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Public Of Scrap and Sabers [Tatooine] DM TO JOIN

LOCATION: Tatooine
Loomi Loomi Kaleleon Kaleleon

OOC: You must message me first if you want to join
In the harsh, arid landscape of Tatooine, where twin suns scorched the land and left little room for mercy, there existed pockets of life teeming with grit and ingenuity. Among the dunes and cliffs, the world was dotted with settlements and marketplaces, each containing a smorgasbord of cultures and species. Not least among these bustling hubs were the junkyard shops, establishments that may as well be treasure troves for those who knew what they were looking for.

Junkyard shops on Tatooine were unlike any other in the galaxy; they were chaotic labyrinths filled with mechanical parts, droid components, and 'ancient artifacts'. Each piece seemed as if it had a story to tell, a journey it had been through. Owners of these shops were often individuals who could negotiate as smoothly as they could recognize a piece of rare technology from among a pile of scrap. They were the gatekeepers of resources for anyone looking to fix their speeder, gather materials for trading, or in the case of a young Padawan named Braze, search for specific components needed for a training project.

Braze, his training lightsaber hilt strapped securely to his belt, navigated through the labyrinthine aisles with purposeful steps. His young eyes, full of curiosity, scanned each pile of mechanical odds and ends. Next to him was Loomi Loomi , one Braze's closest friends during their training at the Jedi Temple. He has asked Kaleleon Kaleleon for help in this endeavor since he never actually made one before and asked him along.

Good Men Don't Need Rules
"No thank you. I don't need the fruit- No I'm good. Have a nice day."

The market was even more ravenous than last time I was here. Tatooine, a dust ball that had once been a beautiful planet full of seas, and wildlife. Now just a bunch of lizards, dragons, and pests. Pest being mostly smugglers that wanted to try and make it big. I caught up to the two other apprentices. Both of them already had masters, but part of my trials was to see myself help other padawans grow into their own knighthood. That meant helping them with making lightsabers.

And the fact that Braze had directly asked for my help considering I had my own functioning lightsaber. I had gotten pretty good working with technology. Made speeders, helped make a couple ships, Lightsabers, even some armors for people. So this was not lost to me. Both Loomi and Braze needed to make a saber to be considered for Knight status within the Jedi Order. So I may as well help them. It takes a village to raise a child.

"So Braze, are we just going to look around haphazardly or is there a place you have in mind to get these items?"

So much had changed here since I had been here. I remember having my Speeder racing across the desert to save.... nevermind. I let it go before I could continue the thought. Passing it by as I waited for Braze's response.

Loomi Loomi Braze Braze

Tags: Braze Braze , Kaleleon Kaleleon



Loomi had already wandered off, returning with a rather shiny necklace made of what were very obviously gear cogs that some random trader had thrown together and polished up. She couldn't even say how much she had paid for it, only that credits were indeed exchanged. The Godoan, of course, had little understanding of how the exchange of money actually worked.

"Isn't it shiny?" she noted with a big smile.

Why were they there again? Loomi had forgotten why it was they were there. She didn't fight with a lightsaber, after all, as she had a blade of her own that she preferred. All she knew was that Braze was here to get something, and Mr. Kale was here to help.

So why did they bring her?

In the background, a small gaggle of Jawas seemed to be hiding themselves poorly, very interested in the girl's prosthetics. Now that she was with Jedi, however, they were deterred and very quickly scattered. Loomi was, of course, completely oblivious to all of this. She was just excited about the shiny thing she had.

Good Men Don't Need Rules
Ships downing among the sands, and the scavengers that would search for these broken bits, might be able to find something useful. However, its probably been years since Jedi had set foot on here in more than a person by person basis. While I doubted we would be able to find much, I knew there was always that we could fall back on. If we would be able to find one.

"That's a fair assessment. We just-"

I was cut off by Loomi joining us again after getting a cog necklace. A raised brow in her direction while looking over to see the Jawas scurrying away like rodents in the light.

"Uh Loomi, how about from now on, you keep close to us and pay attention to your surroundings, This isn't the best place to be alone."

While I kept an Eye on Loomi, I continued to speak at Braze.

"I recommend finding an Exotics merchant and see what they have. Otherwise, we can maybe track down a fallen jedi starship if it hasn't already been scrapped."

