Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Love is blind, good thing this ain't it (Blind Date by Invitation)

"As you know, you cannot pilot a ship until you get some rest and sober up. I haven't been drinking anything, so if you wish, I will fly you home or wherever you want to. I'd also like to talk about what we have discussed back there once you you can think... more clearly, mistress." The more thinking about he was right then again, could just sleep on her ship then go home. This really wanted to take the one home. About readying to say something when hearing someone call her voice. Maya, What did that voice sound oh yes, it was the turning of her head but brought a smile upon her face. [member="Hasjo Hallu"] Hasjo , what?

Being confuse as to why he would be there on this blind dating. This struck Maya as odd as knowing him so while didn't seem like he would want to go on blind dates. On the other hand herself she like to meet new people to enjoy herself, new people. "If you haven't noticed, this lady already has someone to help her on her way, so she does not require your assistance. Shaking her head to Hasjo, feeling something more listen on to Hasjo, what was it with everyone thinking she was intoxicated, find totally still able to still think. I can still think use my head, .....oh Hasjo this is Verte, or something like that, he find he just trying to help me, if he was going to harm me, I would know..right... you now me I will not let anyone do anything to me I have my skills... Looking around to the ship then back at Hasjo, Didn't you come in a ship? I think he really wants to join the order, he got lots of ....knowledge on the force how it works...he feels okay, he don't give me the creeps....[member="Darth Veles"]

Then thinking harder about it, then winking at Hasjo, Hunter is on board, you know how he don't like anything kind of darkness, they smell funny to him.... Lending more on him then every as if even her thinking was giving some spending to. Reaching out once again to find herself reaching out to Veles with in the force to feel him again, yep still the same...did it mater what he had said about being a sith he didn't feel sithy beside he really wanted to know where she lived at. He wanted to take me Home, Home was Harrun Kal.
Hasjo nodded his head, abiding by her words, until she said one thing in specific that frowned him to halt. A thick frown grew across his brow and he crossed his powerful arms. He couldn't help but allow the emotions to cascade over him, washing him in annoyance and shock. She had spoken to someone about the Order. The Order was mean't to hold complete secrecy but to those within it. What was she thinking? He wanted to say. Heck, he wanted to have a stern talking to her. He was used to protocol, and his officer experience in the Navy just made him all the more wish he could do so privately. But he had a feeling the Mon Cala wouldn't relent. His voice had the hint of annoyance on his lips as he spoke to her "You're right, I do have my own ship." But there was something else he couldn't get over. 'He feels okay, he don't give me the creeps' What did that have to do with anything? He asked himself in thought. It was suspicious, but he'd let it be. He turned and walked across the large hanger without so much as a goodbye. Towards a Delta-7 Light Interceptor that was sat in docking, with an R9 astromech unit attached. He wouldn't report it to the council, but he was certainly going to be talking to her about maintaining the Orders secrecy. She could jeopardise everything if the wrong ears heard. What was the phrase he had heard once before by his Uncle? 'Bits of careless talk are pierced together by the enemy'. With the tidal wave of emotions crashing through his mind, he couldn't help but feel a sudden pang of sadness. Oh how he missed his uncle. He climbed into the cockpit of his Delta-7 and organised the launch. Before he knew it, he was out of the hanger and once more in the void of space, gliding.

@[member="Maya Whitelight"]
@[member="Darth Veles"]
Letting it wash over her was the way he acted towards then went, feeling as if something he didn't like. Knowing with out a doubt that wouldn't give anything way would she been done by now. It wasn't like knew that just by saying part of a group met anything but that. Watching with some what sad eyes upon [member="Hasjo Hallu"]. Being the the empathy that what made the very core it hit her in the gut hard. It shown in her face, as now knowing that must let herself get cared way, but that only brought her back from seeing that they was almost to her ship. Putting out her hand upon which one that didn't have the force couldn't have known how to get into her ship, it was her own force signature. The ramp coming down upon which, came a sound deep with in it.

