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Private New Faces - Lina Djo

———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


A Porcelain white hand reached out with a simple gesture pulling the bottle of water from the side. It slapped against her palm, the water sloshing inside, quickly removing the cap the woman drank hard. Her body glistened with sweat under the white lights only aiding in showing the definition of well trained body. In ways it looked as if the Valkyries body has been sculpted in stone. Her clothes where rather simplistic and made for this activity, though Teresa used them simply as comfortable clothes too. Perhaps the most noticeable thing a new commer would see from the Blackened Valkyrie was perhaps the enormous black wings with red flight feathers that hung from the womans back.

Teresa floated the bottle back already feeling tired from the several hours non stop. Perhaps one more round would not hurt, she was used to going for longer but, recently she craved food and wanted more sleep. Her eyes looked around the training room, with familiar faces. Each of them she had faced all at once just moments ago. It was not hard to notice them all now bent over panting and clutching where it hurt most. "Komi, go ahead and start getting my meal prepared, make sure to have extra added. Seem I have an appetite lately I cannot sate right now."

The small redhead girl no older than fourteen stood from the bench at the side. A datapad still lit hung from her hand with lines of text and diagrams. "Okay Mistress, will you be taking that in your room or the lounge?"

"The lounge. I will be up when I am ready."

"I will get to that now, oh and don't forget your medical is later." Komi bowed her head after reminding her mistress. As the girl made her way out passing another woman who was entering. She did not take the chance to get a good look, knowing not to look many in the eyes around here for some reason or another. She did notice the loose dark curls that fell past the woman's shoulders. Then there was similar pale skin tone she noticed from the woman's hands as she passed by.

Even for Teresa it was a new face that she had not seen before. The woman was small in comparison to herself, yet that was not what caught her curiosity. This one gave out a dark presence that had weight to it, that is what caught Teresa's attention. "You're new around here I take it?" She asked making the first move especially since all the others where in no place to right now. "It's an off day so, I've been playing with the non force powered in one sided hand to hand. Though they are quite, worn out."

Lina Zambrano Lina Zambrano
Lina had been drifting, wandering the halls of the imperial spire as had become her habit. When Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex was done with her training, before Leilah returned to their quarters, she'd lose herself in the reports from her network and then she'd walk. It helped her process and organise her mind, connecting dots from once piece of information to the next. She let her feet carry her wherever they needed to and apparently, today that brought her to the training rooms.

Fine by her, should could use the movement and meditate, it would only serve to help her process. Pushing through the door she paused as the Valkyrie addressed her. "I am." she replied with a cock of her head, eyes sweeping over her chosen sparring partners. "That's fine, I have no need of them." Relief rippled across a few of them at her statement and they began to move away themselves.

Lina settled her gaze on the woman who had addressed her. She was, in every way possible, beautiful. Pale skin contrasted with the bright orange of her eyes and the deep crimson of her tattoo on her face. The large red and black wings, and her lithe form only served to amplify all of it. She bore no markings on her that marked her a servant, so she was either a Zambrano, or one of Carnifex's many conquests.


She smiled and extended a hand in greeting. "I'm Lina."

Teresa Pelles | Darth Pellax Teresa Pelles | Darth Pellax
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


Teresa could not help but slightly snicker at the reactions around the room from the woman's comment. This one certainly interested the Valkyrie, something about them seemed, exciting. What's more Lina introduced herself by name which certainly kept her smile. "Teresa, a pleasure to meet you." She responded and returned the gesture of a handshake. It was more noticable how her bracelet constantly shifted, it endlessly creating abstract patterns engravings over and over, erasing the old as it moved.

"My, I like you already Lina. You use your name instead of a title. To many darth this and that, makes my head spin a little and I forget them easily." As her hand slipped away and looked at the others once more she still wanted to train a little more. "Say, while your here, wanna train and chat?" The woman asked curiously, after a few years of coming to the same place, there where few she noticed that liked to keep to themselves. However, it was rare for new faces on days when the room was the quietest, really it was another chance for someone to talk to when her brain felt numb with boredom. "I need to cool down and since you are here, I could perhaps help you warm up. A fair trade I think."

Teresa walked out into the sparing area given it was a clear free space for the two to use. No doubt the others may stay to watch. The Blackened Valkyrie turned with a mischievous smile looking at the woman more closely. From how the woman walked into the room, swayed with that of a fighter ready to strike at anything. In some ways she seemed tense like she herself was when she was brought before Kaine on Panatha.

"I will let you state the kind of training you are in the mood for. I am satisfied to broaden my skills in any direction. I may learn something or improve. My only term is, something that's either really fun or amazingly creative." Perhaps the woman might have picked up that Teresa was not the typical kind of person. In a place full of those suppressed and under some kind of servitude, she herself seemed free spirited as if not bound by conventional chains.

Lina Zambrano Lina Zambrano
"I never found the use for the title," she said with a shrug "Its an ancient Sith tradition, loosely translates to 'dark lord' and I never really felt like I fit snugly enough into that persona to take a new name." That wasn't to say that Lina was not every bit a sith, just that she didn't necessarily follow the typical path that would garner such a title.

She stepped into the training room as the rest of them filed out contemplating her suggestion. "Truth be told, I hadn't come to train, but to meditate, but the meditation is a form of physical training in itself." She moved to a bench, shrugging off her cloak and top most layer, leaving her in loose pants and a crop top. Lina's body was littered with scars, old lightening burns that twisted the pale skin of her belly and back. Her mother had always been precise in her torture, always ensuring that whatever pain she inflicted wouldn't be seen, so her face and arms were still pristine. Save for the dark shifting tattoo that coiled from her wrist to her shoulder snaking around her left arm.

