Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Populate Krayiss Inquisitorius | (SO Populate of Najarka)


Darth Vesanus, governor of Krayiss Two has gone rogue! Be it madness or the first salvo of a new war within Sith space, and on the eve of the Sith Order's new expansion no less, the man handpicked by Darth Carnifex to rule the world that was once a fortress of Darth Ophidia has betrayed his erstwhile master. A response from the Malsheem was all but necessary, a proportional response no doubt, that would leave the planet a shell of its former self.
However, as fate would turn, someone else would have the first honour entirely.
The mysterious Sith Lord, Darth Morta would come out of the woodwork, challenging Darth Vesanus to a duel, with the prize being the rule of Krayiss Two. Naming the man as weak and foolish, even going so far as to call him a false lord, and his rule illegitimate. A great many, perhaps curious of the Twi’lek Sith Lord, or otherwise smelling blood in the water, flocked to her banner.
All the while many others were vultures and carrions circling over the future carcass that was Krayiss Two. A world with a much-storied history, and which with this powerplay announced, would allow them to take all they wished and beat a speedy retreat.
Objective 1:
She who has caused such a stirring buzz with her presence is clearly a woman to know. There is no guarantee how Darth Carnifex will react to this usurpation, indeed there is much risk in doing anything at all, but fortune favours the bold, and if there is one thing the Sith are, it is certainly bold.
Land upon the planet with Darth Morta, defend her as she fulfils her manifest purpose, and strike down Darth Vesanus and take this world.
Or perhaps you will take her head and deliver it to Darth Vesanus yourself.
For consequence or boon, there is no risk without reward.
Objective 2:
The feature most prominent and famous upon Krayiss Two was and is always the massive Library-Temple, a structure so old that one may wonder how it remains standing, especially after being buried and long forgotten.
There is much history and ghosts that roam the halls, the latter being very much literal.
There is even more importantly, much knowledge and much lore, and for this moment, this very rare moment, as chaos grips the rest of the planet, an opportunity has arisen for whichever Sith are brave enough to brave the labyrinthine structure, to seize their fill of books, scrolls, holocrons and whatever other relics and artifacts as one can carry.
However, the Library-Temple complex is not entirely unguarded, there do remain guards still committed to their duty, but perhaps far more concerning, will be your fellow Sith, jealously hoarding all they can find, how dare they try to keep from you what is rightfully yours?
Objective 3:
To care for a simple powerplay between rival Sith has never been your concern, to care about the words of men long dead has not either. There is war in the skies and civilians on the streets, the local militia rallies, while batteries fire up into the air.
This is an opportunity.
An opportunity for blood.
To let yourself loose is not an opportunity to be wasted, let yourself fall into this mood, this energy of darkness, let it coil around your heart and let it be unleashed. Perhaps you will find a worthy challenger out on the battlefield.
But if not, there will be more than enough screams to hold your attention this night.

Objective 1:


TAG: Darth Morta Darth Morta

Daimen was a new disciple of the Dark. He had come to the Sith Order to forget, and to expand his horizons. The Dark Elf landed with a multitude of Sith Troopers, he was a mere Acolyte, so he had to share the tight qaurters of a transport. The throng of the infantry encroaching on his personal space. In his tribe he waa a prince, here a peon. He did not mind this exchange of hats, one had to begin at the bottom to build a fortress. He would allow himself to become living clay, molded by The Unnatural and Arcane into a vessel of destruction.

The objective was to protect Darth Morta Darth Morta and secure her to The Target, a renegade Sith Lord who now was a traitor. Daimen stepped off the transport with the sea of Troopers in their armor and hoisted rifles, others were marauding parties with every sort of weapon fashioned from bone to steel and a few had hybrid blades with cracked bled crystals that sharpened the edges like a lightsaber.

Daimen stood at attention, he awaited The Dark Lady’s arrival. His long elf ears listened, there was a great haunting silence, like a tomb. The Darkling looked to the sky, a forboding awe came over all. His great blood eyes searched through thick black clouds, his white hair motionless as if in prayer.
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Objective 1:

Tags: Darth Daimen Darth Daimen

Darth Morta stepped out of her transport onto this planet she intended to claim as hers, she had known that there was no way that she could hold such a planet on her own, not with several empires on her doorstep, so she had made the prudent move, claiming that her grab for power was in the name of one of them. As if on a silver platter the opportunity had been handed to her, she had been lying low and learning while on this world when it's master, the Lord Darth Vesanus, began to make moves to separate from his masters in the Sith Order, she was sure that if she had approached someone and made it known that she would have been given some petty reward and shuffled off, but that wasn't what Darth Morta wanted, she was too ambitious to be shuffled off like that, so she waited until things spilled over and took the audacious move to call out the Lord in a personal challenge. She had been careful in her wording, doing it in such a way that made it known that she would be willing to keep the planet under the Sith Order's umbrella, making this a coup on the planetary level rather than stepping on the toes of a much more powerful faction, so much as to welcome them to assist her, if they wished, as a method of appeasing them that she would not be finishing what Darth Vesanus started.

Layed out down the end of a wide boulevard was the governmental palace, the place she openly proclaimed where she would fight Darth Vesanus, she had ensured that if he refused her challenge he would look weak to his followers, but that didn't mean that he would meet her for some frontier world high noon duel. As Darth Morta looked down the boulevard she could see through the windows of the palace shapes moving as they got into defensive positions. She grabbed her lightsabers, though was yet to ignite them, as she started walking, slowly drawing up an aura of menace around her as she looked up to see other ships begin to land around the city.

Darth Morta smirked as air raid sirens started up, the civilian authorities calling the people to hide as the Sith played their game of thrones, there would be death and destruction on Krayiss Two.
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge

Objective: Books or Relics
Equipment: Lightsaber, Sword, Dagger, Robes
Tags: Revna Revna / Open!

Darth Strosius cared little for the politics of the Kainate menace. When he had first heard of the rebellion of Darth Vesanus he had to check the Inquisition's network of informants and Sith to see if the governor of Krayiss Two was one of his plants or not, which he turned out not to be. He had been tempted to offer aid to the rogue Sith, until the Malsheem came to put down the rebellion anyway, but a new challenger had appeared to claim the world for herself. All in all it was quite a mess.

A mess that he intended to exploit.

During the Ouroboros Crisis he had been the one to push for an evacuation of the world's ancient Library-Temple in order to secure its contents from the wider Sith Order, a task he failed due to the timely intervention of the Kainites and Lady Raaf, but now attention was on Darth Vesanus and this new Darth Morta.

The library would be open and he intended to succeed where he had failed the last time. Krayiss Two was rightfully part of his domain given its previous allegiance to the Tsis'Kaar, but he could settle for just the library-temple's collection he supposed. For now it was simply far too close to Kainite space to be worth attempting to claim for himself but in time he'd return to it to liberate it once more.

The Library-Temple was more important at the moment and thus that was what he had set out to secure, with a few shuttles full of his Sith Troopers and a handful of Lorekeepers he descended onto the surface of Krayiss Two and made for the site of the library with all haste. No matter who or what stood in his way he wouldn't be kept from it this time, regardless of whether it be the rogue Sith or others from the Sith Order itself.