There was more then that if one could seek out in the force it was as if the Mon class underwater ship was full of many kind of life in the force. Speaking of it came the a low whinny. Looking at [member="Darth Veles"], her eyes rolling a bit, That's Hunter, isn't he such a lovely creature, he house broken for the most part.
Neighbours? It became obvious that just as Avreet wanted to talk with her, the Nautolan wanted to stop her from talking to strangers when intoxicated. A logical thing to do, especially since both of them belonged to a group of rogue Jedi. The Mon Calamari Sith was about to speak, but the lady resolved the situation for both of them. At first, Avreet worried about [member="Maya Whitelight"] telling her friend everything, but the worry was quickly dispersed when she used a fake name for him, calling him Verte. Her choice pleased him, it meant she wanted to listen to what he had to say and perhaps discuss certain things about the Force with him, it also clearly showed she was not going to turn him to her secret group as long as he gave her no reason to do so. Remaining silent while she spoke, one of his large amber eyes darted around to look at the Nautulan, carefully studying his expression as she voiced her desire to take Avreet to her ship. Both his face and the tone of his voice showed annoyance before leaving, which Avreet watched with great satisfaction. Despite this small victory, if it could be called like that, Avreet fully realized how much his date risked by lying to a fellow member of her rogue group.

As relief washed over him, the Mon Calamari continued supporting her until they got to her ship. Glaring at it, he patiently waited for Maya to open it and when she did, for the ramp to extend and allow both sentients to enter its insides. His cybernetic eye briefly scanned the entrance for any kind of invisible opponents just as he reached out through the Force. Strangely, the ship did not feel dead and cold as most ships, it contained life... Avreet could not describe the feeling, but his inner question answered itself when he heard a certain noise coming from the inside of the ship. A pet! The Mon Calamari did not have one, but he definitely liked animals; at least the tamed ones. He could only hope this pet was the case. Smiling, the Sith turned to his companion and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Maya, I appreciate what you did. Thank you. Let's hope he is not suspicious of us..." Keeping an eye on her balance, the Mon Calamari marched across the ramp and entered the ship; it was then that he saw the Akk dog made an appearance.

"Hunter is very lovely indeed... You should rest, mistress, it must be a lot for you to take in. Do you still want me to take you to Harrun Kal? I have to admit I do not know its location. Do you have it saved in your flight computer?" Avreet asked, keeping close to the Zeltron and continuing to watch her with one of his eyes while his other one gazed at the pet, hoping the animal was not aggressive and would not attack while the rogue Jedi slept or meditated.
I...I.. will I..didn't ...want...any...trouble....I don't like feel the rage of ones head is already full of a lot of stuff, more emotions...would ...have..met...trouble...before I can let myself relax ...meditate on all...I did for me as much then anything. Closing her eyes upon the Hunter reaching out to smooth, to talk with it, to let it get use to [member="Darth Veles"] smell as being part of the ship, as much as Hunter was but of her many plants. Even those all her traveling remember her father telling her couldn't be to careful what event would get into.

​Yes, but its all wiped navigation every trip, all I need to know is up here... Trying to take two fingers to point to her head, with a smile. As Hunter was sent his way to the cargo part of the ship. Taking him with his support down a hallway before coming to two doors he would find both interesting. For now they had to make it to the front of her ship to the cock-pit to take off. Not taking long for the computer to come a live with the other system to reboot. Flowing along with her fingers as if knowing just which numbers to push, all the little jumps along the way. [member="Darth Veles"]
Avreet suggested to his "date" and helped her into the cockpit after her pet ran off into the cargo bay. As they walked, the amphibian had plenty of time to goggle his large eyes around, scanning the hallway with his cybernetic eye. Maybe he was a bit paranoid, but he also fully knew he was not the only person to have mastered the art of bending light and hiding in shadows. Luckily, his search bore no fruit, making him feel a bit safer knowing no assassins were waiting for him to lower his guard down... unless they hid in a maintemance shaft or one of the rooms. The thought made Avreet quickly glance up and down, left and right, trying to see through the solid metal, finding nothing. The cockpit itself contained no surprises either, except for the unfortunate fact the computer wiped itself out, leaving Avreet hoping [member="Maya Whitelight"] remembered the coordinates correctly despite her current state. Without much hesitation, the Sith took a seat and grasped the controls into his webbed hands after all systems turned on and made a noise that told the crew everything was running as it should. Carefully guiding the ship from the hangar, slowly and gently, penetrating the field that prevented everything from being sucked into space. Once out, the Sith accelerated and let the ship fly into nothingness, leaving the rest to Maya and the computers.

