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Approved Tech Power Mind Implant/Attachment

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  • Intent: An implant on droids or organics to allow one copied intelligences over them. And to make room for a new character.
  • Image Source: Daily mail
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Brain Implant
  • Size:Very Small
  • Weight: Very Light
  • Resistances (Optional):
    • Energy (And other Blaster type weapons): Average
    • Kinetic: Low
    • Lightsabers: Low
    • EMP/ION: Very high
    • Sonic: Average
  • Enforces a copy of a droid intelligence over the brain or droid brain its controlling. This allows ensurance of cooperation, familiarity with the same tactics, skills, knowledge, and loyalties whether they can keep signals connected or not.
  • Encrypted signals and receivers to communicate with other brains.
  • Fully intelligent and learning mind which can be a copy of a previous power-mind or droid brain, bringing with it the same personality, loyalties, knowledge, and skills.
  • Can be a safer way to ensure loyalty of organics or droids.
  • Has more effective control over the body it's attached to than most standard brains would.
  • More resistant to ION/EMP weapons thanks to Agrinium shielding.
  • Would hopefully be protected from other damage by the host body or its armor.
  • May be useful for spy work, if a target can be captured, undergo the surgery, and be released, without being discovered. As unless the brain is exposed, the powermind should also be hidden.
  • Must be surgically implanted/attached to the organic or droids brain/nervous system. Not a swift process.
  • Jammers can still block their signals, forcing them to operate more like a similarly trained individuals rather than a collective.
  • Can develop separate personalities if separated from the rest for too long.
  • Damage to the droid brain could destroy it and/or the host. Either scenario makes it no longer useful.
  • Weak and unarmored hosts are not great choices, as the droid brain can be more fragile to kinetic or powerful hits. Droids that have exposed brains, or animals with weak skulls, could potentially receive damage to the implant very easily.
  • Physical abilities are still limited by its host. Some powerminds could have the same difficulty with pain or fear that the organic host had. No powermind will be able to alter the body's makeup if that was not an ability the body already had. Only to adjust things the brain was already able to influence.
  • Animals with multiple controlling brains could be extremely difficult to affect properly with one powermind.
The Powermind is a cybernetic implant that can be attached to either a droid or organic brain through a sort of surgical procedure. It houses an artificial intelligence that can be either freshly made, or a copy of a previous powermind or droid brain. This device can be used to effectively overwrite and overpower the brain that was already present, allowing for a new one in its place with the knowledge, skills, and loyalties of its copy. Or simply a new mind in general. On top of this, it features the ability to send and receive encrypted signals, to further cement its cooperation with other power-minds. Although shielded from ION and EMP weaponry, it's rather reliant on its host for protection from nearly anything else. Whether that's through a skull, droid armor plates, or a helmet. Powerminds small size and positioning means they could potentially be easily damaged in regular combat or via accidental head injuries the same as most brains. And thus, results will vary between what host and situations it is put in.

While powerminds are meant to be able to just be copies, prolonged separation from other powerminds can result in separate personalities due to their different experiences and less communication via their signal receivers.
Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk

Interesting one, however I have some concerns. How the PC/NPC will able to resist to this? How they will able to fight against this effects?
I was hoping the requirement of this being needing to be done surgically rather than something you can just toss on someone would mean that sort of thing might not be needed? Since by that point you could just…kill them. Or replace them. Or use control chips. Or just scoop out the brain. Etc.

The resistance would be done by fighting or running prior to being (somehow, and if) caught and subdued without being killed. Course since this item already isn’t that durable, if someone did know where to hit they could potentially end up damaging the implant and leaving the person/droid originally there.

Edit: the original idea was literally just to replace the brain with a droid brain. Hence why I mentioned just scooping it out. I just thought this seemed like it had more rp potential.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk

I know, but what if, if they are change their mind and wants to neutralise the effect, etc (OOC). Because it can be a story element, etc. Possible I misunderstood it, because to me, it was like this is einforce their will on the living brain (if it is not a droid brain). So like a telephatic attack/manipulation. Or like a borg, and was also reversible.

To be honest I hadn’t really considered it being put on a PC by a different writers character. IC it wouldn’t really be meant to be removed or co-exist with the mind already there, just fully hijack all of the brain it was attached to which doesn’t exactly leave them much room for the thought to try and fight back.

If a PC did want to have it changed, since writers effectively control the environment, they could maybe make an accident happen somewhere the rest of them couldn’t reach/didn’t know about. Or ooc ask for help getting captured and then maybe have the brain removed.

If I make it a pure willpower thing it would kinda play out really weird since it’s supposed to be controlling the brain, not just influencing it.

If you have a suggestion because I have to add another weakness I suppose I am open.
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