Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Request Looking for Future Expansion Ideas

So while I am already gathering info and art and all the stuff I need for the Darkness of Bogan set, this was really the last card set I really had planned out for the moment. However, I have really enjoyed making these cards and the IC game for it that people can always reference if they want and I want to keep making them. So, I'm going to leave it up to Chaos what sets/expansions/special edition card sets they might want to see.

Some ideas I had considered but had not settled on were expansions specifically for Imperials, for the Mandalorians, for the Maw and the Bryn'adul, but nothing concrete. Let me know if you have any ideas as well in any responses to this thread. Thanks!
Second King of The Elysium Empire
I'm not sure I understand what you mean, cards? Like, character cards? Card game cards? Something else?

However as the IC leader of The Bryn'adul and long time staff member of that group (Sethrak) And a minor faction owner of an Imperial faction....this is probably something I want in on.
Death Of The Force

Robotic Revolution


The Underworld (Though might be better to wait till the event really kicks off to see all sorts of new and awesome characters).

These are all things suggested above I just like naming things \o/

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