the moment, noone to directly challenge, but if she sailed with the likes of the black sun in her sails, that could make things interesting. What was the point of it all though? Why did she suddenly need power? She had never needed it before, but after seeing the likes of Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud and Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae of the Family, she felt inspired, maybe she was getting old. What was she now? 35? A little network of her very own would certainly be nice.

So that is why she was here in Frostclaw territory. What is a frost claw? Who knows, who really cares. She had been told what Arturo Braga Arturo Braga looked like, and that he often travels with a twi-lik mandalorian ( Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera ). Why mandalorians? Always Karking mandalorians, she squeezed her glass tightly in anger at the very name of that cult, sending a hariline crack snaking up its side. No, she wouldn't judge, she could be sick of them, but they weren't all bad.

"Hey barkeep! This glass is cracked! You trying to kill me? Another drink now, and it isnt going on my bill" the barkeep wrinkled his nose before brininf her over her chosen beverage.

"thank you darling, and some of those lovely slider burgers I saw the young man over there would be a wonderful way to ease my emotional trauma at the whole event."

"you ain't getting the burgers too, cough up Gemini" he half laughed, half threatened.

"can't blame a girl for trying," she smiled as she turned her watch over, transferring the payment from a stolen bank account. Some food, a drink, now to just wait for some interesting company to arrive.

It looked as though her wait was over though as in to the bar, though the old looking metal door walked a distinctive armoured female, and more non-descript but fearsome looking human male. This was clearly them. An Ubese she didn't recognise ( Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a ) approached the pair and introduced himself. She supposed she had better follow suite, so she stood up, dusted herself down and walked over.

"hey, I'm Cass, we spoke on holo, can I get you a drink?" she held her hand out to shake that of the Twi'lek first, in her experience the woman was always the brains after all. And she smiled with a curious grin, wondering what might lurk beneath that helmet.

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Overseer of Imperial Armed Forces



Objective: Negotiate with the Galactic Alliance
Location: Aboard the Crimson Empress
TAG: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Trinity Harris Trinity Harris

Not too long ago, these very chambers served as the venue for the Eternal Empire's meeting with the New Imperial Order. Despite his Empress's seeming optimism over the result of that meeting, Baron Ström did not feel quite as enthusiastic. At the outset of the meeting, he felt as though the NIO was the most natural choice as opposed to the Galactic Alliance to form closer ties with. In his mind, the NIO's recent acts of aggression against the GA were justified; for the Alliance seemingly reeked of weakness and corruption. If the Eternal Empire was able to draw closer to the NIO, they would likewise be able to more easily apply pressure on the Galactic Alliance as they attempted to gain the lion's share of former CIS territory. After all, only a fool would want potential hostilities to erupt with two militaristic societies. Although Ström had never met the Chancellor personally, his reputation did not bespeak a foolish man.

That was Ström's impression prior to the meeting with the NIO. To say that the meeting did not go as the Baron had either intended or preferred would have been an understatement. It was his intention to leverage their alliance with the Ashlan Crusade, as well as the momentum behind their efforts to rebuild their public image to the galaxy at large, into a more established position of strength in their negotiations with the NIO. One thing he did not plan on was the history behind both his Empress, and Imperator Rurik. Although his distaste for the Imperator was renewed evermoreso, Ström had to give credit where it was due. His unflinching resolve, and the clear distaste both Ingrid and he held for each other, resulted in a series of events and posturing that left a bitter taste in the Baron's mouth. The sheer audacity it took for Rurik to propose what he did; namely the military occupation of the Eternal Empire "in the interests of fighting their common enemy" was a joke of the highest incredulity. Thankfully, Ingrid did not agree to those terms, but instead offered the concession of the NIO sharing the world of Odessen with the Ashlan Crusade to serve as a launch pad for further military action against the Maw.

While he disliked the unilateral terms of the agreement, it was better than the alternative. And although the Eternal Empire did not leave the meeting with the standing he had hoped for, it did have the intended effect with the GA. Given recent events, the Alliance could not afford to avoid treating with the Eternal Empire. Of course, Ingrid wanted to use this situation to leverage peaceful terms with the Alliance. Ström on the other hand, would not allow this opportunity to go to waste.
"With respect, your majesty - we must not squander this opportunity. Our summit with the NIO could easily be leveraged in this situation to negotiate terms in our favor with regard to former CIS territory. Your goals for peace are admirable, but opportunities such as these do not present themselves often. We must project strength, and be willing to walk away if they even remotely attempt to treat with us the same as Imperator Rurik did." He all but spat out the honorific of the NIO head of state, his disgust plain for his Empress to see.