"When you feel like talking about what we talked back there, please tell me. Now," his gaze shifted to the attractive woman, "Go and rest. If you want me to help you walk somewhere, also tell me." Looking back at the computers, Avreet watched the radar, hoping not to spot a certain someone following them.
Trying to keep herself focus upon the matter, needing the rest for sure. Giving him a long look as if watching for anything else but that, closing her eyes slowly opening slowly shaking her with a nod. Yes, if I have your word that nothing will be a mist for the duration.

Letting him help her first pausing at a door that lending her bed room sliding open, giving it hard look inside. One would see some plants place around, a bed cover with leather skins and furs. One wouldn't think of this for a Zeltron, the different sets of Akk armor scales from when she was but a small chair. Taking a step in looking at him, then stopping. Before with out though pealing off her long dress, not caring as had on under garments, but now with one could see the mixer of tattoos on her bodies. One being on her stomach, others one on her back with one going down her leg with both arms. It wasn't a one of wonders if one know of some of the tattoos mix into the design of the tattoos. Some of these had been past from mother to daughter for more dating back to 1000's years had to do with birth right. Red blazing sun with some crescent move, along with yellow suns for her marking of healer for her tribe. Looking at him, in a way of just to feel him out, not caring wanting to make it over stopping a whispering came to her, only this time it was strong image of a tomb with a women sleeping. Shivering for a time, before looking once more at him.

Changing her mind, I think be better if we went down to the another place, its a better place, to feel at peace. Point with her head to another door larger going through it looking another world not inside of the ship, it was full of live with all kind of plants it in the far side that would draw ears, it was like a little wade pools, around it looked to be where one could take a nap or even mediation. Off to the side was another small set up like a roll out resting place. This is my world, my harmony with in to rest peaceful. Help me there. [member="Darth Veles"]
“Of course, you have my word.” The amphibious Sith nonchalantly said and odded, the long barbell on his chin quivering. He intended not to break her trust, which would mean his word meant nothing and also undermined all his efforts of making her see the galaxy and the Jedi in particular in a different light. Standing from the seat and taking hold of [member="Maya Whitelight"] again, Avreet supported her stability and let her guide them both where she wanted. The first stop was her bedroom; a most unusual bedroom, with many plants decorating the place and a bed with… furs? Avreet also liked plants on his ship, as they made the interior feel livelier, but his choice was much more decent than this. It almost seemed like a small jungle. The amphibian was about to say something when her clothes fell off, leaving the rogue Jedi in her under garments. Not expecting this and being completely unprepared, Avreet felt his hormones working as he stared at the attractive young woman. He quickly closed his eyes and turned around as he knew it would be inappropriate to gaze at her right now and also because he wanted to calm himself. His inner control almost immediately stopped the work of the hormones, though the Mon Calamari opened his eyes again to take a look at the Zeltron’s body. Not to stare as a pervert, but because her tattoos caught his attention. Taking one step closer to her, he visibly frowned as he stared at one particular symbol imprinted in her skin. The symbol of Sith.

His eyes shifted from her body to look into her face when she spoke again. With a simple nod, the Mon Calamari carefully wrapped his arms around her once more, this time feeling very awkward due to touching her skin. He had never held a half-naked woman like this, so he decided to take it as a test of his control over his body. Thinking of it like that, it became much easier for him to control his hormones, his determination and personal code purging all impure thoughts he might have had. Walking with her through the door she pointed at, he suddenly appeared in an entirely different world. The Zeltron did not lie; the place felt very peaceful, the green of the plants having a calming effect on one’s mind. “It is beautiful.” Avreet gasped in awe, glaring around and admiring the various plants pulsing with life, while helping his companion to her resting place. “By the way,” he gently touched that one particular tattoo with his webbed claw, “This tattoo… It is an ancient symbol of the Sith, Maya. Why does it adorn your already beautiful body?” He asked gently, yet firmly. It certainly intrigued him, a rogue Jedi having a Sith symbol on her skin.
Taking in the deep breath at the same time open herself to flow around all life. Letting feeling around the room letting this moment last until he spoke upon her again. Only to be drawn back. Eyes that once was closed to him, feeling all the pulse of life around her. Drinking the much needed flow that came from force itself. Finding a seeking the very plants that was her babies. Gave the peace upon which could sort out all that been put upon her very foundation. Training that never prepare her for, would she have the strength to sort it all to know what path was the walking with the righteous.

