Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Party of Infinite Darkness

Location: Red Flare Dance House, Haeko District - Yariko City, Onami Prime
Wearing: Choker - Inlaid with TaozinOutfitRebreather Mask
Equipment: Miniaturized Double-Bladed Spinning Lightsaber - Hidden in Clutch Bag - Inlaid with Nullification Resin
Theme: Coconuts
Tags: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Tonight was special.

The Sister gazed down on the crowd of dancing bodies from the balcony, an impish glint in her cyan eyes as she tapped into the flow of the club’s emotional stream through the Force, the excitement of fresh lust, the rapture of moving in step with an irresistible melody, and yet more spirited sensations which filled her sight. She could not help but to smile, knowing that these children were on the cusp of something infinitely beautiful, so much so that the Qilin envied them. After tonight, their lives would never be the same, changed irrevocably to serve a higher mission beyond the drudgery of their day jobs at soulless companies or the tedious grind of homework at universities they were doubtlessly already indebted to. Soon, they would be free of those debts, free of the chains binding them to this corrupt, decadent society, and free to save their souls.

And He would be their deliverance.

It was almost peak hour, but there was still some time left before she initiated the emancipation. Time enough, that the Sister decided to join in the revelry, for she was not above dancing or finding joy in simple things. And so, taking the steps down to the main floor, the Sister handed her bag to a bouncer before joining the dance floor and letting her body fall into the music, moving in graceful rhythm with the entrancing beat.

This was the beginning of a magical night.

Location: Denon
Equipment: Civilian clothes, Concealed Sling Bag, Concealed Device in left ear, Concealed Double Bladed Lightsaber
Tags: First Sister First Sister

Party scenes were always an easy buy in for the little zeltron that was dancing in the crowd. Slipping in with a touch of friendly pheromones' to the ones guarding the door, the promise of not causing trouble, maybe slipping in with a group of others girls. Herd mentality versus a lackluster guard seemed to work best in her experience. Especially overwhelming them with ceaseless banter.

Not many could stand the high tones and endless gabbing before they found themselves listening to the latest gossip from ChasingStars magazines or even CosHolo columns.

Moving into the scene, she fell into step easily with the moving bodies. Her presence among them feeding off the energy through the limited telepathic ability she had. The lively energy, the desperation to throw off the everyday. All of it added to her already excitable mood as she fell into step with those around her. The gaggle abandoned she moved through the crowd in easy synch with others, floating between dances as her ballet practice kept her from bumping into others.

Ignorant of the goings on that another had planned for the evening, she enjoyed the feelings of those around her as she moved and danced.
Location: Red Flare Dance House, Haeko District - Yariko City, Onami Prime
Wearing: Choker - Inlaid with TaozinOutfitRebreather Mask
Equipment: Miniaturized Double-Bladed Spinning Lightsaber - Hidden in Clutch Bag - Inlaid with Nullification Resin
Tags: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

She wanted to dance through the night.

The tiny, masked Qilin moved her body with a feral, athletic finesse, dancing in tune with the music as she embraced the energy of the crowd. Her presence in the Force was muted tonight, not only due to the Taozin in her choker, but also through deliberate will. And yet, she could feel it flowing all around her, love, elation, passion, and yet more powerful emotions rippling through the tide in harmonic rhythm.

And yet, there was one wave that swelled higher than the others.

Her eyes fell open and immediately, the tiny electromancer snapped her head towards the presence, one bathed in the stench of Light. She barely held back a growl as she moved with a feline grace through the crowd, before relaxing her manner as she approached, putting on the visage that she was one party going teenage girl running into another. Feeling the touch of the Zeltron’s pheromones, the Sister let her eyes (she was wearing a mask) smile at the girl as she let her body fall back into the music, initiating a spontaneous dance-off with her in the midst of the crowd. Where the Sister was athletic, cat-like, and vivacious in motion, the Zeltron was pure, disgustingly incandescent, balletic grace. Their styles were contrasting enough that the impromptu dance-off drew a trio of onlookers. However, upon noticing their presence, the Sister ended it with an inelegant stumble, giggling as she did.

