Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private On The Winds of Change

LOCATION:The Treehouse on Lothal
Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax
The early morning on Lothal greeted Braze with a canvas of cloudy skies, painting a serene backdrop to the vast grasslands that stretched out from the base of his massive treehouse. The cool winds rushed through the tall grass, carrying with them a sense of tranquility. It was a beautiful, calm, and windy day, the kind that invited reflection and much needed pause from the usual rigor of saber combat training.

Braze stood at the entrance of his treehouse, taking a moment to breathe in the fresh, crisp air, letting the peaceful ambiance of the morning wash over him. The wind glided through his hair creating a good sensation that seemed to calm him. Looking out over the expanse of his surroundings, he contemplated how best to channel his focus into something grounding, something that connected him more deeply with the natural beauty that enveloped his home.

The idea of expanding the gardens outside his treehouse was an option. The gardens were already a patchwork of vibrant colors and life with wild flowers swaying in the breeze. It was a project that required patience, a steady hand, and a connection to the living Force around him—qualities he sought to cultivate within himself.

By the time the sun began to break through the clouds, casting soft, golden light across the grasslands, Braze had made significant progress in tilling more plots of land. Standing back, he admired his work. Perhaps now would be a good time to start thinking of a fence.

———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


Large and long black wings pounded against the wind as she flew low over the ever stretching grasslands. The soft delicate powdery floral scent mingled with fresh green leaves and the luminous aura of dew drops in the early morning. It made waking up somewhat pleasant on this strangely over golden world that gleamed in the rays of its sun. Not that the Valkyrie minded, rather it was preferable to the stark contrast to when she was last here time, the endless overcast clouds, heavy winds and torrents of rain battering down.

Her hands reached over to her stomach feeling the hunger of needing to eat for two, Teresa looked around looking for herds of animals or something she could roast over open flame for breakfast though none was immediately present. Beating her wings harder she gained a little altitude for a better distance view to catch movements.

Eventually she passed over the top a large tree that appeared to have been and spotted a small herd of what looked like wild Nerf though even if they were not she did not mind taking. Letting inertia do the work and the natural lift, Teresa coasted down eventually unlatching a saber. Moments before the Blackened Valkyrie passed over the blade snapped hissed alive displaying a black blade with an ominous red glow. Many of the heard moved to escape.

As the heard ran her blade dipped down slicing one from rump to crest. The animal screeched out in pain as its kin continued to run far. Teresa began to turn hard to loose inertia settling down for a soft landing. However she was met with the strong stench of burnt hair, it caused a strong reaction. The blade snapped of as Teresa bent forwards prompting her morning sickness to kick in. Luckily none made it onto her new cardigan. Really it would be a shame for it to be stained after the effort her wonderful retainer had made as a congratulatory gift.

"Kriff me little one you are putting me through the ringer," She said, eyes looking to the small bump, "Though can't blame you, burnt hair is just a bad smell in the first place." Teresa giggle though a little forced through the nausea. Finally lifting her head the Valkyrie looked at breakfast wondering what section she would take from as it still groaned in pain. Reaching out with her hand a small stone began to lift before it shot with speed into the back of the beasts head killing it instantaneously. There was simply to much animal for her to finish just herself. Partly the reason she targeted one that was not big but not a calf either.


Braze watched as a dark silhouette sliced through the sky, a shape far larger than the usual avian inhabitants of the area. For a moment, he thought he recognized the distinctive wings and the striking pattern of red and black. His brow furrowed in concern; this was an ill omen.

Without hesitation, Braze descended from his vantage point and followed the direction in which the figure had vanished. The creature's distant cries reached him first, a prelude to the grim scene he would encounter. As he approached, he recognized the woman from the gala, now engaged in a starkly different act—she was methodically cutting into the beast she had intended to slay. The creature, suffering under her blade, was finally granted reprieve as she ended its misery.

Braze's expression twisted into one of disgust, mixed with a pained understanding of the harsh realities of survival. He remained 'hidden', observing from a distance, his mind racing with thoughts of what to do next. Recognizing her as the pregnant woman from the gala added layers of complexity to his feelings.