Loomi Loomi Braze Braze

Braze's expression tightened as he noticed the Jawas milling about, their shifty movements catching his eye. With a stern look and a wave of his hand, he sent them a clear, cautionary message, shooing them away from their current location. Once they were gone, he turned back to Loomi and her newfound trinket.

His stern visage softened almost immediately, melting into a warm smile as he watched Loomi revel in her discovery. "It's very shiny," he commented, choosing his words carefully as if exploring a newfound realization. "You know, I never really considered gears as a form of jewelry before, but it's actually quite charming. A unique way to repurpose something so... utilitarian."

As he spoke, he glanced down at the small box he had brought along. It was a modest collection of components, trinkets, and odds and ends that caught his eye—items he'd deemed potentially useful or just intriguing. Now, looking at Loomi's gear-turned-jewelry, he began to see his own gathered treasures in a different light. He did pick up some things he had no idea what they were for just because he thought the looked neat.

"I recommend finding an Exotics merchant and see what they have. Otherwise, we can maybe track down a fallen jedi starship if it hasn't already been scrapped."
"What hasn't been scrapped on this hellscape of a world?" Braze asked curiously as he picked up a metal pipe turning it over in his hands.



She was late.

For good reason, but still, she was late. Aliris let out a sigh as she walked the streets, her gaze forward. Eyes unamused. She knew worlds like this. She'd tried to rob some people of her family's stolen artifacts. There might even be some here now that she thought about it. Not that she'd actually y'know, go looking for them. She was done with that part of her life. Now she just wanted to help her friends.

Make up for mistakes.

She frowned, glancing down to the crystal in her hand. Green stained with red as she tried and failed to bleed it for herself. It was once Brazes, and she hadn't had the ability to heal it yet. Probably shouldn't have brought it along, but she couldn't leave it behind. So she tucked it away as she neared the group. And raised up a brow at the necklace. "Everything that can be scaped will be scraped. That's jus-"

She cut off as she glanced up towards the stranger. And promptly hid behind Loomi as she fell quiet and just stared.

Loomi Loomi | Kaleleon Kaleleon | Braze Braze

Tags: Braze Braze , Kaleleon Kaleleon , Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru


Loomi gave a nod to what Kale said. He seemed so... serious. Had she done something wrong?

Aliris arrived, which did distract her for a moment, but she rather quickly hid herself behind Loomi, which made the Godoan feel worse. What was her friend afraid of. Was it Mr. Kale. She turned back, taking the young girl's hand and giving a gentle smile. Everything was okay, after all. She didn't need to be afraid.

"It's okay," Loomi assured warmly. "Mr. Kaleleon is a friend."

Yeah, they were fine. She gestured to her necklace, continuing to smile.

"Isn't this neat?" she asked, rather excited. "It's all shiny and stuff."

Good Men Don't Need Rules
There was a newcomer. Another young woman, who seemed to be in their teens, came up to join this group. This must have been the other girl that Blaze was talking about earlier. Nodding my head to the scared woman, I didn't extend my hand for fear of making her hide further. Instead just allowed Loomi continue to console her while I answered braze quickly.

"Not much. Either something hidden deep, or guarded. Most people stay away from animals cus scavengers don't want to get into a fight, alone, in the middle of the seas of sand."

I could tell that Loomi had taken on a new kind of attitude with my recent words to her. Her demeanor changed as she looked to me. I knew her to be an Empath. While I was not one, I tried to be more aware about how I acted around her. Not that I was super serious, nor was I wanting to make her worried of the situation, but I wanted her to understand that Tattooine is not a place to be alone in. For anyone. Let alone, a young woman who is rather... absent minded. I smiled lightly to her, and spoke clearly, but with a feeling that I was almost worried for her.

"if we stay together, its less likely that someone will... attempt to become confrontational. Safety in numbers you know?"

Once more, I looked to Braze and all the green he wore. Feeling the heat upon me from the stars above. I placed a hand over the top of my brow to get a better look of him.

"If you want, looking for something like clothing or ruined armor, we can maybe reshape the textiles to work with your saber design. Same for Loomi."

Loomi Loomi Braze Braze Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru

Braze shook his head. " I didn't like padding through the dessert the last time I was hear. I think I'd rather stick to town. But then again my mission partner was not very pleasant company either. " he offered softly before checking his data pad.