“Oh drat!” The tiny Qilin said in playful exclamation as she recovered her balance. “I almost twisted my ankle!” She lied. “How do you dance so well?”

A part of her was genuinely curious.

Location: Red Flare Dance House, Haeko District - Yariko City, Onami Prime
Equipment: Civilian clothes, Concealed Sling Bag, Concealed Device in left ear, Concealed Double Bladed Lightsaber
Tags: First Sister First Sister

She hadn't sensed anything until she was greeted by the sight of someone dancing against her. Not physically anyway. A competition as she smiled wide and began dancing in earnest.

Her grace from the years of childhood practice making everything a soft blend into the next before switching to a much quicker and snappier dance that fell away when the other stumbled and she finally noticed the gathering around them.

The mention of nearly twisting her ankle had Lossa fiddling inside her jacket to the hidden bag before pulling out a chill pak and offering to the smaller being.

"I took ballet when I was a kid. Still practice. You didn't do bad yourself! Have you had lessons or practice of some kind?" She asked earnestly, shooing away some bodies from the smaller being as irritation flooded her pheromones.

The immediate effect being a large swath of irritable bodies glancing at them before trying to get away from the feeling.
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Location: Red Flare Dance House, Haeko District - Yariko City, Onami Prime
Wearing: Choker - Inlaid with TaozinOutfitRebreather Mask
Equipment: Miniaturized Double-Bladed Spinning Lightsaber - Hidden in Clutch Bag - Inlaid with Nullification Resin
Tags: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

“Aww, thank you~” The tiny Qilin made a show of graciously accepting the offered chill pak, letting it automatically attach to her “injured” ankle as she listened to the Zeltron. No doubt, this one was strong in the Force, her radiant presence almost repulsive to the darkly-conceived strand-cast, while her pheromones strangely had the opposite effect. Moreover, there was a distinct possibility that the Zeltron was conscious of her power in such a way that might make her just as dangerous as a Jedi.

Or perhaps, she was one.

Regardless, the Sister smiled under her mask, playing along as the Zeltron spoke of her ballet lessons, before asking about her own dancing background. In truth, the Sister had little in the way of experience beyond kata routines and gymnastics, but being as small as she was had a myriad of benefits, lending her movements a natural, nigh-effortless grace that made her more fluid in motion than she had any right to be. In truth, the Sister was a bookworm, more dedicated to honing her raw power in the Force and expanding its applications via intense study, than the physicality of bladework and martial arts.

Not that she couldn’t brawl, if it came to it.

“Oh, I just do this kind of thing a lot.” The Sister answered. “I have some gymnastics training too.” She added. “But, I’m not a dedicated dancer, like you!” She finished.

“What’s your name by the way? I’m Vechra.” It was the name of an ancient, yet poorly-known Sith Lady, who's tomb the Sister had explored with Tara Willows Tara Willows some time before.

Simultaneously, the Sister counted down the minutes and seconds, until the plan would be initiated. Already, the bouncers were working to seal the entrances to the club and in the back, jamming devices were being powered on and calibrated, though were not yet activated.

Soon, the emancipation would begin.
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Location: Red Flare Dance House, Haeko District - Yariko City, Onami Prime
Equipment: Civilian clothes, Concealed Sling Bag, Concealed Device in left ear, Concealed Double Bladed Lightsaber
Tags: First Sister First Sister

The thanks was well received as she turned and smiled back. Oblivious to whatever machinations the smaller being had in the works. It seemed as any other night to the zeltron as she listened intently.

"Lossa. And you did splendidly! Free form dance is an art all its own truth be told." She nodded to her own words as though an irrefutable truth of the galaxy.

The name was put to memory as she scanned around them, looking back to Vechra with a small tilt of her head.