Objective: Books or Relics
Gear: In Bio
Tags: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius // Open!​

Revna had no love for the Kainate.

In fact, whenever she had the chance…she killed anyone (or at least tried to) who revealed themselves to be a Kainite, or a follower of Darth Carnifex and his ilk.

But what she did love was knowledge…and any chance she could get to learn something more to advance her own abilities, her powers, her strength…she took it.

So when news reached her ears about some Sith drama taking place on Krayiss II, and that her Mentor Darth Strosius had his eyes set upon the library that was there, she made it clear that she wished to tag along and help him secure items and relics from the location to add to his own collection.

Anything to spite the Kainites.

Anything to serve and further the cause and the ambitions of her Master.

Thus she found herself counted among his troops, riding in the same vessel as the maverick Sith Lord, prepared to fight and reclaim what rightfully belonged to them, to him. She cast her gaze to the Sith Lord in silence as they made their approach to the Kainite-controlled world. On the surface, fighting had already begun; a Sith Lady was making her bid for control, for supremacy, of the world. That part hardly captured Revna’s interest, however. She wouldn’t be involved in any of that, and she could care less what befell the challenger. Her only desire was to aid her Lord in his matters. If this was of great importance to him, then it was important to her. She may have been wilful at times, and may have been a pain in Lord Strosius’s rear from time to time. But none would doubt her loyalty to him, her steadfast faith in him and his visions he carried. She was this way, even if she didn’t agree with him, or thought him to be foolish or unwise or impulsive at times.

She was his little shadow, always willing to follow him and fight alongside him, even if it took her into the heart of their enemy’s lair.

Objective 1: Puppet or Proxy
Tags: Darth Morta Darth Morta Darth Daimen Darth Daimen
Gear: In Bio

The jostling of the transport landing and sudden rush of air as the doors opened and old air was pushed aside by new woke Kivah from her nap. She stretched and twisted, working the kinks out of her back before clambering up and following the others out. The light annoyed her eyes so she pulled her goggles down from where they'd been resting on her head under the mane of her hair. This was Najaka? Or something like that. Her friend had said when he told her about the job. Some Sith big-wig rousting out another and wanting some extra guns, she hadn't exactly been paying much attention until he mentioned the credits, or sober for any of it.

Yawning again in a way that showed off her teeth, Kivah unlimbered her TL-50 and checked its charge. Like most of her gear it'd come to her second hand, but the repeater still held up. Readied, she began following the others up the street towards the palace. She'd never seen one before outside of a few pictures. For all the planets she'd visited she didn't seem to do much sight-seeing. Canto Bight looked better anyways, more ritzy, glam. Easier to make some creds.

As they advanced down the boulevard, she kept out of the front ranks and off to the side a bit. Eyes open for cover as she scanned the thermals along the Palace roof through her goggles. In the street like this they were a tempting target for any heavy artillery mounted up ahead, and she wasn't so distracted as to not realize her and her fellow mercenaries might be sacrificial cannon fodder. Her lenses showed a flash of red bobbing over the edge of the roofline and she sent a burst of fire at it to spatter around the being's cover. No way to hit them from this far out, but it was enough to keep whoever's head it was down.
Location: Krayiss II
Objective: Puppet or Proxy
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Darth Morta Darth Morta Darth Daimen Darth Daimen Kivah Kivah

666 stepped out of the dropship and quickly set herself to the task of scanning her surroundings. Darth Morta had made the bold decision to stage the landings just outside of the city and thus far, her gambit seemed to have paid off. The fact that the transports had managed to touch down with such contemptuous ease was not only a telltale sign of Darth Vesanus’ weakness, but it was also a troubling portent at the extent of the corruption that he had allowed to infest his domain. While the Saaraishash had already known that Vesanus was corrupt, the depth of his malfeasance had been unknown, until now.

And so, with the ugly, festering face of Vesanus’ weakness made all too apparent, 666 found yet more resolve in the sanctity of her assignment. Vesanus was a Sith who had abused the trust of the Eternal Father to enrich himself, while also shirking his sacred duties. In doing so, he had signed his death warrant, and 666 intended to execute it so that a more loyal and capable Sith might take his place.

Satisfied that the immediate area was secure, 666 moved to follow after the rest of the landing party. All the while, her synthetic eyes took in the crimson-hued figure of Darth Morta Darth Morta , who projected a fitting image of strength as she advanced down the boulevard. So long as the Lethan was willing to bow to the Eternal FAther, the Aetharian anticipated that she would be allowed to claim Krayiss II. Nevertheless, it went without saying that she would be watched closely.

From there, 666 found her attention drawn to the towering figure of another—Darth Daimen. His presence caused the short-statured Cipher to come to a sudden, unanticipated halt, before her eyes suddenly widened in disbelief. 666 quickly studied his features as he stood at attention—long, pointed ears, an intense, blood red gaze, a mane of alabaster hair, and…

His eyebrows.

There were many types of elf-like species in the galaxy, but only one possessed eyebrows that extended off the sides of their faces. In that regard, 666 felt her heart skip a beat as she gazed upon the features of the stunning, statuesque Aetharian standing before her. He was the first that the Cipher had ever seen in-person over the course of her short life. As such, in her eyes he was almost akin to perfection personified.

And so, beneath the concealment of her mask, 666 blushed.

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TAG: Phaelissia Phaelissia

The Arrival of Darth Morta Darth Morta was the answer to the anticipation, her transport breaking the silence. Daimen watched as she took point along the boulevard. He purposely tried to shadow her, to allow his towering frame to be a living shield in case a sniper had its sights on her. The Dark Elf did not speak fo his Liege Lady, he would allow her as the Senior Sith to give commands and decide if this Acolyte needed additional information.
One of the other transports deposited more troops, and a being that was at first below his visage. The Short Synth though not In eyesight could be felt. Her gaze was fixed upon him and so he craned his head down to look at her. She had great teal eyes matched by her lips, blond hair, distinct brows, and her ears were long and pointed as his were, which meant she had some Elf Blood.
Deciding to break the verbal silence between them, much was being said in body language and glances.
If I may say, you seem transfixed. I must confess I was beginning to think I was the only one of my kind in The Order. I am relieved to know I am not alone.”
His blood eyes endeavored to match his words, revealing in them a warmth he intended for her. He tried to return his focus on the siege about to commence, but there was something in those blue eyes when he looked into them, he felt something familiar. He wanted to believe it was simply the sparkle of blood that they shared, as if two ships with the same banners passed each other in the night. Still her gaze was haunting, and he tried to regain composure, and focus on the enemy ahead. He reached for his Staffsaber which was slung on his back. The weapon was his pride, forged at his induction in the Sith Order. The long shaft of durasteel and electrum that shimmered as he held it. The two blades hidden within called for blood like fangs, they pulsed with a fever that transferred to him. It took much self control to not ignite them and gratify his bloodlust. He waa not to brandish them till Dark Lady Morta gave the order. The two teeth would have to sleep a little while longer.

