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Nal Hutta: Happenstance


Nal Hutta

The ancient home-world of the Hutts and their eons long criminal networks. No other planet had such criminal expectations except that of Nal Hutta's moon Nar Shaddaa. Many Hutt families, new and old, had carved out the surface into a series of jealously guarded territories ruled only by the individual patriarchs and matriarchs of the myriad of clans. Violence is constant as is the ever vigilant eyes of the Hutt's enforcers. Bounties and business dealings are as abundant as the swamps.

Rach'ta, after witnessing the carnage on Nar Shaddaa, had taken a shuttle to Nal Hutta. These were his first few months of exploration of a galaxy that had been stranger to him. The acolyte was made aware of the rules of Nal Hutta which included that the Hutt palaces were considered places of relative neutrality. Bounty hunters not directly employed by the Hutt who owned the palace were prohibited from pursuing their quarry within the confines or they would incur the wrath of the campus' enforcers. Armed with this information and no strong desire to get into a scuffle with a local Rach'ta made his way into the palace of Clan Nem'ro. The palace was expansive and gloriously adorned as it belonged to a clan that had survived since the Old Republic Era.

As Rach'ta took a seat he watched for a moment the dancers who were of his own people. This had been the first time in over a decade since he had seen another Twi'lek. He did not feel anger, only curiosity. Why was it this way? Had they done something to cross the Hutts? Was this the norm for his people abroad? A service droid made itself known to Rach'ta and gave him a drink reporting "Compliments of the mighty clan Nem'ro." then it sped off to another freshly arrived guest.

[member='Valdus Bral']

Valdus Bral

️ Clan Bral Alor ️| Warlord of Nellogant
Crashing thuds followed by slightly quieter clanking rang out from just outside of Nem’ro’s cantina section of the Palace. Before the titanic Mandalorian that is Valdus Bral trudged over the threshold, closely followed by two veteran Mandalorain’s, all three covered in relatively fresh battle damage and the Bral clan Mythosaur skull on their breastplate. Standing at roughly ten feet tall (three meters) in his beskar powerarmor he dwarfed everyone within the cantina by almost double. His clansmen, however, were of average height and build.

Valdus stood near the exit of the room, blocking the door with his massive body and his guards, with no signs of moving. “I seek an audience with the Hutt who resides here.” His growling voice boomed without effort. “Who here will take me to the Hutt?” His helmet rotated left and then right in the socket created by his tall neck guard. Valdus’ eyes scanned over the crowd; the guards, the patrons, the dancers, everyone. He had not yet seen [member="Rach'ta"] , but it would be a matter of time before he was squarely within the giant’s gaze.
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
A ten-foot Mando snapped Jerec's attention away from the Twi'lek dancers, irrevocably. Ten-foot Mandos tend to do that. It's at least half the point of ten-foot Mandos.

Jered snagged a second drink off a service droid's tray. He ambled back between an Ortolan merchant clan and a Weequay mercenary-musician. Just in case.

[member="Rach'ta"] [member="Valdus Bral"]


When Valdus Bral and his companions entered there seemed to be a minor disturbance around them from the Bral crew appearing. Overall the party continued in Nem'ro's Palace. Hutt Enforcers took notice of the Mandalorians as they were convinced that they were bounty hunting, until Valdus made his intentions known. A Nikto enforcer whispered to a Protocol Droid who made his way to Valdus' position "Greetings honored guest, to the palace of the mighty and ancient Clan Nem'ro. If you wish an audience I would ask you to schedule it through me." Meanwhile at the bar nobody seemed to notice the low profile scoundrel who moved away from Valdus. They were either too busy chatting, drinking, or arguing to much care.

The lights of the Palace's cavernous cantina dimmed while the music began to pick up in an increasingly raucous manner. The revelers cheered in a deafening cacophony of sound as two droids with oversized fists began to brawl viciously. Durasteel fists collided against armored chassis in a shower of sparks as Jawa bookies scurried around to take bets. One of the many hourly events it seemed at the palace.

