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Approved Vehicle Gromadul-Class Heavy Tank

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Dwarven TH MK 1 Light Tank

  • Intent: To make a heavy tank for the Brotherhood of Darkness
  • Image Source: Credit to Creator
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Tank
  • Role: Assault Tank
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Armaments: Average
  • Defenses: Very High
  • Maneuverability Rating: Low
  • Speed Rating: Very Low
  • Propulsion: Tracks
  • Minimum Crew: Five
  • Optimal Crew: Five
  • Passenger Capacity: None
  • Cargo Capacity: Small
  • None
  • Thick Armor: The Gromadul-Class Heavy Tank is heavily armored to defend it from damage. Meaning that it will take an extremely amount of punishment to take it down on the battlefield.
  • Heavy Flak Cannon: The Gromadul-Class Heavy Tank comes equipped with a single heavy flak cannon, that is powerful enough to destroy medium level fortifications and outposts
  • Cargo Space: The Gromadul-Class Heavy Tank comes equipped with a small area reserved for extra shells, meaning that it will not have to head for resupply as quickly
  • Single Weapon: The Gromadul-Class Heavy Tank only comes equipped with a single weapon and if that is rendered unoperational, it will be useless on the battlefield save for running people over as a suicide measure
  • Slow Speed: As it is a heavy tank, the Gromadul-Class is extremely slow meaning that an enemy will have noticed it and reacted accordingly before it can do some damage
  • Maneuverable: The Gromadul-Class Tank is not maneuverable, meaning that it cannot turn quickly to readjusted itself to fire once again on uneven ground.

The Gromadul-Class Heavy Tank was designed and commissioned by the Dark Forgemaster of the Order of Saithon, after testing the other tanks within the service of the brotherwood. Unfortunately the Brotherhood Arsenal was lacking a truly powerful tank that can stand up to monsters and beasts that an enemy might have on the battlefield. The tracks and the overall hull was built on Darvannis underneath the watchful eye of the Mancheron Kajidic through their company called the Mancheron Association of Manufacturing and Commerce. Those parts assembled together would form the structure for the other parts to be added onto. Although the watchful eye of the Silver Jedi Concord was ever bearing down since Darvannis was within their space of control. So the Association split up the parts into several different boxes and had them shipped to the Brotherhood's Vault within a undisclosed mountain. They arrived within a couple of days and the Dwarrow Engineers underneath the control of the Order of Saithon would begin to assemble the parts into the Heavy Tank model to supplement the forces underneath the brotherhood's control.

Once the tank was promptly armored and the weapon primed for action, the Order of Saithon would give the class the name of Gromadul after an ancient dwarrow hero from folklore. Who slayed an arkanian dragon with only his bare hands. Although the legend was simply a folklore, the Gromadul-Class Heavy Tank is not fictional and has the power to provide the Brotherhood of Darkness with an even advantage on the battlefield. The Dark Forgemaster would test the heavy tank within the underground tunnels and found it suitable for combat with the approval of the Lord of the Brotherhood, Kyrel Ren. It will now serve as the main enforcer vehicle for the Brotherhood of Darkness when they emerge from the shadows.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Credit Wizard Credit Wizard

A great submission again, and here your ratings are underpowered (-3), so if you want, you can edit these.
And if you allow me a suggestion, because I see, nearly all of your subs are underpowered. If you add a NB to your subs, where you mention the underpowered state is intentional, we can avoid my posts where I mention this, and in that case I can accept them immediately if there is no other problem.
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