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Diplomacy In the Web of Betrayals | EE & NIO

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand
The Red Witch; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Fortress Imperator, Bastion
Equipment: 2x red blade lightsaber shoto | Gildenweave Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink
Escort: 4/4 Wolfguards as Honour Guard
NIO members: Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar | Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus | Jaeger Harrsk Jaeger Harrsk
EE members: Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy | Sanguine Nocturnal Sanguine Nocturnal | Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt (not physically?)

Bastion. The former Fortress Carnifex, the place where she almost lost her life. The last time she was at this place during the siege, her gaze involuntarily turned to the former Thaumaturgic Tower, she ruined the surroundings of the tower during the siege. The hall and the roads leading to the tower were crushed by her. Another issue is that NIO’s people blew up another. Since then, she hasn't even wondered if FN-999 survived that day or not. Even now, she only remembered for a moment. For another reason, that day was more memorable.

She wasn’t that scary kind, but she still couldn’t decide if it was scary or flattering what AMCO AMCO felt the day he saw her dying, bleeding on the ground. It’s flattering that the Sith Lord would have killed any number of people for it to save her life, but it’s also scary because the Sith Lord was also a fairly calm breed. One who doesn't just kill for no reason. By the time these thoughts landed, the woman had already suppressed them so as not to affect the outcome of the treaty. To tell the truth, she had no idea what the end of this would be.

There was an alliance with the NIO about which there was no written agreement, an alliance conceived in sin amid betrayal. Not only was the betrayal that Tacitus betrayed the Sith Empire, but on the day he left STRATCOM out of it, he also betrayed the Eternal Empire. The Eternal Empire’s own Emperor! Ingrid has been trying to save things that can be saved ever since. She hoped they would succeed today. Here, the Overlord was not made with such a shocking opening as it did at the previous treaty. There was no one to ask for his hand here, it would have been funny.

Here she walked along familiar corridors with her entourage. She didn't say, she just walked in a rigid military posture. As always, she didn't wear any rank insignia on her uniform now, she was just wearing a clean, dark uniform with the two lightsaber hilts on her belt. As she entered the room, in addition to the countless diplomats, she immediately noticed three acquaintances. Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar , the Imperator, Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus , the Grand Vizier and Commissioner Jaeger Harrsk Jaeger Harrsk . She stepped closer, not bowing here now, just nodding to the three men. She hadn’t met them in person yet, because she had nothing to do with the NIO so far.

”Imperator, Grand Vizier, Commissioner! Thank you for welcoming us, I think we all know we have a lot to talk about. Since we haven't met before, let me introduce myself. I'm Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal, the Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Empress Regent until Darth Tacitus did not comes back. My companions, Sanguine Nocturnal Sanguine Nocturnal , Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt , the leader of the Black Sun, are accompanied by Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy .”

Her voice, as always, is military, cold and emotionless, objective. She waited here for everyone to introduce themselves if they wanted to, and then she spoke again. She was already hoping she didn't have to go into such a show of power here as she did with Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano , whom she ironically even considers her friend…

”First of all, Imperator. Would you be so kind as to tell me what kind of contract the NIO had with Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe ? For no one but him in the Eternal Empire is aware of this…”


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S T A T I O N _ T O _ S T A T I O N
Fortress Imperator was a marred image in contrast to the alter to decadency that Fortress Carnifex was before it. Built on the sweat, blood and toil of the Imperial, to idolize the Sith within its halls was a disgraceful and ultimately disrespectful gesture. The only mainstay remaining being the crimson lining the banners of the New Imperial Order but where was once idols of long dead Sith Lords now stood tribute to the Imperial itself. All of them, the laborer, the Stormtrooper, the Officer. Each of them had a forever presence in these halls.

A gilding of false gold replaced with the rigid strength of iron.

Then came the enigma of the Eternal Empire. At the onset of the war, they were allied in league with the Sith and Tavlar anticipated their fury from the Unknown Regions. But they swore non intervention, though now the New Imperial Order and Sith Empire were cut right in two as separate nation states, then it could all but be contrived as an internal conflict, confiding interests from the Eternal Empire into either or both sides of the conflict.

What came next was the enigmatic transmission from the Eternal Empire. The Eclipse Rebellion and the Sith Empire would be lured to one place, a desolate world at the Galactic North of Sith space. There, the Eternal Empire and New Imperial Order would conduct an operation to slay them both. It was successful largely on the backs of the Eternal Empire, even if the New Imperial Order was given little notice to it and then began the internal strife at the top of the Eternal Imperial leadership, leading to Ingrid's regency.

Now they were back to the very start.

The three of them were there to greet the Eternal Imperial delegation, mirroring the cold military inflection with their own black Imperial uniforms, each pressed with the rank bars along their chests. The ever present appearance of an authoritarian regime, even in the arena of politics and diplomacy, there was no subduing a military centric aesthetic. There was no mistaking who each of them were. What intrigued him was the party opposing them. Ingrid was of course, expected. Though the Hutt Crimelord and evident Sith were not.

He didn't care to introduce himself again, if Harrsk or Paxxus did that was their prerogative. Everyone with a finger on the pulse of the Galaxy knew who he was by now. Fielding her initial question, he promptly spoke up.