As the sirans rang, six Sith Fighters moved in single formation and came soaring above the boulvard as they dropped great bolts upon The Palace. The beams fell like a red rain and there was a loud thunder of booms as balls of flame rose up and trails of smoke rose like the incense of the underworld. There was the faint cries of chaos in the distance as fires spread and bodies were dragged. The price of betrayal was always the same in every age, a burning…
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Location: Kraysis II, Outer Rim Territories
Objective 1

As Darth Kentarch's sleek, black shuttle penetrated the atmosphere of Kraysis II, the calmness of the planet's night was evident through the viewport. The clear skies revealed the vast expanse of stars scattered across the cosmos, a serene backdrop to the mission's ominous undertones. The shuttle glided smoothly towards its designated landing zone, a secluded flat area surrounded by jagged rock formations that provided both cover and strategic advantage.

The landing was silent, the shuttle's advanced technology ensuring no sound betrayed its arrival. As the ramp descended with a quiet hiss, Kentarch stepped out into the cool, still air of Kraysis II. The twin moons hung low in the sky, their pale light casting eerie shadows over the barren landscape, transforming ordinary rocks into watchful, ghostly figures.

Turning to ensure his shuttle was secure, he initiated its cloaking device with a subtle touch to his wrist communicator. The craft responded instantly, its outline shimmering into invisibility, as hidden from sight as Kentarch himself preferred to be during his missions. Kentarch's arrival had been meticulously planned to ensure secrecy. No electronic signals had been sent that could be traced back to him; even the shuttle's systems were shielded against detection.

As Darth Kentarch edged closer to the dark silhouette of the government palace, a rare moment of introspection overtook him amidst the night's deep silence. The cool breeze stirred his cloak gently, reminding him of whispers and tales spun in the hushed corridors of power. The past Sith Empire, ever theatrical in its displays, had gone as far as to exhibit what they claimed was his skull in the great library—a grim trophy meant to cement the story of his demise. This artifact, supposedly a symbol of finality, was intended to erase Kentarch from the annals of power, a warning to those who would betray the Empire.

The spectacle had been convincing. His name was forgotten, he was now known as the Forgotten One. Kentarch allowed himself a thin, sardonic smile.

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Daughter of The Destroyer


"You Can See God When I Take My Mask Off"


ADVERSARIES: EVERYONE Darth Morta Darth Morta | Darth Daimen Darth Daimen | Darth Strosius Darth Strosius | Revna Revna | Kivah Kivah | Phaelissia Phaelissia | Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch

Dishonored & Disgraced; What tragedies lay fleshed out with sin and malice, painted in ethereal shame - eternal glory and sultry lust. grandeur schemes of malignant, ill minds that simper with the very thought of commitment, of adulterated famish of the throne. A perilous game, a damning vexation that draws man, woman, and beasts alive to their grim fates just a spiral that only went downward. A cutthroat world of unimaginable malice through the fair looking glass.

This bible of deceit, it bids you welcome, o audience mine. Come, stay a while, and bare witness to sweet subjugation of the divine by ungodly hands.

A perversion of nature they called her once. The xenotype dragged azurite claws across the blazing surface of an emerald colored lightsaber as the creature from The Deep lounged casually and tiredly within her vessel.


And her judgment was harsh.


Blue embers sparked in the dark from the claws dragging across the lightsabers surface. Like a feline sharpening and filing it's claws, she impatiently dangled a leg off the edge of her seat.

"So…this is what it's come to then?" She asked, emphasized with another dragging of her claws across the lightsaber in her claws stolen by the lightborn godling Ko Vuto Ko Vuto . "Slithery slimy senile snakes so simple…so sad~" She groaned, feigning sickness with a hand to her head as she leaned so far in her seat she could nearly fall right out of it. "Is there no HOPE X9!? No HOPE for these GODS, lost in their DESPERATE struggles for POWER?" She cried, weeping almost, cradling her face into four hands as the droid by her side levitated in a…more stunned silence than usual.

"Sith are bold and ambitious by nature, these things happen all the time with them. Best to just let it play it's course and not get overtly involved. To the Sith, you are either on one side or the othe"

"IT DOSEN"T MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE!" The azure beast bellowed, flinging her arm with the saber and shredding through some of the ships cockpit unintentionally in her melodramatic madness, forcing the vessel to glitch, spark, and malfunction in REAL TIME as the bleeping of the ships heads up displays violently blared while the ship learned into the atmosphere a bit more, gently falling out of the sky as the beast jumped up from her seat. "WHAT IS A GOD!? THIS!? THIS IS IT?" She snatched the droid out the air as the ship sputtered towards the earth slowly, only picking up speed as she broke the clouds which then showed a clashing of crimson blades upon the field of 'battle'.

The droid panicked, uncertain what Domina saw that he wasn't seeing.

"I don't know, I don't! It's a coup! Everyone just wants a piece of the pie. I don't know why they do it, don't break my shell again!" The droid pleaded, making Dima groan quietly before loosening her grip on the delicate little droid.

"Pie?" Dominas alien ears fluttered like bird wings. "Mmnf, Dima LOVES pie." She neary salivated at the mention of the deliciously delectable pastry cake. "Why didn't you say something sooner?" She purred, disabling the lightsaber and tucking it away as she admired the sharpness of her freshly filed claws. "If there is pie to be had, then This One wants the biggest slice~" She told the droid as it panicked trying to link itself to the ships systems and steer them towards the planet gently due to the control console being completely shredded from the previous tantrum.

"W-WHAT DID YOU DO!? M-mayday! We're going down!" X9 began over comms, causing Domina to roll her eyes exceptionally far into her skull as she once again snatched the droid between her claws like a bird within a cage.

"Oh we're going down there all right. Open communications and transmit this message, Dima NEEDS them to know this~" She cackled in deranged delight.

"To WHO? It's mainly CARNIFEX'S PEOPLE who, are basically your ALLIES!" X9 argued and protested, only further agitating the Mandalorian daughter of Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex .

"To every-fucking-one! These scheming snakes want to be gods!?" She slammed one of her arms onto the drawing ramp of the ship, causing wind to flood inside while they descended to the surface. "Then they're going to need Primes blessings~" She hissed, cracking the bones in her neck and rolling those broad shoulders. "After all…why shouldn't it be Dimas? All of…whatever the fuck THIS is? Why do they get pie and This One none? No no no no…NO! Dima wants EVERYTHING! And This One is going to eat off whoever has food on their FUCKING PLATE OPEN THE BLOODY TRANSMISSION!"

The droid folded. Unable to reel her in now that she had that itch in her bones it would not be satisfied until it was scratched. Rather it was a Kainite, a rouge operation, or any other sect with whatever loyalties they may have had Domina could not be reasoned with when all she could feel within her cosmic blood was a bloodthirsty desire to DOMINATE any and all things.

The transmission was open. Received by anyone with an open signal as the shop putting out the message was literally barreling out of the sky.

