Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion In The Empire's Name | EotL Dominion of Gand

Gand, an inhospitable world where only the strongest creatures survive. The only sentient species able to truly call it's barren wastelands home are the native Gand, who thrive in it's toxic ammonia rich atmosphere. For centuries this far flung planet has known relative peace, protected by the thick mist that covers the entire surface of the world. That ends today! We deploy to the planet to capture it for the glory of the Empire, and his excellency Emperor Kilran! All Gand are deemed to be possible Insurgents and should be handled as such. All team leaders beware of the Findsmen, Gand warriors strong in The Force with a supernatural ability of divination through occult rituals.

Objective I Defend Fort Diamond

In anticipation of our invasion of this world four forts were constructed as rallying points for our forces. In the days since the initial occupation, three forts: Ruby, Topaz, and Emerald have all fallen to Gand warbands. These warbands number in the hundreds and are equipped with mostly primitive weaponry, but can overwhelm through sheer mass of numbers. Should fort Diamond fall our forces will have no safe refuge left on the planet, this must not happen. All those currently at the fort must defend Fort Diamond until Imperial air wings arrive to commence carpet bombing. Given the conditions of the planet and the heavy air defenses present near the fort this will take considerable time.

Objective II Occupation Of Zerguul

Gand do not build cities as such, merely erecting hastily constructed colonies around what little resources they can find. High atop a mesa not far from our only fort lies one such colony. We believe that a way to strengthen our foothold on Gand is to impose our rule on this small colony. Patrol the streets and ensure there are no Gand insurgents hiding amongst the civilian populace. Investigate the homes and buildings in this village, then destroy any military equipment you find.

Objective III A Duel In Orbit

Our opposition wasn't supposed to have any space assets, and for the first few days this was correct. However, our fleets have been harassed by small contingents of mercenary space forces hired by the planetary defenders. Today these attacks came to a head when a massive Battleship moved from behind Gand's moon with a large escort of smaller screen ships. This fleet, while small, is made up of veteran pilots and commanders. Your objective is to survive the ambush and rout these honorless curs from the battlefield!

For the glory of the Empire!

Objective III
A Duel in Orbit

The Exile of House Mecetti, Traitor to the Galactic Alliance, appeared on the battlefield with his flotilla. The Operation at Gand was a cake-walk, but there had been some trouble with hired mercenary ships engaging in hit-and-run tactics against Imperial forces securing the region.

As a consequence, Maldor felt it was the perfect time to test the Obscurer, his new flagship. He'd volunteered to reinforce the Imperial position with most of his ships. The Gozantis were currently being overhauled due to battle damage sustained in recent conflicts, and so were not available to him today. But he had the Obscurer prototype, the Darkfall, and his two Raider corvettes, Strife and Doom. Not to mention every ship's full complement of Tie/mgs, which were House Mecetti's stock fighter craft used with all of their forces.

Theoretically, the Obscurer would be able to blanket the area in Gravitic fluctuations and Electronic Warfare signals that would hobble the enemy's ability to flit in and out of the region using hyperspace jumps. Hit-and-Run tactics would become Hit-and-Get-Hit tactics if he had his way. It seemed like exactly what the Imperial forces here needed to prevent enemy guerilla strikes.

Unfortunately, he had no sooner arrived than the sensor screens filled with blips. A formidable enemy force, apparently having mustered in the shadow of a nearby moon, was now presenting itself.

Maldor issued a theater-wide transmission to his Imperial Allies.

"This is Maldor Mecetti, bringing my flotilla in to reinforce Imperial positions here. I see that some prey has appeared in the field. I am prepared to follow the direction of the officer in operational command, or to assume command myself if no superior officer is present."
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Mere minutes after Lord Mecetti's transmission, the heavily modified Raider-class Corvette Lecerson Pride exited hyperspace. Overhearing the broadcasted transmission, the Captain of the ship transmitted in response, "This is Captain Ihago of the Lecerson Pride, this will be one of my last tours before I retire. I am in service to Moff Ethen Lecerson, but he has other plans. He is heading down to the surface to reinforce Fort Diamond. He has ordered me to take orders from the superior commander in this battle. So for the moment, that is you. Consider our ship an extension of your fleet, transmitting our composition of craft, now."

As the Captain spoke, two Reaper attack landers were already launching, heading straight to the planet and then Fort Diamond. Each Lander had 10 TK Stormtroopers each, and Ethen was in the lead Reaper. He had very loose grey pants, but he was bare chested, walking up and down the passenger hallway, riling his men up. The Stormtroopers were cheering "Lecerson! Lecerson! Lecerson!" as Ethen would amp them up and cheer them on, it seemed the two landers had their comms synced, into the passenger bays, so anything spoken could be heard through both lf them.

"Today, men! We get to show these savages a REAL fight! Ethen roused them up. "Hoo! Lecerson!" "It been so fething LONG since I took that tight uniform off," he took in a deep breath, stretching, showing his muscles, "today is the day we not only defend Fort Diamond, but we start the campaign to TAKE BACK EVERY IMPERIAL FORT!" "LECERSON! LECERSON! LECERSON!"