"Tacitus had relayed to the New Imperial Order's High Command plans of a military excursion to strike the Sith Empire as well as a terrorist group identified as the Eclipse Rebellion. Thus, an expeditionary force led by Rurik Fel Rurik Fel was went to accompany the Eternal Empire in this strike. As you know, it was a successful betrayal which led to the collapse of Sith control over the Braxant following our victory at Dubrillion. There was to be an official pact drawn in the works as well as a proposed summit between the New Imperial Order, The Galactic Alliance and the Eternal Empire. Of course, you know well what happened of any of these plans, Empress Regent." Tavlar says, mirroring that same coolness.

"So has come to our attention the Eternal Empire has sought to rebuild its relations with the Sith, without informing the New Imperial Order of its intentions to do so. Now you come here with seemingly the same aim so I must ask before anything what it is the Eternal Empire is looking to accomplish as it meddles within the Third Imperial Civil War. I assume some sort've amicable withdraw seems to be the ambition as far as I can tell, lest either the Grand Vizier or the Commissioner are able to notice something I have not." Tavlar suggests.

NIO DELEGATION | The Boys | Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus | Jaeger Harrsk Jaeger Harrsk
EE DELEGATION | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt | Sanguine Nocturnal Sanguine Nocturnal | Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy


L O C A T I O N | Bastion
O B J E C T I V E | Web of Betrayals
T A G S | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt
Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar | Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus | Jaeger Harrsk Jaeger Harrsk
G E A R |
Duo Letalis

If someone asked where she expected to be in three years they would receive a very tedious answer from red lips. Never in her life would Sanguine expect to join any sort of meeting, much less being in the same room as Irveric Tavlar the Bastion Butcher and the Bloody Empress Ingrid herself. Of the Hutt, all she heard were rumors regarding his less ‘legal’ activities in the Unknown Worlds and those were less charming than Ingrid’s fame of ‘missing’ members of the Eternal Empire that followed Tacitus’s disappearing, a room fuller/ of villainy and treachery she could not hope to find in this side of the galaxy and she doubted that even the dumbest force user would not hope to be in her shoes. Nonetheless, Sanguine took her pills to calm her nerves and get her mind back on track, to sharpen her eyes and senses to make sure that she would not screw this up. Again.

Sitting down, the female twi’lek chose dark robes to wear, not only to cover both lightsabers hanging in her waist, but because that made her look a little more serious than she was used to being. Usually she would have chosen a lighter and flashy garnet to wear, deception and distraction were her best weapons, her master once said, to use her own body to appeal for the arousing ways of her opponents. Calmly her hands rested on her lap, her body didn’t move a muscle but her glowing yellow eyes kept themselves very busy as she studied every gesture, every facial expression, measuring every word and movement spoken by those sitting on the other side of the table and yet, nothing more placid in that room could be found than her face waiting the right moment to speak. Inside her mouth, a high amount of saliva was swallowed by her, kept behind her lips as she considered spitting in the male's only eye when he began questioning their intentions as if he wasn't the one owning anything to them.

Do excuse me, imperial sire., her lips began to leech out with honeyed words. “Although I believe it is not my place to make any assumptions... I believe that you are basically saying that Emperor Tacitus provided your lordships with what you required to seize your piece of the galactic map and dismantle the nigh-invincible grip of the Sith in the area. Is that correct, yes?”

She knew the answer for that. Cheeky cocky bastard that Tacitus was, too shrewd for her taste and too centered for her liking, but she had to admit that the male had a vision, one that could easily persuade many to join him, especially in the dark broken worlds of the Unknown Region where surviving was all that mattered for some. She sighted after hearing of his disappearing, he was useful to her research and very interesting to watch brooming his thoughts, in her own opinion the male was dead, throat slit some alley and buried deep where the dogs couldn’t find him, her only doubt was to whether Ingrid was the one holding the sharp blade. ‘A sight to mesmerize the curious eye...’, she confided in thought to herself, her left hand slowly rubbing the handle on one of her lightsabers, eager to use it.
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Willow and Ivy had been to similar meetings, but never were they ever announced or taken notice of before. Such announcements were usually kept for when they were put on display to read people's fortunes or help them to find lost things. Their role in meetings was usually just to sit quietly, observe and read the webbings in the Force, keeping silent until their observations were requested in private. Primarily that involved their employer Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt . He took good care of them, protected them and even paid them a little for their continued loyaly.

The siamese twins wore stitched robes of silver and gold fabrics, designed to try to look like two seperate pieces, yet it was tough to do so from the two places that the twins were attached.

With fingers intertwined, Willow and Ivy stood watching and listening to the exchanges between Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar Sanguine Nocturnal Sanguine Nocturnal , allowing themselves to drift into a bit of a trance. With each passing second, the webbings of the Force appeared in their minds' eyes, twisting and wrapping around eachother before breaking off into various directions. It was all very interesting, as tangled webs usually were.
Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
Location: Bastion

Broka sat back, and watched so far. He was waiting for some sort of resolution to be made. These Imperials like to stroke their egos as much as his own species, if not more. Their intricate greetings, and teasing of a point of conversation was boring to the colossal Hutt. After returning from Hutt Space where he now lead the Hutt Republic as Supreme Mogul, he heard of this summit and needed to see if Black Sun could make any profit. So far, it is just intrigue. Intrigue only interested Broka if he came here for it, yet instead he came here for the prospect of credits. It was now that he spoke (in Huttese).