After a moment of internal debate, he stepped forward, his presence known. "I remember you... from the gala," Braze said, his voice carrying a mix of accusation and curiosity. "But this," he gestured towards the fallen creature with a grimace, His tone, though confrontational, held an undercurrent of seeking to understand, to reconcile the image of the woman he had seen before with the scene before him now.

"This is something I didn't expect. Why?"

———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


Teresa eventually clipped the saber onto her side before unbuttoning her cardigan, she'd slide her arms from the sleeves allowing it to fall and hang where the wings started. It was then something blipped on the edges of her senses something behind her and was faint. It had a vague recognition she could not place. Continuing to approach the animal the Valkyrie kept her awareness sharp. Kneeling down by the beast her hand reached out, just as liquid meat was about to extend, the voice behind her spoke out.

Turning her head, the small one did look familiar indeed. Listening to his question Teresa smiled at the child. "I need to eat, just as any other living thing needs to eat for survival. Hunting for food is natural and the way your society's processes meat is far worse than what I did here. This animal got to experience freedom from birth can you say the same of livestock?" She replied with a smile. "Besides, I have my little one to provide for. This life inside me is as important as my own."

She remembered this kid now being the one that had split juice all over Carnifex. Given his tone and look of disgust, Her wings stretched wide and low so the kid did not have to watch. Using the influence of the force, the liquid metal that wrapped around her wrist like bracelets began to extend out into a sharp blade. "You can call me Teresa, and if I recall you are Braze correct?" Sinking the tip into the gut of the creature and making a long incision, red blood pooled out soaking into the dirt as vessels and arteries became separated. Her speed and efficiency showed that she had done this thousands of times, letting the metal do the work it tied off the viscera before it all got pulled out spilling onto the ground.

Teresa stood and faced the kid while the metal retracted back. Her pale porcelain white skin was ever bright gleaming under the rays as if it was trying to reflect the sun back. The bump had become visible since the gala and her features had slightly rounded a little. "Anyway, I'm willing to share my bounty if you wish, especially if you know how to make stuff super tasty. I am really famished." It was evident in how she responded and acted that Teresa did not view Braze as a thread in the slightest. Rather even if he could put up a fight she was confident that their difference was clearly felt.


"You didn't have to let it suffer before you killed it. Its last moments were filled with terror and pain. That was just cruel," Braze stated, his brows knitting together in a frown as he observed her actions. His complaint wasn't about the act of hunting and killing itself but rather the manner in which it was carried out. He looked at her with curiosity and disapproval. "My society?" Braze raised an eyebrow, challenging her assumption.

"You seem to think you know a lot about me without really knowing anything, huh?" He was obstinate and plucky not seemingly very interested in being all too friendly at the moment.

He observed the odd liquid metal with a flicker of recognition in his eyes. He had seen something similar before—@Aliris Tremiru had performed actions akin to this, possibly involving Koboh Matter. This sight unsettled him, his emotional aura radiating discomfort and unease as he took half a step back.

"But I guess survival dictates we do what we must; Though I highly doubt you were, or are, incapable of dispatching a creature quickly with out pain or terror— with child or not." Braze conceded after a moment, his tone softening slightly as he considered her words about needing to provide for her unborn child. "Still, there's a difference between necessity and cruelty. Maybe next time, a quicker end? " he suggested, his voice carrying a hopeful note, suggesting a compromise between survival and compassion.

Braze shifted uncomfortably, "And about sharing your bounty... I appreciate the offer, but I think I'll pass. I'm not much interested in prepairing something I watched die in pain."

———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


The boys aura was easier to read as he stood closer as she could feel the discomfort of her actions. It was amusing that from his view her actions were cruel, it showed his naivety more. "You are right, I could have killed it more quickly but that does not apply so much to hunting. Had I cut to deep, the stomach could get penetrated spoiling the meat easy to do with a saber and moving target. Really it could have suffered much much worse than it had, and by lousier means too."

