Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hi guys!

[member="Spencer Jacobs"]

Last I heard Spencer is with Prime and friendly with Sith. In other words, a faction SSC is hostile to. She was on the Prime side at Ziost.

So her joining...does not really make sense. Unless that's changed.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] lol didn't know someone was so keen on some of Spencer's history. I'll clear that up. Anyways, Spencer tagged along with the Prime because of her affiliation with the Fringe. Spencer's friendly with everyone, she's never been a Sith. I've previously stated several times that her belief with the Force is to understand all sides of it. I've personally been wanting her to get more in touch with the light side.

As for the invasion, if you read my post you'd understand that she was only there because there and didn't do anything beyond chit chat - sadly it was supposed to be a duel but yeah the other writer and I were busy.

She's here to learn and to help teach. I'll be out of your hair soon.

[member="Coren Starchaser"] WAT UP COREEEEENNNN
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] No one knows she rubbed elbows with them, so your anti-prime ideals are safe. Like I said I joined because of the Fringe merged, I'm in there and I help out around, but like I said previously its all in the name of learning and connection with different people. Its not like I'm a higher up in their faction and then trying to walk over here. Spencer has been somewhat disconnected from the light - so that's the goal in joining also to offer some of her experiences to the FUs and the NFUs of the SSC

Anyways thanks for the concerns <3

[member="Coren Starchaser"] FRINGE FOR LYFE *tears*
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] Ay bby how was the Bday?
[member="Gabe Darkstar"] good stuff isn't it :D
[member="Spencer Jacobs"]

Well, if Siobhan meets Spencer she won't be well-disposed to her due to her past role with Fringe and the Sith Empire. She's not the trusting sort. Just a heads-up for the sake of transparency.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] I don't forsee us running into each other so don't worry. Spencer's here to teach and to learn.

[member="Gabe Darkstar"] for sure, Spencer follows the old Je'daii code ^_^
[member="Gabe Darkstar"] Awesome when I get a moment today/tomorrow I'll start something. [member="Nima Tann"] Thanks! :D Hopefully we get to write with each other soon! [member="Matsu Ike"] I've seen some of the stuff looking good!

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