"The rite to be a god is for those most deserving~" She began, mad ramblings of a cosmic entity beyond reason or comprehension. "And all Prime sees…are slimy scheming snakes, unworthy of their divine spark~" She felt sick saying the words, watching them all squirm and scuttle about the surface, so desperate to attain any sliver of power they could find. Power was forged in the temple of one's own soul and blood, not from the mad ramblings of old, dead gods in their pathetic attempts to seem profound sometime after their demise. Clearly an education was in order~ "Your options are simple should you cross the Path of Prime. Draw your blades and unleash your divine might, drop to your knees in sweet surrender, or pay fucking tribute to Prime. Let's hope you have something shiny for This One~" She told them simply leaning into the microphone chuckling in sheer delight. "You know what Dima thinks? Dima thinks your hearts have never really been in it. That without the blessings of your divine, that you'd all be living very different lives than the ones you do now. So easy to feel powerful when with a wave of the hand all your problems can just…disappear. Take that power away and what do any of you fucking worms have but a hope and a dream?" She sighed, feeling the ship tilt and sway as it got closer and closer to the surface. "Make no mistake. Even without a gods blessing, Prime does this fucking shit for the LOVE of the FUCKING GAME! So Prime is going to take every-FUCKING-thing! AND IF NONE OF YOU CAN STOP PRIME! THEN PRIME IS TAKING IT ALL!" She snarled so beautifully it was like a song, primitive and feral in her design Domina sang into the communications of the ship, letting anyone with a transceiver or radio hear the very simple message.

This fight was no longer a 'coup'. There would be no scraps left to claim by these desperate losers.

This was now a TEST. A test of their divine right to godhood, which Domina would push to its limits. And just as Dominas crashing vessel neared the boulevard just in the moment as Darth Morta Darth Morta & Darth Daimen Darth Daimen ordered Sith Fighters to carpet bomb The Palace. And they just so happened to pass as Dimas ship fluttered overhead.

Beskad Axe in hand azurite teeth chittered along her face as she adjusted the visor of her mask. Leaping out the rear of the ship and twisting her body in the air all four of those arms flicked their wrist as the Sith Bombers passed, and ejecting that azure silk from her veins she attached tethers from her falling, crashing ship onto THREE of the Sith Fighters, stringing them together as X9 abandoned the ship next, letting it crash to its doom as the fighters completed their bombing run but…strangely, as if struggling to pull their ships up never quite cleared the palace.

A cluster of four ships tethered by Dominas silk crashed into the palace, radiating the air with lights and fire as Domina impishly giggled in her freefall to the surface. Brandishing the claws of one of her many arms, she SWIPED at another passing fighter, cleaving through most of its wing and causing it to spiral out of control and wipe out into the gardens of the open boulevard in spectacularly violent fashion.

Another fighter was zipping through the air, only further exciting the Mandalorian Huntress as she flicked two of her wrists in its direction and LATCHED herself to the vehicle. Bystanders on the ground would look up, and just see the strange glimpse of the azure creature as she peered through the display window of the ship. The Sith Pilot inside quickly noticing there was a bizarre, four armed creature attached to the front of his ship.

He twisted and turned, trying to shake her off but Domina simply grinned, taking that massive axe and SLAMMING it through the glass, shattering it effortlessly with a two armed swing before shoving her tail inside to wrangle the steering controls from the pilot as Dima flicked all four of her wrist repeatedly to attach his arms and body to the seat he was trapped in. She searched the controls, hymning a lovely tune to herself as she began to pull a series of levers before then slamming a big, red button.

The ships speakers came up.

"Hyperdrive Engaged! Warning, jump path not recommended! Please reconsider the flight path!" It warned, Domina using her tail to steer the ship towards the palace before grinning wickedly behind her mask and slamming the red button again. "UNDERSTOOD! Override engaged, entering jump speed in 5…4…3…2~"

Domina lifted all four of her arms and gave the trapped pilot a middle finger. "One~" She bunny hopped off the front of the fighter, and in that moment, in the blink of an eye…it was gone.

Carving its way at light speed through a majority of the palace structure, completely obliterated most things as the Xenotype finally landed on the surface.

Well, not quite the surface. Seemed she had some cushioning from all the godlings flabbergasted at the sudden chaos unfolding around them as he ran down the stairs of the palace to hold off the attackers. Some poor sith staring at the palace that had been both bombed by sith fighters, then suffered kamikaze attacks from four ships tethered together only to then have another vessel hyperspeed jump into the remainder of the palace. The sight was so alarming, the sith did not even bother to look up as the shadow around him grew bigger and bigger with her descent.

Until finally…a visage of carnage and gore exploded outward in a visceral display of annihilation. One second the sith was there, there next, he was a pile of bone, blood and guts mashed up beneath the feet of Domina Prime. Extended, alien hydraulic legs creating a crater of sheer weight around her legs as she carnage stained her skirt, causing her to grimace as she wiped her feet on the grass as if she were needing a welcome mat.

"Di-fucking-sgusting~" She scoffed, now standing atop the palace stairs between both Kainite and Rouge Sith forces clashing.

But no…Prime saw no difference between any of the godborn around her.

They all wore black…they all favored red sabers. They all were desperate for the loving embrace of their god and the blessings that came with it.

They were all the same.

It mattered little. Free food was free food, and Domina intended to take her fill.

Five alien eyes darted back and forth from behind her visor. The head of her Axe slamming into the floor as she decided rather or not she wanted to ascend up the stairs to meet the Rouges holding the palace. Or descend downward to test the might of her fathers prospects.

Prey all around her and she couldn't make up her mind…

Best to just take a bite out of any and everything. Lifting four arms she would look to both sides and gesture for them all to bare witness as she motioned them all towards her, whistling a Mandalorian Tune as she dragged the head of the axe across those grande, blood stained stairs as she trailed carnage and gore wherever her feet traced from the puddle of what was once a man beneath her feet.

Remember the rules, sweet audience. Fight for your divine right to conquest, fall to your knees in surrender, or pay tribute to the might of Prime.

There would be no alternatives.

For the love of the game audience. For the love of the fucking game.


Watching the scramble for power from orbit, Prime is unimpressed.
With Open Transmission, Openly proclaims
Conditions are simple. Show your divine spark, Surrender, or Pay Tribute to Prime

With malfunctioning ship, tethers her crashing vessel to the Sith Fighters called in by Darth Daimen Darth Daimen
Forcing the four tethered ships to crash into the palace. Commandeers another sith fighter.
Activates the fighters hyper drive and directs it to the palace, causing further chaos and destruction.

Landing upon the stairs between The Boulevard & The Palace, seeks battle with Rouge Sith, Kainites, and anything that dare challenge PRIMES AUTHORITY~

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Objective 1:

Allies -
Darth Daimen Darth Daimen Kivah Kivah Phaelissia Phaelissia Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch
Enimes? - Domina Prime Domina Prime

Darth Morta watched as other Sith landed around her, pride swelling within her as she saw that her gambit had been paying off, stating that she would pay homage to the Sith as an Empire rather than trying to make it on her own as a single planet state, it also made confirming her legitimacy of rulership much easier. Everything was going great until the striving run one of her tentative allies had ordered hit the governmental palace, a few holes in the stonework to send the regular security forces inside running for cover and a couple of nice fat holes for a dramatic entry.

