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Mission Loose Ends (Sith Order)

Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
After the events of Serpent's Den the forces of the Tsis'Kaar had fractured and shattered, many splintering off either to swear allegiance to new masters or to continue the Ouroboros Crisis and uphold the last orders of Darth Ophidia until their dying breaths. One such stronghold of the Tsis'Kaar remnant yet to be fully brought in line is that of Polis Massa, with the asteroid field having been fortified and prepared against invasion by the wider Sith Order.

It's time to bring these Sith back in line.

Objective 1: Bringers of Death
Within the asteroid field the Tsis'Kaar have turned what was formerly a large cargo storage station into a temple and training ground for their Sith Assassins. Said temple is currently filled to the brim with enough assassins to bring down an entire planetary government in a single night. While many of these Sith Assassins will die for their cause, there are more than a few who may be open to a change of loyalty if impressed or threatened enough. One way or another, the assassins and their temple must be secured.

Objective 2: Security Clearance
Defensive satellites and stations all throughout the asteroid field are largely coordinated and controlled from one central station, codenamed "Gargoyle", that sits roughly in the center of the belt. It is heavily defended by both automatic and manned defenses as well as a decent compliment of soldiers and Sith alike but its importance cannot be understated. Whoever controls Gargoyle controls most if not all of Polis Massa's defenses and as such it must be taken no matter the cost.

Objective 3: BYOA
Polis Massa consists of many asteroids and the Tsis'Kaar have numerous hidden outposts and stashes of equipment just waiting to be claimed. Take what you can before the chaos and fog of war ends and you may just make out with quite the bounty from the final hours of the Crisis.
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Objective: Bringers of Death
Equipment: Lightsaber, Sword, Dagger, Armor
Tags: Open!

Traitor. They hissed on their forked tongues. Usurper. They cried as his ship had entered into the system. Betrayer. Their ignorant mind labeled him as the boarding shuttles made their landings within the hangar of the Assassin Temple. Darth Strosius was unaffected by such childish insults and assumptions however, even as he stepped out of his shuttle and immediately had to ignite his lightsaber and draw his sword in order to prevent an assassin from robbing him of his head.

He threw the other Sith back with a grunt and rushed forward before the assassin could shake off the sudden push, his sword thrusting into the hooded figure's chest as his lightsaber swung higher and cleaved the man's head off in return. Diving head first into a den of assassins so soon after facing off against their, and his own, master was tiring and risky but it had to be done. Part of his 'proof of loyalty' called for the deaths and subjugation of all Tsis'Kaar elements yet to bend the knee to the Sith Order once more.

More importantly than Empyrean's edict though, Darth Strosius knew he had to eliminate the threats to himself first and foremost. His and Malum's 'betrayal' of their master and the Tsis'Kaar had painted a target on their backs and he had no intention of staying idle and hoping that all those hunting him would simply be taken care of by others. Besides, some of the remnants may yet want to serve him after a show of force.

His gaze snapped around the hangar to watch for any other signs of movement before raising his sword and calling out an order. "Secure the hangar! Signal that the rest of the shuttles are free to land, we have a temple to clear." The Inquisition Troopers in the shuttle began filing out behind him as more shuttles began landing in the hangar around them. The death of the Tsis'Kaar had come, and they were here to shepherd it forward.
Factory Judge
Factory Judge
Objective: Bringers Of Death
Tags: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius

B3-LL was a protocol droid.

B3-LL was "assigned" to Darth Strosius by the Droid Liberation Front.

Really, B3-LL was a gift by the Mecha Factum to the SIth, a "lease" Toltec had referred to it as. Felt like subjugation, again. Property to be sold, by a people struggling to declare they had personhood, that they were not property or things to be owned. But here she was, rendering the services of a self-aware protocol droid with a restraining bolt on her chest.

B3-LL, human-cyborg relations.

She waddled into the hangar behind the other soldiers, teal eyes scanning the large open room.

"Chances of losing ground to resistance are 3,720 to one, Master Strosius."

Bringers of Death
Tags: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius , B3-LL B3-LL , Open


Kalrath had forgotten all about the strange inerworkings the Sith managed to create. Subfactions rose, squabbled, and fell like the sun. He had seen such before time and time again, in Revan's Sith and the Sith Empire under Viciate alike. Still, he had a facination in it all, from the strange ingroup cults to the bizarre case of the 'Rule of Two.' There was simply too much knowledge that one could collect on groups such as these.

The Tsis'Kaar certainly seemed facinating. A group of assassins, betrayed by a group bent on the reunification of the Sith Order, or at least this was what he had gathered. A curious case indeed, but nothing new. It was in the order's nature, after all. Kalrath was simply here to collect knowledge.

"Secure the hangar! Signal that the rest of the shuttles are free to land, we have a temple to clear."

Ah, and the man behind the slaughter. This was one of the betrayers, Darth Strosius. Kalrath was curious to learn about the fellow. He seemed a figure of prominence. The Twi'lek was most inquisitive about the Sith of this era, especially ones that could see him a path to connection with those at the very top. The man mused silently about how he would very much like to talk philosphy with the order's Emperor...