"<The issue of STRATCOM and political intrigue is all well and good, but as the head of Black Sun for such meetings, I am more concerned with the flow of credits and the business opportunities between the Eternal Empire, New Imperial Order, and Hutt Space. I do not know of what direction Lady L'lerim plans to take in regards to your wars with the Sith, however I suggest a resolution that works well for commercial interests that I, and my colleagues, would have. If the Eternal Empire is neutral, how restrictive would business be if any traders from Black Sun, or other Hutt Space organizations, would go to worlds belonging to the Sith? Would they be subject to attack from your ships? Even if similar goods could be going to your worlds at the same time for the same prices? If this "withdraw" you speak of, Imperator, were to happen, would the trade routes remain open for Black Sun and merchants from the Eternal Empire's space? Commerce is of my primary concern here. Me and my associates would need to know if your markets are to be fully open, restricted, or closed to our operations.>"

Broka then sat back in his chair. He waved for a servant to come over and give him something to drink. The little Twi'lek girl dressed in somewhat fine robes presented Broka a chalice, began to pour some wine in. Broka took sips (gulps within standard sized creature's standards), and seemed to be savoring the drink. He reclined as he awaited for someone from either his fellow delegates, or from the NIO's delegation, to speak in response.

EE: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Sanguine Nocturnal Sanguine Nocturnal
NIO: Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus Jaeger Harrsk Jaeger Harrsk



T H E _ B A S T I O N _ C O N F E R E N C E
O N E _ L I O N ' S _ R O A R
With the mysterious disappearance of the Eternal Emperor, his Regent had taken the reigns, re-aligned the Eternals with the Sith and generally drew negative opinion from the COMPNOR. Tacitus' opportunistic nature had served them well in striking the Sith AND rebellious elements with one masterful stroke on the formerly Sith-Imperial world of PL-numbersnumbers.

Truly, a devious man, his disappearance was privately welcomed by COMPNOR. Yet, his Regent's direction seemed hostile to the New Imperials. There was no middle-ground in the war with the Sith for COMPNOR, you're with us or you're against us. These were all assumptions, of course, that were to be clarified hopefully in their current meeting.

While the Imperator explained the dealings between the New Order and the Eternals, the Twi'lek companion of the Empress Regent broke Tavlar's words through her prism and summarized it from a skewed perspective.

After the Xo Conference, Jaeger Harrsk had little patience for inflated hubris and faux rhetoric.

He cut straight through butter.

"You are right to believe it is not your place to make assumptions." the Commissioner said through steeled voice. Calm and composed, he remained with his legs crossed and fingers steepled in his seat. This was to be a productive session or the negotiations would be short.

The Hutt companion of the Empress Regent spoke next of matters of commerce.

Harrsk fantasized for the presence of one Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe on such matters.

NIO Delegation: Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar | Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus
EE Delegation: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Sanguine Nocturnal Sanguine Nocturnal | Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt | Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
There were many strands of the Force intertwining and expanding from both Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim and Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt . Their connections to various governments and people, not to mention their leadership and business ownership deemed it to be so. Yet Willow and Ivy weren't brought here to look into their futures. No. They were brought forth to gleen insight on the other delegation in attendence.

Almost in unison, the twins shifted their gaze to Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar . Willow's jaw dropped ever so slightly. "He's empty..." Her voice was quiet as she spoke to her sister.

"Is he a droid?"

"I don't think so..."

"Then how can he--"

"I don't know. But we'll find out a bit later."

Turning their attention to Jaeger Harrsk Jaeger Harrsk as he commented to Sanguine Nocturnal Sanguine Nocturnal , Ivy's jaw clenched. She let go of Willow's hand and protectively wrapped her arm around her, all the while not letting her gaze move away from him. "...I don't like what he sees..."

"It doesn't have to come true. It's not set in stone."

"I know. But the odds are stacking in his favour."

Willow leaned her head against Ivy's as she whispered to her; "Broka will protect us."

'Yes but for how long?' was what Ivy wanted to ask, yet she refrained from doing so. She wasn't sure if she'd even like the answer.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand
The Red Witch; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Fortress Imperator, Bastion
Equipment: 2x red blade lightsaber shoto | Gildenweave Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink
Escort: 4/4 Wolfguards as Honour Guard
NIO members: Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar | Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus | Jaeger Harrsk Jaeger Harrsk
EE members: Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy | Sanguine Nocturnal Sanguine Nocturnal | Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt (not physically?)

Yes, Ingrid also had a great tactical sense, and she had realized this before that the victory of the Eternal Empire over the Sith Empire caused far more damage in the long run than it seemed. She knew that this, too, ultimately contributed to the fall of Bastion and the loss of systems in the western part of the Sith Empire, more. Luckily, she didn’t have to play the fool before leading the NIO because these were all new to her.

”Yes, it is no secret to me that that betrayal has greatly helped your victories, even though, i.e. outpost did not seem too significant. It all had more of a moral implication. And, as I told Imperator, STRATCOM doesn’t know about any pact. The contract with you happened with our bypass.”

She was still cold and distant, but in the end there was a hint of innocence in her voice. There was no surprise on the red-haired woman's face or in her movements when Tavlar also mentioned the Galactic Alliance.