Ethen had been trained in the ways of ICE like the Stormtroopers beside him had been, but he would tell you that's weak Sithspit, ICE is a mediocre, low grade, barely passing 'good enough' martial arts to give soldiers something to fall back on when they lose their primary weapon. No, Ethen was trained in something far more serious. His father trained him in the Echani martial arts. How his father knew of it, he didn't know. But knowing his father, it probably wasn't out of the kindness of the trainers heart. Ethen is considerably trained with a blaster, but the only people he has ever killed were from his martial arts.
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Tags: OPEN
Location: Zerguul, Gand's Surface
Equipment: In Bio
Objective: 2 - Occupation of Zerguul
Theme: HERE

This planet was rather foreign from all that I have experienced thus far. The Gand were a race that never achieved much in terms of galactic dominion, however that seemed to be due to how their planet appeared to set them up rather poorly as a species. There was little in terms of resources, unless the Empire sought to utilize the chemicals of its atmosphere. However, I did see the wisdom in taming this system to ensure the Empire did not have a potential threat behind it on its path of expansion towards Kessel.

It arrived shortly after matters were settled on Iego. Here, it was less because I was a Moff of the Empire, but rather the fact that I was the Supreme Commander of the Iron Legion. The poisonous atmosphere and inhospitable native population rendered this campaign's land efforts the perfect deployment for the Iron Legion. The army I brought the Empire through my corporation was trained for fights like this. On the surface, it would be grueling, as both the native Gand and the planet itself would be against us.

Our forts were falling to Gand warbands. The Empire underestimated them, and that threatened to undo everything we had accomplished thus far in securing the planet. Only one fortification the Empire constructed stood, and that was Fort Diamond shortly away from my position in the "city" of Zerguul. That was the other part too, there was no way one could call this a city in the slightest. It was the closest thing these barbaric aliens could put together. The Gand hardly cared for large population centers like this though, which made it easy to occupy. However, their resistance is unrelenting. Taking this world was far too easy. Holding it appears to be our battle.

In my makeshift headquarters, I paced in my sealed uniform for the Iron Legion's Supreme Commander. Two Generals stood by my side looking over a table showing current positions displayed on a hologram. "Supreme Commander.", one named General Sergei started where I would nod to let him continue, "The natives are still showing great unrest. Two patrols have been ambushed in the alleyways in the past hour, let alone other incidents that have taken place. Shall we employ more stringent measures to enforce order here?"
"They are emboldened by the victories over the forts, Sergei.", General Vorenhoff, "Apologies for interjecting, Supreme Commander, however you must recognize that the recent counter attack on the forts is why we are having trouble in this city. For as long as the forts are being taken, the Empire will lose this planet and system. I suggest..."
He stopped short as my cybernetic hand slammed on the side of the table.
"These natives are emboldened by recent victories, however we expected this. We expected that this occupation would be fraught with difficulty. That is what our army is designed for, and what I put men like you in charge. Send word to the fleets to send more reinforcements. While the Iron Legion has training, we still lack in numbers. Call for Regulars to arrive here as soon as possible as long as we still hold a presence in orbit."

Both Generals would solute in response to the address. "I will see it done, Supreme Commander."
"Good", I responded with militarist curtness. I turned to Vorenhoff, "We will increase the number of troopers in patrol squads. We will make sure that the natives cannot overwhelm our troops inside this city. Meanwhile, Sergei is correct. We need to be more stringent. The only way we can make the Gand fall in line is to force them into formation." I looked back to Sergei, "How many prisoners do we have detained here."
"About twenty-five, Supreme Commander."
"While you are sending the singnal for reinforcements, also tell the detainment officers to prepare a public execution."
"It will be done, Supreme Commander."
I would then stand straight, and salute to them both. They would reciprocate, as from there I dismissed them both to their duties.

Objective III
A Duel in Orbit

"This is Captain Ihago of the Lecerson Pride, this will be one of my last tours before I retire. I am in service to Moff Ethen Lecerson, but he has other plans. He is heading down to the surface to reinforce Fort Diamond. He has ordered me to take orders from the superior commander in this battle. So for the moment, that is you. Consider our ship an extension of your fleet, transmitting our composition of craft, now."

Maldor listened to the incoming transmission. Captain Ihago was unknown to him, but he had heard of Moff Ethen Lacerson. The title of 'Moff' was more aspirational than real for the man, but scuttlebutt suggested his aspirations may well manifest into reality. He was held in some esteem by the Imperial Command.

At the rate which the Empire was expanding its borders, they would need several Moffs to control several sectors or subsectors of Imperial space. That was Maldor's own ultimate aspiration, but he was new to the Empire. Lacerson was senior, and would surely see his position granted first.

He glanced to his signals officer.

"It's a unique Raider variant, Sir..." The man read the displays in front of him, sifting through the vast amounts of data that the Obscurer's advanced sensor systems were able to collect. "Sensors suggest Tampson Consolidated contributed to several of its uprated subsystems."