Shortly after saying this, their third companion began to address him. For the life of him, Ström could not fathom why this scientist was present for their summit. She did not sit on the Imperial Assembly - she held no true authority. Clearly, she was only here at the pleasure of Empress L'lerim. His face was a mask that hid his mild annoyance well, and his tone was equally neutral so as to avoid offending his monarch.
"Your offer has been noted, Warrant Officer." He said nothing else, but instead grew silent as he focused his mind on the impending meeting with the GA delegation.


Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Protect Arturo
Location: Frost Claw's base, Balis-Baurgh
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a | Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

I paused for a moment when Arturo finally explained why he had called me here. For a second, well, still, I felt horrible that I thought he was just wanting to take advantage of my presence. However, I felt myself blush under my helmet at his words because it was a good feeling to hear that. I smiled involuntarily; it meant a lot. I would have liked to hug or hold him hand to walk forward hand in hand, but I didn’t want to reveal such a vulnerable point.

"Thank you, that means a lot. At least as much as when you say how much you like me, and now I feel terrible because I thought what I thought originally …" I told him kindly.

I nodded my head slightly, showing that what he said was a good feeling.

"Don’t worry, I won’t let you have any trouble or anyone hurt you." I replied playfully, but I thought seriously.

I looked at the other woman who was apparently not happy with my presence. This was not the first time she had let me know this with her body language, movement, or deeds. After his words, I put my hand on Arturo's back and rubbed his back gently, kindly. To feel that I stand by and support him.

"I trust you to be able to solve it and you know I will help if you need anything." I offered.

In the meantime, we got into the drinking area, where an acquaintance came up to us. I nodded to him, it was unnecessary to smile because of the helmet, though it was in my voice that I was glad for him.

"Tovald, I'm glad to see you! What are you doing here?" I greeted him and inquired.

Soon another woman came to us, who introduced herself as Cass. I've never seen it before. I didn’t lend a hand, I was on duty, not to mention that it’s very easy to launch an attack from a situation like this. And here it was not forbidden to carry weapons. So I just waved at her.

"Welcome, I'm Lynne Tal’kira." I introduced myself on the name that I usually use. "Did you come to the meeting too? If so, who do you represent?" I asked her.


Still going, despite everything.


Objective: Underworld Business
Location: Balis-Baurgh
Tag: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a Cass Gemini Cass Gemini

Arturo felt the pressure of a hand against his back and for a single solitary moment found himself surprised. "Thank you, Lynne, it means a lot to hear you say that," he said, a brief glance towards Silhanna conveying all the gratitude he could spare in that moment. "Hopefully it won't come to that, but who am I to say what will and won't be?" Grinning, the Underboss led his minions down a dark side alley, passing bums and a couple of drunkards, the latter of which had already been stripped of their valuables by the locals.

"Watch where you step." Arturo warned his companions, sidestepping a pool of vomit one of the drunkards had left in his wake. The smell was almost as rancid as the sight, and the Underboss found himself hoping the cantina they were heading to wasn't the kind of dive that harboured such lowlives. Of course, time would seek to crush his hopes as it so often did. Some days the crime boss thought himself cursed; some days he knew he was. "Ah, here we are!" Pausing outside his destination, Arturo cast his eyes towards the blinking neon sign that hung just above the door. "Mosley's Cantina. Looks like every other bar I've ever been to. No doubt T's having a whale of a time in there."

Waltzing his way inside, Arturo found himself instantly confronted by two dozen pairs of eyes and a couple of blaster-toting weequay. "You Arturo Braga?" One of the weequay demanded, and when Arturo nodded, the other said, "Wait here." Taking a look around the cantina, Arturo noted that it did indeed look like every other 'sink he'd ever been to. "Nice place." Nara commented drily, spreading out with the others, garnering their own share of the attention in the process.

"Eyes front, boss!"
<"Hello, Sil."> He called out carefully and without too much fanfare.