"I disabled its ability to run otherwise it could extend the time and amount it would have suffered. I ended it's life as quick as I was able today, so what you ask I was already doing, what you want shows how naive you are." She did not find that a bad thing, it was refreshing really. "Still a shame you do not wish to share this, it's annoying to waste food. Alas I do not have my retainer with me this time either, normally i'd share with her and she cooks for me. Komi makes it taste good too."

Reaching behind her back she popped several buttons working down separating the back into three segments, eventually it would be thrown over her arm. As she did Teresa's Golden orange eyes surrounded by black glanced down at the blade on Braze's hip, her gaze studied the intricate design that was clearly made with pride and care. She could not understand the practicality of the flair's it had and made it seem more like a decorative piece too nice to weild. Not like any of the ones that hung from her hip. Then the Valkyrie's eyes wandered up to the nestled in shapes of a home built into the tree.

"So, I guess I stumbled by where you hideout then? How interesting" Her lips curled from the smile to grin.


Braze's gaze remained steady on Teresa, his voice carrying critique. "So, you chose to hunt something you couldn't fully utilize yourself?" he inquired, his tone suggesting skepticism and oddly...willingness to help. "Something that won't be fully appreciated unless someone else takes the time to prepare it? I'll prepare it for you, but you need to ensure all usable parts are harvested. I'll find a way to make use of it," he declared, his frown deepening as he spoke.

Braze's stance was firm, "It seems to me that, at this moment, your approach might be the more naive one. You take what you want without considering the broader impact of your actions. Seeking immediate satisfaction by choosing the simpler path, rather than investing a bit more effort for a better outcome that benefits more than just yourself," he gently rebuked. His critique wasn't harsh but rather an invitation to consider a different perspective.

"If I agree to prepare your meal, I'd like to ask for a favor in return," Braze continued, hinting at a deeper understanding of give-and-take, of balance and fairness. His request was open, leaving room for negotiation, looking to find common ground even in disagreement.

———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


At his willingness to cook for her, the sith's eyes practically sparkled brightly. Teresa was about to say she could have eaten a calf to herself fine, then decided not to incase such words turned the decision he made. She too found his view funny even calling her naïve, the thing was the Valkyrie knew she was. There was much she did not understand still that those of her age would grasp. "You're right I do," She said softly. "I act on my desire and whims, follow what passions are fun and important. I'm selfish because I go after my wants with no hesitation. Living this way is freeing, if thats a reason for things to hate me so be it."

As the boy mentioned the offer of a deal, she flashed a smile of approval. The little jedi spoke her language. "My, see I knew I found you interesting Braze, but I am curious, very curious." The Valkyrie was very pleased after all. She turned to the Nerf and bent the force to lift the creature up and over to her shoulder. Grabbing the legs in one hand and the use of her wing kept it steady. Finally the valkyrie would walk closer to Braze who came as high as the woman's waist

"What favor do you desire to ask of me?" Teresa finally asked wanting to know. Would he ask something similar to that of her father, to turn away from the so called dark path. Perhaps something she could do that the boy was unable. The possibilities are where lied the excitement of what small child would ask. "Keep it reasonable though. Like names, to me deals are sacred. If anything I am at least fair. Also you want me to walk in front or?"


"I request that you don't cause me any problems. So like don't mess up my home or anything like that, please." Braze stated, observing her as she handled the fresh kill. He was intrigued by her actions, especially considering her 'condition'.

"We can walk together," he suggested. "I used to be very selfish myself... I think I still am," he confessed, becoming somewhat reflective. He frowned again as his thoughts wandered over his recent developments and newfound friendships. He was starting to understand why being less selfish than he used to be was better. But articulating that in words... That would certainly be more challenging. So, for now, he remained silent, trailing behind as he pondered how to express his feelings and thoughts more clearly. Yet, it seemed she didn't much care for others' opinions of her actions, which was at the heart of the matter wasn't it? This led Braze into a dizzying spiral of divergent thoughts. He would lead her a short way to the tree house and would lead her to a small wooden lift. " You can place it there..."