Everything went wrong when an unknown shuttle transmitting a challenge to everyone in the vicinity. She felt a rage build up deep in her, and grabbed onto it, letting it fuel herself, Darth Motra had scrabbled in the dirt for this power of hers, fighting and learning there was no way that she would let one being get in the way of her goals. She watched as somehow it dragged three fighters into the top levels of the palace while a fourth one, seemingly panicked pilot tried to escape activating their hyperdrive and slamming into the palace at nearly the speed of light imparting energy energy to turn most of the palace into a pile of rubble. Or rather that’s what appeared to happen if it wasn’t for the dead spot in the force that Darth Morta could sense moving around that let her know that this was some foe doing this, she watched as the figure dropped to the ground on the steps of the rubble pile.

Darth Morta activated her lightsabers as she drew up to within a couple dozen meters of this mystery foe,
“You come here begging for attention like a child,” She said and pointed the tip of one of her lightsabers at the strange foe. “you have it now, and like a child you need discipline. Presumably you killed my opponent in your cry for attention, therefore I’ll have to kill you for standing in my way.”

Rather than launch here into the attack Darth Morta held up her other sabre in a duelist’s salute and took a defensive stance, with this opponent being dead in the force she couldn’t rely on her own powers to anticipate attacks. Morta would instead rely on older instincts, ones she picked up in the streets on Ryloth, before she had the force as an extra sense. She’d have to use her eyes and knowledge of back alley vibroblade fights, learning her opponents moves and countering on skill.

“The rest of you,” Morta said over her shoulder to the group that had been following, still keeping one eye on this strange challenger in front of her. “Clean up whatever mess was left behind, if you find Darth Vesanus still drawing breath, save him for me.”
Events shifted quickly as a transmission was broadcasted and the Palace was taken out by a ship with a hyperdrive. The great ball of flame rose up like a bubble that then popped with a cloud of smoke. Daimen’s eyes watched as the center of the threat was wiped out. To the Aetharian this made the mission easier, much of the defensive forces were likely roasted, and perhaps Darth Veranus as well. He would like to give laurels to the Demon that had effectively saved lives of his own contigent and helped ensure Darth Morta Darth Morta ’s safety. That was until she decided to make The Gift Giver of this inferno the target. Daimen had heard the choice from the Xeno Queen, “fight, surrender, or tribute.” It seemed his Liege-Lady had chosen the first option, which was her right, this was about her ascension to power. The Kainite Blood Elf though considered how he would meet this Domina Prime Domina Prime . He was tasked with protecting Dark Lady Morta, and that meant like Jedi who usually entered duels as twos against One Sith, he would be going with her as her Second if she permitted and so he pleaded,
I beseech you to let me be your living Buckler. The enemy is yours, but I beg you to use my blade and my body as a shield in this conflict.
Daimen then looked over at Phaelissia Phaelissia who had caught his attention earlier. There was unsettling feeling to all this, and he wished he could know her better. If he survived, he would not hesitate to make a formal request to spend time with her in a recreational function.
At Darth Morta’s orders the troopers began sweeps of the area for any survivors. They were to snuff out the breath of any who might have miraculously survived.
Charred corpses were strewn across the boulevard, their flesh had a charcoal smell. The Kainote Blood Elf felt as sense of oity for their souls, to die without glory in such a instant. He came upon a man breathing heaviky, his body nlackened and pieces of flesh sliding off as he pawed at himself. The Aetharian drew close and rook pit his saberstaff, holding it over his chest, he pressed the command switch and blade of ruby blood extended into the cavity and the man ceases to breath. Daimen was a Darth, but not heartless, and taking uff his staff he rejoined Morta’s contingents. He thought about what comes next, to face a creature who’s arrival bathed the entire boulevard in a blaze. Her threats and taunts had gravity, for the forerunner of her wrath was a wave of such destruction that he wondered if this was the Seed of Typhojem itself.
Last edited:
Objective 1: Puppet or Proxy
Tags: Darth Morta Darth Morta Darth Daimen Darth Daimen Domina Prime Domina Prime Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch Phaelissia Phaelissia
Gear: In Bio

When things went sideways they went fast. Kivah had barely tuned into the rogue transmission when the first fighter screamed in from the sky to crash into the palace ahead. As the fragments spun out in cloud of duracrete dust she and a handful of the others hustled into a side street. Just in time too as more fighters followed by an unworldly explosion shook the posh structures around them. Emerging revealed devastation for blocks around them as well as an alien woman with a giant battle ax wielded casually between its four arms.

Darth Morta was issuing her own challenge back, pointing her red saber as she scolded the newcomer. Now this would be a fight worth watching! Kivah checked around herself real quick as she pulled her canteen to clear her mouth of dust, spitting the dirtied water to the rubble-strewn street. She put it back after squatting down, repeater casually crossed in her lap. Morta wanted them mopping up, but things looked well in hand, at least for the remaining mercenaries. Instead, she set her goggles to record the upcoming confrontation just as the Darth took up her fighting stance.

A sith she did not know joined their leader which made Kivah smile. She didn't know how to gauge a Sith's power, but from a purely physical match up and posturing she wouldn't have put money on Morta. Now she'd get more of a fight. Looting the palace had been denied her, at least without digging through piles of rubble for tarnished trinkets, so she'd take this as recompense.
Daughter of The Destroyer


My heartbeat stumbles and my backbone crumbles
I feel, is it real, as the lynch mob doubles
I want blood and i'll kill for it, Praise me and they'll kneel for it!
Burn me at the stake, met the devil, made the deal for it!


ADVERSARIES: EVERYONE Darth Morta Darth Morta | Darth Daimen Darth Daimen | Darth Strosius Darth Strosius | Revna Revna | Kivah Kivah | Phaelissia Phaelissia | Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch

It was happening now…after so many years of being held at bay by the leash of her Mandalorian Elders in her extensive time among The Enclave she had almost forgotten what it was like, to be unrestrained and uncontrolled by anyone or anything. To be truly free~


The significance of such a simple one syllable four letter word. And as the Xeno Queen inhaled deeply through her nostrils the air ripe with chaos and calamity. That central most eye drifted slowly among the many dark robed individuals all indoctrinated into their little cult personality, starving and desperate for power and recognition filled with such LOFTY ambitions.

Looking out among them the Prime could not help but ponder a phrase uttered to her by Darkborn throughout her experiences with them.

Peace was a lie, there was only passion. Madness. The last twenty years must of just been a temporary haze.

Through passion they gained strength…Did they? Strange.

Through strength, they gained POWER? Oh now that was just fucking delicious.

Through power, they would gain victory. Well that much followed at least, in a roundabout sort of way.

Through victory, their chains are broken. The force would set them FREE.

Dominas central eye focused it's scrutiny now. Dialing its soul focus as a crimson fleshed Twi'lek marched before Domina and pointed the sizzling end of her crimson blade at the Prime. Darth Morta Darth Morta looking none too pleased with the Azure Devils deranged antics.