Hiding his smile behind a well-practiced look of impartiality, Arturo nodded his greetings to Tovald as the Xeno made his way over to them. His was a face that Arturo had hoped to see, if not entirely expected. Still... one more blaster and all that. Turning slightly to regard the newcomer Cass Gemini Cass Gemini Arturo did his best to appear unperturbed by the woman's blatant insult towards him. This wasn't his first time parleying, nor was he an amateur in what most major organisations dubbed 'The Game.' Instead, he cast a glance sideways, smiling inwardly when Sil refused to shake the pirate captain's hand. That's my girl, he thought, beaming with pride as he slid past Cass to greet Tovald properly.

"T! Good to see you, my friend. How're things? Want to fill me in on the situation whilst I get the drinks in? Course you do." Thumping his once-comrade on the shoulder, Arturo attempted to steer the ubese towards the bar. "You seen any of the Claw bosses yet? Be nice to know who they sent to represent them at these talks." The Underboss spoke quietly, his voice dropping an octave or two as he took in the room again, albeit with a more thorough glance. "More gun-thugs than we agreed to. That's never a good sign. Mind you, the Claw have never been good with words."


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Location: Frost Claw's base, Balis-Baurgh
Objective: Discuss intel gathered
Equipment: Rifle, Sword, Magnetic Thermal Detonators, Thermite Explosives, Heavy Blaster Pistol, Carbine
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera | Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Cass Gemini Cass Gemini


The Ubese nodded politely to Cass, not knowing what to think of her. He wasn't flustered, no, not at all.

Tovald considered telling Aurtro about the fact his clan was about to collapse into infighting and that he won't always be around to help with operations as much as he would like. He decided, no one wants to know. So, he kept that to himself, he can deal with it without it interfering with anyone else.

He discreetly shooed his 8-legged entourage away, as they were becoming rather numerous now. That's going to be addressed sometime but this mission was a priority at the moment. A lot has happened since they met in the dingy Cantina, the place was homely in a dusty spidery kind of way.

Giving the room a careful and discreet glance Tovald picked out interesting and promising leads to this syndicate. Knowing how they work they are usually in clusters around meeting spots surrounded by their underlings. His first ever boss had several. That guy never really took the welfare of his workers in mind and let shortcuts happen. But that's not the point, the point now is to share any intel he may have gathered. A drink also sounded great too, it has been a while since he drank.

<"So far there are only single clusters of interesting people, I did ask around, there will be more Claw People of high rank entering later today. Didn't pry too much."> Tovald answered Arturo careful not to raise his voice. Within the last few minutes, gun thugs were entering, which is never a good sign. So they need to read the mood of the room very carefully, lest anything unwelcome kicks off.

<"We need to read the room a tad more carefully, then?"> He asked the man cautiously.
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A Light to Guide you Home

Objective: Investigate the fearful prisoner
Tag: Kalic Daws Kalic Daws

Have you ever bathed in the warmth of a star, while rocked to sleep on solar winds, to the sounds of a solar lullaby? It was a luxury unlike any other, for the young Wysp. Any chance it got, when it found a comfortable place in the vastness of space, it would rest like this for several days. It dreamed of beautiful things, dancing pixies, a quiet graveyard in the middle of some autumnal forest, and all sorts of yummy things. However, little by little, the dreams turned to nightmares. Thousands of voices cried out against their chains, an intense desire to return home. Add to it, pain and anguish and the little Ethereal slept fitfully. Yet, it was a single voice that woke it from its slumber. One person's fear was so strong that it couldn't ignore its cry any longer.

As Willow'a Wysp awakened itself, it could feel the lumbering of many metal ships nearby. Normally, there was only a fraction of this number. Something had to be happening. As one got close, it squiggled over towards it and slipped inside the metal contraption and anchored itself. As the ship maneuvered towards its destination, Wysp explored a bit, without ever truly surfacing. It was hard to make out details, but there was a good number of living beings onboard. Their voices were distant and far to muffled to make out, so Wysp simply took its time and wandered from area to area a bit.

With each moment, the ship took it closer to the voice it had heard earlier. Wysp bounced along the halls in excitement. It wondered what could possibly be causing it, and what was going on?! Ah, the excitement was far too great. It had to know now! As the ship neared a planet, Wysp moved over to a group of people who seemed to be close by to one another. After it picked one at random, it concentrated hard to begin to see the entities mind. Itchor 8 is what they called the world. They were there to free a bunch of prisoners. However, something made Wysp feel like it had to get to whatever this voice was first.