"Do you need a drink or anything? Dancing always gets me thirsty." She jabbed a thumb over her shoulder, barely spotting the bar across the way.
Location: Red Flare Dance House, Haeko District - Yariko City, Onami Prime
Wearing: Choker - Inlaid with TaozinOutfitRebreather Mask
Equipment: Miniaturized Double-Bladed Spinning Lightsaber - Hidden in Clutch Bag - Inlaid with Nullification Resin
Tags: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

"Do you need a drink or anything? Dancing always gets me thirsty."

The Sister blinked.

“I-I uhh…of course! I could use a drink~” She stammered out. Her bewilderment might have been confused for something else, perhaps the anxieties of a teenage girl who had never consumed alcohol. Indeed, as always, a part of that statement was true. The Sister indeed did not consume alcohol for religious reasons, in line with the teachings of Carnifex Thought. However, being a strand-cast who was only 2 years old, she was far from being a teenager, at least chronologically. Fortunately, the Sister didn’t think that Lossa actually meant alcohol, since such a drink would serve the opposite function of hydration.


She could never guess when it came to core-worlders.

Letting the Zeltron lead her to the bar through the crowd of taller bodies that otherwise would have failed to move for the diminutive Qilin. Once she arrived, the Sister flashed the “bartender” a quick hand signal, keeping it out of the Zeltron’s sight even though Lossa was unlikely to know what it meant.

“I’ll just have a lemonade.”

Location: Red Flare Dance House, Haeko District - Yariko City, Onami Prime
Equipment: Civilian clothes, Concealed Sling Bag, Concealed Device in left ear, Concealed Double Bladed Lightsaber
Tags: First Sister First Sister

The pause was enough for Lossa to come to an entirely incorrect conclusion. Her eyes drifted from the smaller being, glancing towards the bar she had began walking towards to spot any eyes that might have been looking their way.

Her own thoughts now set on Vechra trying to avoid someone there rather than being sneaky.

An all to obvious body language signal from Lossa when they arrived, she was placing herself between what she thought might have been the potential offender to make Vechra pause. Face turned to study the offenders features and away from the bar.

Entirely missing the signal that passed between the two.

"A uh...a water, please.." Words slowly forming as she finally turned around.

"What brings you out tonight? I usually keep to my favorite places but wanted to give a new place a try." She smiled to the smaller being, glancing backward to keep the false offender in her peripheral.

Ignorance in its purest form.
Location: Red Flare Dance House, Haeko District - Yariko City, Onami Prime
Wearing: Choker - Inlaid with TaozinOutfitRebreather Mask
Equipment: Miniaturized Double-Bladed Spinning Lightsaber - Hidden in Clutch Bag - Inlaid with Nullification Resin
Tags: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Out of the corner of her eye, the diminutive Qilin saw the bartender return the signal, as Lossa moved in front of her for reasons that escaped the Sister. Regardless, she breathed a sigh of relief, returning the Zeltron’s smile with one of her own. It wasn’t forced. Indeed, the Sister found that she liked this girl, if anything. Naturally, by virtue of her apparent presence in the currents of the Force, she would be “spared” from the emancipation. However, she would have to overcome a different set of trials fit for one such as her, trials that would test her in mind, body, and soul.

Trials to determine whether she was worthy of becoming a Sith.

"What brings you out tonight? I usually keep to my favorite places but wanted to give a new place a try."

“Liberation.” The Qilin began. “I know it's vague, but…I just wanted to explore myself now that I’m in uni. I still live with my dad, but he is…loosening the leash, so to speak.” She smiled. Ironically, her words were laced with some truths. Trained in espionage, she had learned that the best cover identities were based in part on one’s own life, reflecting it, not in the manner of a mirror, but rather, a shrouded glass.

As she finished, the bartender placed the drinks on the counter. Taking her own, the Sister took a deep breath and quickly drank down the lemonade, intending to give the Zeltron the cue that her drink was safe, when the opposite was true.

It would not be long now.

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