Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sith Order

The standing Order of the Sith, consolidated following the Sith Schism of 864ABY. Led by the Emperor and Dark Lord, Darth Empyrean, it strives to bring Sith dominance to the Galaxy once more.

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Planetary Holdings & Influence


Governors and Lords
As the Sith have for time immemorial, they have presided over the unruly masses from their high tower. It is the nature of Sith to subjugate and control, and in our current era it has changed little. The Sith continue to dominate, in their various ways, under the guidance of their betters. From Jutrand they expand outwards to the galaxy around them, with military fleets and great burdensome authority.​
Military Governors and Lords are those given the right to rule through merit and claim. They hold planetary defense forces under their grasp, entire military fleets to do with as they please. They are rich by all measure of the word, utilizing their influence and world to further dominate the Sith Order as a whole through the Assembly. Whatever title, whatever local government they decree - these Sith are Emperor's in their own right, beholden only to the Dark Council and Dark Lord themselves.​
Now, as the unified Empire encroaches on more and more systems, formalization of the proceedures have taken place. Where Sith may gain influence on a world in whatever manner befits them, it is the Assembly that garners them true recognition for their claim. Many Sith have assassinated world leaders, broken and stolen planets and their riches, only to sell those gains to their fellow Sith to ensure they join them as the most influential beings in the Galaxy.​

To claim any world in question, the requirements are simple - write a story on how you came to control it with other members of the faction. Content of the story matters more than anything else, so simply give us the rationale and the effort and you'll be brought in. Taking a world from another writer is done the same, but speak to eachother OOC first and foremost to set up a good narrative! Remember, losing can be just as important to your character as winning.

Further, controlling your planet will be decided by the Assembly. To ensure your rule is recognized and validated, you must play politics. Speak to your fellow governors and Sith, get their backing to control these worlds - betray them when its convenient. The Order is yours to take, as a Sith it is your right.​
Character Taking Over:
Threads Taking Over:
Summary of Story & Rationale:
Future Plans?:

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Planet: Jutrand
Character Taking Over: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
Threads Taking Over: X / X / X
Summary of Story & Rationale:
Darth Empyrean took over Jutrand following a council with the other Triumvirate members. In accepting his claim, the world became his.​
Future Plans?:
Jutrand will form a foundation for the Empire under Empyrean, and will be his center of power in doing so. The world will be expanded upon through codex submissions and eventually be the center of many of our factions threads.​
Planet: Eliad
Character Taking Over: Darth Xyrah Darth Xyrah
Threads Taking Over: Dominion of Eliad
Summary of Story & Rationale: Darth Xyrah aided in bringing a portion of Eliad's nobility into the fold, and as part of the presented treaty, had himself installed as the new ruling monarch, with the blessing of his master Darth Carnifex.
Future Plans?: Eliad will become the capital of his power base and center of his influence. I intend to expand the planet via codex subs, and use it as a foothold for a future move on Utapau where Saryn intends to create an industrial hub for the production of weapons, ships and other war material for the benefit of the Sith.
Planet: Binaros
Character Taking Over: Omon Kaa / Darth Diem Omon Kaa / Darth Diem
Threads Taking Over: Part 1
Summary of Story & Rationale:
Given to him by Darth Atramentar, as a test for apprenticeship, Omon did the studies of the planet and found plenty of potential for his own growth. As well as that of the Order. He invade little landmass that planet has, clearing the path and reopening the old Imperial facility, deep underground. It is a harsh planet, with harsh climate, ones that he believes he can overcome.
Future Plans?:
Omon plans to use the natural power of the planet, heat, and create steam factories for refining the ore's and metals that will be scrapped from the rich volcanic ocean floor. He also plans to add a hyper line from Pergitor to Binaros, extending the overall reach of the Sith machinery.