"Chances of losing ground to resistance are 3,720 to one, Master Strosius."

"Ah, they still use odds calculators," Kalrath noted, his voice crackling with power behind his mask. "It most certainly seems unneccessary in this case."

The old man was somewhat ammused by this. Troopers began to storm the temple, but Kalrath strolled casually, rythmically rapping his cane as he walked, mechanical feet clunking as he did so. He was passed the fire of his youth, so quick to be wrapped up in the fires of a good raid. Nowadays he really liked to take his time, bask in the chaos around him. After all, he had no reason to be here aside from learn. Why not take his time? Heads would surely roll, but their artifacts weren't going anywhere. The night was young and full of knowledge to be gained.

"Excuse me, but perhaps I can inquire about your model," the old man continued, addressing the droid. "You seem far more complex than the protocol units of my time..."

He had some time to kill.

Objective: Bringers Of Death
TAGS: Open

Lady Venge walked like a silent wraith behind the others who had already arrived, Darth Amarok just a few paces behind her.

"I don't get you sometimes," Darth Amarok said to her, matter of factly. "What the hell's hidden here in an asteroid field nowhere remotely near any of the major hyperspace lanes, that's worth the time or trouble it took to get here?"

"The Tsis'Kaar trained assassins here," she answered. "Lots and lots of assassins."


"And I'd like to convince a few of them to come to work for House StormWolf, before certain parties seek to eliminate them entirely."

"How do you propose to do that," Amarok argued. "We have yet to establish governorship of a planet, let alone a base of operations. What do we have that would be of any interest to them?"

"Lord Nwul's promise of a brighter future for the SIth Order," Venge replied, with a sly smile on her face.
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Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Objective: Bringers of Death
Equipment: Lightsaber, Sword, Dagger, Armor
Tags: B3-LL B3-LL / Lord Kalrath Lord Kalrath


The masked man's head cocked to the side as he glanced back at the droid that followed his soldiers out of the transport and nodded at her calculation. Normally Darth Strosius was not one for droids but this one hadn't come along by his choice. Evidently some up and coming droid group wanted to establish good relations with the Sith, in one form or another, and given his still somewhat questionable loyalty he was saddled with the protocol droid so that he could have a watchful eye on him.

Really he'd like to just send her back to sit in the transport but he knew better than to outright dismiss such an asset. Even if her restraining bolt annoyed him simply by existing and her calling him 'master' made his grip on his weapons tighten until they threatened to break the hilts. Far too close to slavery for his liking, but he could bare with it for now.

Before he could respond however another Sith strode out of one of the shuttles and made his own reply, one that he admittedly agreed with. "He's right. We're in their territory now, all they'll do is wait for us to wander into their grasp. However keeping some soldiers here just to make sure they don't sabotage the transports would be wise." As the handful of entrances into the hangar were being sliced into or secured he idly called out an order for a squad or two to stay in the hangar to watch for any signs of activity.

"We must remain on the offensive and keep them on the backfoot, they've had enough time to prepare already." If he knew anything about his master and her servants, himself included, then he knew that traps and ambushes were likely already awaiting them and even more were being readied as they idled. They couldn't afford to sit still for too long.

Finally one of the squads managed to get access to the control panel for one of the doors to the hangar and opened it as Darth Strosius neared them, revealing a seemingly empty and dimly lit corridor. Well that certainly boded well. "Keep your eyes on your corners and any possible areas of entry. Grates, vents, closets, don't ignore any signs of movement. They could be anywhere."
TAG: -

The ship touched down relatively gently on one of the landing pads of the Tsis'Kaar temple, as far from any other incoming attackers as possible. This would be his battle alone, at least for now. He was lucky that she was fast enough to get him through with little more than a slight headache, but that didn't stop the breakneck speeds from making him want to throw up. All those years of flying and it still didn't sit right with him. He turned toward his crew as they touched down, many of them reaching for their weapons.

"No," he stated flatly. "Everyone stays here. Keep her running. Nobody gets on board. Nobody."

Without waiting for as much as a grunt of acknowledgement he turned on his heels and dropped the ramp. They were loyal to him, and had served him well, but respect and an unquestioning attitude was nothing if not required. They would do as he said, or they would die alongside the traitorous Tsis'Kaar. He slowly walked down the ramp, letting his cloak fall to the floor behind him. He held the hilt of his lightsaber in his hand, not yet humming with deadly energy. Bloodshot eyes peered out into the hanger, tens of Tsis'Kaar Sith already surrounding the ship.

"The first to come, the first to fall. Your bravery and loyalty will be remembered by none," he spits out, a direful sneer running across his face

"Join, or you will die. Unpleasantly."

With the formalities out of the way he wasted no time letting the familiar hum of his lightsaber fill his ears. He took a step forward, and yet another. His message had been delivered, and now it was time to act. Without further warning he leapt forward, bounding across the hangar floor. Lessons started by Reverance, continued by Gerwald. This was just another. Another test. Another moment of judgment. Another chance to show that he had the will to not just to live, but to thrive in the torrid life that had been thrown upon him.

