Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking for people to do story arc

Hey, i am doing a story arc, which will start off PC recruitment for LONGBOW, after joining you still have full autonomy. The ark will start with people being tranquilized and transported to HQ, in which a few tests will be laid out. This first thread will be kind of a "staging" thread if you will ,and will be the only public one, anyone in?
This is quite intriguing.

You will forgive me if I ask you to further elaborate? I am not exactly sure what everything you stated means. If it's what I think it is, I may be interested.
I have no idea what LONGBOW is but I am down. So while it is unlikely I may join an organisation: tranq the crap outta me. I think it sounds like a fun intro. But can you give us some more information? Maybe a link to a thread that this has been discussed? That could be a big help


Elaboration: Basically LONGBOW is a sort of clandestine anti crime organization, but they will use any means neccessary to reach that goal, and that includes other criminals and criminal organizations, think "illuminati, but they are good guys" kind of vibe with a bit of a military sprinkled in there, you guys will be recruited as "agents" meaning you operate with autonomy until otherwise called upon, it is more of an affiliation. And the staging thread is the first thread in the arc, exposition, where anyone who did not request here can join.
[member="Chaos Maxtor"]
[member="Lusko Loonion"]
[member="Professor Lambda"]

Just an innocent question, will people be able to join LONGBOW even after this story arc is over? And if they can, will separate threads be started just to keep it immersive? (I only ask because I pumped out two revamped characters in two days, and I know I cannot do a third without a significant drop in quality)

Also, will droids be able to join the faction? I ask this because if it's an "any means necessary" kind of organization, than I feel that what I am planning for my droid character might fit quite in well.

I just can't write down more things at the moment though, especially a droid body that will require two mining threads before I can submit it :/
[member="Adenn Gra'tua"]

Yes you can join after this, and otherwise it is whatever you feel like doing, it can be a droid, and if you want we can do another thread, whatever you want, seeing as it it is run by a droid, i doubt hardline will have a problem with it.

Really liking the idea man.

Is LONGBOW the kinda group that would reach out to former criminals and try to get them into the fold? Like a "To Catch A Thief" concept?
[member="Djark Slove"]
Totally! That could be fun!

[member="Professor Lambda"]
[member="Adenn Gra'tua"]
[member="Xyrus VI"]
[member="Lusko Loonion"]
[member="Chaos Maxtor"]
im probably going to start the thread today, ill tag all of you guys.
Professor Lambda speaking!

This is my character right here. You can read the sheet if you wish. It's a self-aware assassin droid, seeking to regain its lost memory. That's about it. I just needed to hastily write something.

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