———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


She tried to hold back the snicker at the request, that was more amusing that what she had imagined. Though, depending on how the kid cooked she may be favorable. "It's a deal." She said confirming the agreements of the terms. Teresa walked aside the kid feeling the golden grass brush against the lower parts of her legs. His comment caught her off guard not in a wrong way but a little surprise. She looked across to see Braze frown "So you should be, I don't think it's wrong to be selfish. If you are to busy living for everyone else, then when will you find the time for the things you want? What you want should always be what is most important, that's how life really becomes enjoyable."

The walk fell quiet and the morning sun was starting to feel a little walmer. It was no sea of crashing waves and salty air with islands of rich green foliage. Yet perhaps now she could understand a little for perhaps wanting to raise a child here. Not that she wanted to, she was born on this world but did not belong. Lothal was merely an estranged world to the girl.

Finally getting closer to the grouping of trees with structures built into them, she looked at it with a little awe. Perhaps even the most innocent the woman made. Her golden orange eyes wrapped with black looked at the details and strangely felt inspired but jealous too. It looked like a fun place with no one around. The leaves was like the waves almost in sound, disregarding the jedi, Teresa felt like she could rest here well. Not that was her plan unfortunately. Her reconnaissance could not last to much longer on this world before her com lit up.

Looking where Braze had pointed, she launched the body from her shoulder by jerking the legs and leaning forwards a little. As it looked like it was about to crash with a thunderous sound, but it did not. Rather the body slowed down last moment, only sound of wood clacking against the surface under it was heard. The silver bracelets once more began to move trailing down the fingers and through the air till reaching the beast. Each drop from one seeped into the incision made prior.

"So what's it like living on this world?" She asked curiously. It became obvious as to why the rest did not go inside the body. As her fingers wiggled and moved the shape changed each time with abstract shapes, spikes, swirls and much more. In all sense it was like a force users sensory toy.

Braze observed Teresa's handiwork and the sizeable beast before them. He excused himself momentarily, fetching a few items to aid in the butchering task. "It's mostly quiet around here... I get the occasional strange visitor, though they're not usually here to hunt the wildlife. I often end up chatting with them, serving tea, or inviting them to help me tend the gardens; occasionally some one who wants to spar. " Braze shared, his one arm gesturing to the serenity that enveloped his home.

A small, inquisitive black kitten, a tiny ball of fluff, scampered down the stone steps, its curiosity piqued by the large, still form of the nerf. It inched closer, its little nose twitching as it sniffed the air.

Braze, with his one arm, and standing only 5'2" with a light, willowy build, was notably undersized compared to the downed nerf. To effectively butcher the large animal and ensure all of it was used, he'd have to be creative.

Despite his one-armed condition, Braze was not deterred. He knew the process would require a more unorthodox method, one that utilized his unique connection to the Force. He began by calming his mind, reaching out with his senses to the inanimate body of the nerf. With a series of precise, controlled movements, he levitated the necessary tools—a knife for the more intricate butchering and a saw for the larger bones. He even levitated the beast itself.

Guided by the Force, Braze's hand moved with purpose, directing the tools with an accuracy that belied his physical limitation. The knife made clean, thoughtful incisions, separating the meat with a skill that honored the life of the creature. The more robust work of sawing through the bone was done with a level of care and focus that ensured the process was as humane as possible, despite the life already having passed.

Throughout, Braze remained deeply connected to the process, his face a mask of quiet concentration. The little black kitten, momentarily forgotten, watched from a safe distance, its own curiosity mirroring that of a child's wonder at the world. It noticed the newcomer and mew'ed at her.

This was an act of meditation, a way to connect with the world around him, and a personal testament to his philosophy of life. Every piece of the nerf was treated with respect, ensuring that the act of taking life, even after death, was not in vain. The meat, the bones, and even the hide were all prepared with a level of attention that spoke of a deep-seated belief in the sanctity of life and the need to honor it in all its forms.

Through the Force, and with his own brand of creativity, Braze turned the butchering of the nerf into a reverent act, a bridge between the life it once had and the life it would now sustain.