Maldor smiled. "So it's one of ours." It was always satisfying to see a product of the House Mecetti Nationalized Industries in the field. "Open a channel."

"Channel Open, Sir."

"Captain Ihago, this is Lord Maldor Mecetti, in Command of the Mecetti Flotilla." Technically, while a noble of the Tapani sector, he was not entitled to the rank of 'Lord.' Officially, his father had disowned him, and he was no longer heir to House Mecetti.

However, much like Moff Lacerson, he took on aspirational airs.

"My compliments to you, and to your Moff. Lacerson's Pride is much welcome on this field of battle, both in orbit above and on the planet below, I am sure.

If you will fall in with our own Raiders, we will enjoy your laser cannons as screen against enemy fighters..."

He leaned over, peering at the sensor scans of the ship on the signals station below.

"And please place your own fighters in formation with ours. If it please you, the Mecetti Ties will grant point position to Moff Lacerson's fighters."

Such gestures would ensure that Moff Lacerson knew that Maldor respected him.

"Now, a Battleship and its escorts are closing in, and will be within standard firing range in... two minutes.

Unfortunately for them, they are in range of the Obscurer's long-range turbolasers... Now."

He nodded for the signal to be cut, and then spoke to the tactical officer.

"Open Fire."

At that, the massive long-range turbolaser turrets on the Obscurer opened fire, their bright green bolts seeking to strike first blood upon the enemy.


'Obscurer' Prototype Destroyer
'Shadowfall' Customized Victory Class Destroyer
2 Raider Class Corvettes
9 Squadrons of Tie/mg starfighters

Ethen Lecersen Ethen Lecersen Nimian Totan Nimian Totan
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Captain Ihago listened as Maldor responded, though he looked a little disappointed due to what he had to say, "Lord Mecetti, I pray you forgive me. I will follow your orders and fulfill your requests, however this Raider-class has been stripped of the vast majority of its weapons, it is no longer a dominant anti-starfighter ship. To make room for the extremely large hangar bay, power generation for weapons had to be removed, so in turn, we have less weapons. Although, we do have two TIE Sentinels, they are equipped with two capital grade turbolaser flak-style turrets. So while they remain a target for fighters, they do provode a decent screen, should you request them anywhere specific. Meanwhile, I shall order the fighters to launch. For the glory of the Empire!"

Meanwhile, Ethen and his Reaper landers would head for Fort Diamond, not stopping. Once they arrived, the Stormtroopers would unload much needed replenishment and armaments to the defenders of Fort Diamond. Meanwhile, Ethen proceeded to the front gate. Ethen was here for one purpose, and that purpose was to kill Findsmen with his bare hands.

Objective III
A Duel in Orbit

"Lord Mecetti, I pray you forgive me. I will follow your orders and fulfill your requests, however this Raider-class has been stripped of the vast majority of its weapons, it is no longer a dominant anti-starfighter ship. To make room for the extremely large hangar bay, power generation for weapons had to be removed, so in turn, we have less weapons. Although, we do have two TIE Sentinels, they are equipped with two capital grade turbolaser flak-style turrets. So while they remain a target for fighters, they do provode a decent screen, should you request them anywhere specific. Meanwhile, I shall order the fighters to launch. For the glory of the Empire!"

Maldor waved a hand dismissively at the Captain's holo-projected image on the bridge holocom system, "Do not be concerned over your reduced offensive weaponry. It is your defensive point-defense laser batteries that will be of use in alignment with our own Raiders. Any enemy fighters that penetrate our fighter screen will have to pass through our combined Raider line to approach the destroyers. Those Sentinel flak turrets can support our defense as well.

If they fire missiles, torpedoes, bombs, or even approach closely for strafing runs, they will face the gauntlet of defensive laser fire. This will thin their numbers and whittle down their attacking power before they enter the final defensive layer of the destroyers' own laser cannons.

It is a three-layered defense plan. Fighters, then Corvettes, and finally the destroyers themselves. By the time the enemy is actually able to land an attack by their fighters, there will be nothing left."

Or so he hoped. It was a textbook defense... but the textbook did not always teach everything one needed to know.

Of special concern to him was the enemy battlecruiser, which individually outclassed either of his destroyers. It would require combined tactics if he hoped to take it down. Hopefully, his long-range turbolaser fire would soften them before they countered with their own withering assault...

Ethen Lecersen Ethen Lecersen Nimian Totan Nimian Totan
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Objective I Defend Fort Diamond

Tibera had the dubious honor of being deployed to Fort Diamond with the initial squads of troopers. The only reason they'd held out this long was the Gand were having trouble getting to them. The rocky and uneven terrain was difficult to march large forces through, slowing the advance of the warbands. This boon would only keep them safe for so long. Every night the sounds of distant drums and music would get louder. Though they couldn't see it, the defenders knew the enemy was mustering. There'd be no more raids and skirmishes, the final battle was coming.