Not long after the ship touched down, the doors opened, and the people left. It followed them a distance until it could feel the voice much clearer. The planet was cold, only a few energy sources nearby. Luckily Wysp was well fed, otherwise this would be hard. With a squiggle, the Ethereal dove beneath the ground and wormed its way towards the massive complex ahead. No clue what it was. The person's mind had called it a prison. Whatever THAT was.

It wasn't long until it was close to the voice. However, it would be far to hard to figure out where it was while under the surface. Carefully, Wysp moved up higher towards the surface, just barely breaching it enough so it could see. The faint light of the Ethereal glittered in a dim hallway. There were doors all around, and patrolling people. Luckily, there was a good source of energy around the lights, and they were not that dissimilar in color to Wysp. It floated up towards the lights and blended in with each one. It would calculate how far to travel from light to light. It would then dive back down, travel to the light, surface and repeat. Every so often, a guard would patrol beneath. But, from experience the little one knew that they wouldn't really notice. No one really stopped to see if the light was the same brightness as all the others, so long as the light was close to the brightness and where it was supposed to be. No, the trouble would be if it got spotted in a place where they were not expecting light to be.

After about five minutes of searching, Wysp found the door. On the other side was the fear it had felt, the one it had decided to rescue. It wondered what they would be like. While it could easily just float inside and see, something kept it from doing so. Whatever it was, it needed to escape with Wysp. It was sure of that. There was a door, there was an electronic lock. How to get it open? It thought about this for a few moments.



Location: Cantina doorway
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Arturo Braga Arturo Braga Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a
Wearing: This outfit

The Twi'lek never took her hand to shake, no matter, a lot of people didn't like that sort of greeting anyway, so Cass just mirrored her own returned greeting. "Its a pleasure Lynne. I dont recognise your sigil, which is probably for the best because if I did you might be enclave and we would end up ruining all these patrons quiet evening trying to kill each other.

I am here for the meeting, and represent the Kraken Coalition,"

She turned toward Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a and raised her eyebrows gesturing toward the ceiling "Tovald? Is it? Those friends of yours?" she watched the spiders for a moment and wondered something. "Are all ubese compelled towards pets? I know another Ubese, an excellent pirate, but I think he would give it all up if you offered him enough cats." she smiled, this was a warm smile as she thought warmly about Isidor.

she smiled and looked past Lynne now to Arturo Braga Arturo Braga Who seemed to have wandered off to let his associate do the first introduction. She nodded politely to Lynne and followed, approaching him in greeting. "Its good to finally meet you in person Mr. Braga. We have a lot of business to discuss." she looked him up and down a little while extending a friendly hand, he had the air about him, but nothing jumped out at her and creamed crime boss. Maybe she had just spent too much time around certain other crime groups were flashy displays of opulence were common. She herself loved to dress, if she took the time to grow this body she wasn't going to hide it away. Todays outfit was a little more demure though, for some reason she actually cared how this meeting went.

"So, my knowledge of Imperial customs is limited, but where I come from only hookers do business meetings in grubby cantinas, shall we find somewhere more comfortable to chat? Maybe one of the nicer siderooms"

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Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Protect Arturo
Location: Frost Claw's base, Balis-Baurgh
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a | Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

I smiled at Arutro's reaction and tilted my head again. Unfortunately, this was all I could do in this situation. The helmet made normal communication difficult. I wanted to pat her back gently or caress her, but that would have been too striking. And the pat on the back of a friend wouldn’t have nearly expressed what I felt. I laughed at his question, even though I had a feeling he wouldn’t like my answer.

"You're the boss, Mr. Braga!" I answered him.

I looked at the ground in disgust under my helmet when Arturo mentioned this, then I avoided the vomit there. I hated places like this. Ever since House Orchid has been mine, I’ve gotten used to having discussions and meetings in more normal places, not in an environment like this. Good heavens, did I become a snob? No, I was still far from that, but a normal cantina or office was much more comfortable. When we got into the cantina and the weequay appeared in front of us, my hand slid onto the grip of the pistol, but luckily I didn’t have to pull it out or use it.

When we got in, Tovald arrived. My sensors indicated a lot of movement in the direction of the ceiling. Unrealistically a lot, so I looked up. Damn it! I hate spiders. Isn't it? They're not following him, are they? No, I don't think I want to know. Not this. Based on my role and being able to take better care of him, I was two or three steps behind Arturo and Tovald, when they headed in the direction of the counter. So I got a better view about the place and if they wanted to attack. I had more chances to react.

