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The Galactic Alliance

Spiritual successor to the Republic, the Alliance strives to bring peace and order to all corners of the galaxy through the power of the Light Side.

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Major Faction Owner Nominations

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The time's come to find a new faction owner for the GA.

The entire process will happen in a similar fashion to how Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra first set it up, with 3 days to nominate candidates and subsequently 7 days to vote for those candidates.

This thread is here to make nominations. A nomination has to be for a current member of the Galactic Alliance. Any member can be chosen, but I strongly suggest only nominating and voting for those who are seriously interested in doing good and dedicated to the faction's well being.

Nominees can be named by themselves or other members but must agree to the nomination before being considered officially nominated. The nomination period closes 3 days from now on the 7th of June (07/06/22 | DD/MM/YY). That day, the vote will be put up and run a full week, until the 14th of June (14/06/22 | DD/MM/YY). Whoever gets the most votes will be elected as the next Major Faction Owner of the Galactic Alliance.

Only one vote per writer. Voting more than once [on purpose] makes all your votes invalid. If you've voted more than once, inform an admin immediately so they can make a note of it.

Keep it real, folks.
Tbh, I'm kinda torn between two amazing writers and people who have been dedicated to the Alliance since the beginning. Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce and Auteme Auteme are my go to choices.

Gil helped found the Alliance, and while I doubt he'd accept this nomination he'd be an epic MFO once more.

I've known Civil for a while and I think they'd bean epic MFO as well, not to mention the idea of the Eternal Empress Auteme is quite fascinating to say the least.
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