The Mercenary walked the central area of the fort and did what they could to aide the survivors of the last Gand attack. The fort had become as much a field hospital as it was a fortification. Most of Tibera's contribution was helping to get fresh air tanks for the patients. Treating the wounded was made exponentially harder when the very air was trying to kill them.

It was hard to do anything on this damn planet, and the locals didn't do anything to make it easier. Every moment spent in this fort felt like a noose tightening around their collective necks. Thankfully, it seemed that there was support coming from on high soon. If the comms chatter was to be believed, soon the whole valley would be a massive bombing range for Imperial air support.

If there was anyone left to celebrate, it'd be one hell of a show...

Ethen Lecersen Ethen Lecersen
Lost Hand of the Emperor

Objective: Defend Fort Diamond
Location: Fort Diamond | Planet Gand
Tags: Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen | OPEN
Wearing: Inquisitor Armor

It has been a long recovery from her AT-AT incident. There was only one other survivor from the incident and he was assigned elsewhere. During Sabe’s recovery something amazing happened however. A new Emperor was declared over the Empire of the Lost. As Sabe reached field readiness she expected to be assigned a new group of Red Devils. Instead the Emperor came to Sabe with another assignment. She was to be his Lost Hand. His most trusted Inquisitor. As much as she enjoyed leading a group of heavy infantry walkers into battle, the chance to use the Force and hunt down enemies of the Emperor was even more appealing.

Little did she know that her first assignment would be to secure the invasion of the horrid planet Gand. This was no place for someone like her. Though her talents could be put to good use, she was a beautiful charming woman and this was a barren breath stealing land. But the needs of the Emperor exceeded the want of Sabe to be comfortable and participate in more social missions. Those would come, she was sure, first the Emperor needed to be sure that she could handle herself in battle.

Since her looks and charm would not be required on Gand she spent all time with the forces at Fort Diamond in her new fancy armor. The mask and hood made her feel mysterious and powerful. ”Who is in command of this bunch of rabble?” Sabe’s voice boomed out as she reached the center of the fort. She had purposely avoided the infirmary. Those that were in there were of no use to her. She would take those that were ready to fight and make sure that the Gand didn’t overwhelm their position before the bombers could arrive.

”Three warbands are descending upon this position. I don’t know if they think they have weakened us enough that three will suffice to storm the walls of the fort, or if three is all that could make it back for another assault. We are going to show them that they will need every little bugger they have to defeat us. We aren’t the lazy simps that were destroyed at Ruby, Topaz, and Emerald. Sabe ignited both of her fuchsia-bladed lightsabers. ”Now to the walls! Let’s answer the challenge in the name of the Empire!”
Tags: OPEN (Indirect: Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen Saabe Aner Saabe Aner )
Location: Zerguul, Gand's Surface
Equipment: In Bio
Objective: 2 - Occupation of Zerguul (mentionings of Objective 1)

The adjustments to the patrols proved to be effective enough in the times leading up to the execution. I had yet to receive any reports about the natives attacking any of the troopers. For a moment on this damnable campaign, it seemed as if there might be a slight relief. Well, that hung on the fact that Fort Diamond had yet to fall. Due to the siege from the Gand warbands, communication has been cut off between us in Zerguul and the fort in the nearby lowlands. If that fort fell, we in Zerguul would be doomed if we did not evacuate soon enough.

I shrugged those thoughts of powerlessness aside. Fear was something the natives wanted to instill in me and the other Imperials. I would not let them win if I could help it. The hour came for the display, where showing fear would certainly not be allowed. The excuse of a city was filled with warrens and alleyways alongside the larger thoroughfares. However, there was one open area that has been used for a gathering space for their festivals. Instead, I had the troopers round up all the natives to this place where the current prisoners were forced to stand upon a raised area.

A security detail of ultranauts protected me as I walked through the "city" streets to this plaza. The native stood in varying dispositions. Some clearly were angry, many were frightened, and the rest were confused. A translator droid stood by where I ended my entry where I stood in front of the prisoners. After I would speak, the droid would translate. "The planet of Gand is rightfully conquered by the Empire. Your people fell in the invasion, yet defy us in holding this world. A rampage of your people has caused the Empire to make a last stand at a fort not too far from this location. It is clear that you believe you could drive us away. You would be wrong." I slowly paced over to where one prisoner was standing in cuffs. Even though I was average height among Humans, this specimen of the local population was dwarfed by me. "If you keep your resistance of the Empire going longer, the Empire will resort to more stringent measures to take and keep this world. It will be a constant tide that will erode your people into nothing.", I nodded to a trooper who soon raised his rifle to the back of the Gand's head, "I have learned you Gand care for your people. That you Gand are a species that cares for the rest of your kind. Your resistance to the Empire, will see your people destroyed if you do not fall in line." The trooper then fired, where the crowd of Gand reeled in empathy to the death of one of their own.