She folded her clothes neatly, setting her lightsaber atop them, stepping back into the centre of the room.

"Are you familiar with the Je'daii Order?"

Teresa Pelles | Darth Pellax Teresa Pelles | Darth Pellax
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


Her eyes followed the woman as she moved over to the bench taking some upper layers off. The first thing she would take serious notice of would be the scars. It was a work of art really least the one done by what Teresa assumed was lightning, she had seen similar types of scars and how they branch off into their own paths. "Well, it's not really something I have done before so, tried the sitting kind a long time ago. It did not go on more than three minutes given my ability to not sit still," the woman chuckled. "So physical meditation works for me, I might enjoy it."

Lina would now be direct opposite the Blacked Valkyrie as the woman posed a question. "Depends on the extent. I know they hunt sith in their lies for peace. They are practitioners of the force and really easy to tease. Outside the details on how to kills and defend against them though, I don't know much beyond. Not that I am ignorant, reading walls and walls of wordy text is still a bit beyond me."

"I mean I was illiterate when Kaine took me in so... Even after years and kinda passing basic ed, I spend two days of the week reading till my eyes burn from strain. Safe to say I am definitely not an academic person still."

Lina Zambrano Lina Zambrano

Lina smiled, it wasn't a mocking smile, it was genuine. "Not everyone needs to be academic. My mother most certainly wasn't, she preferred to use her body rather than her mind to get what she wanted. My father on the other hand was dangerously clever. I learned a great deal from both of them. Besides, you don't need books to learn."

She opened herself to the force, allowing it to flow through her. "The Jedi order we know today stemmed from the Je'daii but they are not one and the same. The Je'daii Order believed in balance where the Jedi bathe in Ashla, and we, the sith, in Bogan, the Je'daii focused on Bendu, or balance." she gestured for Teresa to follow her lead as she began to step through some very simple martial routines. Teresa might find it dull, but everyone had to start somewhere.

"They developed a martial form of meditation, called Alchaka. A ritual of sorts, to clear their mind and attune their body to the force. Each je'daii had their own ritual and when done correctly, would leave one on the brink of exhaustion." As she spoke the movements increased in speed and difficulty and would demand Teresa call upon the force to keep up. "However, the principal can be applied in battle, deepening your connection to the force, you can call upon it faster your foresight will be better, but you have to be careful not to dig too deep and exhaust yourself before the fight is done."

Teresa Pelles | Darth Pellax Teresa Pelles | Darth Pellax
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


"I don't mind books," given others had left the room and it was just girls she smiled. "I blast through simple romance novels to help me get better with reading." She did not show shame or embarrassment over saying something most might have. Rather she looked a little proud, even if she struggled her dedication pushed through in strange places.

There was a feeling suddenly that radiated, rather being drawn in by Lina. It caught Teresa's attention a call to listen to her delve into ancient knowledge. Strangely, she could not help but sort of compare her to Kaine. He was the same, liked to tell stories of the long forgotten past. Though, Lina kept it more simple. Taking note of the gesture, Teresa opened herself to the force and began to follow the women's movements with an observant gaze.

The silver bracelets that moved and morphed around her wrists began to trail away and forming into long strands. It lead all the way into small frosted glass jars attached to her hips. It was rare for her to do that though she had taken clear interest in martial meditation. Gradually the moves got faster as the woman spoke more. The more used to the set the less lag between them as Teresa continued to follow, but the valkyrie did feel her exhaustion grow more just from the movements alone. "So, it could be said that it's a double edged technique in battle?" She said phrasing it as if that was her understanding.

"I can get behind this though. Like my favourite part learning the saber was the forms, going through the motions, not stopping. Its when I am sat still when things become hard to focus. Unless it's really interesting, then I get super focused I forget everything else. I am wondering what other kinds of rituals were there?" Teresa chuckled lightly from curiosity taken a genuine interest.

Lina Zambrano Lina Zambrano

"Exactly." she confirmed about the double edged sword. "It's an act of balance, not something as Sith we are typically good at. Push too hard and you could be spent too soon, push too little and you could be without the strength to defeat your opponents."

As Lina's moves shifted, dark ichor pool around her feet as she opened herself up to the dark side, letting her sorcery free, dark tendrils coiled about her legs, moving with her, striking out as she did. "You can add more to it, hone it to your skills and personality. Once you understand the basic principle, the ritual is your to develop." A thin sheen of sweat had already began to form over her body, her breathing laboured, but controlled.

She pondered her question about other rituals. "There are many, spreading across a variety of force traditions. It would depend on what you would want to learn as to where you would need to look."

Teresa Pelles | Darth Pellax Teresa Pelles | Darth Pellax
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


Though the Valkyrie kept up her aura was nowhere near the level as thick and refined to put on such display. Teresa would admit in a heartbeat she was a little jealous if asked, then again she had never tried or knew how. The woman tried to draw more on the force trying to fine tune as she moved. Each moment her senses dipped deeper, merely to use the reference next to her.

Teresa's chest rose and fell faster with such strong breaths. "Well, call it me wanting attempting to maximise efficiency, I do a lot time in the air off Malsheem." For the briefest moments a smile crossed her lips. "Being off the ground, it's like a whole other freedom. Feeling the wind rush under your feathers and no roar of a rocket pack."

Eventually a feint dark mist would fall from her arms and legs as she moved. Teresa had a feeling she'd not be able to keep up for much longer, but she intended to stick it out for a little longer. "Suppose where I am going with that is, I wonder if there is anything for those who can take to the skys." She would chuckle softly for a brief moment before moving back to breathing. "I will look forward to seeing how I can make this my own. I appreciate you showing me something different." It was a far cry from thank you, but her gratitude was definitely in her out of breath tone.

Lina Zambrano Lina Zambrano


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