Her fifth eye wandered to the rest of them now, how many of them just…shuffled and slithered off to the side or watched.

Free. These did not look like people who were free. Not to Prime. It was saddening in a way, seeing a beast in a cage so spacious and lovely one forgot it was a cage. The power afforded to these little godlings by their divine entity kept them fat and complacent on borrowed power as long as it benefited THEM in their brief time of existence. Only to be eroded away by the ultimate power of divine magnitudes time. For time killed all things, even ideas.

Domina couldn't help but wonder what they did it all for. If they ever had a reason at all beyond the feeling of being big in a galaxy that tended to make you feel oh so small. Why not take it? If handed divine power could one really resist the temptations? Apparently not, so many of them like crabs in a bucket pulling everyone else down just for a sweeter taste.

Disgusting little creatures. In desperate need of correction. They were not truly FREE. Their freedom came with a contract, they were slaves to a divine deity beyond their mortal comprehensions. Domina? She saw gods in shackles and chains. Food. Livestock~

And Domina was oh so hungry.

"You come here begging for attention like a child, you have it now, and like a child you need discipline. Presumably you killed my opponent in your cry for attention, therefore I'll have to kill you for standing in my way." Darth Mortal boldly and confidently proclaimed, drawing her masses towards her charisma and leadership as Domina grinned so wide from behind her Mandalorian mask that those ears along the side of her face perked upward in delight.

"The last child too~" She uttered so sadly it could almost be described as a sob. "This one has always felt lost and lonely. So…so lonely little goddess~" Domina told her honestly, lifting two pairs of arms and dragging her claws through that mane of snowy hair and looking to the stars. "Dima does not think there are any of us left…This One must be the last~" She traced her claws across the Beskad Axe within her clawed grip. "The Last Chosen Child of Kad Ha'rangir. May his name and path never wither to the mightiest killer of all, time~" She prayed to the only god she ever knew. The only god who truly understood her.

Her god did not bestow divine gifts. Perhaps that made him a false god. But to Domina Prime, he gave something better.


Perfect. Evolution.

And evolution always wins.

"I beseech you to let me be your living Buckler. The enemy is yours, but I beg you to use my blade and my body as a shield in this conflict!" The voice of a man pleaded with his crimson mistress, drawing one of Dimas many eyes as she chuckled warmly at the sad display. Still, even Prime could admire the loyalty of a committed follower. So she tried not to judge Darth Daimen Darth Daimen too harshly. He was a young god, she could not blame him for his lack of understanding.

"Take the help godling. You're going to be needed it~" She told the Sith Lord bluntly. "Prime is going to show you all something beautiful little gods. Something truly sweet and precious to This One. For a long, long time this one has witnessed the sheer might of your divine spark. The incredible power of your all seeing god." She twirled the Beskar Axe within her claws before SLAMMING the head of it down into the earth, shattering the stone stairs and impaling it deep before letting it go like a sword in the stone atop the palace stairs.

What was left of it.

"So it's time you bear witness to the spark of Primes God~" She purred loudly like a starving predator as Domina descended down the stairs. All four arms held outward as if she were going to embrace all before her. Showing all four hands were empty of weaponry as that tail lingered dangerously. "All or fucking nothing little godlings. Primes god takes no fucking prisoners!" Electricity snapped, crackled and popped throughout her spinal cord, surging throughout those radioactive crystallized bones.

The sizzle of Darth Morta Darth Morta grew hotter and closer the further the Mandalorian Xeno Queen descended until at last she was on their level, standing so close to Darth Morta she could just lean forward and strike the breastplate of that Mandalorian Armor. Those four eyes each identified different livestock as they gathered and picking the free food from the real killers. Taking visual note of Kivah Kivah as they took a seat and delighted in the sheer spectacle of it all. Drawing a smirk from Domina as the fifth eye remained narrowed and focused on the Twi'lek, Dominas arms spread out wide and open as she tilted her head in disappointment

Didn't seem to be many of them. There never was.

"Ya like music, Crimson Goddess?" She asked as the familiar hovering of X9s repulsor engines levitated him from the skies. "Most people seem to find it distracting. But Dima loves a bit of music with dinner, you don't mind do you?" Domina mused before SHLINK! With a brush of her index claws created a frequency the droid recognized. Activating it's energy shields before slightly shifting shape as strange speakers appeared in slots along its frame. Cycling through a random selection of all different kinds of music.

Immediately the blaring of drums and snares caused Domina's tail to jolt in alarm as she recoiled physically.

"NO!" The record scratched in disturbance. "Something mmnn sweet, but with a little bounce to it yes? Sweet music one can make love too you silly machine! this is a special moment~" She barked boisterously before the droid quickly reversed gears and changed genre, switching to a song much more…strange for a battle such as this.

"Ah, yes. Perfect. That's nice real nice." She cooed warmly, swaying her head from side to side while staring at Darth Morta Darth Morta , waiting to see what she'd do with Domina so close, yet so far.

"Dima don't like anyone better than you." She sang warmly along with the lyrics as they played. "It's true~ Dima would crawl a mile with the desolate place, with the snakes, just for you." She serenaded the Twi'lek with a whip and flash of that dangerously poised tail and lashers, so threateningly within reach but relaxed as Domina hymned and began to sway back and forth as if a serpent being charmed as the music continued to build.

"Do you see anyone better than Prime?" She reached out with a claw, touching the tip of her finger against the sizzling plasma blade of the Twi'lek. "Baby please~" She sang still, gesturing for Morta to come along and take her shot. "Can take a hit of whatever you got, maybe two, maybe three~" The surge of energy radiated throughout her frame, crystalized claws sparking and crackling as waited.

The music was live. Now for the dance. A dance of decimation and destruction, as only HER god could deliver.


Pondering the nature of godhood and the divine, Prime soon comes to a realization
The godborn couldn't know any better. They've never been shown anything different.

Domina discards Axe and descends down the stairs to them.
Proclaiming herself the last true child of The Destroyer God Kad Ha'rangir Domina Approaches morta

X9, Her multipurpose companion droid returns, activating shields and proceeding to lighten the mood with some tunes

Unarmed before Darth Morta Darth Morta and her followers, singing and serenading the Sith Twi'lek and tempting her to do one thing


Location: Krayiss II
Objective: Puppet or Proxy
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Darth Morta Darth Morta Darth Daimen Darth Daimen Kivah Kivah Domina Prime Domina Prime

The ongoing calamity immediately drew 666 out of her reverie. As beautiful and perfect as Darth Daimen Darth Daimen was, the scene of the starfighters crashing into the palace in explosive fashion took precedence above all other considerations. In that regard, the disaster was culminated by a blast that was bigger than the previous ones combined, unleashing enough force that the palace was effectively vaporized before her synthetic eyes, with the ensuing shockwave shattering windows and sending people flying. 666 found herself among them, though her energy shield afforded her a measure of protection that prevented further damage.

Others however, were not so lucky.