As she spoke, I looked at the woman and shook my head. I’ve heard rumours like this that there are pirate problems out there in that region, I think courtesy of the Kraken Coalition. So then the woman represented them.

"Clan Cadera; and no, I'm not a member of the Enclave." I said coolly.

After that, I watched the neighbourhood and the members of the company in silence, now I didn't speak. After all, I was just a bodyguard, I was responsible for Arturo’s safety and I wasn’t here to negotiate; I did not represent any underworld organisation.



Kalic shook as he looked around at the walls. Not again. And arguably worse this time. Last time he was capture he ended up being altered with the Force by Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , alchemy he thought it was called. Either way, it had caused him pain for years, and even now, without the pain, he couldn't always tell when he was in the present or the future, and he had no doubt the Maw would've noticed by now. And if the Empress was bad, he didn't wanna know what they'd do to him. All he had tried to do was save as many Rebels as he could from this but now.... At least they let him keep his wrap (probably for their own sake).

Right now though, he just curled up in the corner of his cell, looking down. At least until he noticed... something. What the kark was that? He got up, slowly moving to the door as he tried to figure out what he was seeing. One of the few things he'd ever actually trained was his Force Sight, and that was mostly to not be blinded by Nexus's. Now, he was using it to try and see what this was on the other side of a wall. They weren't Maw.... What the.....

"Hey. Who's there....." He didn't know why he felt safe asking, but he did.

Wysp Wysp
Still going, despite everything.


Objective: Underworld Business
Location: Balis-Baurgh
Tag: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a Cass Gemini Cass Gemini

Though Arturo had only worked with Tovald twice now, the Underboss had come to learn that the ubese was smarter than his appearance would suggest. Competent and capable of adapting on the fly, he had -quite astutely in Arturo's opinion- decided not to press the cantina's patrons and staff too hard. Answers to the particular questions Arturo had in mind would come sooner or later, so why push their luck? "You did good, T," he told the man, simultaneously catching the bartenders eye and holding up a hand with three splayed fingers. The cathar in question, apparently possessing some kind of telepathic ability where potential customers were concerned, nodded, before setting about his task.

Tovald's question about whether they should keep their wits about them left Arturo momentarily perplexed. "Yes," he replied, eyeing the ubese as if he had said something particularly funny. "Keep your eyes and ears peeled, and if anyone tries to buy you a drink, decline the offer. Oh, and try to let them down gently when you do." Arturo suggested, past experiences reminding him just how explosive cantinas could sometimes be when the drink and scratch flowed freely.

Turning at the sound of a feminine voice, Arturo was unsurprised to find himself facing none other than Cass Gemini Cass Gemini . Flamboyantly dressed and surprisingly jovial, the woman cut quite the figure. Of course, Arturo didn't let the pretty face distract him from the blaster she had holstered at her hip. Nor did he miss the accompanying sabers or the once-over she gave him. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss... Gemini, was it?" Arturo lied just as smoothly, taking the pirate captain's slender fingers in his own, returning the handshake. "As to matters of business, well, we'll have to see where the day takes us, won't we?"

Indeed, a lot still rode on who the Claw sent to represent them at the meet, assuming the gang's leaders sent anyone at all. For all Arturo knew, their acquiescence to his request could simply be an elaborate ploy to get him away from his people, to a place of their choosing, where they could deal with him accordingly. Knowing his luck, they didn't intend to discuss their organisation's future at all. Knowing his luck, the gangoons he had spotted both within and without Mosley's Cantina were more than just extra security. Paranoia plagued the Underboss; he smelt deceit and skulduggery.

This was a backwater cantina after all.

"Hookers and mercenaries, I think you'll find." Arturo corrected the captain, a small smile crossing his face. "But by all means, please, lead on!" Stepping aside, Arturo let the pirate captain pick a booth in which they could sit and talk in relative privacy. Before doing so, however, Arturo fell in beside Silhanna. "Have you noticed how all the waiters seem to be 'ganic?" He asked her in a hushed whisper, quietly pleased to see one of his men flit in front of them, obstructing the patrons' view. "And the way they carry themselves, too, like veteran enforcers. Odd, no?"

Letting the question hang, Arturo slid into the booth opposite Cass, nodding his thanks as the bartender sent them the drinks he had ordered. One for him, one for T, and one for... "Hope you like your whiskey," Arturo said, sliding a glass across to the pirate. "Didn't specifically order it, truth be told, but the guy at the bar seems to have a keen eye for such things." Taking a swig of his drink, Arturo set the glass down in front of him, a sly smile creasing his lips.