This tattoo… It is an ancient symbol of the Sith, Maya. Why does it adorn your already beautiful body?, Opening her eyes upon him, only to feel a strangeness coming from him, then the touch upon her very first tattoo, her face had all the puzzlement, what did he mean by it being sith ancient. this what had center was flooding out as if spilling out to be drain, only to find herself leaving herself rooted in the life around her the pure force that once could if need to draw strength upon. no, no, that not a ancient symbol of sith, it can be its a very old marking upon which I is of a family tattoo past between mother and daughters this had happen for over a 1000 years or more. In those years has came great jedi, caring of souls the innocence , healing those of wounded. to help ones in need. [member="Darth Veles"] Her eyes giving to fear of if this one was right, there something that her mother elder didn't tell her about her mother death could there be more to it. No it had been a hunt knowing how dangerous they could be with tracking and killing of an AKK dog or Vine Cat that was of wild, to take only what was needed.
The Mon Cal knelt down, his meditating position not a typical cross-legged one but kneeling, and sighed in inhale and exhale, opening his mind to the Force. "Then one of your ancestors was a Sith, or at least a supporter," Avreet stated bluntly and closed his large eyes. "It is a symbol of the Sith, I have studied that in a school...," the amphibian paused as his voice trailed off and suddenly opened his eyes with a puzzled look in his face, realizing something. "Have you ever been to school, [member="Maya Whitelight"]?" he asked, smiling, "And I do not mean being taught by the Jedi. I mean a regular school. I believe your time of study as a Jedi might have imprinted some rather false biases into you... about the Sith. When you are taught only one thing as a kid, namely that the Jedi are the good defenders of peace and the Sith are monsters who want nothing but war, you eventually adapt your opinions as your own. This may be the problem here. Most Jedi believe they cannot do wrong as they have been taught they are the force of good. Also, because they believe they listen to the Force, they believe they hold no responsibility for their actions. That is a dangerous combination..."

The amphibian placed his webbed hands on his thighs and continued in his meditation, he voice surprisingly kind and friendly as he relaxed, drawing the energy of the Force into himself and thinking. Peace filled him and he embraced it, though without allowing it to enter his heart where his passion resided. "Anyway, there is no need to deny the possibility you may be a descendant of a Sith. There is nothing wrong about being one, you know. You have been taught differently, try to let go of what you have been told by your teachers. Yes, the Sith have done some bad things in the past, but so did the Jedi... And unlike them, we believe in a constant adaptation, constant change. The first Sith were nothing more than barbarians, yet they have envolved into what you see in me. The Jedi, on the other hand, are afraid to change. They believe everything is the way it was before, with them being the noble peacekeepers." The Mon Calamari focused on his own presence, shifting it and cleaning it of all darkness, as if cleaning a polluted river. His signature now appeared brighter than the presence of a Jedi Master. "Focus on me. Feel my presence," Avreet ordered and gave the pink skinned woman a few moments to bask in his light before throwing rubbish and junk into his inner river of the Force, making it dark, so dark it almost overpowered the feeling of peace and replaced it with darkness. Again, he gave Maya a while to feel him before returning his signature to normal. "See? One's Force signature does not mean anything. You may have felt sick when exposed to the, how do you Jedi say it, darker signature. That is because you have subconsciously persuaded yourself it is evil, something you should avoid at all costs. One radiating the light might be far greater monster than one reeking of darkness."
"Then one of your ancestors was a Sith, or at least a supporter," This echoing around and around, only to be brought back to the thought of school. It took her some time to understand what he was talking about. Schooling what he talked about something not known to her, only to figure out he was taking about learning of the basice, only after he took his hand off upon her skin, did she reach rubbed hard on the tattoo as if wanting to remove it from her body. Only to want to speak finding it hard, so doing what could to get into her meditative sitting on the floor with legs cross. Putting on hand in the water to calm oneself with the coolness. Once again being filled her head so it spilling over as turn stuff over and over in her mind.

