Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Operation Search and Rescue

Location: The Glaris Valley, Organa Ranch, Alderaan
Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio | Maple Harte Maple Harte | TheScarletDastard TheScarletDastard | Irilan Chohn | A ARS VAMI | Caedyn Arenais

A gathering from a few of the noble houses were meeting outside to discuss agriculture and the influx of refugees from worlds the Sith had conquered. Faith attended with a single guard from the Alderaan Knights something she and Ikenna Tahj Ikenna Tahj discussed at length particularly how many she wanted to take on this little excursion. She debated that she was at home on Alderaan where she was supposed to be safe, he debated his position about the number of refugees and they were still investigating the ship that had crashed a week ago in the Juran Mountains.

She would have preferred to ride a thranta to the site on her own however she agreed to one. The young man stood at the doorway his eyes always looking at any and all movement.

"Very well then," Faith was trying to win them over, "Another glass of emerald wine anyone?" While the glasses were filled, Faith continued, "We must help the refugee, Sanctuary City is filling quickly. Perhaps we need to expand the City or look to build additional facilities on another planet in the Alderaan system to take the overflow."

A glass or two went up in agreement, a few nods, but nothing was said verbally. Sometimes they frustrated her with their silence. They certainly could talk a lot when they wanted something.

"We should also build our defenses up." The attack on Coruscant was still in her mind, the three Alderaani who they sent home to be buried. "We don't know if Alderaan will be attacked but"

It was then there was the sound of crashing, Faith stood up, looking in the direction of the sound. The others sat drinking their wine sure that they were safe. Faith looked to where the young man was, but he was already gone. Ok she thought, let's see...she took a breath it was alright just probably something looking for food.

Blaster shots, then everyone stood up, "
is it the Sith?"

"I don't know, everyone we should go inside." Faith without realizing it was moving towards the sounds not away. Was it curiosity or concern...she saw a flash of movement, what was that? Another....there's more than one. There were sounds unfamiliar, there was the sound of running..."run" oh goodness.."RUN!" She turned to run towards the Vinerium she could hear something coming, fast.

Someone else was screaming....she pushed the distress button she carried to alert the Knights she was in trouble. Lord Draco and Ike were never going to let her live this down.

There was a low guttural growl that sounded like it was at her heels she turned to look......something pink........something........she tripped and rolled. She stopped rolling and looked up, teeth lots of teeth. She saw the hand coming but could not move out of the way. Daylight turned to darkness she was out. The attack had been unexpected, swift and seemed coordinated.

Who are they? Where would they go? What did they want with their captives? Was anyone left behind? Where is the young Alderaani Knight?

Alert was blaring, the sound grabbing the attention of Visitors, Knights, and Citizens around the palace.

The whispers that circulated quickly became shouts, "The Queen is in trouble"

Teams were forming to go to the last known location. What would they find, to begin with they would find the vinerium in a shambles, and the vineyard trampled.
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Location: Jax's House, Alderaan
Equipment: Alderaan Jedi Armor, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Faith Organa Faith Organa , Caedyn Arenais, TheScarletDastard TheScarletDastard , Irilan Chohn, A ARS VAMI



<This is the good life Jax!> BB-12 whirred rolling back on the milk white couch, the very wide Holotv displaying a Podrace going on in Tatooine. The Holotv had12k quality something that was foreign to Jax, he was very used to 8k quality but the 12k was mesmerizing to say the least. The Jedi looked around in his luxury house. It was quadruple the size of Jairdain Jairdain house in Commendor, he didn't expect to be living house ever in his life. Then again Jax didn't expect to be a Jedi Watchman by the NJO. Given his rap in the past, he thought they would stay away from him, then again Jax's exploits in the war probably gained him favor. Still to be assigned on a planet known for its beauty and tranquility, the soul of the Galactic Alliance: Alderaan. Jax felt like a fish out of water here.

The Jedi Master was used to constant conflicts in Coruscant, the gangs, the missions, he felt that he could've made a difference. Here? Jax wasn't much of a negotiator and what the frack was he going to do, talk down to merchants who over price the elderly customers? Still Jax received a warm welcome by the Queen Faith Organa Faith Organa and was given a House and specialized Jedi Armor for his troubles. It was made out of Beskar but wearing it felt like he was wearing regular Jedi Robes. Apparently the Queen had her best Synthweavers working on the armor in order to suit his needs. In the house was also a Servant Droid named TC-13 a top of the line model who could cook and clean with great effiency. It was said that she did the work of 100 servants. BB-12 was instantly attracted to her mainly because of the Droid's sultry accent and would spend days shamelessly flirting with TC-13 much to Jax's annoyance.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself," Jax said crossing his arms. "Before you would argue with Jair about not leaving the apartment back at Courscant."

<That's because I don't trust witches,> BB-12 beeped. <I also don't trust Queens but if you give me free beer and a drop dead gorgeous Droid than you might not be so bad afterall! I mean tell me has the Witch offered free Beer? No! With the Witch I get nothing but constant nagging! But on Alderaan, I get wealth, fame and a Holotv along with number for Lightspeed food delivery service. Free Pizza man!>

"And nothing to do," Jax sighed until he saw an alert on his Holoprojector. "Chit!" He muttered. "The Queen is in trouble! I gotta go!"

<Don't worry about me!> BB-12 whirred while Jax ran out of the House. <I'll be guarding the House with my life.....>

The Droid pressed the button and a long thing arm extender wrapped itself around the Beer bottle across the table. It went towards BB-12 who opened his hatch. The arm extender poured the alcoholic beverage on his red eye,

<Argh what is this?! The Pre-Republic Era?!> BB-12 beeped.