" By the stars. There's so many components I need to make this. Are there really that many things that have to go in ? "
he questioned looking to Kaleon. He moved to set his basket of junk he'd picked out so far on the table. " I don't think I'm having much luck. I can't seem to find anything I think could be song steel here but I think some of these items might be of use or might work for internals? I think this part would be good for what I need. What do you all think?"



Oddly enough, there was no amount of fear in her eyes. Just pure mistrust and judgement. This was a stranger, and on a world like Tatooine one could never be too careful. She'd already killed too many people trying to be friendly to her because she was a kid and they thought they could take advantage of her. And, well, she didn't want to be the one to fight. That at least had her genuinely uncomfortable with doing.

Perhaps it was selfish to hide behind Loomi with the intent of not fighting. She'd apologize later. Thankfully though, Loomi confirmed he was at least a friend. Then she blinked, looking at the necklace. "That's literal scraaahhh I mean it looks great! So long as it gets cleaned up and um.. Derusted. Rust proofed? .. I don't think tetanus would be good for you."

Loomi Loomi | Kaleleon Kaleleon | Braze Braze

Tags: Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru , Braze Braze , Kaleleon Kaleleon


"That's literal scraaahhh I mean it looks great! So long as it gets cleaned up and um.. Derusted. Rust proofed? .. I don't think tetanus would be good for you."

Tetanus? What was that? It seemed to be related to the rust, or at least Aliris mentioned that it did. She looked down at the necklace, which certainly didn't seem rusty. It was just nice and shiny. At least she said it looked nice. That was nice.

"If you want, looking for something like clothing or ruined armor, we can maybe reshape the textiles to work with your saber design. Same for Loomi."

"Am I getting parts too?" she asked with a look of confusion.

She already had her sword. Did they want her to build a lightsaber too? She didn't know where she'd start, let alone the fact that she had no crystal to use as a base. A part of her sorta just wanted to stick to using her familiar. Lil' Fella made a pretty good blade. Why did she need another one?

Good Men Don't Need Rules
Quickly turning to Loomi, I answered her question with some haste.

"Yes, to become a knight, you at least have to make a Saber, or a weapon that would be recognized by the council as your weapon of choice. You need to show an aptitude of being able to research, collect, and craft whatever it is. While mine was a Lightsaber, I know others made what were called Force-Imbued swords. If there is something else you want to make, I suggest speaking with your master about it."

It seemed like for the moment that Loomi was going to be taking care and tending to this new individual. In the mean time, I turned my attention to Braze. Answering his questions.

"Yes, Lightsabers have a lot of components. Best learn what all of them are. If one breaks or malfunctions, then it won't work at best. Worse, you have a thermal detonator in your hand. And Songsteel? That is likely something we are going to have to find elsewhere. Its one of the rarer metals in the galaxy dude. I can probably get some after we get back. Also, why didn't you just say that before? I could have gotten it here sooner?"

It seemed I was going to be talking to Kahlil and Valery Noble when I got back. Explaining why I had to play babysitter instead of doing one of my own trials. However, if I could help them actually make the weapons or whatever they chose, then that might count? Not sure. Would need to pose that question to them later. For now, I would be here as a friend to Braze, and those who were here for that purpose.

Braze Braze Loomi Loomi Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru

LOCATION: a fever dream
Kaleleon Kaleleon Loomi Loomi Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru

"I dunno, it seemed right... Yeah, like this was meant to be," Braze said, his voice tinged with optimism. "You never know what you'll find out here, lost to the sands of time."

As if answering an unspoken summons, a bizarre figure—old and hunched—pulled a groaning cart into the square. Decked out in ragtag clothing that resembled the garb of the local sand raiders, he seemed a living plethora of quirks and peculiarities. A smattering of eclectic objects tumbled from his cart as he halted. He retrieved them, each with an exaggerated grimace of effort, arranging them under a makeshift tarp assembled from expired food wrappers and remnants of fabric.

"Blast these old bones," he muttered, casting his eyes heavenward as if consulting invisible spirits. With a grunt, he unfolded a chair—its origins equally mysterious—and sat down beneath his patchwork shelter. "Ah, greetings, outlanders! Would you be intrigued by some of my splendid, and oh-so-rare wares?"