"Continued resistance will only bring an agonizing and painful end to your people.", I nodded to another trooper who quickly did the same as the previous and killed a second prisoner, "We will not stop until this world is part of the Empire." A third Gand was soon felled, "Had you accepted Imperial dominion, your people would not have had to endure such pain." A fourth, "The recent victories the warbands of your people have had will prove for naught. Only submission to the Empire will allow your people to not endure any more suffering." Then, all at once, the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth were slaughtered with brutal efficiency as the others. "These members of your kind would have been treated as true citizens of the Empire had they not resisted so militantly. All of you still have that chance to join the Empire with dignity for the sake of yourselves and your people." The bodies of the executed were soon dragged off by the troopers who were on the stage. "The more you resist, the more you will need lessons like this to be taught to you all." I would walk away from the raised area as the protocol droid translated my last remarks. My ultranaut security enclosed around my rear and sides. I could hear the fearful and angry chatter in their strange language that was nigh impossible for a Human like me to replicate. I would see to it that they would learn to obey the Empire, no matter how many lessons will be taught to them in that plaza. In the meantime, I had to oversee the potential arrival of reinforcements to the planet.
Objective I

As the defenders prepared the walls for one last heroic defense, the opposition mustered under the concealment of the planet's gaseous haze. With slugthrowers and blasters they made ready in hastily made camps scattered amongst the hills. There was only one quick route to the fortress, and that was through a narrow valley that the Empire had littered with mines. When the Gand mounted their assault, they'd find their charge withered away by blasters and explosives. At the Inquisitor's word the soldiers took to the battlements and waited for what seemed like an eternity.

Mere minutes after they took to the walls there were sounds of horns bellowing in the distance, accompanied by flares launched into the air the burned a hellish red. Some of the troopers shook as those awful horns filled their ears. These were the last thing the other three forts heard before being surrounded. Blissfully the horns subsided quickly, only to be replaced by the sounds of stomping feet by the hundred. Blaster bolts filled the air and bullets whizzed by as the horde of Gand warriors approached.

Mines started going off in the distance as the Gand got closer, making fantastic displays as they threw pieces of the insectoid aggressors to the winds. As dozens of warriors fell, dozens more took their place. Screeches in alien tongue were now audible as the creatures barreled down towards the fort, some having to clamber over the piles of bodies ahead of them. This was a massacre, and yet the inhuman warriors continued even in the face of a technologically superior adversary.

Objective II

As occupations went Zerguul could have been going much worse. Several squads were already seeing success in their sweeps of the villages. They reported back to Katherine that they had found caches of homemade explosives and slugthrowers. This would go a long way in disarming the locals and making them more pliable. It was hard to believe that such hovels can even house the technology to make weaponry, even such crude and primitive ones. There were much bigger problems in Zerguul than boxes of bombs however, as the whole township was now a proverbial powder keg.

Katherine's executions were received mostly with fear from the populace of Zerguul. Never before had they seen such cold cruelty, most backed away as greenish-blue blood stained the wooden stand once used for announcements and religious ceremony. There were some however that were unafraid of the repercussions of their actions, so great was their zeal and anger. One of the younger Gand in the crowd ran to the front and spoke in his native tongue. To humans Gand was a terrible language, mostly wet sounding clicks and screeches. The droid beside her would translate in real time. <<You call us primitive, when it is you who uses the tactics of barbarians! Death to the Empire and to its dictators!>>

Death to the empire would become a rallying cry for the Gand rebels in the crowd. A crowd which was getting more and more restless by the moment. Even though the rowdy group of insectoids was a very real threat, there was an even more pressing concern. It was only for a split second, but it was definitely there. The glint of glass in the ammonia haze, the scope of one of the primitive rifles used on Gand. In mere seconds after the glint was seen, there was a loud crack. One shot aimed carefully, with the intent to strike a blow against the oppressors of the insectoid race.

Objective III

A clash between the small fleet gathered by the Empire and the large Mercenary flotilla. They were quite the sight, with largely outdated ships in tow from all corners of space. The flagship of this gaggle of mismatched warships was a single Battleship. Specifically it was a Keldabe-Class warship dating back to the late Galactic Civil War period. This ship, the Queen of Stars, would have to be the focus of the battle. With it the Mercenaries could turn the tide of the battle for the people of Gand, and without it the blockade would slowly starve the planet out.

One advantage that the Empire would have is their small fleets of snubfighters, which the Mercenaries lacked. If they could sneak into the formation of small cruisers they might strike a fatal blow against the Queen of Stars. That was if they could get in range. Something that the screening vessels would be there to stop.

The start of the engagement would see missiles be fired from the Keldabe's missile pods toward The Obscurer, the assumption being that was the main threat of the Imperial Fleet. Two smaller missile ships would fire salvos towards the sides of one of the many Raider-Class ships. The tactics of the enemy seemed to be to probe the defenses of the enemy before charging in with a supposedly superior main ship. It was a crude, brutal tactic, but one fit for the mercenary fleet's less traditionally trained forces.

Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
Ethen Lecersen Ethen Lecersen
Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen
Saabe Aner Saabe Aner

Objective III
A Duel in Orbit

"Here it comes," the signals officer of the Obscurer declared, "swarms of missiles on intercept course. ETA 30 seconds."