In the longer term plans, he sees the planet as a best jumping point for the expansion in to the Kathol system, as well as reinforcing the borders of the Sith Empire today. Once he tames the boiling seas, he will start building its own land mass, containing factories, cities, barracks. hangers.. anything and everything he sets his mind too.
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Planet: Faldos

Character Taking Over: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius

Threads Taking Over: Trial of Faldos

Summary of Story & Rationale: After an investigation into the planetary governor installed after the initial conquest of Faldos, the Inquisition discovered that said governor had been subverting the Sith Order by selling weapons to various gangs and rebel groups that were at odds with the Sith. The governor was executed an the judge, Alisteri Haxim, assumed 'temporary' control of the planet in order to route out and investigate the remnant criminal and rebel influence as well as properly integrate the planet into the Sith Order.

Future Plans?: To further Alisteri's goals and increase the power base of the Inquisition, the planet will be developed and various indoctrination centers will be established. The planet is intended to serve more a source of soldiers and military assets rather than material output but the existing smuggler assets and stashes on the world will be put to use for the wider Sith Order as well.
Planet: Valyrant Prime
Character Taking Over: Mira Athrani Mira Athrani
Threads Taking Over: To Swallow a Bitter Pill

Summary of Story & Rationale: Mira has much in common with the Valk'elli and as such should be able to understand and excise the most productive with the least cost. Rather than subjugate or pacify the species, Mira sought to rule and guide them to being indispensable members of the Empire. Despite some touch and go circumstances, and a little alarmism, Mira was able to convince them of the benefits of enduring the Sith rule instead of die fighting.

Future Plans?: Expand Valyrant Prime's research & development, and means of production as a Forge World to supply the Empire with new designs, weapons, armor, and ships. Plans include construction of a shipyard, but also supplying the shipyard built by Darth Xyrah and Darth Diem with materials, plans, and other resources as it is further along in development. Ideally, the governors of the three worlds will find some means of cooperative involvement -- though Kainite influences may pose a problem somewhere along the way.
"Without me, there is no force." - Darth Valor
Planet: Saijo
Character Taking Over: Warlokk Davikk | Darth Valor
Threads Taking Over: Thread
Summary of Story & Rationale: Darth Valor lands and terminates all the planet military and kills the sovereign while showing off his power and making the people kneel and accept him as the ruler.
Future Plans?: Expand Darth Valor's influence, army and control and produce weapons and armor while studying and making new technology and supply the order.
Planet: Saijo
Character Taking Over: Darth Fury
Threads Taking Over: Link

Summary of Story & Rationale: Following the restructure of the Sith government and the establishment of the Assembly after the civil war, Darth Fury, himself a Eternalist loyalist, was tasked with weeding out any remaining Tsis-Kaar on the planet and returning it back to the fold. Following his successful conquest of Resu, Fury redirected his forces to the planet and met with prominent citizens, officials and businessmen to ensure the planet, it's people and it's industry was returned to the wider Empire successfully.

Future Plans?: The nearby future will be about consolidating his grasp and new power on the planet. Ensuring it's production and military capabilities do not drop from anything less than full proficiency. After this phase, Fury will begin rampant militarization and further expansion of the fortress worlds already prominent defenses. He will use his mining holdings in the new Resu system in time to fuel his war machine and ensure a steady production of war assets to himself and the wider Sith Order for further expansion and defense.
(Had not realised I had not done this).

Planet: Alvaria

Character Taking Over: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

Threads Taking Over: Alvaria Submission and Heir of Ruins

Summary of Story & Rationale: After being drawn to the long-forgotten world through some insipid will of the Force, Malum felt home here unlike he had felt anywhere else apart from perhaps his family's Manse upon Jutrand. After fulfilling a local prophecy of a saviour from the stars, and also finding out that the imperial family that once used to rule this world was likely a long ago distant and ancient branch of the House of Marr, Malum quickly was able to take control of the world, with many joining his ranks, and bringing the rest to the fold through force if necessary, being made Emperor of Alvaria harkening back to the Empire of old.