"Focus on me. Feel my presence," This brought her hand up with out thought from the water while the other in her lap, reaching out touching him, letting once again flow around her to feel. This feeling a light so bright coming from him as if herself was basking in it with him, bring a smile upon her lips. Only to find that to be gone replace this causing her hand to be torn back. As it flood her so much that was choking back off him, as if something was back was going to happen to her this was it going to end her life, like in the stories told of old. Having her head down upon the floor breathing hard, to find herself looking back up to feel it was all gone just to be sure she let her hand reach out with hands trembling to touch him to feel it let one more flow.

Closing her eyes full as she fully let herself go onto the floor, once again not knowing what to do but to thinking listen, feeling as if all trying to go blended together. ​I didn't go to regular school, I couldn't even go into the town, to stay hidden from those that wasn't from my tribe, like there was something to protect about me, something that one couldn't tell me. I trained in the force to hid to only seek, ways out, but you...but you aren't like what train for, your different, I want more then anything to now what you speaking is path that never given to me but why not, those with the light always protect. killing ...just want to be lift I want ...I head to be quiet ..I may...may think...upon, Veles...I want ...the right path...[member="Darth Veles"]
Silent gaze followed her reaction to the shift of his signature. It may have been unpleasant to her, but she needed to learn there was nothing to fear, as it was just a feeling. Her story saddened him; Avreet always felt bad for those who were not given the right of education, often carrying many false assumptions throughout their lives. Lack of education probably caused her tribe to stop her from seeing the world from a different perspective in her childhood, as many superstitious sentients viewed the gift of the Force as something that should be avoided or treated in some special way, when in reality such beings should be treated just like everyone else to learn they are nothing more or less than others just because of their gift. Raising his right hand, he placed it on the woman's shoulder, letting her feel his calmness, yet also so much passion that raged inside of his heart. "My path is not about good or evil, right or wrong. It is about freedom to choose what you want, freedom to think whatever you want and freedom to see the galaxy as it is. Letting go of biases, beliefs, morality someone has taught you... and creating your own. Feeling all emotions life has to offer and letting passion flow through your body... yet not being controlled by it in the slightest. Opening your eyes to the truth that you are responsible for your actions, there is no will of the Force to blame as the Force never commanded you what to do, those were always your own instincts and conscience. That is true freedom, my friend. Powers to destroy, powers to heal, every path is open to you."

Removing his hand from her shoulder, Avreet closed his eyes and recited the Sith Code, briefly pausing after each line to let the words sink in.

"Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me."

His large eyes opened again and he kindly smiled at [member="Maya Whitelight"]. "This is the Code of the Sith. See? There is nothing about evil or destruction. It is about a choice. The first line, peace is a lie, there is only passion, is very often misinterpreted. Jedi Order uses it as an evidence we want war, but that is very... close minded, coming from those who say there is no emotion, there is peace and then go to wage holy wars against everyone. Their code says you should not feel emotions, be constantly at peace, to lie to yourself that you are not influenced by your emotions. The Sith Code only reverses it. The first line refers to your inner peace, you shouldn't deny your passions and lie to yourself, that is the very thing that makes you sentient and not a robot. Emotions and feelings are natural. Be it hate, love, pain, pleasure... None of those should be denied and avoided rather then accepted by what they are. All of those give you power to achieve what you want. Do not forget though, never allow your emotions to cloud your judgement and control your actions. Once that happens, you are not free anymore... you become a slave to your passion, the kind of Sith the Jedi talk about."