"Place Missile Jammers Online," Maldor declared in response, "order fighters to advance into a forward position and probe the enemy. Direct-fire weapons only. Our own missiles will be useless with the jamming fields online.

Open fire with our long-range turbolaser cannons. The enemy will be 'delighted' to find that the Obscurer can engage them even at extensive range.

Finally, be sure that defense batteries on all ships are fully engaged."

Several bridge officers chuckled quietly at their Lord's little joke. Then they got to work with laser cannons and point-defense systems. Even jammed, the enemy missiles could be dangerous. Their flight paths might still intersect the position of Maldor's flotilla. If their warheads exploded, nobody would care whether the missiles which killed them had been successfully jammed or not.

Massive long-range turbolaser bolts streaked across open space, while nearspace filled with the flicker of anti-missile fire from laser cannons and point-defense blasters. Explosions erupted all around the flotilla as the contest between missiles and anti-missile systems unfolded...

TL;DR - Missiles are jammed. Point-defense Systems are Engaged. Starfighters Advance. The Obscurer Opens fire with Long-Range Turbolasers.

'Obscurer' Prototype Destroyer
'Shadowfall' Customized Victory Class Destroyer
2 Raider Class Corvettes
9 Squadrons of Tie/mg starfighters
Plus any forces leant to us by Lecersen.

Ethen Lecersen Ethen Lecersen Nimian Totan Nimian Totan Flame of the Lost Flame of the Lost
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"Your wish is my command, Lord Mecetti," Captain Ihago said, before killing the feed. They were about to engage in battle, and he did not want to distract the Lord any further. "Engage those missiles, let nothing hit Lord Mecetti's command vessel! Everyone in formation!" Captain Ihago yelled, keeping the bridge in line and coordination efforts in line with what Lord Mecetti wished.

On the ground, Ethen was in pitched combat with the Findsmen. He was only one man, so he wasn't enough to prevent their advance, but he severely dwindled them. The rest would be on the defenders to prevent the Findsmen from pushing further. Ethen was making sure no one would take away from him the spotlight of leading the charge to the next fort, no longer how long it took. He was surrounded by Findsmen, there was no time for a 'break.' "WOOO! Yeah!" he shouted, he was completely zoned in, still managing his breaths, but this was something he trained for. Well, for the most part. He trained every day while his father was alive to beat the best, so the Findsmen were increasingly becoming less and less compared to The Best, but their only strength was in numbers. As the battle drew out, Ethen was less focused on the fight, and more focused on The Best. So he started taking some hits, but they were nothing. Ethen knew what it was like to be beaten down, but beaten down didn't mean defeat, it just meant to back out, or get the hell in. He was losing a bit of confidence, knowing he wouldn't be able to prove himself by beating the best. That chance was taken from him, which is what he focused on. However, a clock to the face snapped him out of his thoughts. He took a breath, coming back to center himself. Then he remembered; The Galactic Alliance had beaten the best. That's right. He needed to beat the Galactic Alliance. That is what his target was, so it was time to make a name for himself. Using his Echani mastery for evil, he pushed forward, crushing necks and clobbering faces.

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Will Smash Heads for Beer
Objective I Defend Fort Diamond

FAE/A-11 Imperial Stormtrooper Armor
IG-15 Heavy Blaster Rifle
4 Thermal Detonators

The moment Ami and the squad of Stormtroopers landed on Fort Diamond; they were informed that the atmosphere on Gand was comprised of ammonia which is lethal to oxygen-based species. As such, the troopers must have their armor sealed and helmets on at all times. "Great....." Ami muttered sarcastically when she heard about the warning. "Would it kill ya to warn us before we arrived on the planet?"

One thing Ami hated about this "resource rush" campaign was that the Imperial soldiers were immediately sent off on their next assignment the moment a planet is conquered. Ami barely had time to rest from her intense yet fracking exciting battle in Jabiim but now she was on Gand where it was raining bugs...... "Hard to believe that information is barely catching up," Ami said while she helped prepare the defenses of the fort. "We're working overtime just like back at Rhen Var."

Her entire body ached and Ami wondered when things will slow down. She would definitely need a drink when this is all over. Better yet make that two drinks..... or five. A Zeltron all of a sudden appeared and demanded to know who was in charge. "I guess it's you Bubblegum," Ami said. "You're the one with the Lightsabers......"

It was even shocking that Ami didn't know who her commanding officer was. Everything was such a blur as Ami only landed on Gand three days ago. "I hope you all bought plenty of Bug spray," Ami shouted as soon as she set up her Blaster Rifle near the wall and saw a wave of bugs approaching the Fort. "We got hostiles incoming!"

Saabe Aner Saabe Aner , Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen , Ethen Lecersen Ethen Lecersen
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Leto Spatz


Objective I
Defend Fort Diamond

The poisonous atmosphere of the chamber was still apparent, despite the atmospheric field generator that emanated from Leto's coat collar. It was like breathing the air of a hospital room after it had been scoured with harsh cleaning products.