[member='Valdus Bral']
[member='Jerec Asyr']

Valdus Bral

️ Clan Bral Alor ️| Warlord of Nellogant
Valdus looked down at the droid that greeted him and explained that there would need to be an appointment made. "I despise these filthy creatures." He thought to himself before waving a hand in an almost shoo'ing manner, " Tell your master that it is Valdus Bral, Alor of Clan Bral, Hero of Eshan, and Defender of Sundari who seeks a deal." He had never used these titles, titles that had been more thrust upon him by various individuals. Though he did know that prestige and intrigue often won audiences with the fame seeking Hutts, that being said it was unlikely that anyone outside of the Mandalorian culture or directly involved with the invasions on Eshan and Mandalore would know who Valdus was.

His attention for the droid expired as he continued to survey the dimming landscape, they all seemed like dishonorable wretches to him, though each had their purpose in keeping the Outer Rim economically and strategically relevant through spice smugglers, mercenaries, and informants. Valdus was not a patient Mandalorian, if the Hutt would force him to schedule through a droid then he would speak proposal to everyone present and let the credits fall into what pockets they may. Raising his voice to a below he declared, "I am seeking warriors of fortune; pilots as well as those who prefer glorious ground combat! One thousand credits awarded to those who sign into my service and five hundred credits after each battle." A sum that would be enticing to those in the Outer Rim, barely scraping by, though probably passed up to those who were of higher experience. His voice lowered as he spoke his next piece, " As well as a painful death to those that betray our contract."

[member="Jerec Asyr"]
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
[member="Rach'ta"] [member="Valdus Bral"]

Wasn't that long ago that Jerec would have turned up his nose at the money. But unemployment had not been kind, and that signing bonus did sound nice.

He shouldered out from between the Ortolans and the Weequay merchant-musician and raised his hand. A whole lot of attention came his way, but only for a moment, because nobody wanted to take their eyes off the big loud Mando with the big fat checkbook. "I'll fly for you, juggernaut. At five hundred a flight, I'm sold. Can I assume you're talking dropships and air cover?"


When the Mandalorian began to recruit from the guests the protocol droid waddled off to the Nikto that had sent it. The Nikto looked absolutely furious and gathered several enforcers armed with various blaster carbines and pistols then moved through the cheering crowd that was stilled engrossed in the droid battle. As for Valdus' message, only those who were around the bar would be able to hear over the cheering and clashing of durasteel implements. Soon the Nikto and his colleagues reached [member='Valdus Bral'] "You dare work without tribute to Nem'ro?" the Nikto spat in Huttese. Then a weequay enforcer whispered into the Nikto's ear. He looked at the Weequay then sneered back to Valdus "Outsider you either follow us or you leave." the enforcers put there hands on their weaponry in preparation for resistance then the Nikto looked to the man next to Valdus ( [member='Jerec Asyr'] ) "You to. Come on!" he snapped motioning towards Jerec. Rach'ta watched with interest at the unfolding events and stood up. The Twi'lek walked closer to hear what was being said. He did not speak Huttese though and would be unable to fully understand what was being said.

Valdus Bral

️ Clan Bral Alor ️| Warlord of Nellogant
Valdus turned to face [member="Jerec Asyr"] , the golden trim on his helmet flashing in the artificial lighting of the cantina, "For a pilot? Indeed - troop transports, support craft, or fighters." He was about to carry on with his recruitment drive when the Hutt enforcers interjected. The hulking Mandalorian turned his head slowly and then looked down at the Hutt enforcers who were trying to be intimidated, but with the extremely thick powersuit that Valdus was wearing in addition to his own combat prowess and security detail - who were now palming the grips of their rippers, he only felt a sense of annoyance. What were back water thugs compared to the might of veteran Mandalorians? They had fought and killed some of the strongest and ruthless beings the galaxy had to offer. As they spoke to them in Huttese he listened and struggled with the translation. It had been decades since he last spoke Huttese, back when he was a bounty hunter for a Hutt named Shaka on Nar Shadaa. He spoke aloud, " It seems I had an appointment after-all." His rumbling voice not wanting for smugness. " Come, pilot. The Hutt is waiting." Valdus moved his palm downwards, waving off his Verde. The two Verde lowered their hands from their ripper grips and followed their Alor as he followed the Enforcers. One of the Verde noted the appearance of the Twi'lek, the visor of the helmet pausing on [member="Rach'ta"] for several seconds, before the warrior followed his leader.