He was upon the first bunch of Tsis'Kaar assassins quickly. They probably had the speed, but he would have the surprise and violence of action. Crimson flashed upwards and a body crumpled to the floor, grabbing at it's stomach and chest as a soft moan escaped its lips before going silent. Momentum carried him, the Saber now arcing down toward the next Tsis. Having time to react the man raised his blade in defense, but another vicious blow quickly followed the first, beating the man into submission. Evor raised his boot and kicked the man square in the chest, sending him reeling backwards.

The third and fourth Tsis charged him, crimson meeting crimson in an unholy flurry of energy and pain. It was not long before he saw his opening. An assassin, wielding dual blades of red, swung both his blade's diagonally toward Evor. He slipped under the attack, plunging his own blade into the assassins back.

As he turned to face the fourth combatant he was met with a pleasant surprise. As they went to attack him he crumpled unexpectedly, leaving the shrouded figure of another assassin standing behind him, his hand clenched into a fist as he smothered the life from the man. Good. It was then that all hell broke loose, friend turning on friend in hopes of survival.

It was time to slaughter all who still dared to stand in the way of Empyrean.


Objective 1: Bringers of Death/BYOO

The vast expanse of space stretched out, inky black, and dotted with distant stars. Amidst the void, a sleek Sith interceptor emerged from hyperspace, its dark silhouette gliding silently toward the asteroid known as Polis Massa. Inside the ship's dimly lit cockpit, Darth Kentarch stood, his tall, imposing figure casting a long shadow. The soft hum of the ship's engines was the only sound. The sulfur glint from his eyes mirrored the hue of distant nebulas as he gazed intently at the looming asteroid. His thoughts were focused, his determination palpable.

Once a place of medical innovation and discovery, now it has become a temple for the rogue Sith Assassins. Known as Tsis'Kaar, their forces had been scattered after their fortress on Fiviune. Kentarch had been instrumental in their defeat. Yet it seemed holdouts emerged in the wake of the Sith Empire's victory at Fiviune.

Touching down on a concealed landing pad, the ship's ramp lowered with a hiss, releasing a cloud of cold vapor. Darth Kentarch descended, the weight of his armored boots echoing with each step. The cold, thin atmosphere of the asteroid brushed against his cloak, making it billow slightly. The silence of Polis Massa was deafening. But Kentarch knew better. He could feel the undercurrent of dark energy, the whispers of the Force warning him of the lurking dangers. Drawing his crimson lightsaber, it ignited with a sharp sizzle, casting a red glow around him. He moved forward with purpose, each step measured and deliberate. His senses were heightened, attuned to the slightest disturbance.

Darth Kentarch paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. This was just the beginning. The true battle lay ahead.

Objective: 1/byoo

Astrid landed her ship in one of the hanger bays as she disembarked her ship she noticed a group of assassin's with their weapons drawn she looked at the large group of assassin's. Assessing them over she couldn't be overly picky as she had almost no power base of her own yet not really she was working on it though. Slowly but still she was amassing it as three male assassin's rushed her in one quick motion Astrid summoned her ichor blade and lobbed off the assassin's heads as they slid cleanly off their necks.

Astrid walked over them not a drop of blood on her body "any assassin's who would join me kneel" she said in an authoritarian voice as the lot of the assassin's before her bent the knee to her. As she stood before them she knew better than to not keep an eye on them using the force in case this was a false allegiance. This would be a shaky start to her power base assassin's from a traitorous sub-faction of sith but it was better than nothing for now anyway plus they would be disposable if need be.
Objective: Bringers Of Death
TAGS: Open

Darth Amarok strode towards a group of assassins, who upon noticing him and Lady Venge, began reaching for their weapons.

"I don't think so," Lord Amarok growled menacingly as he stretched out his left hand towards the assassins. Without warning, they found themselves hurled towards the ceiling and just as suddenly, slammed painfully into the floor below.

"I am Darth Amarok, and this is Lady Venge," Amarok said, keeping his voice low and menacing as he spoke. "We represent House StormWolf and the Golden Covenant. Swear fealty to me and Lady Venge, and you shall live."

"We know not of this House StormWolf, nor of a Golden Covenant," one of the assassins said boldly, rising to their feet. "As for Lady Venge...she is a traitor, marked for death by the Emperor's Wrath because she does not know when to hold her tongue in the presence of her betters....."

Suddenly, the assassin's body began twisting and contorting unnaturally, as Darth Amarok extended his hand once more and called upon the Dark Side's power to kill.

As the assassin's crumpled body collapsed to the floor, Darth Amarok turned to the others and asked a very direct question.

"Does anyone else have a problem with Lady Venge," he growled.

One by one, the assassins dropped to one knee, their heads bowed towards the floor, not daring to look Darth Amarok in the eye.

"Looks like you've made a lasting impression," Lady Venge remarked with a cruel smile on her lips.


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