The Gand did not breathe a familiar atmosphere. One would have thought that such an impediment would make their world less savory to potential conquerors. Unfortunately, technology solved many problems, and the ability to breathe was not the barrier it might otherwise have been. The fact that a human was standing here interviewing a Gand was testament to that.

A cam drone floated in the air nearby, recording everything that transpired here.

"My name is Dosh Vikka," the Gand said, impressively speaking the Galactic Standard tongue despite the shape of the Gand speech orifice.

Leto had offered to translate this, but the last surviving senior planetary politician had wanted to ensure his words were not changed or diluted in translation.

"This will be my final testament. In a short time, I will launch a final assault upon the Fort of our Occupiers.

I do not expect to survive."

Leto shifted somewhat uncomfortably. It was difficult to hear a man tell you that he was about to die.

"Intelligence has come to me that the Imperials have extensive forces in orbit. More are on their way to the ground. And the forces previously present on the ground have already proved formidable.

We are on our last legs. We have stood fiercely, but our legs are about to go out from under us.

I am not charging the Fort today in the hopes of throwing off the Empire.


I am doing this so that you can watch me do it. Watch the Gand people fight and die, knowing they will fight and die.

Observe courage, in the face of oblivion.

The Empire must be opposed. They rise again and again, seeds of past evils taking root in each new age.

And each time, they must be opposed.

It does not matter that it is hard.

It does not matter that you may die.

The Empire Must Be Opposed.

They Must be Opposed Today. Tomorrow. And For All Time.

I Rise, Now. My fellow Gand and I Rise To Do Our Part.

Soon we will Fall, but let our bodies also plant a seed. Upon the Soil of this World.

And Within Your Hearts.

The Resistance against Empire is a Good. It is a Good that also rises again and again.

We now water that seed of Good with our Blood.

Remember it, good people of the Galaxy.

Remember It."

Leto blinked moisture from his eyes. Normally he disbelieved the bombastic and emotional speeches of politicians. But this man was going to his grave. He had nothing to gain but Justice.

"I will be sure that they see, Assistant Governor Vikka.," Leto promised the man, "I will be sure that they remember."

The Gand nodded, then he rose up. There were wounds on his body from prior fights. He breathed with some difficulty as the agony of those wounds was inflamed by his movement. Then he began to suit up- armored vest, greaves, and pauldrons. The Duranium plate of the armor was already pocked and marked with char.

Then Dosh Vikka took up his blaster rifle, and joined one-thousand other Gand who were camped here, outside of the Fort.

Leto continued filming as they said brief words to each other in their native tongue. And then they charged forward. Some on foot. Some on speeders with mounted squad-blasters. Leto watched as they neared the Fort, blaster bolts illuminating the Empire's defensive barriers.

He wondered if he would ever see such courage, again.

Part of him hoped that somehow, against all odds, they might win.

Amiggie Lutih Amiggie Lutih
Ethen Lecersen Ethen Lecersen
Saabe Aner Saabe Aner
Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen
Nimian Totan Nimian Totan
Flame of the Lost Flame of the Lost
Tags: Flame of the Lost Flame of the Lost | OPEN
Location: Central Plaza in Zerguul, Gand's surface
Equipment: In Bio
Objective: 2 - Occupation of Zerguul

These Gand proved mostly reasonable. The majority of the crowd appeared to be willing to fall in line. Additionally, reports flooded in where troopers not devoted to controlling the crowd of all of Zerguul found numerous weapon caches. Even if these rebels tried to rise up in response to the Imperial occupation, all their weapons will be in our custody. Only the hidden caches outside of the homes of the Gand would remain, yet those will be found in due time.

However, there were some who proved to remain obstinate. A chant of "Death to the Empire." soon grew among a few in the crowd. I would step down from the platform, where the retinue of ultranauts covered my flanks and rear. I stepped right over the young Gand. The droid followed shortly outside the circle to translate. "Indeed. I do call your people primitive. Yet I do see value. Thus why the offer to join the Empire stands to those who fall in line.", I coldly threatened as my figure loomed over this Gand youth, "Such barbaric measures are taken as it is a universal language that any species could understand." I then pulled my pistol out from a holster on my chest and shot the youth in the chest. I then stood firm as I watched them fall to the ground with dying grasps.

A shot rang out, and landed on my helmet. It appeared to be from more of a hunting rifle than that of a sniper rifle, as the poor materials at these rebels' disposal preserved my life this day. I felt the angle of the shot, and pointed in its direction. The ultranauts raised their heavy rifles in the direction, and began opening automatic fire in that direction. Within a few seconds, countless shots were fired from their heavy machine guns. The crowd began to panic, where the troopers worked to contain them. If there was to be "death to the Empire and its dictators", then there will be a fight to see if they could earn that victory.
Lost Hand of the Emperor

Objective: Defend Fort Diamond
Location: Fort Diamond | Planet Gand
Tags: Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen | Amiggie Lutih Amiggie Lutih | OPEN
Wearing: Inquisitor Armor


”Bubblegum?” Saabe hummed at the name that the stormtrooper Corporal called her. That combined with the assumption that her lightsabers would put her in command of the fort would have a feeling of pride and excitement pushed out to the Imperial defenders from the Zeltron Inquisitor. ”You’re an interesting one, trooper. Hope you fight as well as you quip.”

