Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Jogon


Intent: Waste my life away!
Image Credit: Knights of the Old Republic (comic series), further modifications by Arage Bao Arage Bao
Permissions: I'm the problem. It's me.


Age: Late 30s, Early 40s
Species: Dashade
Appearance: Jogon is a dashade, and dashade grow big and strong. He stands taller than most people. His footfalls are heard well before he is seen, even when attempting to be sneaky. His skin is scaly, light grey, and unpleasantly cold. He wears an expression of permanent snarling, but this is merely resting dashade face. Jogon's movements are purposeful and decisive.

Name: Jogon
Affiliations: Dark Empire
Wealth: Destitute

Physical Instrument: Stronger than most.
Endurance: Doesn't tire easily. Or ever.
Authority: Easily asserts himself over weaker-willed persons. Peons, mostly.
Volition: Not inclined to give up easily.
Reaction Speed: Quick-thinking. Animal cunning.

Jogon is a consummate learner and likes to learn a little bit wherever he goes, whatever he does... Even if it's committing unspeakable atrocities for dystopian governments. He enjoys reading and as a result has acquired approximate knowledge of an eclectic collection of topics. In a different life, he might have been a polymath or some other scholar. In this life, however, he is content with what he is: a brute and a hatchet-man. He is satisfied with this because he believes it has awarded him key insights into the raw nature of the universe. That, and he likes to travel.
He is soft-spoken and usually reserved. There's not much cause for conversation these days and the people around him are rarely interested.

Jogon wields a standard, single-bladed lightsaber with a synthetic red crystal. His preferred style is Form V. Blasters and other projectile weapons are largely beneath him. He is capable of using the Force to augment his already considerable strength and improve his somewhat lacking agility.
If without his lightsaber, he is more than capable of defending himself with a variety of hand-and-fist arts that he purportedly learned from a black-hearted, renegade Morgukai. Jogon has allegedly undergone some severe cybernetic augmentation, but has never elaborated on the details.

Jogon is uninterested in recounting the details of his past and, frankly, neither am I.
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Grave Robbing is pretty Much a Victimless Crime: In which Jogon loots a mausoleum on the funeral moon of Mantero, being temporarily interrupted by Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli .
Swampy Cities and Swampy Spoils: In which Jogon launches a smash-and-grab with Mercy Mercy on Atzerri, only to be interrupted by Isar Isar and Scour Scour .
Vanishing Peasant Syndrome: In which a plot Jogon is accessory to on Ukatis is exposed and foiled by Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania .
Knowledge is Power: In which Jogon and Isar Isar team-up alongside a New Sith Order strike-force to raid a Jedi cruiser.
Eclipse: In which Jogon faces Thalia Senn Thalia Senn during a Sith raid on Jedha.
Violent Times: In which Jogon participates in a high-stakes, Sith artifact-related sabacc tournament against Xeykard Xeykard .
Midnight Mass: In which Jogon attends and narrowly escapes a perverse Sith self-slaughtering ritual.

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