”If the gentlemen do not oppose it, I would like to take a look at the treaty, after all, it affects the whole Eternal Empire. Provided there is still an available copy of it… So the GA is also involved in the case?”

She asked back. The Overlord regretted a little that they hadn’t brought enough lawyers with them, because they would have come in really handy now, provided the Imperator was willing to show her the contract. Although after the words she had a feeling that it was only a voice-based agreement and not a written one.

”Why should we have talked about what diplomatic aspirations we have? You are not our vassals Imperator! You are referring to a contract that is probably not in writing, just a voice-based agreement that can be forged. Maybe you informed us that you want to end the war with the Sith Empire? Or did you contact us after the Emperor's disappearance? No. Nevertheless, we do not want a hostile relationship with you, but rather to settle the situation between our states and reach a mutually beneficial agreement that will be evidenced in writing.”

Ingrid didn't respond to the twi'lek woman's words this time, nor did she stop her from speaking. Although she didn’t know how good this biting style would be later. Broka got exactly the reaction and things she expected. The Hutt was easily predictable in this regard, but it was actually an important point if the Eternal Empire also wanted to trade with the part of the Galaxy here.





S T A T I O N _ T O _ S T A T I O N
Ingrid knew just as well there was no treaty formally signed between the New Imperial Order and Eternal Empire. Beyond military communication, this was the first official contact between the two, the first timestamped event that news media outlets and their political counterparts would have any idea about. Her retinue also seemed to be overplaying the hand of the Eternal Empire by overselling just how much their victory over the Sith mattered. It was a piece of the puzzle but the Sith Oversector I and II would've collapsed as soon as the New Imperial Order conquered Bastion regardless. There was no military asset that the Eternal Empire destroyed in their expedition that would've made Bastion a defeat all the while trying to plead to the Sith for peace, overselling this excursion interesting tactic, to say the least.

"Tacitus and the Eternal Imperial military played a role but they were not the end all, they were not the keystone of our plan of the Braxant Campaign. The victory over the Sith didn't alter it even slightly and only accelerated the process, making certain of the inevitable." Tavlar stated.

"As far as trade agreements, though it is peculiar that a government and in particular a government that claims to be an Imperial State would so willingly consort with known Criminal Syndicates the New Imperial Order does not operate with entities that are not legitimate. So I must ask what the Eternal Empire classifies the 'Black Sun' as if it is anything but a cartel of criminal filth. And if so I wish for audits of the organization's activities to be shared with our own economic officials." The Sovereign Imperator says.

"You know there is no treaty. All communications between the Eternal Empire and the New Imperial Order at the time of your military expedition into the Sith Empire were under secret clearances, any official deal was to be made after the campaign yet...the Emperor Tacitus's disappearance had certainly thwarted such plan for official contact. Thus, it may very well be best left if relations start anew, if 'STRATCOM' and the ruling powers of the Eternal Empire would see it better fit to deface the legacy of their attack on the Sith, official channels or not. It was a noble deed. Sometimes...betrayal is very well justified, Empress Regent. Just as mine was." Tavlar states.

"Regardless...I wish to know then what the Eternal Empire wishes to make of their relationship with the New Imperial Order. As well...I am curious of the result of the conference between yourself and the Sith...though I can garner enough on my own with the context I have."

| The Boys | Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus | Jaeger Harrsk Jaeger Harrsk
EE DELEGATION | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt | Sanguine Nocturnal Sanguine Nocturnal | Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy


O B J E C T I V E | Web of Betrayals
T A G S | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt | Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
G E A R |
Duo Letalis

With a subtlety more fit to the movement of a snake, Sanguine leaned her head gently to the left and twisted her red lips in a polite smile towards the human male’s answer, as she slid her arm softly to the side all the way to her lean neck with a fist, standing her middle finger and using her fingernail to scratch herself and suggest something not so polite with too much education for anyone to actually notice. Her arms slid back up the table, entwining her long fingers together in front of her face, leaning her elbows on the table as listening to the others as they spoke, slowly taking her head towards the Hutt as they pointed out the obvious concerns regarding his organization.

She had nothing to say on that matter or even discuss with Tavlar’s words regarding imperial politicking on both sides. It wasn’t her place as that disgusting fleshy human creature had so elegantly reminded her, although she did felt the urge to start laughing, and she could feel her lips almost smiling too much but Sanguine did her best to control that. The twi’lek had her body under her control, although the same couldn’t be said about her mind as she dreamed of slashing throats and making guts being spilled on the floor.

But, that wasn’t the time or place for that. At least not yet, all she could was smile and hope that the imperial fools would say it already what they want it from the Empress, instead of rolling around with all that bullshit.
"What may seem like a criminal organization to one, may not seem like a criminal organization to another. Just as one government may seem legitimate to one, but not to another. Would not the New Imperial Order and the Eternal Empire seem like criminals in the eyes of their enemies? It is only the point of view that differs, but not the institute itself."

Willow was usually the more shy of the pair, yet right now she spoke up. What both her and her sister had foreseen made them both highly uncomfortable.

Ivy held onto her hands, the more protective one of the pair, giving truth to her namesake. Yet they both had to protect Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt for he protected them. It would do no good to have the Black Sun cast out at this moment. Only in time would it not matter. But not just yet.