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Caedyn Arenais

Location: Alderaan.
Wearing: Tunic/Robes.
Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio | Faith Organa Faith Organa | TheScarletDastard TheScarletDastard | Irilan Chohn | A ARS VAMI .

Caedyn Arenais had recently arrived within the Expansion Region from the Outer Rim Territories in the pursuit of personal endeavours and while being so close to the world of Alderaan, had decided to pay the beautiful green orb a visit out of respect for the past connections between the royal houses and his own family.
While he himself held no real ties to Alderaan, it was well known and significant history to the man that his parents were essentially neighbours and associates of Alderaan's royalty during the Free Worlds Coalition days and the Commenor Systems Alliance. As ancient as such a connection might have seemed nowadays, the Jedi Knight had considered the possibility of strengthening ties between Alderaan and Mnemosyne now, based upon what he believed to be positive relations between the two families.
Though he'd never admit it, Caedyn had become something of a successful businessman when it came to corporate negotiations and political affairs; arguably a result of being raised by Kay and Veiere Arenais.

The purpose of his visit had of course warranted the desire to meet with one Faith Organa Faith Organa , one of the most notable persons responsible for much of the worlds continued prosperity long since after Caedyn's parents time. Today, it appeared that she would be meeting with a number of persons, and so Caedyn had been guided to a quiet patio outside of the Palace where he could sit and have a cup of stimcaf while he awaited his opportunity to meet with the old friend of his mothers.
The weather was beautiful as ever, and the day was looking to be a splendid one. Seated under the warmth of the radiant sunlight, Caedyn looked out over the grounds from where his table was, a faint smile upon his face as he enjoyed the sights and sounds of nature....-However, so very typical it seemed of his luck, the peace and pleasantries were not to last.

Blasterfire echoed from somewhere within the Palace, the sensation of immediate danger calling to invoke the Jedi's precognitive senses, already up on his feet with his right hand drawing his lightsaber hilt as the blasts rang out. Searching for any sign of visible threat, he did not yet activate his weapon but instead moved closer to the exterior of the building seeking to gain a better line of sight within.

Just who was responsible for such a dreadful interruption to his otherwise lovely day would soon be revealed, however, there were a number of civilians and political figures of Alderaan meeting with the Lady Organa, a priority that needed to be placed at the forefront of his mind as the Jedi Knight quietly reentered the Palace, seeking to move as discretely as possible towards the commotion.
There was a bounce in the step, not quite running but she could feel the movement up and down. Her head hurt she wanted to reach up and touch the place where she had been struck but her hands and arms wouldn't lift up. her stomach was protesting as well she may very well be sick to her stomach all this bouncing.

Her eyes wouldn't open beyond the small slits. So instead she listened, she could hear a few other nobles talking
"Let me out of this contraption" Was that the Duke............"You'll never get away with this" a womans voice but she just couldn't place the voice. So at least two others, but their party was more like six. So..did they get away...or were they captive and quiet.

She tried to make sure she still had the distress signal, but she couldn't feel it in her hand. that mean whoever was looking might find it along the path but it would only say they were there not where they had gone.


She turned her head she remembered pink and teeth. She could make out clothing, pink skin....she couldn't tell if they had hair or wore hats. She couldn't see anything else either.

There were other noises followed by other tones, was that their language? What language was that? "
What do you want? What do you need? Surely....we can..." The pain raged on more time blinding her forcing her to close her eyes, and fade once more into the darkness.

She was looking as she slowly faded into the darkness she knew they were still on a path through the Valley. The green was every were they going.

Whatever lay ahead she hoped that the Knights and a rescue party were dispatched and looking.

Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio | Caedyn Arenais | TheScarletDastard TheScarletDastard | Irilan Chohn | A ARS VAMI | Maple Harte Maple Harte | Ikenna Tahj Ikenna Tahj | C Commander Alez Hamilton
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Location: Alderaan Gardens
Alderaan Jedi Armor, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Faith Organa Faith Organa , Caedyn Arenais, C Commander Alez Hamilton , TheScarletDastard TheScarletDastard , Irilan Chohn

So much Jax saying that there was nothing to do on Alderaan.

As soon as the Queen sent the distress signal, Jedi Master ran as fast as he could to the Gardens. It wasn't too far from where Jax lived and the Speeder that Jax ordered wasn't even close to arriving. Sighing, Jax reached into the Force doubling his speed he passed a few people who yelled and cursed at him. Jax even broken a couple of his neighbors vases along the way and the soundwaves shattered some of the expensive speeder. It was a Jedi business so Jax had a good reason for accidentally destroying public property. But who knows? The rich, stuffy nobles will probably force Jax to pay anyway or even sue him for causing "emotional distress" for zipping past them.

After about a few minutes of Force speed, Jax arrived at the scene of the crime where he immediately saw the Alderaanian guard surrounding the place. "What's going on here?" Jax said a bit out of breath.

"We got a situation!" One of the guards said approaching him.

"I can see that guard," Jax responded through clenched teeth. "What happened."

"There was an attack," Another guard said. "It came out of nowhere, The Queen and other nobles have been taken."

"Taken?" Jax said his heart racing. "Do you know who took her and where?"

"It's unknown who are the assailants," the guard responded. "We suspect it's the Duke but we have no evidence. All we know is that last of their location was that they're heading to the Mountains."

"Damn," Jax clenched his fists. "Well we could bring the Duke in for questioning but in the meantime let's look over the scene. Perhaps we can look for some clues on who kidnapped the Queen and the nobles."