Pushing herself back onto her feet, 666 was relieved to see that Darth Daimen Darth Daimen had emerged largely unscathed. However, the charred, mangled corpses strewn across the boulevard struck a more grim scene, giving mortal consequence to the disaster that had befallen the city amidst what might otherwise have been a conflict that was more limited in scope.

Now, it seemed that they would fight over ruins.

As 666 took in the scene, a monstrous presence made herself known, proclaiming a challenge to the assembled Sith—Godborn. There was only one who dared to refer to the Sith in such an irreverent manner, compelling the Aetharian to narrow her synthetic eyes in disgust.

Domina Prime Domina Prime .

“The rest of you,” Morta said over her shoulder to the group that had been following, still keeping one eye on this strange challenger in front of her. “Clean up whatever mess was left behind, if you find Darth Vesanus still drawing breath, save him for me.”

666 came to a halt, briefly finding herself reveling in the thought of putting down the four-armed beast, only for her hopes to be dashed against stone. The Aetharian initially pouted in silence, but as much as she despised the creature's animal obsession with the Moridinazid culture, she would never question the orders of a Sith, however…

This time, she could make an exception.

“This creature is not your challenger, my Lady. She is nothing more than a distraction. It matters not to the terms of the Kaggath whether you kill her or someone else does.”

Objective 1:

Allies - Darth Daimen Darth Daimen Kivah Kivah Phaelissia Phaelissia Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch
Enimes - Domina Prime Domina Prime

“This creature is not your challenger, my Lady. She is nothing more than a distraction. It matters not to the terms of the Kaggath whether you kill her or someone else does.”
"She may not be my target, but she most likely killed him, so defeating her is the next best thing to prove my strength and right to rule this world." Darth Morta answered dismissively, this fight was just as much about strength as it was cunning, and now was the time for strength.

She considered Darth Daimen's words
I beseech you to let me be your living Buckler. The enemy is yours, but I beg you to use my blade and my body as a shield in this conflict.
On one hand, ganging up on this monstrosity before her might appear to be some form of weakness, and groups fighting together without training tended to get in each other's way and cause issues more than outnumbering their foe gave an advantage, but on the other hand, having those under her willing to fight and possible dir for her was just as much a show of strength as raw fighting ability, and with the force she could anticipate her allies and underlings moves and weave them together into a complex dance of strikes that could bring death to any foe. Her answer came just before her chaotic opponent started to babble about music. "Very well, stand and fight with me if you wish, but I will order no one into this with me, join at your own peril, your death or glory will be in your own hands."

As the robot started playing music, Darth Morta spent a nearly insignificant portion of her concentration to block it out of her mind, it was just noise, noise that could distract her if she let it, or let herself be unconsciously drawn into some sort of pattern. Darth Morta held her defensive stance until Domina touched the tip of one of her lightsabers with little more caution than someone taking a warm bowl of food out of a heating unit, it wasn't fear that shot through her body at that moment, but understanding of why this creature felt so confident going up against a Sith Lord and her retinue. Darth Morta smirked as she stepped back, deactivated her lightsabers, and dropped into a sprinter's three-point start, one hand on the ground, and her leg behind her as if she was going to launch herself forward at Domina, unarmed. In the brief instant where she was stopped, she used the Force to pull a chunk of the place wreckage towards her opponent and then launched herself high in the air using the Force to guide her jump and pull the discarded heavy beskar battleaxe to herself and took a double handed grip on the heavy weapon, even if the axehead wouldn't penetrate her foe's hard exoskeleton, the weight of the impact its self was the best method of dealing with solid plates of armour if one couldn't cut through them.

Darth Morta smirked as she launched her first real attack swinging the heavy implement at Domina with a force-enhanced strength and speed saying.
"Thought you might leave that axe there and pick it up while I was distracted if the fight came this way? Well too bad, if you drop a weapon you best consider it lost."
Location: Krayiss II
Objective: Puppet or Proxy
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Darth Morta Darth Morta Darth Daimen Darth Daimen Kivah Kivah Domina Prime Domina Prime
The words of the Aetharian Synrh cut like a blade to the bone of Daimen who had been rather hasty in pledging his flesh. The mission parameters were to escort Darth Morta Darth Morta to the Palace and face Darth Veranus. That had changed, and while ordinarily his honor would bind him stay at his Liege Lady’s side, this waa not the enemy they had come for. A Xeno Mandalorian ( Domina Prime Domina Prime ) was not his enemy. Madam Morta had picked a substitute for her stolen prize, and Daimen was not obligated to fight. She even gave hin leave with her words as she leapt into combat with the Demon. Effectively letting him off the proverbial hook. Turning one more time to Phaelissia Phaelissia , The Blood Elf took up his staffsaber and made his way across the sorched boulevard. There petrified people stood as ashen statues from the super heated flames of the hyperdrive. The Sith Elf examined them, something was not right. One of the statues disappeared. Following molten footprints, Daimen came to a ash cloud. It hung in the air, clumps falling like snow as he searched. He was to confirm if Veranus was dead, if possible. A corpse was not a certainty in this situation, bodies being vaporized. Still, even if in vain he searched, he would be on mission. He had no ambition to rule planets, nor climb the falling ladder of superiors. To be a Lord was not glamorous, it was to assume a mantle of great responsibility, to rule and rear the next generation of angry misfits to be culled, with only a few making it through the furnace. He watched as the circles formed around great lords, cultists vying to bask in the sun of their stars in hope of advancement. But the path to power was not given, it was taken. One had to forge their own path. The legacy of lords was one of uniqueness, no two Sith alike, this contrasted with the uniformity of the Jedi and the stagnation caused by their unnatural adherence to their Code. The Blood Elf could see clearly in this fog of death, he walked in the necropolis, his cape drapping over skeletons. All of them crumbling with esch step, his boot smashing vertebra. There had been no opportunity for these poor souls to find glory on the field, they had been snuffed out in a wave of wanton destruction. Perhaps it was the price of treachery that they were consumed in a blaze, punishment from the immortal gods. Whatever the reason, he searched the runes for the source of treason. Something told him that answers lurked onward…
"Took you both long enough," An all too familiar smirking voice spoke, as both Ali- Darth Strosius Darth Strosius and his recently found cousin, Revna Revna of House Marr finally touched down upon the hangerbays of the Library-Temple Complex. When this world was still under the control of their Mistress, Malum had found himself here very often, for after all among Sith libraries, there were very few that could compare.

And after all, under the control of their Mistress, she who commanded the Tsis'Kaar, assassins by trade, but scholars by passion, it was perhaps among the greatest libraries of the galaxy.

Which made it all the more tragic that it ended up in the hands of the Kainites, when the Ouroboros Crisis ended.

Another of the sins of Darth Strosius.

He blinked, the orange glimmer in his eyes fading before he even noticed it was there at all if it was there at all.

Turning back to gaze upon the great structure, "Most of the enemy is being distracted by the great display that is about to come to pass between Darth Vesanus and Darth Morta, leaving the Library-Temple Complex mostly deserted," And the Tsis'Kaar stationed on this world had been quick to take care of them.

Such was the advantage of being here before, he had been able to rally the Tsis'Kaar stationed here as soon as news of the betrayal of Darth Vesanus had broken, travelling here and leading them to secure most of the facility.