"Now," Avreet took a deep breath, "I know this is an entirely different concept to absorb... do you have any questions so far?"
Letting herself feel for the first time a way that isn't one of her training, but something else in her that had remain hidden, locked way keep with her. Having to believe just way of one looks at the force, only to feel that was nothing coming from him that would be him twisting to make her fall way anything. Yes very entirely different concept, do I have question yes, why do one want to gain power it can lend down paths that make one only want to crave more, like drinking wine, once its you drink a bit you want more and more. I don't understand the chain I need broken. I get to go around doing good to aid where aid is needed. Is there something more out there. At these time where there seem to be so much chaos to the galaxy as if one feel something, plants not always getting supplies much need. Medical supplies to others did she need more strength that was lacking.

Keeping her eyes closed letting something take a hold of her as if drifting off some where far way a place with in herself that goes when need to think, to sort, but a cross her lips came what he had just quote to her. "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength.Through strength, I gain power.Through power, I gain victory.Through victory, my chains are broken.The Force shall free me."

Letting some more time go by her as if now really thing, even to the point she started to mumble to herself on things of the past, those in the present. I want to think, I want to my head to clear, as this water. with out even open her eyes as she let the one hand drip in the water. Playing with it letting it slip through her fingers, only to let herself be taken over finally sleep, leaving her hand with in the water as if something was alive letting it wrap around her hand, it had a vine like but it felt so different then most water plants it had a mind of its on it was a simple mind but it was there one. Reshifting her body to the point that curled up, still there was talk just what she talked about one came out in one or two words, maybe names or planets, one repeat over and over. Dar, Dar, Dar, its...built ,,,Dar..[member="Darth Veles"]
"Hmm," Avreet stroked his barbel, thinking about her question, "If they choose to use power only to have more power, they more often than not become slaves to their lust for absolute power. Your goal is fine. Right now, you may think you have what you need, but you are not really free... Your passion also allows you to bend the Force much more easily, thus why Sith are more powerful then the Jedi. I guess I should warn you though, not all Sith are true Sith like myself. Some lose their mind when they finally open their eyes and see the power they could possess... and they try to get it immediately, becoming nothing more than wild animals that need to be put down. We call them Dark Jedi. In fact, majority of those who call themselves Sith are just Dark Jedi, an insult to our Order. It is all about control, really. Absolute freedom does not mean absolute right to let your instincts and urges overtake you..." The amphibian paused and watched the woman, her lips silently moving, yet Avreet knew exactly what she said. The Sith Code. He smiled, nodding after she finished reciting it. "Yes...the Force shall free you."

Rising from his kneeling position, he towered above the Zeltron, watching her with his amber orbs until his title escaped her lips. "What is it, [member="Maya Whitelight"]? Do you wish to become a Sith, earn your power and position through hard work, make the galaxy a better place to live?" The Force was strong with her, but she had a long path ahead. Unlike many Sith, she was not granted the honor of training on Korriban and become truly strong, just as Jedi stereotypes of the Sith still plagued her mind.
Drifting in and out as she made her mind calm down to sort out all that been spoken to. Only to start to put thoughts in a order like a file with her mind, as she started to processes all thoughts one by one coming to each one, only to draw upon next. Control that was what it all came down to could she keep it in cheek, yes she could in many more ways then could speak of. Bring up another question does those others that give one a bad name hunt other sith, if this was the fact then couldn't they was weeding out darkness also. Maybe it had just been a over look upon jedi part. One know how words could spread like wild fire, be twisted. Only brought her to another thought file way, that was if maybe [member="Darth Veles"] could be twisting words, but no that couldn't be she would be able to recognize it wouldn't she.