"Right away sir," The guards then began lead Jax to the gardens. Even though it was a serious moment, Jax couldn't help but smile. For all of his concerns of Alderaan being a boring planet, things already started to get interesting and he was barely here a week.

"This is where the fun begins," he thought.


Caedyn Arenais

Location: Alderaan Palace > Gardens.
Wearing: Tunic/Robes.
Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio | Faith Organa Faith Organa | C Commander Alez Hamilton

'Why can't things ever be peaceful and quiet for a change' Caedyn Arenais thought as he walked throughout the corridor of the Palace alongside several of the Royal Guard who had been able to fill him in on what they knew of the emerging situation. The Queen had been abducted alongside a few other well-to-do's, while some had been killed in the scuffle...

Violence. Oppression. Criminality and selfishness. These were the burdens of Jedi work, rarely faced with anything less than the most volatile and aggressive types these days. Sadly, Caedyn was far too well versed in this kind of work nowadays.

The small group were moving towards the Palace exterior where they would be greeted by the Palace Gardens, apparently, there being a larger contingent of security personnel there where his companions had been instructed to meet with.

As they grew closer to the designated locale, however, Caedyn felt a subtle shift in the Force around him, his presence like a small pebble dropped into the water, the ripples from his own aura meeting with the presence of another, also seemingly of the light side of the Force.

"Have there been other Jedi given duty here?" Caedyn asked one of the men as they moved along.

"Not to my knowledge, Sir" the Guard answered, "Although it's not unheard of. The Nobles of Alderaan have far-reaching connections, arguably more so with the Queen herself" he added, speaking out of assumption more so than confidence.

Nodding a little, Caedyn replied briefly "Yes, I can imagine". Life on Commenor for his parents had been very similar in that regard, meeting all types of people that left him and his Sister @Loreena Arenais guessing who was who, who did what and who was friend or foe.

In politics, one's foes could be staring you in the face waiting for you to turn and have a knife plunged into your back. His father had loathed politics for exactly this reason. Veiere possibly being the reason why Caedyn himself wasn't so certain of his feelings on the matter.

Finally, however, they arrived to find Jax Thio talking with other officers of Alderaan security (Or whatever their abbreviation was called). It took only a second for Caedyn to recognize the other Force User, waving a hand to the pair as he left them to walk approach his fellow Jedi. They had not met to Caedyn's recollection but the strength of the Force in the man's aura was controlled enough to foretell a past of training behind him.

"Mind if I join you, Master Jedi?" Caedyn greeted Jax Thio Jax Thio with a bow of his head.
I have a headache I need a pain reliever I wonder if Becca can bring me one. eh why be lazy I can go get my own. In her mind she had tried to stand but nothing worked she looked down to see her feet stuck in the mud.

Why am I in the mud? Finally her mind began to wake up nothing had changed she was till a prisoner. The headache was real and so was the lump on the side of her head a reminder this was not a dream.

Her arms were so stiff it hurt to even try to bend an elbow, her eyes opened slowly there sounds just to her right she turned to see who was making them. The low guttural sounds echoed from one to another, how many were there? Could she count them by the sounds....1.........2..................3................4...................multiple sounds she just couldn't tell the number. 5 plus would have to work for now.

She was laying on the ground she turned her head to rest her chin on the ground this would be her first good look at who had taken her and the others prisoner. Pink, elongated eye stalks, blue eyes, their clothing looked shipwrecked...and teeth when beared would make even the manka cat stop. Faith began inching her body up like a worm till she could get her knees under her and push up.

Out of breath she watched her captors it appears they had been hunting on the ground was.....her skin crawled as her blood curdled in her veins the body at their feet had blonde hair...and they were......severing the arms and legs from the torso...she wanted to scream but couldn't....she could only stare and wonder...what had happened.

One took a finger examined it for a moment removing a ring tossing it away like it was nothing then ate the finger. Faith stomach jumped she turned her head to vomit. That was the most disgusting thing she had ever witnessed.

They were soon packing the parts away preparing to move on. Faith looked up as her captor approached he raised his hand to strike her into submission, "Not necessary." She was terrified calm, he yanked her to her feet and pushed her where to go.

Walking again...the mountains...which many on vehicles, so all foot prints...not a worn path either so they were off all the familiar paths. She couldn't reach into pockets not with her hands bound, next stop she'd have to figure out how to let anyone know which way to go.

Right now if they came they would have the pool of blood, the clothing they removed from the body, the ring, and most sickening where she had been sick.

Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio | Caedyn Arenais | C Commander Alez Hamilton

LOCATION: Jaxon Ale House, System of Alderaan. Near the Palace Gardens
RELEVANT LINKS: Monkrove Irs'Valachie Moldova

OUTFIT AND WEAPONRY: Ornate [AV-1A] Assault Armor | [Mace Shaped] Power Hammer | Rotational Steam Cannon

If one thing was certain to him, the System of Alderaan looked pretty and had a noble air around it. The same couldn't be said for the establishment that he decided to stop in by on his way back to the Industrial World of Spindle VI. Jaxon Ale House was your typical front business for a local crime organization that provided the entertainment in the way of women and other pleasures'. Monkrove couldn't judge them for it was a perfect cover if you wanted to illegally smuggle goods in and out of the system without having to worry about the Alderaan Police Forces sticking their noises where they don't belong. Dressed in his ornate armor draped with a large red flowing cape and a waist cape that concealed his rotational steam cannon that was hooked via chains to make sure that it didn't come loose in an engagement. On his right side would be his mace shaped power hammer that he had commissioned from a local guild. Monkrove would sit at a booth; enjoying the company of a twi'lek women by his side and a large jug of ale.