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
How typical of these Imperials to delgimitimize his position. No matter, he also was the leader of a truly legitimate governing body now. What the twin said did count, yet few people would agree with such a philosophy when it comes to political power. Broka then took a sip of his wine, and shifted his position to a more comfortable seating.

"<Black Sun is more of a privateer organization for the Eternal Empire. It's kept trade routes open, allowed for the wealth of Hutt Space to trickle across to the Unknown Regions. It also keeps any criminal organizations in check. If there is to be an enterprise in the Eternal Empire's underworld, the arrangement is that said enterprise is Black Sun which chooses to operate in the interest of the empire for profit's sake. No matter how much Imperials of whatever Empire has risen in the ages sneers at such "criminal filth" you need such enterprises to get goods your highnesses cannot get yourselves. The Sith Empire of the ages of the Old Republic, the Galactic Republic, the Galactic Empire, and many other powers of the galaxy have competed for the Hutts' attention for our services and wealth. Black Sun is a means where the Hutts can reach out to the Unknown Regions as a new market for such services. You cannot deny Black Sun, and by extension the Hutts, for long. So, if we want to talk business in terms of the Eternal Empire and New Imperial Order's relations, then Black Sun and Hutt Space must know how the commercial situation will be. We are in this market on this side of the galaxy, and we need to know what is happening.>"

The collosal Hutt then waved a hand to a servant he brought with him to refill his chalice, as well as to bring a plate of the Hutts live eels. He only took one, and slurped it up rather quickly. Discussions like this make him hungry.

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Sanguine Nocturnal Sanguine Nocturnal

Jaeger Harrsk Jaeger Harrsk Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar
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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand
The Red Witch; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Fortress Imperator, Bastion
Equipment: 2x red blade lightsaber shoto | Gildenweave Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink
Escort: 4/4 Wolfguards as Honour Guard
NIO members: Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar | Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus | Jaeger Harrsk Jaeger Harrsk
EE members: Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy | Sanguine Nocturnal Sanguine Nocturnal | Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt (not physically?)

She didn’t really overestimate their victory because she knew it didn’t really matter. This would have had a greater impact in the long run. Rather, the woman sought to assess NIO members’ response to the “provocation”. And yes, they soon realized that there was no formal conciliation and discussion between the two states, just an oral agreement. Which did not help this situation. Ingrid didn’t like things like that, but now it came in handy in the sense that Tacitus had agreed with the Imperator on anything, she could get away from it because they didn’t know about it.

And all this undermined the Emperor's credibility and reliability rather than theirs. Although as an outside observer, if anyone hadn’t known Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe , as a political leader, it would never have trusted the man after that. The Imperator was self-conscious and somewhat vain based on his answer, and the woman received exactly the answer she wanted. Because it told her a lot about the other head of state, Ingrid did not think of him as a ruler, though he was, but she somehow thought the head of state was much more appropriate.

”I'm aware of it, Imperator!” she replied coldly.

She allowed a predatory smile to herself for a moment, but no more. Then the unreadable “mask” came back on her face again. She didn't want to react to anything about the Black Sun for the time being, just looked at Broka, it was mostly up to her what position or name she wanted for herself. She looked at the twins after these when one spoke. She agreed perfectly with the young woman, and fortunately Broka defended himself.

”It is, as Lord Broka said, that the Emperor recognized the Black Sun as a legal organization, and I will not change that. They enjoy our full trust and most of the trade takes place through them.”

She then turned completely to the Imperator to continue speaking.

”I’m aware of it, but I just call it cowardice, Imperator, when someone betrays someone for profit because they think they have a better chance of surviving elsewhere. Imagine my situation, what light does it shine on the Eternal Empire for its leader to secretly betray its allies just because they seem to be weaker than before and their enemies stronger? I assume you have reckoned that the Emperor will betray you next time in light of this if a new player who is stronger than you enters the “Galactic Playground”.”

She knew what was in the background, that is, she had only guessed, but for one who did not know about the Emperor's secret plan, it could only believe what the woman had said. A smile of predator lasting for another second appeared on her lips. However, after the smile disappeared, she spoke as well.

”I think your intelligence should work for the information, because that’s their business, but they get a day off today. It was a trade agreement, and we were going to help them expand and wage war, and to defend themselves, as long as they were doing so towards a state with which we have no agreement. Because I do not intend to kick the contracts we have concluded or will conclude with the other states or empires. In return, we can expect the same and protection from them if necessary. You will surely hear that I did not agree to the establishment of Sith temples or academies because the Eternal Empire wants to preserve its sovereignty. And what you know for sure, since this part of the peace treaty has been officially announced, I will marry AMCO AMCO under the contract.”

She paused for a moment, then looked into his eye.

”And NIO’s peace treaty with the Sith Empire? Do you also give a day off to my people, Imperator, or do they prefer to obtain information from other sources?”

Her voice here was almost flirtatious, it was her terrain, espionage and intelligence. She felt much more at home in this than in interstate politics, which was just a duty and a job. In contrast, intelligence and espionage are also fun for Ingrid.

”I don’t think it’s hard to figure out that we don’t want to help you in the war with the Sith Empire, although I know you also opened diplomatic relations with them because of the end of the war. Obviously, we are unlikely to be allies, but we do not rule out the possibility of a non-aggression pact, and we would be happy to trade with you.” she said again in a cold, military voice.