However, his rule of the world was only recognised by the Sith, after the arrival of Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean upon the world, which it seemed on the outset would have instead taken the world from him, or destroyed it entirely. However, in part of negotiations for the fall of Darth Ophidia in the Ouroboros Crisis, the Sith Emperor would recognise Malum as the governor of the world.

Malum hence, to avoid any idea that he seeks to overthrow his Emperor, has off-world foregone his Imperial title, in favour of "King of Alvaria".

Future Plans?:

1. Rebuild Alvaria from its status of being a quasi-medieval quasi-post-apocalytic setting.
2. Use it as the base of operations for the House of Marr and Tsis'Kaar.
3. Use it as a setting to explore internal noble scheming RP which Alvaria is a breeding ground for.
4. Build up infrastructure such as a ring orbital shipyard to make Alvaria an excellent military holding for any future plans for Malum.
Planet: Krayiss II
Character Taking Over: Darth Morta Darth Morta
Threads Taking Over:
Summary of Story & Rationale:
Darth Morta called out the rogue lord, Darth Vesanus, and assaulted his world with plans to kill him. He was killed by another in a near kamikaze so Darth Morta fought his killer in order to prove her strength and worthiness to rule.
Future Plans?: Rebuilding the capital and governmental palace, hunting down Vesanus loyalists, keeping the library-temple open and protected for Sith Order loyal Sith to use, properly fortifying and developing the planet's resources for the defence of the Sith Order. Possibly a cheeky bit of corruption and graft to enjoy her new position of power.
Planet: Korriban
Character Taking Over: Darth Caedes
Threads Taking Over:
Summary of Story & Rationale: After aiding in the Order's reclamation efforts on Korriban, Darth Caedes re-discovered the hidden tombs ancient Sith King, Dathka Graush, a powerful Dark Side Nexus, where his sorcery re-awakened undead specters of the planet's bloody past. Soon thereafter, Caedes oversaw the world's rehabilitation alongside Elmindra Xitaar Elmindra Xitaar , who called upon the Sith's closest allies and most celebrated acquaintances to populate the burgeoning Korriban.

With war on the horizon, Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean visited Darth Caedes on Korriban, where they discussed how Korriban would contribute to the Order's plans.
Future Plans?: Infest the Outer Rim with various strains from various plagues, including those of undeath.
Planet: Dathomir
Character Taking Over: Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé
Threads Taking Over: Probably every thread ever

Summary of Story & Rationale:
To become allied with Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex was the single most significant political move this character ever avowed. She took her place at his side with sincerity and a steadfast willingness to aid him personally with her magickal abilities. She believed him to be more powerful than her Fanged God who Carnifex subjugated to her will. In return for her allegiance, Carnifex granted her dominion of Dathomir and taught this Nightsister to attune deeper into the Darkside, fashioning her more well rounded. Their presence on the planet made Dathomir become ravaged in ways never imagined, as the Warlocks Gate located there, was studied and eventually unlocked. This device and the actions of the Sith scientists, caused the planet of Dathomir to physically exist within the Netherworld. The Nightsisters long passed live on in this ethereal Dathomir. They possess Pom and became her personal coven. This unleashing of magick led to the protection of witches and Nightsisters who made Dathomir their home. Those who knew how to pass between existences, the physical and Netherworld, were free to continue their stories, while major factions who did not respect the depth of Dathomir’s alignment to the Darkside, laid claim to ravaging it and all who dwelled there.

Pom’s Bone Temple, likewise exists coinciding on Dathomir, in the Dathomir mirrored within the Nether, and on Carnifex’s death star Malsheem.

If I remember correctly, all this storyline was included and approved in lore submissions linked in my character profile.

Future Plans?:
I have tried a Minor Faction before. I would love to try again. Due to my extensive story development, my Nightsisters will always lend assistance to the Sith. We do not write blood thirsty types. Developing magick lore is what I enjoy the most.

I understand we don’t have official dominion here, but I think that with the story as it is established so far, we can continue to get away with writing more here, due to the claim that Dathomir itself exists hidden and protected within the Netherworld.
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