As he worked, Braze occasionally paused to direct the small black puffball of a kitten away from the work area, using a gentle push of the Force to nudge it back towards the steps it had scampered down from. He wanted to keep the curious creature safe and away from the tools and the process. "Go back in side Soot. "

Throughout the butchering, Braze maintained a calm and focused demeanor. He ensured that the meat was cleanly separated, the bones were neatly piled for later use, and nothing was wasted. The hide was carefully preserved for tanning, and even the offal was set aside, knowing it could serve as nourishment for other wildlife or be used in the gardens as compost.

In this way, Braze managed to butcher the nerf using the Force, turning a task that could have been daunting for someone of his physical stature and condition into a smooth and respectful process.

———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


She softly chuckled at his reply. Her eyes took note of the cat's shape molding the metal into a smaller version of what she saw. "I like to spar, but you could probably already guess that. Think I used to like the quiet, most days I still do. There are some people now that are enjoyable to be around, those I miss when they're not with me." Teresa did not allow the boy to do all the work even though she agreed to butcher it herself, the Valkyrie would not stop him either. Her control of the metal inside the beasts body willed it to stretch into thin wires vibrating under the skin. Eventually it peeled away revealing pink flesh and white patches of fat before moving onto slicing meat into manageable slabs.

Teresa focused attention to the things in her control, perhaps Braze could feel them too, the blood soaked lamanium gave the same sense in the force as the Valkyrie had. Seeing the small feline being shooed by the jedi, a thin fatty slice was cut free from the creature and flung in the direction its master intended. It's little nose no doubt could resist the fresh sent. If her memory served well the woman recognised it as loth cat, small creatures native to this world.

"I have wondered lately about something though," Teresa said breaking the silence. "Found out a couple weeks ago I was actually born here, on Lothal." Her eyes looked up to the leaves swaying in the breeze dots of sunlight shimmering through. "Been curious at what version of me would have existed, would I have ended up as happy as I am now? Would my life have felt dull and monotonous maybe, or perhaps I would have had to fight for it all the same."

Teresa continued to work alongside braze till all was separated into their neat piles. Even the metal that was used to cut the meat joined back after wiping away impure blood on the pelt. Finally taking notice of the little jedi's reason to use the force she looked somewhat dissatisfied. Admittedly even she would not work Komi in such a condition. "By the way, I am not so heartless and incapable of assisting. I can see your arm is not doing well. Unless this is one of those growth in adversity type things. Story of my life right there." Teresa giggled a little making light of the life that would cause any person vast deep crevices of trauma.

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TAGS: Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

Braze shared his thoughts, a hint of wisdom in his voice. "It's hard to say... hindsight is always perfect, isn't it? We could dwell on what we should have done differently, but that path only leads to regret. Dwelling on the past, especially in a negative light, can trap you in a cycle of sadness. And we can't change what's already happened."

Braze fetched a hose to clean up the area. Once everything was tidy, he brought over a bench for her to sit and enjoy the tranquility of the gardens. Then, he busied himself with fetching a pair of cold keeper hover boxes to package the surplus of meat for later use, leaving out a generous portion of steaks cut from the prime sections for breakfast, along with sets of ribs, ensuring they would not go to waste.

Braze gently picked up the kitten, cradling Soot under his arm, and warmly invited Teresa inside. "Please, come in, Teresa," he said, leading the way up a set of wooden stairs into a cozy lounge area. Setting the small black kitten down on the couch, he turned his attention to Teresa. "Would you prefer tea with breakfast, or does lemonade sound better to you?" he inquired, moving towards a wall-mounted wheel.

He began to churn the wheel, hoisting up the boxes and meat he had prepared outside, transferring them to the kitchen area. Braze then gathered some eggs and a few other ingredients, setting about preparing the meal. He meticulously seasoned the meats, including the large sections of ribs, ensuring each piece was evenly coated with a blend of salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder, a barest hint of cayenne pepper, brown sugar for sweetness, a dash of all-seven seasoning mix for depth, thyme, and a sprinkle of cinnamon for warmth. He took care to remove any membranes from the ribs, slathering them in the rich, aromatic mix, readying them for cooking.
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


"I would not say dwelling as more thinking of the non existent possabilities," She said watching him move about the garden getting containers. "I've no regrets in the choices I made, despite those who sought to change and control me, to act like their perfect whatever." She would sit on the bench he fetched for her and take her time to look at this place. It was like a strange rich green oasis with little pops of colour amongst lothals endless seas of golden plains. The steady flow of water features too was a nice touch. It made her think of the gardens a little on Malsheem; many filled with panathan flora maintaining the remnants of its beauty.