Out of the corner of his eye; he spotted a trandoshan harassing some women nearby. Monkrove wouldn't have bothered but his reputation needed to be solid if he was to avoid trouble with the alderaan security forces. Standing up and grabbing his power hammer from its holder, he calmly walked over and stated to the man. "Enough of this foolishness, we are all trying to relax here not be bothered by your lizard love tactics." The trandoshan looked at him and snarled "Hey..mind your own buisn-" Monkrove would swing the mighty mace power hammer into his gullet, before he had a chance to finish his sentence. Bashing him outside through a wall of the establishment and into the streets. The trandoshan was promptly knocked out and waiting to be arrested. He looked back at the establishment and tipped the owner to pay for the damages caused by his power hammer. Winking towards the twi'lek women that had served him well, he would make sure to tip her a large sum of credits to the jealousy of the other women workers. Hooking his power hammer back into its holder, he would pick up the trandoshan and begin to bring them to the local police station or to hand them over to the palace guard for lock up.

Waiting by the entrance into the Palace of Alderaan's Garden. Monkrove would stand here at 6'4 within his armor and 350 pounds of pure weight. Although this weight was obscured by the heaviness of the armor itself. His flowing red cape would fly in the wind as the trandoshan would still be knocked out cold on his shoulder. He went to speak to the palace guard nearby, stating his intention. "Excuse me, But this trandoshan was causing a large amount of problems in a nearby establishment. I'm not sure if I am supposed to deliver it to you or the local police station." Monkrove stated to them, waiting to be allowed entrance or being told where to go. "If you need identification, I can provide it to you to prove that I am not with the local crime organizations or other galactic criminal factions." Monkrove added afterwards, thinking about it being kind of of suspicious for a heavily armored man to come to the palace gardens.

[OOC] I was invited into his thread by Jax Thio Jax Thio . If anyone is confused as to why a new comer is joining into a private thread.

Imogen had her finger on the pulse of nearly everything that happened here on Alderaan, so when she heard the Queen had gone missing and she had not ordered it to happen that put a wrinkle in her day. While her resentment towards House Organa was strong, there was one thing that she could never be faulted for, and that was loyalty to Alderaan first. Without a queen a power vacuum could erupt between the noble houses. She would profit from a civil war, and the bleeding of rival houses was not something she would turn down, but the time was by no means right for something like that to happen without her express say so regarding the actions of House Rist. That was why she made a personal trip to the scene of the crime.

With no patience to wait in line, and already being a known factor among the Alderaanian court, Imogen walked right past the behemoth of an armored man. While she was nearly as tall as he, the size of the rest of him did dwarf her. She paid him no mind, he was merely rabble looking for scraps at the feet of royalty to her. With a hasty announcement from one of the peasants in the palace, those present were made aware of the arrival of the matriarch of House Rist. She knew what her house's reputation meant at a time like this and she could not afford scrutiny during a kidnapping they were not behind. Imogen's motives were not altruistic, but merely of preservation of herself and of her house.

Imogen chastised one of the servants for standing in her way as she moved into the garden area where the incident had occurred. She was wearing a long white coat and formal pants with knee high black boots. It was, to her eyes, far too sloppy to be some kind of organized attack. There had been panic, blood everywhere, and with the idea being floated around that it was some errant Duke, the redhead just rolled her eyes. "Allow me to shed some light, on this otherwise dark occasion." she said, stepping up and taking her rightful place at center stage. It was clear she had a big ego, but she knew what she was talking about.

"All of this seems far too random to be an organized hit. Have there been no witness statements taken? Are you content to wander about without any clues?" Imogen asked with an impertinent tone. "If this was supposed to be an organized attack against the queen, then what would the perpetrators gain from taking other nobles? As a cover to mask the true target it would strain credulity. Other nobles are present and yet the queen was not the primary target? To me this implies that the attackers were not looking for one specific person, but wanted to take as many potential hostages as possible."

Imogen paced through the garden quietly for a moment and crouched beside blood, "What hostage takers would want to potentially kill their hostages too? If the queen was taken by professionals they would not want to possibly ruin any ransom. Crossfire or not, this was definitely not organized, at least not to my eyes."

TAGS: Imogen Rist Imogen Rist
LOCATION: Palace of Alderaan, Palace Gardens
RELEVANT LINKS: Monkrove Irs'Valachie Moldova

OUTFIT AND WEAPONRY: Ornate [AV-1A] Assault Armor | [Mace Shaped] Power Hammer | Rotational Steam Cannon

"You may enter inside the palace garden. We shall take care of your prisoner as you make your way inside." Stated the Palace Guardsman at the front of the gate. Although knowing that the palace was under heavy security right now, they could use all the help that they could get in determining the queen's safe return and prevent a rebellion from forming. Monkrove nodded towards them; setting down the trandoshan down onto the ground and making sure that it didn't try to escape in the meantime. As the Palace Guard promptly picked him up and took him to the proper location. While this was happening, did he Baron from Spindle VI spy upon his bushy face the form of a women walking right past him without even addressing him properly. This woman had the nerve to ignore someone else simply because she looked down on them for not being a alderaan noble. Monkrove would have to rectify this situation with a punch to her parcen face in due time. However fighting with a noble of the planet wouldn't do well for his reputation but he would sure as hell make her pay later for this disrespect towards him.

