Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Looking for the right Order

I have recreated my "legacy" character from a Old Republic character. In my first attempt I wanted to be roaming Force Student. This did not amount to much. This time I'm looking to join an Order. That said it would need to be something between traditional Jedi (so probably not the NJO) and Sith (So not the Sith Order). He would be looking for guidance, but a bit of freedom to find his own way.

In the absence of said Order I would also be open to just making friends with fellow adventurers and students.
Legitimate Rule. Legitimate Power.
Hello there Liam Nargon Liam Nargon :)

There are a few more neutral and in-between Force User organisations out there. Though I would like to highlight ours. ^^

The Imperial Praetorian Knights take a lot of inspiration from the Imperial Knights of the Fel Empire and the Knights of Zakuul from the Eternal Empire. So it is certainly more militaristic and structured than Jedi or Sith and also cut loose from the shackles of serving a side (as in Light or Dark), but serving a purpose and duty.

I got two little overviews if that caught your attention, h e r e and h e r e.

Can always DM me if you have questions. :)
I don't write with any of these groups, so take my words with a grain of salt. That said, here are a few suggestions for groups that fit your desciption (while also being somewhat active):
That said the group that I do write with is the Empire of the Lost and they have the New Imperial Inquisitorius. While it's not an order per se (so it may not fit your criteria), the group strikes a balance between Light and Dark while retaining an amoral slant.

I hope this helps you out!
A number of Force Sects in the Rimward Trade League (who are known as a group as the League of Light)
One of the specific Traditions within the Light League is the Jensaarai. That being said, the Tradition itself is rather on the small side, being relogated to Susevfi, but you'd be free to find your own path, as long as you don't succumb to the Dark Side. OOC, the RTL's Faction Owner is stepping down and leaving Chaos for health reasons, so we don't really know what is going to happen. His character was the leader of the Jensaarai. Still, you're welcome to DM me if you have more questions.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I was looking at the RTL, but wanted more info on the Sects, and am concerned by the MFO leaving.

The various Imperial factions don't really fit, but the Orders might for a time. Maybe something that could be explained by him being caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time. He can always branch out if it doesn't work out XD
Good Men Don't Need Rules
Thanks for all the suggestions. I was looking at the RTL, but wanted more info on the Sects, and am concerned by the MFO leaving.

The various Imperial factions don't really fit, but the Orders might for a time. Maybe something that could be explained by him being caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time. He can always branch out if it doesn't work out XD
The Jedi have a term known as Jedi Wayfinder where it's a Jedi who's still part of the order, but doesn't behold to the councils doctrine. So you can practice your own ideals but still be part of the order.

I practice this with my current Jedi Kaleleon because he follows the traditions. More closely of respecting all life and the like. Which some Jedi do not. It's an option if you want to join the New Jedi Order.

Otherwise, I am open to rping with your character as well.

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