All the while it would be his battlebrother that would bring reinforcements and the means to actually secure as much of the goods within as they could.

Unfortunately, he knew, it would never be enough.

Alas, it would have to do.

Until, they were back to retake all of what was rightfully theirs.

Between them, the ground vibrated.

No doubt the battle had begun in earnest, as he almost thought he saw something shoot through the sky, that was not flak fire or what it was attempting to intercept.

Most interesting indeed.
Objective 1: Puppet or Proxy
Tags: Darth Morta Darth Morta Darth Daimen Darth Daimen Domina Prime Domina Prime Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch Phaelissia Phaelissia
Gear: In Bio

Well that was disappointing and the fight had started off so well, if a little cliched. Now though Darth Marta's help was scurrying away to make ash clouds of the dead. Mentally she swung the odds a little longer for the red Twi'lek despite the impressive acrobatics and the theft of the xeno's weapon, a move she herself would have wanted to attempt.

Another mercenary, Grafan, tried to pull her further away from the fight and she shrugged him off and he reluctantly squatted beside her. "Should have gone to the library. Might have been some antiques there to resell." He groused.

Kivah had considered it, but like most of the mercenaries had decided that there was more and easier to sell in the palace. Besides, she didn't know what might have been worth taking from a place like that. Maybe if Das had been here she'd have gone, or knew there'd be something interesting to the techy netrunner. Not likely given how old everything was supposed to be.

Reaching up, she tapped her temple by her goggles, careful not to jostle them. "'M recording this." she said quietly, her eyes having never left the two powerhouses during the distraction. She drank in ever move, caught the tensing of muscles and the electric brightness of Domina's claws as they toyed with the live saber even from this distance. Unconsciously her tongue moistened her lips and she leaned forward in her crouch as her tail flicked behind her in anticipation as Darth Morta opened the fight with the first real attack.

The ash rain made all as gray, petrified people were standing, raising their hands, holding sabers and rifles. It was a graveyard of effigies, each with an express of sheer horror etched on the lava rock like shell. Damien approached one, most serene, a woman who was not in turmoil but her hands bowed down and out as if welcoming her doom.

As The Blood Elf stepped away, magma like drops began to run down her face, and those cold rock eyes shifted. With each step he had to make his way around a throng of figures, at times arms and hands snagging on his robes. One caught his hood and as he tried to free it he noticed the arms were moving, and drops of molten hue fell like dew. One of the petrified tugged the cape, and Diamen tried to reach his saberstaff slung under his cloak. More hands descended upon him in a frenzy, their dark and contorted hands pinning the Sith down. One placed its hand over his mouth from behind as he was dragged down into the ashen cloud of the floor.

There was a loud snap and hiss, followed by a hum as a red light grew in the fog. Limbs flew like great beams of rock as The Darth spun his weapon around his body, cutting with the twin blood fangs at these Necrogolems. He stood with a horde of arms around him like dials on a clock, each pointed with a index finger at him. A great ball of flame soared over his head and hit another statue, it began to melt and fall in a lava flow of its own.

Emerging as orange glow that lit the cloud of ash was a figure wreathed in flame, its eyes like hot coals for forging arms and its head burned clean of all hair. It opened its mouth and a door to a magma world within. The Blood Elf placed his palm on his elongated chrome staff and spun the twin blades like a oscillating fan before stopping midway in a stance. The Inferno Being let out a shriek as it formed its own molten blade and leapt, Diamen parried the two blade met with magma flying like drops everywhere, the lock up was not long for the sheer force of this Golem in Flame knocked The Darth back and on to his back. It then held out a hand as a stream of flame came like a mist, The Blood Elf rolled away into another line of petrified, their hands grabbing at him and forming a wall. All around more stone arms cracked and made fences with fingers, so that now Diamen was forced into close combat with the Burning Creature. It opened its mouth wide as it charged releasing a stream of flame as it swung its burning axe, Daimen dropped low and rose with a single blade, spearing its chest. Great drops of magma fell from open wound as The Darth carved a circle, and rise up from neckline. The Momten Golem fell on a knee as it shed lava life blood and looked with irritation at Daimen before falling apart and into a pool of fire that began to spread. Daimen backed up and was again in the python like hands of the petrified, he jabbed at them with his blood blade, cutting the rock like a mason till he could climb up on the handless arms as now the floor was a lava halo. The arms began to carry him away by his feet as he tried to step the opposite direction and then then threw him at the feet of a petrified Woman who was not as they, stone, and something more than the Spit Fire he had felled.
You do us great honor Darth. Treating us to your blade rather than the ignominy of flames..
Looking up with his garnet like eyes he saw a woman who’s flesh was gray like stone and that fissures of molten lights covered like arteries and veins outside her body.


Daimen deactivate his blade, and inquired, “Darth Veranus?”

The Woman Writhing in Flame let out a laugh.
No I am afraid that One is lost.”

The Blood Elf lowered his head, confirmation perhaps, unless she was lying.
“Who.. or what are you?”

The Lady of Embers moved like a wave of ash and fire, and came closer.
I was one of those sacrifices.. you call them acolytes.

Daimen eyed her,
“Is this how you survived? By use of the Force?”

She sailed in air around him in a swirl and chuckled.
I do not know how it happened. Many died instantly when the ship fell, others are as you have seen, reborn in flame. A mystery..

The Blood Elf squinted,
“Do you intend to kill me?”
He found her movements troubled him, how could this be a mere Acolyte that cheated death?

Perhaps.. though I have a wonderful idea flickering in my mind.. an alliance.. you help us get revenge against the One who did this to us, and you shall have something of Veranus.. a token that you can take back to your cult to prove you did your duty.

Making bargains with the Dead was folly. Especially an enemy.
“What makes you think I would caste my lot in with you?”

She drew close to his face with hers, the eyes like the crystals of Mustafar.
Because you are desperate to prove yourself.. as I was till this calamity awoke me to the fact that we are only either peons or kings.. tell me Elf, which would you rather be? Your bearing denotes royalty, but among them you are a blunt instrument.. potential wasted.

He snapped his blade with a hiss, which was louder than normal, as if he had channeled the angst into the blade.
“I will not betray my Liege! I am a Sith!”

The Blazing Beuty chuckled as she moved about in the ashen fog,
That’s the spirit.. my offer does not ask you to. The common enemy, that Blue Demon that robbed us of a last stand is what we want.

Daimen considered, already Darth Morta Darth Morta was engaged in combat with The Xeno. He had avoided joining in due to the stakes being low to warrant it. The promise of a trinket belonging to Veranus could be useful, it could allow his Liege Lady to prove victory and lay claim to the spoils. For him it would mean some form of advancement. So he hoped. Though the doubt this Fire Fairy sowed began to ring in his mind. Was he just a peon? A spear that would be discarded on the field of battle? This began to trigger in him a memory, and the voice of his Father. Which made he drop his staff and cry out.
The Molten Madam drew closer, m
You burn from within Elf.. as you consider my offer.. tell me your tale..”

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