Monkrove proceeded to enter inside with his behemoth of a form. His armor boots clanking against the garden floor as the mercenary-general, took in all that were present. Including the arrogant women from before, monkrove didn't state anything until this women had abruptly decided to voice her own opinion on the matter. Simply taking a seat on a nearby bench inside of the garden and waiting for this mad women to finish her ramble. Monkrove noticed that her ego could fill the entire galaxy and then some. But there was some form of intelligence within her or perhaps it was because she hadn't taken her medication that nobles often do. Whatever the reason, monkrove took notes down with his helmet hud about what the women had said and made a mental note to proceed to speak after her regardless if she approved or not. If the women wished to cause a scene within the palace of the queen, then that was her right. But he himself had packed enough armaments' within his armor to level a city block and was well skilled enough to fight against even the most powerful of force users for a limited amount of time.

"Pardon me for interrupting, your "nobleness"." Monkrove stated to the women near the center of the stage in a sarcastic voice that was clear to indicate his displeasure with her. "Ransom is often unorganized and unpredictable because things change between the kidnappers, they clearly kidnapped the queen for a solid reason in order to force change upon the planet. If they wanted any monetary reward they would have done so by now to make their intentions clear." Monkrove stated to her before carrying on regardless of weather or not she approved or anything. " What you think is unorganized is a very organized raid to this solid mercenary who stands before you as it is random and unpredictable to throw off investigations. The queen is the only thing of any value that matters to the planet as a whole, the nobles on the other hand could be replaced at a minute's notice because they have solid bloodlines to carry on their legacy's. So it is only logical for them to either kill the nobles to scare the queen into submission or they have another objective in mind. Like one of those weird force rituals that the books tell about using the blood as a sacrifice." Monkrove finished his statement, having said his peace and all. He would sit back down with a noticeable clank of his armor onto the stone bench. Nodding towards the other people within the garden for interrupting their investigation unlike the noble who just barged in without a care in the world due to her self proclaimed "social status" above him. While he waited either for someone else to respond or that noble telling him off because he was simply a peasant to them, remains to be seen. But in the meantime, Monkrove would pick up his flask of boga noga and begin to down it after taking off his helmet.

Run, Run...that's all her mind kept saying. it didn't matter what bramble caught her arm, her hair, or even her pant leg she knew if they caught her she'd never see home again.

Before all the running started

Many of the nobles and High Council members had been invited to a meeting with the Queen at the Organa Vinerium. She had never been to the vinerium though she had some tea once a long time ago with the Queen....and it was a tense conversation even then. So much to be held accountable for but she had been young and foolish. She thought she had done the best thing for all of Alderaani who were left behind.

She had stayed...course...the things that happened after...she could only beg for her life from the Queen.

Her house was still restricted in many ways but they lived, held their lands, and....waited. So when the invitation came House Panteer would not say no, she was of course late...too much time making sure she was dressed right ...rehearsed her arrival speech...only to be way laid on the way by pink creatures she had never seen. They attacked with some precision knocking the House Guards off first and then coming for the others.

It was just dumb luck that she fell the way she did, she scrambled to her feet looked back only for a second to understand this was an attack.

But they were fast, incredibly so. If it weren't for the brambles, and thorns of the trees they may have caught her by now.

she had to be nearing the Vinerium...right?

Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio | Caedyn Arenais | Credit Wizard Credit Wizard | Imogen Rist Imogen Rist |


Location: Alderaan Gardens
Equipment: Alderaan Jedi Armor, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Anastasia Panteer Anastasia Panteer , Caedyn Arenais, Credit Wizard Credit Wizard , Imogen Rist Imogen Rist

Jax just barely entered the gardens when he was greeted by what looked to be a fellow Jedi. At least from he observe, the man was wearing a fairly typical Jedi garb which made Jax feel a little embarrassed given that he was wearing fancy armor. The Jedi offered assistance to which of course Jax accepted. If the Queen was missing then there needs to be all hands on deck. "Of course," Jax smiled holding out his hand. "My name is Jax Thio: Jedi Master and Watchman of Alderaan. What can you tell me about the situation?"

The Jedi Master looked around sighing, the entire Garden was a mess but he could feel some semblance of the Dark Side lingering in this place. Is it possible that there are more Brotherhood infiltrators among the Alderaanian nobility? Jax wouldn't put it past them to pull a stunt like this. "Right," Jax said. "We'll need to find some clues let's-"

Jax's body went cold, he felt a disturbance in the Force, whipping his head he heard screams from a distance a woman yelling for help. "I sense something!" Jax yelled taking out his Lightsaber. "Everybody get inside!"

As his yellow blade activated, Jax immediately turned to the Jedi. "Let's go!" He said beginning to sprint to the location of the noise.


Caedyn Arenais

Location: Alderaan Palace > Gardens.
Wearing: Tunic/Robes.
Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio | Faith Organa Faith Organa | C Commander Alez Hamilton | Credit Wizard Credit Wizard | Imogen Rist Imogen Rist

"Master Arenais from what my sergeant says you and he crossed paths some time ago when your sister was trying to found a group of rebels.".

Caedyn looked to C Commander Alez Hamilton with slight apprehension; typically when his Sister's name was mentioned in alongside that of Rebels, conversations could turn to either extreme. However, it seemed this man was siding favourably with Caedyn's presence and so he gestured the Commander to that of Jax Thio Jax Thio instead.

"You heard him, Watchman of Alderaan. Master Thio's the man to speak to; I was just passing through" Caedyn replied, turning his attention to that of the Jedi Master himself; "Caedyn Arenais, Master Thio. I'd say it's a pleasure but this wasn't how I expected the day to turn..." the Jedi Knight gave a brief dip of his head out of respect however not having time enough to complete the formality with the due credit of the Jedi Master's title.