T H E _ B A S T I O N _ C O N F E R E N C E
C R U M B L I N G _ C A S T L E
Jaeger listened carefully as the Imperator and the Empress Regent went back and forth on the actions of the now-absent Eternal Emperor. The domino continued: ever since Irveric Tavlar had claimed the title of Sovereign Imperator of the New Imperial Order, heads of states across the galaxy seemed to either disappear or step down. Some might even call it a curse. Whether that was true or not, one thing was certain - COMPNOR would use the fact as ammo in their propaganda efforts across the galaxy.

"Peace is a lie, Empress." the commissioner calmly interjected, a smile tugged across the corner of his mouth. "Isn't that what the Sith preach? Peace and Sith do not co-exist, one has to go." he crossed his legs and settled better into his chair.

"A ceasefire? Perhaps." Jaeger paused, then gestured at the Hutt. "Trade for the sake of prosperity is always welcome. Whatever perspective the Ladies profess, Black Sun's reputation as a criminal syndicate precedes its claim of legitimacy. Now, should any trading lines be open with the Eternal Empire via the Black Sun, a COMPNOR-led auditing procedure is to follow." he waved his hands and leaned forward. "These are all technicalities that belong to another meeting with other responsible individuals."

A cigarette found itself in his hand and he lit it before continuing with pointed cigarette holding fingers at the Empress Regent, "The defensive pact with the Sith has put you in a precarious situation, Empress." Jaeger's eyes pierced through his sunglasses. A soul reading glare. "Should the flames of war be lit again, I wonder where would you stand."

NIO Delegation: Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar | Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus
EE Delegation: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Sanguine Nocturnal Sanguine Nocturnal | Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt | Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
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O B J E C T I V E | Web of Betrayals
T A G S | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt

"Should the flames of war be lit again, I wonder where you would stand."

Sanguine's fingers drummed across the table's surface, popping against each other in a cloud of fire in the air toward humans, just long enough to get up and spit the entire spit out of her mouth in a shower of snot and contempt. in the direction of the nerf herder who dared so much at that table. The hand-raised the lightsaber, activated its blade, and allowed itself to jump across the table, delivering a single overwhelming blow towards the neck of that unfortunate creature. Laughing out loud and with great pleasure.

She blinked.

Waking up from the waking dream while the human being farted through his mouth with those abominations that he called words. It was curious to hear the creed of her faith spoken with such hypocrisy, as she saw who the real monsters of that galaxy were, or at least those who liked to play with monstrous roles.

That was a tedious game, one that she was already tired of playing. Like over-drunk drinks in a bar arguing about nothing in order to see who drew their guns first and consequently lost. She had to say something, at least long enough to buy everyone else some time, especially since Jaeger was attempting to force the empress to make a hard choice regarding the male sith she liked keeping as a paramour, or pet. Sanguine started by allowing the craziness to take hold of her for a moment, letting the old tongue running wild in that honeyed tone of voice that could make any little turd shiver as a homeless strangled puppy. Fast as a snake she raised her hand in front of her face, her palm facing the human male with sunglasses.

"At least do us the favor of saving yourself from the inflated verbiage, Miss Jaeger, darling. For it is my understanding that when a dog barks too much, he is the first to run when someone comes wielding a flamethrower torching his wife and kids. So let us cease the pointless hostility, and discuss something useful, or else, do try keeping your thoughts well-kept inside that predictable human brain shall we?", she smiled lasciviously towards the boy in glasses before shutting herself up and allowing the ones that actually mattered to say anything useful about it. Threats and accusations, was all that could be said regarding this meeting.
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S T A T I O N _ T O _ S T A T I O N
Tension was not a premium within Fortress Imperator. Ingrid lashed back in bitter coldness toward Irveric in the wake of his rather placid explanation of simple facts. Perhaps the added touch of flair in Tavlar's words did nothing to help sow this schism, however the seniment and inflection of the Eternal Imperial delegation informed Tavlar that they did not seek peace in friendly terms at all. As Sith ever cared to do, they were here to insult, to posture on the New Imperial Order. A behavior every single one of them had grown tired of. So tired in fact that it was the underlying context to their uprising at all, at least from the Sovereign Imperator.

"Now, before speaking any further I'd advise watching the tone of your voice while within my domain. Do be clear that you have come here to the place my people have fought for, to call their home. They have allowed you and your nation the chance to conduct amicable discussion to re-establish proper lines of communication and relation, they did not allow you here to fling insults and cling to guilt. Eternal Imperial military assets and New Imperial military assets fought the Sith and won, this happened, be over it already. If you wish to move on from it, then move on from it. I will not bare the New Imperial Order nor your own fighting force being guilted over this event." Tavlar states outright, clearly irritated by the collective sentiment between Sanguine and Ingrid.

At the mention of the Eternal Empire maligning the proposal of Sith Order infrastructure being established within the Eternal Empire, he eased himself if only slightly.

"The mere fact they suggested they violate your sovereignty with the insertion of their depraved religion into the hearts and minds of your people should be all you need to know of what the Sith Empire thinks of the Eternal Empire. It does not see you as its equal, it does not respect you or your people. The Eternal Empire just like the rest of the Sith 'allies' are seen as pawns, puppets for their great game. The United Clans of Mandalore will tell you that when they groveled to the Sith for years and in turn, they were brought to the sword by their very masters. I would tread very carefully when speaking of 'alliance' to the Sith Empire, Empress Regent."