This was Maurice, endearingly and unofficially known as 'Crazy Old Maurice.' A local legend, he was rumored to wander the desert in pursuit of arcane trinkets, each more baffling than the last. Now, with a grand flourish, he secured a very unusual umbrella into a special slot in his cart. The umbrella seemed to hum a soft, otherworldly melody as he put it in place, and its metal gleamed in a very distinct way.

The material was unmistakably Song Steel, the very material Braze had been questing for.

"Is that umbrella made of...Song Steel?"
Braze asked, unable to hide his excitement.

Maurice looked startled for a moment, then chuckled, puffing his pipe to produce bubbles that popped into mini rainbows. "Ah, you've a keen eye, young one. Yes, that's dear old Bertha, she is. Made from Song Steel, indeed."

"Is it for sale?" Braze asked, almost holding his breath.

"Oh, I couldn't possibly part with Bertha," Maurice said, caressing the handle of the umbrella as if it were a cherished pet. However, his face twisted into a grimace of discomfort, and for a moment, he looked frail and ailing. "Actually, if you could do an old man a favor, I'd owe you a great debt. These old bones don't move as they used to, and there's an errand I must run before the oncoming sandstorms."

Braze exchanged glances to his compannions. Here was an adventure within an adventure, a quest within a quest.

"In exchange for this favor, I'd be more than willing to gift you dear old Bertha," Maurice offered, eyes twinkling with a blend of sincerity and mischief.

The proposition hung in the air, wrapped in the promise of mystery and adventure, as the impending sandstorms whispered in the distance.

Braze could barely contain his excitement, practically hopping on the balls of his feet. "We'll do it! What do you need us to do?"

Maurice's eyes twinkled even brighter, if that was possible. He reached into the depths of his cart, past what appeared to be an ancient holocron, its surface etched with mystifying symbols, and beside what looked suspiciously like the remains of a Sith artifact—though it was hard to tell under layers of dust and grime. Maurice finally pulled out a small, carefully sealed box.

"My dear old friend lives far past the outskirts of town, in the caverns to the east," he began, handing the box to Braze. "He needs this special medication quite urgently. He's often ill, you see, and with the sandstorms predicted to roll in by nightfall, I simply can't make the trip quickly enough."

Braze looked at the cart curiously eyeing some of the odder objects. Among the heap of what seemed like junk, Braze noticed what looked like an old databank from the time of the Old Republic, and even a mechanical arm that could very well have been a relic from an ancient droid model long considered obsolete.

"So, all we have to do is deliver this medicine to your friend?" Braze clarified.

Maurice nodded solemnly, yet his eyes danced with that blend of whimsy and wisdom that only kooky old men seem to master. "Exactly. Do this for me, and dear old Bertha, made of the finest Song Steel, will be yours."

The offer was tantalizing. The mysterious treasure trove that was Maurice's cart hinted at a lifetime of incredible, improbable adventures. If this man considered the umbrella—Bertha—valuable enough to trade for a critical errand, then it must indeed be as special as it appeared.

"Consider it done, Maurice. We'll get this to your friend before the sandstorms hit," Braze declared, his hand gripping the box of medicine like a sacred charge.

Maurice smiled, his teeth an odd collection of shapes and sizes, and for a moment, he looked a little less old, a little less weary. "Ah, youth. May the Force be with you both, and hurry back. Old Bertha will be waiting."



Aliris blinked. It was required? .. Did that mean she was going to have to make her own? She certainly hadn't bothered trying to make or use her own, even after stealing Braze's. That thought had her reach into her pocket to squeeze the crystal within it. Reminded her that she still had to fix that mistake. She'd ask Tirin about it later for sure, but for now she sort of just watched the exchange between Braze and this stranger.

Squinted suspiciously. It was awfully convenient for the merchant to have songsteel just after Braze started asking about it. And for a favor? She didn't like how it sounded in the slightest. Not that she voiced as much. Instead she just stuck beside Loomi, glaring right at the merchant.

She was on to him and his tricks.