Something Shook the entirety of Caedyn's concentration as the Force called to him, a surge of energy felt from somewhere elusively out of minds-eye, yet carrying a feeling of inherent danger. When Jax Thio announced the change in their environment, Caedyn too was on the move with lightsaber in hand (although inactive).

"On you, Master Thio" Caedyn confirmed as he moved to follow at the Jedi Master's lead.

TAGS: Jax Thio Jax Thio Anastasia Panteer Anastasia Panteer Caedyn Arenais
LOCATION: Palace of Alderaan, Nearby from Garden.
RELEVANT LINKS: Monkrove Irs'Valachie Moldova

OUTFIT AND WEAPONRY: Ornate [AV-1A] Assault Armor | [Mace Shaped] Power Hammer | Rotational Steam Cannon

After drinking from his flask for a few minutes and getting wasted for the most part. Monkrove would store back the empty flask into his armored pocket, still sitting upon the stone bench away from everyone else at this minute in time. Peering over with his green eyes, spotting a jedi master of some sorts. He didn't really care about the Holy Order of the Jedi Knights but they were supposed to be the peacekeepers of the galaxy and even then they failed to stop a majority of the crime organizations from running amuck. Monkrove was respectful at least to listen too the man, picking up on the fact that his name was "Jedi Master Jax Thio, The Watchman of Alderaan." a fancy title that would make even the most noblest of nobles gaze in awe. He picked up upon the body language as it suddenly changed and the jedi grabbed his lightsaber and went off.

Monkrove wondered what situation would there be to call upon a lightsaber in the secure palace of alderaan. Then again, the palace was broken into and the queen kidnapped so. So he supposed the lesson of the day would be that security needed to be increased and more fortifications built to keep intruders out from below and above ground. Another man he noticed from his bench would be speaking with the Jedi Master Jax Thio before he left to engage a supposed enemy. His name was "Caedyn Arensais" as he had good hearing despite being far away from them both upon a bench. Monkrove was suspicious when they both left to engage with the enemy or some other disturbance that would be nearby the palace gardens. He finally found his answer, when he heard a women screaming and correctly figured out that was the reason for them leaving so quickly. Thus he would pick up his feathered war helmet, putting on top of his head and raising from the stone bench.

"I can't let the jedi masters have all the fun; besides it has been a while since my last combat engagement." Monkrove stated to himself beneath his helmet, activating his suit's repulsors that allowed him to fly as his cape flowed in the wind. Knowing that the jedi master's might reach the women first and ruin his chance to impress the nobles of Alderaan for future meetings. Monkrove adjusted for the air resistance of the planet and boosted ahead of them as they lucky weren't running in force speed. Spotting with his hud a mob of pink creatures, and the women running for her damn life, Monkrove picked up his power hammer that was shaped like a giant mace from its holster. "HUD: Activate the groundshaker missiles on the armor. Adjust for pressure and air resistance and carve a line between the women and the monsters. Full power to the internal shields to prevent injury from rough landing." Monkrove spoke to his armors targeting system, voice activing the missiles from his concealed launcher as they descended down into the trees and brambles, exploding enough to create a sorta defensive ditch system that many of the pink creatures fell into. Although the missiles wouldn't be dangerous to any humanoids on the ground as to not injure the jedi master and ruin his reputation.

Monkrove would watch as this tiered defensive ditch was created from his missiles, blasting full speed down into the ground with his power hammer over his head. To any observers at this time, it would look like an armored behemoth with a jetpack flying by. As soon as he was close to the ground, Monkrove slammed the hammer into the ground to create a shockwave using the shockwave and repulsor generators that came with all standard models of power hammers. Some of the pink creatures would be knocked aside. But the battle was far from over as monkrove landed and started to engage with the enemy...until his reinforcements arrived.

There was a level of impertinence to the tone of the man as he spoke, but she could appreciate his candor regarding his assessment in comparison to hers. He seemed to have some measure of experience. Imogen would have to keep note of this man for the future, in the event that she needed someone like that in her pocket. As he left, she remained behind. She was not meant for open combat and so she would let the Jedi and this man remain firmly in their wheelhouse while she remained here in her own.

With a snap and point, she summoned one of the peasant over to her, "Please, collect all surveillance data for the past two weeks and compile it in a data pad for me. While they hunt down the perpetrators I want to look into how something like this could possibly have happened. The queen of Alderaan should not have holes in her security, at least not as many as would be needed for something like this." she said with a commanding tone. Imogen then went about the area where the blood and violence occurred and began to take images of it with her own data pad. While she could frame this as an appraisal of security for the royal family, it held a dual purpose. If ever there was a time that the royal family need be deposed, having inside information about the current security of the palace and surrounding area would be invaluable. Even if not for her, then perhaps an interested party could provide her with enough credits to part with that kind of intelligence.

The servant returned with a data pad and handed it off to her with a bow. Imogen thanked the young man and moved on with her appraisal of the situation. She still believed it to be a random act until it was truly proven otherwise. For her, the lack of organization was enough to disallow her to believe this was planned. It went against everything she had been trained to do herself when it came to taking hostages. It had to be fast, ideally quiet, and with little to no trail left behind that could be traced. This was just too violent and random.

It put a sour taste in her mouth that brutes like this could make off with the royalty and aristocracy of Alderaan so easily. That meant she was at risk, as well as the lives of her children. Imogen entered a long summary and extensive suggestions for the security of the palace to read over. Of course, she kept a copy for herself, so that she could have them on hand in the event that the staff listened to her. She passed it off to one of the peasant guards, "Make sure that the powers that be receive this missive. It is a professional assessment of the palace security that I am sure your superiors would be very interested in having. Perhaps in the future added technology can make up for the shortcomings of the guard staff so that tragic events such as this do not happen quite so easily."