She began to zone out once more staring up at the light flickering through the leaves. When the light did hit her face her pale complexion made it seem there was a radiant glow, even more so when it caught her eyes. She sat there letting time pass by and relaxed at least till the voice called out inviting her inside. Teresa unblurred her vision and looked over to Braze cradling the cat. Rising up the woman followed in even slightly ducking under the door frame.

Flowing through the space, the Valkyrie held onto the lower parts of her wings in her clear best effort not to create mess. Still she made for one of the couches and sat sideways leaning against the back. "Tea, fairly sweet and creamy," she replied while watching the cat he placed down. As her hand reached out Teresa would drag her nails against the cushion of the couch in a wave like pattern, all to simply try to gain the feline's attention. "Ps ps ps ps." Of course it looked her way and paid her no mind beyond that keeping distance. Sadly this was normal that smaller creatures aired caution.

"I am surprised you are not as cautious as this one Braze." She gave up after a few moments and eventually rested her head on the back just to simply watch the small creature relax itself eventually. In time there were soft aromas permeating the space. Every time no matter who was cooking, the smells made her salivate so much. "Say, hypothetical question because I am curious about your perspective. If a mother were to sell her few month old child to a sith, what kind of punishment should befall the mother?"

"I suppose it's good you don't have regrets..." Braze mused thoughtfully, his attention momentarily drifting to the little black creature named Soot, who seemed both wary and fascinated by Teresa's feathered wings. The kitten's cautious, yet curious approach towards the feathers was slow and low, crawling and chattering at them with transfixed interest, haunches raised and ready to pounce.

Braze's gaze, a deep shade of soft jade green, shifted between Soot and Teresa, assessing the situation with a calmness that belied the potential danger. "If you were going to hurt me, you would have done so already," he stated, a simple observation that held a weight of truth. His voice carried a hint of confidence, suggesting that he had come to terms with the precariousness of their encounter.

"Unless you're biding your time until I've already expended my use for cooking for you. But then, you wouldn't have the pleasure of enjoying my cooking ever again..." Braze added, his tone laced with a playful warning. The underlying message was clear: their current truce was mutually beneficial.

As he prepared the meal, Braze transformed the simple and humble act of cooking into an art form. The steaks he brought to the table were perfectly seared, each slice of the meat cut to reveal a tender warm pink center releasing a mouthwatering aroma that promised a juicey flavor. They have been cooked with olive oil, and free-basted in butter and diced garlic with a touch of thyme. The fat perfectly rendered into a soft velvety texture that melted in the mouth. The little portions of steak were cut against the grain to ensure each bite would be easier and softer to chew.

The eggs had been fried in a mix of the steak juices and a touch of bacon grease before being sprinkled with a blanket of melted mozzarella and white cheddar cheese, then topped with a dash of black pepper. They were prepared sunny side up, but a lid had been placed over them during cooking, with just a splash of water added to the pan to steam the tops. This method ensured the clear sections were fully cooked, yet left a pocket of perfectly gooey center that would serve as an excellent sauce for the steak.

These eggs were complemented by everything-seasoned bagels that added a delightful crunch and a medley of flavors to the palate. Toasted with a touch of butter mixed with bacon grease on the flat sides, the bagels' outer crispness contrasted beautifully with their soft interior. The cream cheese was smooth and rich, providing a perfect counterpoint to the bagels, while the assortment of jellies—ranging from sweet strawberry to tangy orange marmalade—offered a playful variety of tastes to explore.

The freshly cut fruit, with its array of vibrant colors and fresh flavors, provided a refreshing finish to the meal. Everything was presented with meticulous care, evoking the ambiance of a fine dining experience at a high-end hotel.