Training went through had prepare her of this kind of battle? Only as she let her body rest drawing more upon the peaceful water, and the creature with in, that seem to wrapping its way up her arm to her shoulder, it smoothed pulse is what needed. Bonding as it happen came into play as it let its self be there to make sure the balance was keep, her mind clear. Came the question one that it seem he was leading up to, did she want to be one like him. Only keep herself still, letting her body drift in a space between the present and another place far way from here. Feeling the brushing upon her mind, only then did she let her eyes open. To became a sith? Her head coming up the creature in the water letting go of its hold on her as pulled her arm out of the water as the creature once again went to the bottom, something she had picked up on Dar, on one of her many trips there, for reason unknown. I want to make the galaxy a better place...I don't want to betray those that bonded with, it would ripe a hole inside of me...if...what if I want to think about this...or I have to make the choice now ...I'm not one to make things in a snap of her fingers, I want meditate to go home to iceolate myself. I want it to be the right chose ...not a. ...I have...a mind....I think...Veles....
His eyes widely opened, staring at her questioningly as if not knowing whether she truly wanted to be free or not. "How would you betray those you bonded with and why? Nobody says you have to toss your friends away... but they might turn their backs on you once they know you are free. If they're true friends, they will accept you for what you are...," Avreet said gently, his eyes studying the woman. She obviously still wasn't persuaded she could do a lot of good as a Sith, as a free being. Not surprising, the Jedi prejudices describing the Sith as evil and malevolent beings were imprinted deep into her mind, not allowing her to break her chains yet. He did not blame her in the slightest though; she did well by even listening to him and thinking of it whereas most Jedi would have dismissed the Sith immediately. Softly sighing, the Mon Cal Knight walked behind [member="Maya Whitelight"], thinking of happy moments in his life and letting the feeling take him, hoping the Zeltron would sense it too through her empathic abilities. Wrapping his arms around her, feeling her soft bare skin under his webbed hands, he pulled her closer and whispered into her ear, "My dear Maya, if you want to have more time, them more time you shall get. Please remember that you won't always have much time to choose though. Now, you should get some sleep. Everything may become clear once you wake up, but as a start... think of all the good you could do in this galaxy if you were more powerful. I want you to let passion flow through you, no longer you'll block your emotions. Love, happiness, pleasure..." Meditation would do no good, as the prejudices she still held against the Sith would have resurfaced from her subconscious. Taking her in his strong arms and lifting her, the Mon Calamari carried her out of the room, careful when going through the doors so she would not get hit, and bringing her to her room, placing her onto the bed covered in skins and furs.
Looking into the face of his, in searching with her eyes upon the words, could she have both worlds and not have to worry so much about either one, if they was truely their friends not mater her path they would be with her maybe they would even follow her down it. Still that wasn't just one thought that could be true upon this. Wanting more then anything to go deeper on this thought.

There was a hit of emotions upon him to find it pleasing the happiness from there was not anger coming from him. Not expecting this, from behind her came touch from him, feeling nothing but one of concern for her, to feel that he only wanted what was best. Having her answer from him to have more time to think, that she would have it. Sleep, that was something much need. Feeling her lifted off the floor way from the serenity of water. Wrapping her arms around his neck, to find herself planting a kiss upon his cheek. Resting her head upon his shoulder closing her eyes to feel that nothing else could be said for now, still feeling his present feeding of the purity of it giving just one more part of a careful design puzzle piece to play with where would it fit?

Breathing became calmer again, for reason unknown, as feelings coming from him, or was it her telphathy ablities playing a part to seek out even a little drop of mischief inside of him. Feeling how tender he took upon her to make sure wasn't harsh with her. Resting in her soft skins, of hunts gone by finding pillow under her head, feeling the top cover pulled over. Came the rush upon from where didn't know, as she drifted off to a deep relax sleep. Inside her mind there was flashes from days gone by, didn't move her body as if letting them all flow by her giving in together. Hiding was done, not even feeling that need to be done any more, as something else deeply root still there from the days of the Jungle rest there holding her gentle. Love she felt when there was a baby cry, then came the understand what it met all flooding back. Also knowing the two different worlds she choose to live in. Pleasures of the hunts gone by the passion she felt from them. Speaking in a tongue native to her now nothing making sense, but only to her. Came two words upon her lips still deep in her sleep. My child... [member="Darth Veles"]
With the rogue Jedi quickly falling asleep, Avreet turned on his heels and silently retreated from the room, bending sound to silence the noise as he closed the door behind him. The only sound audible sound that reached his ears was the soft humming of the ship. Seeing something in the corner of his left eye, he swiveled his gaze to find the door to the cockpit still open. The window offered him a beautiful view on the hyperspace tunnel they travelled in, a sight the Mon Cal loved. His stare became blank as he let himself get lost in the twirling blue and white lights, briefly forgetting the world around him. Only a whine coming from somewhere in the ship tore him from his thoughts and he blinked, turning around and pressing a button next to the door to close. With not many options of what to do, the amphibian marched into the meditation room and knelt down on the floor. His webbed hand reached out, palm gently touching the water surface, very much like [member="Maya Whitelight"] did. The wetness felt good to sensitive Mon Calamari skin, making him smile a bit before withdrawing the hand and resting it on his thighs, closing his eyes and taking deep breaths.