"So, Miss Gemini, mind telling me what brings you here? Last I heard the Claw and the Krakens weren't exactly buddy buddy."



Location: Undisclosed Interrogation Chamber
Objective: 3 (Hell on Earth)
Gear: Staff of the Damned / Talisman of the Witch / Magical Gems / Bow of Immolation / Hilt
Familiar: Archimedes

Leaning forward from my perched placement upon the cracked, plaster peeling wall I starred deeply into the shaking soul of the prisoner, who continuously tripped over his own testimonial answers proposed by the old, and decrepit interrogator. With clawed fingers, I methodically placed each hooked digit into the prisoner's shoulder blade, nodding for the old man to leave. When both man left and door shut tightly behind his flowing presence, I began my own line of questions, with darkened undertones.

".dednemmoc eb dluohs snoitseuq fo enil esoht yb stpmetta yna liof ot ecnetsisrep ruoY," I said inverting my words per my nature. It was my passion to speak backwards, out of confusion and safety. Speak a spell properly, it could be countered; speak it backwards and it took time for the target to think it out. Over time, it became my nature to speak in reverse. To some, it was annoying. To me, it provided safety. And like all those that came before him, he too was confused; yet his irrigation of fear flooded my fields of well plowed satisfaction. This tiny and caustic man trembled with a toil of voting for death or spilling forth whatever knowledge contained within that brain of his. I dug my claws deeper, shivering from his body's reaction to the uninvited pain.

Once more I slipped closer to the prisoner's ear, ensuring my festering death breath warmed his sense of smell. I don't play games, and my blood was craving food; but I couldn't feed yet, answers were required. "tib elttil a tsuj esimorpmoc tsuj....esoprup a htiw eid uoy erusne ll'I", my voice echoing a tone of impending nightmares into a already fragile and unstable psyche.



A Light to Guide you Home
Objective: Introduce itself.
Tag: Kalic Daws Kalic Daws

Well, when things didn't go your way and you couldn't figure out the way forward, violence was always an answer! At least, that's the Mandalorians had taught it. It flitted up to a the light once more and waited. After a couple minutes a guard came by, and he checked on each cell. Honestly, for the life of them, Wysp couldn't tell what species that pig faced thing was supposed to be. As the guard passed below, Wysp dropped from the light right onto the thingies head. There was a brief struggle as Wysp possessed the weak-minded guard. It was an effort to keep the alien under control, it was a stubborn creature. However, Wysp didn't need long. In the body of the guard, Wysp rammed the mans head into the wall as hard as possible a few times. As the body began to slump the little Etheral popped out and wobbled a bit. "Oh…Dizzy." It took a couple of moments to regain it's balance.

After Wysp had regained a bit of composure, it used the force to tug the keycard from the guard's belt and floated over to the door. A quick swipe and the door swished open. In that moment, Kalic's voice swept over it, like a lovely melody. Wysp hadn't been too late. It was a relief.

Kalic's force sight would see a bright light in the force. It would be as warm a sun, and shine with a myriad of colors. It would shimmer, and change, the colors rarely staying any shade for a length of time. As he watched, the creature would shift and change before his eyes to take on a much more humanoid like shape.

Wysp gathered the wisps of energy from around it, and took on its avatar form. It was like the light just melted and the liquid just suddenly molded itself into a new shape. It's long tail would swish the air, as if it was keeping itself afloat in water. The head tendrils swayed as if caught in some current. It's bright eyes studied the man as it swam closer to him to get a better look. It answered Kalic finally, but it didn't speak any words. Instead the answer would seem to just appear in the man's mind. It was less words and more ideas, and understandings. It was like a breeze that rustled through leaves, or the sound of ocean waves as they pounded on the shore. It just was.

"I'm Willow'a Wysp. Just call me Wysp. I heard you calling for help. I'm here to bring you home!" Now, Wysp may not exactly have it all planned out HOW it was going to do this thing. But it had a couple of ideas. Besides, this was already great improvement upon the situation! "Oh, wait. Hold on a moment. I forgot my luggage."

Wysp swam through the air to outside the cell. There, it grabbed the guard's unconscious body, and with little telepathic grunts pulled it inside the cell. Then, it floated over to Kalic to check him for wounds, any chains to undo, or other things like that. "So, um. Hi!"

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