As Teresa spoke, Braze considered her words carefully, his response thoughtful. "I suppose that would depend on the reason why..." he trailed off, hinting at the complexity of moral judgments. "Not good to be the judge, jury, and executioner, or so I'm told. What do you think the punishment should be for a mother who abandons her child to the Jedi out of fear of them?" he asked, posing a question that touched on deep, personal themes. His choice to sit across from her, on the other side of the driftwood table, signified a willingness to engage in open dialogue, despite the undercurrents of tension and unresolved issues between them.

———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


The spread was divine and the look of it plated was the clear cause of her stomach growling. "Woah." In that moment all it took was her attention to move away from the cat before it pounced on to her wing. Though it was low down so there was nothing to nick besides she did not really care and found it quite cute. "Thank you for this meal." She said with a pleased look. Not wanting to move so much she relied on the force to do the trivial slice into the meat. Perly liquid with the touch of blood still flowed out. As the fork stabbed into the small piece and it came up to her mouth.

Teresa's expression changed fast showing such delight at the textures and flavour. If this was the first bit, what was the rest like? she wondered in that second. The jedi definitely had a point, Teresa wanted this cooking again and would not even deny the fact there was a temptation to kidnap this one instead of kill. As he spoke asking a counter question without answering, she though they probably moved onto the same wavelength of sorts.

The Valkyrie looked at him, getting the sense that is what happened to Braze. "That what happened to you then?" The woman asked rhetorically. "Fear makes people do strange things. I find it shows a person's worth when they make decisions in those critical moments. Still she gave you to an organisation that I see as a slave like mentality. You should feel lucky you had experienced being a kid, that you still can."

"I never afforded that chance."
This time egg, mozzarella and bacon was loaded onto the fork and brought to her lips. Teresa took a moment to chew and swallow savouring the salty flavour of meat and the rich mild taste of egg and cheese. "I was given a name and sold off before I was even one... brought into this world and cast aside. I hate people who don't defend their kids who can abandon them so effortlessly because that's what is easiest. I struggle to understand how easily so many find it."

"Her fear for you was her own fault for failing at her duty as a parent. As someone who is about to become a mom, I think your mother at minimum deserves a beating to an inch. Just to pound in the fact she let something precious slip past her fingers."
Teresa knew what word she used to describe Braze, though she thought that way of all kids to a sense. Only they are innocent, not knowing better.

"I know what I intend for my mother and it's not a nice end. I will replace her heart with this," she lifted an old beat up lightsaber that had surely seen better days. "It belonged to the man who owned me once, I think it's a poetic end." Of course she left out many details of what she intended to do before reaching that point, the kinds of atrocities Teresa has planned for her mother. "I know my perspective and ideals is vastly different to your ideals and perspective. How would you punish both parties? No right or wrong answer, just say what you feel." The Blackened Valkyrie curious for the answer for the different point of view.


Braze's words carried a weight of maturity beyond his years. As he methodically cut his steak into bite-sized pieces, there was careful consideration given to his thoughts. The meal before him savored with each bite, seemed to offer a relaxing sentiment,

His response to the idea of punishment was measured, revealing a depth of empathy and understanding. "I think that's a bit of a harsh response," he mused, acknowledging the complexity of human emotions and relationships. His own resolution regarding his mother was firm yet devoid of malice. "As for my own mother; She just won't get to see me anymore... Let her suffer overseeing what she could have had and won't ever have again.
She can see how great I've become, and she'll know I did it without her, and she won't be able to prop me up as some trophy of her own. Let her suffer seeing what she could have had, and won't ever have again."
There was a sense of finality in his voice, a closure that came not from external validation but from his own sense of self-worth.

"I don't like to pass the judgment of death to anyone. It doesn't sit right with me," he explained, suggesting a belief in redemption and the value of life. "I'm just very thankful to have someone like Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el in my life who cares that I exist and actually wants me in their life."
He gave teh tiny kitten a few bits and bites of his food sharing with her as he spoiled the little ball of fluff.

———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


Teresa thought he would think her perspective was to much, but she listened to his perspective attentively. Like how he disagreed with her judgment the Blackened Valkyrie could only slightly disagree. Maybe it was because she was thinking about motherhood more or if it was from the past she lived. Maybe it was both really, but in this moment she was firm in how she felt. Looking at the boy with a softening gaze, she admired the kid a little, more put together than she was at his age by leaps and bounds.