[member="Jerec Asyr"]


The enforcers led the group through the edge of the cheering crowds as the fight seemed to be over and the victor was posing for the gamblers. Off to the side of the large cantina was a hallway guarded by more enforcers who gave no opposition to their escorted venture. Through the spacious halls the Nikto ushered them all into a side room. Within the room was a Gungan who was exuding large clouds of smoke from an ornate pipe. He seemed battle scarred with tough personality. The Gungan took a long draw on the pipe then leaned forward while looking at [member='Valdus Bral'] "You have been doing business in the palace of the Nem'ro. That takes a lot of nerve, Mandalorian. Do not be mistaken, our gracious host is fond of professionals but you are not here as a professional. You are recruiting. Why? Why come to this palace?" he spoke in accented Galactic Common then smirked "Does this have something to do with your people's recent string of losses?"'

Inside the cantina, Rach'ta, moved to follow the group but was stopped by the enforcers "Back off!" one warned while the other brandished his blaster pistol. The Twi'lek looked between the two, his veil shrouding his eyes "I mean you no harm. Where are you taking the big one and his crew?" to which one responded curtly "None of your business. Now scram!" Rach'ta wasn't prepared for a fight in this kind of an area so instead of pushing the matter he went back off into the crowd.

Valdus Bral

️ Clan Bral Alor ️| Warlord of Nellogant
The three Mandalorians followed the Hutt enforcers into the room, Valdus ducked to the side to avoiding smashing the top of his helmet into an arched doorway before straightening up once more. He listened to what the Gungan had to say, his unimpressed and annoyed expression was veiled by his visored helmet. "Fleets the size of which you cannot fathom attack farm worlds and from behind a pretense of friendship ... that is what has cost my people their victories. Do not mock the Mandalorians, Gungan, I am here to extend an offer to hire a legion of mercenaries, I did not come to this backwater planet to allow an aruetii to speak recklessly about a proud people. If your Hutt wants my credits then heed my words, mercenaries are not a rare resource in the Outer Rim." As far as Valdus was concerned he was being reasonable, in recent times he had become much less patient with those who were not of his culture and still he did not physically retaliate as he wanted to.



The Gungan laughed once [member='Valdus Bral'] had finished "You are making propositions to the wrong Gungan! I am the head of security for the palace, I do not negotiate business deals. The only reason you are here is to explain yourself as to why you disrespect the mighty Nem'ro in doing deals without his authority." there was a pause "And I have a soft spot for underdogs."he turned his back to the group and waved his hands dismissively "Go, make your meeting schedule with the droid as everyone else. The Kadijic does not forgo protocol for the credits of one Mandalorian clan anymore. You are ten thousand years too late! Away with you, and do not make the same mistake again." the Gungan warned seriously as the Nikto and the other enforcers began to try and usher the group off to the cantina once again.

Valdus Bral

️ Clan Bral Alor ️| Warlord of Nellogant
Valdus' helmet raised as he tilted his chin upwards, further looking down at the Gungan before him as if to convey how repulsive a creature Valdus believed him to be. His mind raced with the ways that he could pulverize the the Hutt employees before him, but he resisted this urge. While one Hutt and the thugs that followed it would not be an issue, the Hutts had a habit of coming to each other's aid, for a cost, but they did aid each other. His pride would not allow him to wait in line, it was beneath the Alor of Bral. Valdus turned and clanked out of the office without a word to the Gungan. In time he would see Nal Hutta burn and when that time came he would not forget to pay special attention to this Hutt's clan. The pair of Verde followed Valdus on his Flanks as he left the office, all three seeking to exit back into the cantina.



Valdus and the Bral clansmen were allowed to leave unimpeded. When the group re-entered the cantina it would be hard to ignore that the droid battle had concluded as the lights and the noise were at pre-brawl levels. Rach'ta had been waiting for the group to exit. When he saw them the Twi'lek began to move towards them. It was difficult for Rach'ta to discern much information about the large Mandalorian. Something about him seemed to repel the Force. This intrigued Rach'ta as he had never encountered this sort of sensation "Stranger." he called out to Valdus "Are you Jedi?" as the Twi'lek had never encountered a Jedi in person he wasn't completely sure that this wasn't a Jedi.

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