Kaleleon Kaleleon | Braze Braze | Loomi Loomi

Tags: Kaleleon Kaleleon , Braze Braze , Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru


"Consider it done, Maurice. We'll get this to your friend before the sandstorms hit,"


Loomi only really caught the last part of that conversation. She was too busy thinking about what Kale had said about needing to construct a weapon that the order would recognize. Didn't her familiar already count? Well, no, not really. She didn't construct it at all. She just found it.

She glanced between Aliris and Kale, almost in a daze. Her scatter-brained nature was really showing.

"Did I miss something?" she asked.


"I'm going to find these caverns to the east," Braze announced, his voice buoyant with eagerness. "And make sure I deliver this medicine," he added, nodding confidently. Despite his bravado, anyone familiar with Tatooine's treacherous landscape might think he looked more than capable of getting lost in the expansive desert. His eyes fell on the small crate in his hands, a container supposedly filled with vital medicine.

"How will I know if it's the right spot?" he queried, peering up at the quirky old merchant.

"Oh, you'll definitely know his house when you see it—hard to miss,"
Maurice reassured, his voice tinged with a mysterious tone that hinted at yet more oddities to be discovered. "Just take the east gate out of town and keep going straight; you'll eventually reach the caverns."

There was a certain whimsical assurance in Maurice's voice, as if the universe itself had arranged for Braze to complete this errand. Intrigued, yet somewhat mystified, Braze gripped the crate a little tighter, as if it were a treasure chest filled with secrets.

"Alright, straight out the east gate and into the caverns it is," Braze confirmed, more to himself than anyone else, drawing up a hood on his overcloak to help keep off the sun. He was naturally pale and the sun was not his friend.

Maurice grinned, his teeth a mosaic that seemed to convey both age and the joy of a life oddly, well lived. "Ah, you'll do just fine, young one. May the Force guide your steps."

As Braze turned to embark on his mission, Maurice chuckled softly, watching him go while idly fiddling with what appeared to be an antiquated compass made of shimmering materials, its needle spinning aimlessly. He set it down next to Bertha, the Song Steel umbrella, as if preparing to part with old friends. "Ah yes," he mumbled to himself, "today is indeed a good day for an adventure."

Good Men Don't Need Rules
One very strange individual was... just so happened to have Songsteel. Of all places. What it seemed the others had failed to notice, was a darker presence around him. While it wasn't him, himself, it was something in the shop. Exotic curios and items that was just not something I was okay with letting go. However, I did not want to make a scene. With us requiring to come back, I would get into it then. After we got what he wanted. Instead, turning to Braze while he started to turn away.

"Alright I guess. Lets get this done. Lets grab my speeder, so then we can get there faster."

Braze Braze Loomi Loomi Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru


Aliris didn't look away from the shady old man. She squinted, glared, made her distrust of this all very, very apparent. Songsteel was by no means cheap. And this was Tatooine. People didn't do things for free, and they certainly didn't do things for cheap. But.. Braze seemed eager, and the other two didn't seem against it. Loomi was Loomi, but still. She reached out to take her hand, squeeze it gently.

"We'll take the speeder. I guess it's an adventure or something."

Loomi Loomi | Braze Braze | Kaleleon Kaleleon

Braze blinked, his smile widening as he turned to Loomi, realizing his friends would accompany him on this unique mission.

"We've got to deliver medicine to a sick friend of the merchant," Braze summarized, his tone matter-of-fact. "In return, he'll give me this incredible umbrella made of Song Steel—the very material I need for forging." He glanced at the sky, its unrelenting blaze a constant reminder of Tatooine's harsh conditions. "We have to move quickly, though; sandstorms are apparently rolling in by sundown." He looked over at Kaleon. "I hope you know how to drive because I sure don't," he added, sauntering over to Kaleon's side.

Braze's energy was infectious, completely upbeat. Any red flags that might be there seemed not to phase him. It wasn't that he was entirely foolish—although Aliris had found him easily tricked in the past. Maybe he had trouble sensing danger, or perhaps his endless optimism simply overshadowed any caution. Either way, it was clear they'd all be embarking on this little adventure together.

"Have either of you thought about what kind of blades you intend to make?" Braze asked, directing his gaze first to Aliris and then to Loomi. "Or did you already forge your weapon, Loomi?"

His ever-active curiosity didn't stop there. As he followed Kaleon, another question popped into his mind. "Hey, Kale, do you have to forge a new weapon too? Is that part of your new trials or something?"


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