The name he mentioned was one she had yet to learn, but she could connect it or at least guess it which face it belonged. "If you ask me Braze, your mother is one big fool to let you go and... well I can respect you know where you stand. You should feel pride in growing, still makes me giddy when I notice improvement." The Valkyrie chuckled, softly still slowly tucking into the meal slowly. "Still, I don't think I could just continue knowing what happened without the closure I need."

"It's good too you have someone to look up to though,"
she said and turned her eyes to the cat that left attacking her wing for the throw meat. "Even if they are a deluded jedi." Teresa joked even though she meant what she said. "Suppose for me, Carnifex is that person." There was such warmth to her tone, one filled with passion as that name slipped from her lips. "He's done so much for me. I've learnt so much and I feel understood. Makes me motivated to improve my abilities."

"Kinda sucks a little that saber training is a little less at the moment, so I focus more on the side of power things. I can try teach you something if you want? Only ever taught once though so don't know how good i'd be."


Braze's voice carried a weight of contemplation as he addressed Teresa's offer, his expression was that of uncertainty. "That's very generous of you... but I'm not sure," he began, his gaze drifting slightly as he pondered his next words. "Up until now, all I've heard about that man are negative things. And more importantly, he's caused harm to someone very dear to me, someone who made the effort to understand and care for me. Some one I would die for with out a second thought. "

He paused, the seriousness of the topic drawing his full attention back to Teresa. "Speaking of retribution for wrongdoings... What do you think would be a fitting punishment for Carnifex? He's left permanent marks, both physically and emotionally, on my dad," Braze inquired, his tone suggesting he was wrestling with the idea of justice versus the cycle of vengeance. Braze had asked knowing full well that to do something would inevitably cause more problems and continue an endless cycle.

"If I were to act on my more selfish impulses, disregarding the broader harm Carnifex has inflicted on countless others, and focus solely on the pain he's brought to someone I deeply care about..."

Braze trailed off, taking a moment to sip his tea, allowing the silence to fill the space.

———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


"Well of course you're only ever going to hear the negative. The Jedi are the natural enemy of the Sith are they not? How often do you speak kindly of your enemy unless it's one you respect? To me I can tell you all about how wise and passionate He can be, how I respect Him and love with all of my being. It's all based on perspective. Do you think I have many nice things to say about the jedi?" Teresa said plainly while shifting how she sat. One wing stretched along the length of the couch while the other hung over the side. Leaning forwards a little both elbows rested on her thighs. It was an indication that Teresa was listening carefully to the question and the further context.

"My honest answer would be, it would be stupid to try," She said and smirked a little. "Carnifex is not someone you can just think, I will kill this person I will exact punishment. Thinking that way has led billions to a beautiful slaughter all because they are driven for vengeance." Finally taking the fork into her hand she began to layer the bagal with things she thought would add nicely. However her eyes flicked back up after adding the top back on. "And if you ever confronted him, well i'd hate to think of how much would be left of you there'd be at the end."

"So at this point I'd be disappointed to see that happen to you for some reason. You are the first jedi to not draw their weapon on me just from my presence. I know well to be cautious of those who seek to end me for the life I lead. Instead you chose to make a deal and invite me into your home, you chose to entertain conversation. It makes you different."
She considered that perhaps the Gala itself was perhaps aided in this chance encounter. Perhaps for once her being seen in a setting where no violence was issued had influence. It still did not change her opinion of events of that nature filled with so many people.

Taking the bagel into her hands she'd take a large bite into it, enough so it took a good moment to chew and swallow. Though for her the combination of harmonious flavours, the rich aromas in her mouth, it was simply sublime how it teased such sensory reactions. The Valkyrie was coming to a realisation of a desire to learn how to do this. Though she liked how Komi cooked, even how this kid cooked. These flavours others could bring she wanted to know them for the future.. "Suppose, in my opinion, I do not hate you. Rather you are interesting aaand amusing to me. I think it would be more fun to obverserve you."

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