Imogen then took her leave of the royal estate. There was nothing more she could do here herself that did not involve ruining her outfit by fighting or trudging through wilderness. As dangerous as this was for Alderaan, it was a fortuitous moment in time that put her mind to work formulating plans that would see House Rist rise in station further. If this attack was but one thing, perhaps more violence against the interest of other Alderaanian families could provoke a militarization movement that she could profit from greatly. Rist holdings in arms and armor manufacturing could be very busy in the foreseeable future, but discretion would be a must to make sure none of the attacks could be linked back to her. She would have to go through middle men, and set up these shady dealings beyond Alderaan itself. How her mind raced, and how she relished in plotting such things on the ride back to the Rist estate.
Her imagination was beginning to get the better of her she could swear without looking that her pursuer was breathing on the back of her neck. Fear gripped her insides her heart began slamming against her chest and somewhere from deep in her throat she managed to let go a scream, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

She burst forth on the edge of one of the fields not stopping for a single moment knowing that they were there, they were coming. Anyone around could hear the breaking of branches and small trees.

"HELP!" She ran down the first row of vines she saw, at the very far end she could see the...barn? Winery? She didn't know it was a building and it offered her a way to escape, if she could get there and slam a door.

There were people..PEOPLE!
"OH HERE HERE HELP HELP" She would think about later and how she sounded at this moment. She forgot to even notice that she was sweating like a thranta on the high winds.

Anyone by the building would see her coming towards them and within moments from behind the flesh raiders. Even she didn't know how many there were.

Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio | Caedyn Arenais | Credit Wizard Credit Wizard | Imogen Rist Imogen Rist |
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Jedi Master and Swordmaster Kilij Qel-Nosh watched as the newly anointed knights sparred. With the Maw advancing in on the Alliance's territory, Kilij wanted to ensure able to wield a lightsaber could do so in an effective manner. Thus far he was not pleased with the progress the Alderaan Jedi were making. Forces in Aldera had been stretched thin as more troops were needed at the front. Many a soldier and Jedi alike were promoted to higher positions despite not being ready. As Swordmaster, it was his duty to train these men and get them into top fighting shape.

As he watched a soldier clan in Organa colors come running onto the sparring field. When Kilij spotted the man he frowned and through the force he could sense that something was amiss.

"My Lord!" The soldiers shouted, his tone almost frantic and disregarding military etiquette. He promptly stopped before Kilij. "There was an attack at the Organa ranch in Glarus Valley." The soldier spat out as he reached Kilij, trying to catch his breath.

"Sound the alarm, all Knights lockdown all Royal estates! Go! Go! Go!" Kilij shouted suddenly, knights and soldiers quickly scrambled about trying to make it to their respective vehicles. Kilij himself grabbed a speeder-bike and raced off towards the ranch, not even stopping to think of what fate might have befallen his Queen.

"Out of the way! Out of the way!" Kilij shouted at traffic as he raced through the city of Aldera, although given how fast he was traveling on the speeder-bike, he doubted that anyone could even hear what he was saying at this point. Weaving through traffic and avoiding some near misses with other vehicles, Kilij managed to make his way out of the city and down an old country road that lead to Organa Ranch.

As he raced down towards the ranch, he noticed a lady running away from the commotion. Running through a vineyard, she was screaming help at the top of her lungs over and over. She was no doubt defenseless from whatever events had unfolded at the ranch. Veering off the road his speeder-bike grew closer, but the woman had run towards a barn likely looking for help.

Punching the throttle Kilij arrived at the Barn ahead of the woman. As the lady grew closer the Swordmaster recognized who it was, Lady Anastasia Panteer.

He jogged out and caught the woman in his arm. "I got you!" He said. "I got you, my lady." He again reiterated while trying to calm her down. "Lady Panteer, I need to know what happened and who is after you? Is the queen ok?" As he spoke, Kilij looked to where the lady had been running from trying to see what was after her.

TAGS: Anastasia Panteer Anastasia Panteer | Caedyn Arenais | Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Palace of Alderaan, Nearby from Garden
Equipment: Alderaan Jedi Armor, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Anastasia Panteer Anastasia Panteer , Imogen Rist Imogen Rist , Credit Wizard Credit Wizard , Caedyn Arenais

It felt good to have a fellow Jedi with Caedyn it makes the job easier. Though Jax have been tackling missions alone most of his time as a Jedi Knight, he started to realize the value having people fighting by your side. "So you're just passing through huh?" Jax said a bit skeptical of Caedyn's presence. "Normally the nobility doesn't invite just anyone to mingle with them."

It's not that Jax suspects that Caedyn was the one who behind the kidnappings, he was curious about Caedyn's involvement with the stuffy nobles. As they reached to where the woman's screams was at, there was a man who was already helping her out. "Another Jedi!" Jax smiled. "Just in time, we were about to-"

A growls were heard from where the woman was running from, Jax's body went numb the Force was telling him that something monstrous was coming. "I sense movement!" Jax yelled taking out his Lightsaber, a bright yellow light erected from it as the Jedi Master held the blade close to his face.

About 10 bulky, bipedal monsters rushed towards the woman while Jax leapt in front of her and the Jedi. He frowned observing the monsters who were wielding an assortment of weapons from Shotguns, blaster rifles, and large lead pipes. "Wait a fracking minute," Jax muttered. "Are those.... Flesh Raiders?!"