Broka was doing as well he could've in his situation and it wasn't anything Tavlar disrespected. Were the winds blowing differently he might've shifted his focus more toward the Hutt. He could for now only hope that his Grand Vizier Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus might offer his economic insight of the Black Sun. Until then, he was dealing with his counter part in the head of state of the Eternal Empire.

"Peace treaty? The Sith have not been productive in presenting one to us in spite of us talking mere meters away from where their Emperor ruled. So in earnest, I do not hold my breath. If they have any level of intelligence they would consider it being as violating their code which upholds 'peace as a lie' would make them no more disingenuous than they have been thus far. The Sith Empire would have to produce further concessions if they wish to see peace with the New Imperial Order, something I believe they are far too prideful to consider." Tavlar iterates.

"If you are inquiring if our war translates to hostility with the Eternal Empire? No. Such a conflict is not in any interests the New Imperial Order holds. A pact of non aggression however, is empty sentiment and merely putting trust in my word. The New Imperial Order will protect its interests wherever it lies, if you wish for non aggression then it would be in your prerogative for our interests to overlap, otherwise you are relying on empty words. I assure you, any non aggression pact that is broken, the Galaxy will look on in silence, they are nigh useless. If you want to assure peace between our people, a prospect I am no doubt supportive of then it would be best create a mutual gain." The Sovereign Imperator iterates.

NIO DELEGATION | The Boys | Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus | Jaeger Harrsk Jaeger Harrsk
EE DELEGATION | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt | Sanguine Nocturnal Sanguine Nocturnal | Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
Broka sat back. There was not much to say as his concerns were somewhat alleviated. Since the trade routes to the New Imperial Order's space were open to his organization, he had no interest in the political intrigue. He was slowly becoming more and more bored of the the back and forth between the Empress Regent and the Imperator. He simply called his servant over to give him another eel and to refill his drink. There was not much he wanted to say on the issue of the intrigue since he did not care. So, with a lack of anything good to say, he slurped up the eel rather loudly to then swish his chalice around before taking a large sip. He had nothing better to do in his mind than eat unless things escalate.

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Sanguine Nocturnal Sanguine Nocturnal

Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar Jaeger Harrsk Jaeger Harrsk Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus
Willow and Ivy were satisfied that Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt was satisfied. Their interests were centered only on him and the Black Sun. He was their employer, afterall.

But that didn't mean that they were going to tune out the rest of this meeting. They had seen things involving Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar and Jaeger Harrsk Jaeger Harrsk that didn't give them any comfort. On the contrary it gave them some fear. It wasn't the individuals themselves that they were afraid of, it was moreso their actions and what they'd make others do.

Something would have to be done about it. But not now. They didn't want to get Broka mad at them or even get him into trouble. He wasn't one of the ones that would be affected. Only people similar to the twins were, those that were more vulnerable. People like Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim and Sanguine Nocturnal Sanguine Nocturnal would be fine. They could handle themselves when danger came. Even if it came to dangerous words being spoken.

They wanted to go back home to the Sky Palace. Then it would be safe to start to piece together their plans to prevent what they had foreseen. Yet they had to wait until permission was granted.

Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand
The Red Witch; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Fortress Imperator, Bastion
Equipment: 2x red blade lightsaber shoto | Gildenweave Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink
Escort: 4/4 Wolfguards as Honour Guard
NIO members: Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar | Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus | Jaeger Harrsk Jaeger Harrsk
EE members: Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy | Sanguine Nocturnal Sanguine Nocturnal | Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt (not physically?)

”As far as I know, this is their saying, Mr. Harrsk, what luck I am not a Sith! And I am not interested in Sith ideas and dogmas, at most from a philosophical point of view, but only as much as the Jedi.”

She even allowed a gentle smile towards the man, in a slightly friendlier voice. But even that only lasted a second. Ingrid lived by other dogmas and was really not interested in observing either of the two extremes. They were a third, one she knew this dogma might be interested in the three men opposite her. This may have been the reason Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe contacted them. There was no record of it, but as far as she knew her emperor, that was the only logical reason. She listened to the man and nodded.

”You will have to agree on what is best for COMPNOR and Black Sun. I fully trust Lord Broka’s judgment on this matter and I know he will make the most appropriate decision. I hope this suits you that way, Mr. Harrsk.”

Now she spoke in the cold, military voice again. As the man looked into her eyes through the sunglasses, she stood at Harrsk's gaze, motionless, with perfectly controlled emotions, hiding even the slightest body language.

”I know perfectly you don't have to reason to trust in me, Mr. Harrks, but I hope in time you will have the opportunity to learn, I will not break what I promise.” she said genuinely.

The twi’lek woman then began to go too far with her words. Ingrid didn’t want a war with the NIO, but to sort things out. She knew first-hand what her opponent was capable of, since she had died twice almost in the war against them. The Overlord didn't want to send her own men to a slaughterhouse against the NIO. She did not want a bloodbath and bloodshed, even though they were a military dictatorship. Ingrid appreciated human life. She had just wanted to discipline the twi’lek woman when the Imperator speaks first, this was prevented the red-haired woman. However, it was not true that she thought the same thing with the other woman.

”With Miss Nocturn, please treat the NIO ambassador and the Imperator with respect! This is their state, we are guests. They will treat us exactly as we treat them. But then this behaviour can be expected of you, too, Imperator, not just one-sided.”