The Force opened itself like a great sea, Light Side and Dark Side in balance, Avreet's body drawing energy and power from both. The Dark Side offered much more, promising great things, but the young Sith did not listen, knowing such power would only corrupt his body and mind. The Force was the greatest of servants, yet a terrible master. Something the Zeltron will discover if she takes his offer... Hoping that would be the case, the Mon Calamari continued his silent meditation, thinking of his future plans and letting the time flow in the world around him without care.
Being as it was sleeping came as much needed not knowing how long she had been out. Knowing then fulling herself out the deep sleep, running over all that went on. It wasn't what had expected when had sign up, it was to be just evening of fun meeting new faces. Letting the soft skin feel so good under her fingers. Taking her time to think of all that happen, only to find herself going over what had been spoken. In this time picking her way out of the furs to once again step out on the floor that had a smooth cold steel beneath. Taking her time in the bathroom, looking long and hard in the mirror really thinking long and hard. Slashing water upon her face, going to the fact that one could not see what going on inside her mind.

Only then remember letting Veles run loose in her ship, just could happen, first making her way up to the cock'pit finding it empty all was on track. Coming to find her figures that he was somewhere else, finding herself heading back deep in the ship. Closing her eyes letting her force come flowing around her then sending out to seek, finding him back in her meditation room.

This only puzzled more so then every why didn't he just stay with her in her room, did he really let her have her private not wanting take advange of her like most would do in her state like...shaking her mind of that time long ago, when she was still young starting out smuggling with her father , sending her with a friend of his. Walking into the room. Before walking up to him, as her feet was very light for her, as if training had been done for this. Taking in the Mos, before coming up behind him, doing what she did with any one, bending down kisses his cheek softly, Thanks you Veles. [member="Darth Veles"]
Her familiar presence started moving in the great sea of the Force, making ripples like a small fish swimming under the surface. The Mon Calamari did not react until she came closer, appearing in the same room. He slowly stood up as she approached him from behind, only to be greeted by kisses. His left eye turned around and stared at her in surprise, the Sith had not expected this kind of greeting. Turning to face the pink skinned woman, the Mon Calamari placed his hands on her shoulders and stopped [member="Maya Whitelight"] from leaning towards him to blow more kisses. "There is no need to thank me... I showed you the way...yes. But it is you who chose to listen. Now," Avreet removed his hands from her and clasped them behind his back, "I believe it is time for you to choose. Become a Sith, shatter your shackles and be free of the intolerant and hateful Jedi ideology, change the galaxy and help love, truth and justice prevail over hate, prejudices, unrighteousness. Or you can stay as a Jedi... waging wars in the name of peace, slaying those with different opinion in the name of democracy and tolarance, helping the fascist government they support take over the galaxy and brutally silence all who oppose it." A memory of himself joining the Sith played in his head, a kid voluntarily joining the Sith Order to make the galaxy a better place to live...and to expand the Empire's territory, liberating masses from the oppressive government that was the Republic. Proud of his origins, he never looked back and not once regretted his decisions.

Smiling, he closed his eyes and let the Light Side of the Force wash over him, knowing the Zeltron would most likely feel it with her empathy. He hoped she acknowledged her passion while she rested, finally feeling her own emotions and deciding it truly was natural to feel. Even if she chose to remain with her current Order, she'd never deny her emotions again... And Avreet knew that no matter what she will choose, he was already the winner. Without proper Sith training, her emotions would take over her, as with any other Jedi who tried to let their passion run free, only to ultimately fall and become a bloodthirsty monster. Unfortunately, most of those Dark Jedi chose to call themselves Sith, giving the true Sith like Avreet a bad name. "Remember," the Mon Calamari whispered, "There will be consequences to your choice... Whatever you choose, you must be ready to face them." Many ideas formed in his mind, but one in particular stood out; a test.

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