A Flesh Raider came in the middle of the pack, Its small, dark eye stalks narrowing at the crying woman. It raised its large, sharp claws and made a gesture dragging its claw across its throat. "I thought these guys were extinct!" Jax cried out holding his Lightsaber defensively.

The pack began to attack at once, on Flesh Raider fired on Jax who batted the blaster bolt towards the Raider's head killing it instantly. There was no time to wonder about how these Flesh Raiders manage to get to Alderaan. "Time to start the party," Jax muttered.


TAGS: Jax Thio Jax Thio Imogen Rist Imogen Rist Anastasia Panteer Anastasia Panteer Caedyn Arenais
LOCATION: Alderaan Farm
RELEVANT LINKS: Monkrove Irs'Valachie Moldova

OUTFIT AND WEAPONRY: Ornate [AV-1A] Assault Armor | [Mace Shaped] Power Hammer | Rotational Steam Cannon

Monkrove had been fighting his pink creatures for a while now, having dealt with the majority of them. Although having cost him half of his remaining power within his assault armor. He quickly moved ahead using his repulsors to kick up speed towards the disturbance that he had picked upon his helmet's advanced hud. Monkrove emerged at the Alderaan Farm just in time, saw the engagement ahead as two jedi had already engaged with the monsters as well. Monkrove didn't want the jedi to show him up in front of the nobles any longer. He landed nearest to the group of 10 and touched down with his reuplors with a kick to the back of the head of a flesh raider with his heavy armored boots. Looking around at the current situation, he spotted the women that was running and learned that she was "Lady Anastasia Panteer" and correctly figured out that was one of the great houses of alderaan which used to hold the throne of alderaan in the distant past for a long period of time before the organas took over.

Moving over in his power armor and picking up his mace shaped power hammer, he would begin a campaign of slaughter as he bashed some heads in with his large hammer that was filled with repulsor and shockwave generators. Moving around a claw of a flesh raider and bringing his armored gauntlet around, blasting into its back with a heavy blaster round that he had equipped within the armors hidden weaponry. His flowing red cape and waist cape would be a whirlwind of action due to his quick motion that while not as graceful as a jedi certainly dealt with a lot of them. Monkove would stumble a bit as a flesh raider jumped on him and attempted to devour him with his large teeth, but he quickly flipped the flesh raider over his head and smashed them into the ground with the armor's superior servo generators that doubled his strength. Bringing his power hammer mace into the flesh raider's stomach to finish it off.

He took a quick look around the battlefield, withdrawing back to the jedi's defensive line. Firing off some of his wrist rockets into the ground to make it uneven but not close enough to cause any damages to his jedi companions around him or the defenseless women next to them. "This certainly is an interesting situation that we find ourselves in, wouldn't you say. Warden of Alderaan, Master Jax Thio" Monkrove would start to speak to them more specially the jedi that he already knew was present having overheard his title and name from the garden, punching a flesh raider in the gut as it tumbled down the hill into the ditch created by the wrist rockets from his armor. "If we are going to stop any more of these creatures from attacking us, we shall need a better strategy than this and will need to figure out where they are coming from to stop this madness from ancient past. Anyway back to more relevant information that you would like to known such as my name, I am Baron Moldova from Spindle VI, it is a pleasure to meet you both on the field of battle." He laughed a little like a crazed man that liked the sport of conflict but the jedi could tell that had the intelligence to lead and the will to fight for peace and justice much like they did. Bringing his wrist cannon up again and mowing down some of them, as the battle would carry on around them all and corpses would begin to litter the field.


Caedyn Arenais

Location: Alderaan Palace > Gardens.
Wearing: Tunic/Robes.
Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio | Faith Organa Faith Organa | Anastasia Panteer Anastasia Panteer | C Commander Alez Hamilton | Credit Wizard Credit Wizard | Imogen Rist Imogen Rist

Frankly, it was easier to have said he was passing through. It wasn't public knowledge that Caedyn was in fact one half of the constitutional monarchy of Mnemosyne. In fact, if there was ever a certain lifestyle that came with the position of a Royal Leader, Caedyn's life was farthest from it. These days, a visit from their Prince was truly rare, and it was a blessing for the Jedi Knight that the world's Monarchy was really only required in times of dire emergency or government impasse.

Upon swift and agile footing, Caedyn followed Jax Thio Jax Thio in tow. Before long they would be finding the company of others, Credit Wizard Credit Wizard among the more notable. The Force flowed through the Jedi Knight, his senses sweeping out around their environment in search of any would-be ambush or trap. With Master Thio in the lead, Caedyn could place his focus less on where they were headed and more on the safety of the group.

"Wait a fracking minute. Are those.... Flesh Raiders?!".

Master Thio's voice rang out, bringing with it a feeling of imminent threat as the Force confirmed that which the Jedi Master had questioned. Jax was quick to engage them before the safety of Anastasia Panteer Anastasia Panteer and her saviour @@Kilij Qel-Nosh. More combatants to fend off against these hostile creatures. They were unlike anything Caedyn had seen before.

A flash of cyan blue burst from the blade emitter of the Jedi Knight's lightsaber as Caedyn lept from his position, calling to the force to carry him across a considerable distance with an assisted leap, landing into a graceful roll and soon bringing his lightsaber sweeping up at one of the legs of the creature as he moved to recover back to his feet, positioning himself between the Flesh Raiders and the pair.

"Is everyone alright?!" Caedyn called back as he kept a measure of distance between him and Master Jax Thio, at least he otherwise get in the good Master's way of combat. "Has anyone seen the Queen?" He added in question to those fresh in the company, still thinking for the safety of those who had reportedly been kidnapped.

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