She referred back to when Mr. Harriks called her a Sith, which was an insult in her eyes. Ingrid didn't look back, she spoke to the twi'lek woman without turning in her direction. For now, this was a request, although there was no tolerance in the military voice for contradiction. Meanwhile, she continued to pay attention to Tavlar and nodded at the man's words, how much easier it would have been if such diplomatic things hadn't been secret, or just freely talked about the Wardens of the Shroud, that there was no need to worry about the Eternal Empire.

”Thank you for your sincere concern, Imperator. I appreciate all this. I am aware of what the Sith Empire thinks of us. I have to face this, it was my decision. But I know my people, remember that Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe is also a Sith, taught according to Sith ideals and still holds the title of Darth. There have always been Sith in the Eternal Empire, as well as people trained according to Knight Obsidian principles, and many other different Force users. Yes, it is no secret that the Emperor did not train me as a Sith, but by an experimental method. I am sure the people will not bow their heads to Sith ideals, which is radically different from what we believe. We hope that we will not have to wait long and that we will have a centralized education for Force users which is different from the Sith ways. You may consider me arrogant, but would you not put your hand on fire for your own people, Imperator?”

For a moment, she felt against the man as if she owed her own father an explanation. Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano knew what the woman was capable of, the two of them would have rather avoided fighting each other because they knew exactly how life-threatening the other was. There was AMCO AMCO with whom they loved each other, although on a political issue they both preferred their own state, the Sith Lord would have avoided the conflict and resolved the situation peacefully. She earned the respect of Ellie Mors Ellie Mors , and if she could believe the rumours, Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis thought so too. Ingrid did a lot to secure the Eternal Empire, but there was no illusion that there were others who would have killed her or removed the Eternal Empire from the map of the Galaxy.

According to this, however, her peace treaty with the Sith Empire was more successful, although this was due to heer own merits. If hse had not been, this peace, an alliance, would never have come into being. And yes, she knew what had happened here, since she had crushed the entrance and the hall of the Thaumaturgic Tower, probably her blood, which was in a large puddle there in the hall had already been cleared. No wonder the meeting failed, the others were too offended to do so. The red-haired woman nodded firmly.

”I am grateful for your honest answer, Imperator! If you allow a piece of advice, you will not achieve anything against them until they feel offended. I know you are the winning party, but if you want to end the war until they don't believe you really want peace…”

She didn't finish the sentence, guessing the man knew what she was thinking. Nodded repeatedly at the older man's words. She had to agree with the Imperator, that’s how the world and the galaxy really worked. And also in that this will only work if both parties win with it, otherwise it would be such a nonsensical thing.

” Yes, it really would be the best it could be. I look forward to your ideas, if you have any, Imperator.” she agrees with the man.




L O C A T I O N | I don't care.
O B J E C T I V E | Web of Betrayals
T A G S | Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt , Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar , Tyrell Paxxus Tyrell Paxxus , Jaeger Harrsk Jaeger Harrsk

”Apologies, my beloved Eternal One.” She immediately prompted out with honesty from her deceiving red lips as her Empress finished her bravado correcting her ways. Choosing an amiable tone of voice when speaking to Ingrid best suited to a kitten, Sanguine replied with honesty and care. “I understood it was universally customary treating guests invited to one’s domain with courtesy and respect, despite any animosity held by them, and not just offending them as they listen to it in silence, especially when addressing someone of upstanding superior rank such as yourself, but I believe laws of hospitality are different in this... side of the galaxy, such as the frailty on men's egos.” The twi’lek turned towards the human filth with the same mannerism of kindness and politeness that she used to address her mistress. With the hand on her chest, above her heart, Sanguine spoke gently.

“Do excuse my manners, imperial gentlemen. And allow me to take this moment to assure your lordships that I am no follower of the Sith dogma as much as you may want to believe otherwise, I am simply, a highly dedicated... savant.” A genuine display of amends, not asking sorry, never saying sorry for that gray trash, but publicly enough for being acceptable for anyone present on the occasion. Although no one could prove it, someone with keen eyes or eye, such as those of the Imperator, and his growling bi***ch could most certainly notice that the only finger that actually stood up in the hand above her chest towards both Irveric and Jaeger, was her middle finger, until, such as the art of magical illusions and veiled offensives, it wasn’t anymore.

Afterward, Sanguine leaned on her chair comfortably, with a strange smile stamped on her lips. Others could judge it as a crafty one, of someone that thought too highly of herself, almost as if she thought she was the smartest set of brains in the room, but Sanguine knew what her smile meant; it meant jeering, but who could tell the difference? Her actions were merely driven by the same basic desire barked by the humans in the room; respect, they were a sovereign government in the farthest corners of the galaxy and they should be treated as such, even by dogs like Madam Jaeger and the little brat Tavlar. This was done mostly for herself, but also for the government she decided to follow willingly, by defending not only the honor of the Eternal Empire but also the integrity of her foolish empress against the feeble designs of human babies that so eagerly barked after just learning how to commit murder and call it justice, and showed off their doings too excited as means for scaring the elder powers of this galaxy. Ingrid was a simple-minded fool in her opinion, and the Hutt had no balls, but he was a Hutt and she was her empress.
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