Fighting was certainly something that they were going to do. The Gand warriors came with the calling of horns. Saabe twirled her blades in anticipation. She knew of the mines that would cut the numbers of the attackers well before they could get close to the fort. But she saw how many of the bugs were in the field. They would have to fight. But as Saabe looked out over the troops of the Empire and she remembered the available air strikes she knew that today’s victory was only a matter of time and avoiding a complete calamity. ”Snipers and artillery target their front lines and open fire as soon as they are within range.”

Saabe’s blades came to a standstill pointing towards the advancing Gand. ”Rest of you make sure you are broadcasting Imperial friendly and prepare to move out.” She waited only a moment for that to sink in. And of course she wasn’t one to send a Force-less trooper to do her work, Saabe liked to get her hands dirty. She would lead the charge. ”You perform well out there I’ll see that you get a little down time, that you seem to need. Muffin.” with an audible giggle Saabe leapt from the walls of the fort and landed safely on the land below. Her lightsabers again started to wave around as she went into a charge all by herself towards the advancing Gand. The rest would follow. If they didn’t do it by choice she would compel it.
Objective 1: Defend Fort Diamond

On the horizon were hundreds of Gand approached Fort Diamond armed with an assortment of weaponry however, as soon as they approached the entrance, they stopped. Massive tremors shook the base as if there was an Earthquake before two giant worm like creatures emerged from the ground. They roared in defiance of the AT-ATs whom they both towered over them. The AT-ATs opened fire but their blaster cannons did little to repel the Worms rock like skin.


One of the giant worms wrapped its body around one of the AT-AT dragging it down on the ground. As it did so, it formed a massive sinkhole taking another AT-AT down with it. The other Worm roared heading directly towards Fort Diamond while the other Gand rallied around it charging towards the Fort.

Leto Spatz


Objective I
Defend Fort Diamond

Leto zoomed in on the battle as it unfolded in the distance.

His camera drone afforded him the safety of a certain remove from the action, allowing him to watch the progress of the conflict without subjecting himself to direct attack. He had covered numerous galactic battles in his time as a citizen-reporter, but he had rarely desired to be embedded directly with the troops at the front line.

News didn't go anywhere if the reporter took a blaster bolt to the brain.

But even at this distance, he could feel the vibrations of the ground. He could smell the aroma of explosive chemicals carried on the wind. And he could see- thanks to a high-definition zoom lens- the carnage and destruction unfolding a few kilometers away. It was like actually being there, but without feeling the need to evacuate into your trousers.

Still, despite the safety afforded by distance, he was open-mouthed and shaken by what happened next.

A massive creature erupted from the ground. It was the sort of beast he'd heard of, but never seen with his own eyes. Nor had he suspected that the Gand may have found a way to use it as an ally in the defense of their world. It opened cavernous spaces that swallowed some Walkers whole, and then erupted forth to devour others themselves. Squads of Imperial troopers opened fire against it, but it seemed that nothing short of artillery could smite such a beast.

The Gand might not be destined to win this fight, but they had determined that a horrible price would be extracted from their enemies.

And Leto made sure the whole galaxy would see what transpired here, today.

Amiggie Lutih Amiggie Lutih
Ethen Lecersen Ethen Lecersen
Saabe Aner Saabe Aner
Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen
Nimian Totan Nimian Totan
Flame of the Lost Flame of the Lost
The Voice of the Lost The Voice of the Lost

Objective III
A Duel in Orbit

"That's the last of it," the signals officer reported, "Only five-percent of their missile swarm impacted any ships. Minor damage, none serious."

This was the moment. While the enemy reloaded their missile batteries, the Mecetti flotilla could respond.
"Send our compliments to our Lecersen allies. Take Missile Jammers Offline," Maldor grinned as he spoke, "and return fire with the full panoply of our own missiles. Join in with all turbolaser batteries.

I doubt they'll be able to take our barrage as readily as they dished out their own.

Choke them until they rattle and die."


The turbolaser fire was now joined with streaks of flaming projectiles as the ship-shaking Assault Concussion Missiles erupted from the Obscurer and the Darkfall. Were it not already so dark in space, it might have been said that the enemy would fight in the shade.

But no worries. The comfort of any imagined shade would not last long.

Soon, megatons of bright stars would light the sky.

The darkness that came afterwards would be much more definitive....

TL;DR - Missiles fired. Turbolaser Systems are Engaged. It's quite a lot of missiles being fired back.

'Obscurer' Prototype Destroyer
'Darkfall' Customized Victory Class Destroyer
2 Raider Class Corvettes
9 Squadrons of Tie/mg starfighters
Plus any forces leant to us by Lecersen.

Ethen Lecersen Ethen Lecersen Nimian Totan Nimian Totan Flame of the Lost Flame of the Lost

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