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Approved Tech Holocron of Vices

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Intent: To create a personal holocron for Silara Kuhn/Darth Vitium.
Development Thread:
  • Vitae Aeterna (Travel to Prakith and the discovery of Darth Andeddu's fortress/crypt)
  • In Umbris Potestas Est (Discovering Darth Andeddu's Holocron of Heresies, leading to the knowledge of creating holocrons)
Manufacturer: Silara Kuhn
Model: N/A
Affiliation: [member=Rose Kuhn]
Modularity: Information may be added by owners. (Requires a re-submission or submission modification request)
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel, Holocron Components
The holocron of vices, or rather Darth Vitium's holocron, contains a complex archive of the information Silara has gathered over the last several decades, compounded upon with information obtained both firsthand and from other sources, such as the Holocron of Darth Andeddu. The knowledge to create such a holocron came with obtaining the Holocron of Heresies with Darth Carach on Prakith, after a lengthy confrontation with the Jedi Grandmaster and another Jedi of the Silver Jedi Order, and although she originally saw no need to create such artifacts, it wasn't until her pregnancy that she came to realize the necessity of passing along knowledge to the next generation of force users, be them Sith or otherwise.

The contents of the holocron are largely an archive on the uses of Sith Magic, though more than just such a minute portion of the force was touched upon.
(Below is a comprehensive index of what to expect from the holocron.)
  • Sith Magic
  • Sith Alchemy
  • Basic and Advanced uses of Telepathy
  • Several hours of talking on farsight, force visions, and other precognitive abilities.
  • The lightsaber forms of Makashi and Niman, as well as their added strengths and weaknesses when using the Jar'kai style of combat.
  • A specific, lengthy (multi-hour), lecture on Qazoi Kyantuska, Waves of Darkness, and Battle Meditation.
  • An entry on Consume Essence, the only ability that came naturally to Silara from early on.
  • Force Drain
  • The use of Force Speed in lightsaber combat, and its disadvantages
  • The history of the Krath
  • Detailed notes on current figures of importance, and those past. Such as Darth Mierin, Junra, the Dark Lord of the One Sith, Corvus Raaf, Ordo, and so on.
  • A gatekeeper with the personality of Silara Kuhn/Darth Vitium, as well as an index of her knowledge of the galaxy up until the point that the holocron was made.


I'm Sexy and I Know It

Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review

Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review

Pending initial review

Pending Initial review

Pending Inital review


I'm Sexy and I Know It
[member="Silara Kuhn"]
Alright. Read through it all, took a look see at things, and generally looked this thing over. Standard holocron, nothing is going to jump out and devour you if you read it wrong, no face melting if you're not worthy and/or WWII Nazi Intelligence staff.

Just remember that those who manage to get a hold of this thing still have to learn from it to benefit, something I personally wouldn't look forward to what with a multi-hour lecture in there.

Everything looks good. Approved pending secondary. Abuse and suffer the wrath of Popo's gastrointestinal distress.
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