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Campaign Retribution | Jedi vs. New Sith | SGHW



From Jakku and Jedha to Coruscant and Cato Neimoidia, the NEW SITH ORDER wreaks havoc across the galaxy seeking to exterminate the Jedi by any means necessary.

Put on the backfoot so far, the NEW JEDI ORDER gathered on ILUM to devise plans of counter-attack against their eternal enemies. One such plan is finding a Sith hotspot in the shrouded UNKNOWN REGIONS and striking the Sith on their own grounds.

DAGON KAZE and ZAKA set out to track down the SITH within the uncharted territory. With COREN STARCHASER's contacts in the NAVIGATORS GUILD CONCOURSE and RYV's solo investigation efforts, the duo discovers a nefarious SITH operation of unearthing an ancient Sith superweapon on ASOG.

The two Jedi are quick to issue a call to all of their fellow Jedi to converge on ASOG and sabotage completely the Sith's efforts of claiming the weapon.

Issue #2

In the dark of night, the Jedi covertly deploy on the barren wastelands of Asog. Their mission is to disable the ancient Sith superweapon that is being unearthed in a rush against time. A straightforward feint attack is mustered by Strike Team Kenobi as a cover for Strike Team Skywalker's attack through the cave networks below to destroy the superweapon.




Strike Team Kenobi, spearheaded by Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , is tasked with a direct diversionary attack against the mining facility perched over the large quarry. The Jedi of Team Kenobi seek to provide cover for Strike Team Skywalker's mission by drawing the majority of the Sith to them.




Strike Team Skywalker, led by Zaka Zaka , delves into the subterranean cave network that leads to the sought-after superweapon. Packing explosives and other ordnance, Strike Team Skywalker's goal is to destroy the weapon and keep it buried.

JEDI: Valery Noble Valery Noble Zaka Zaka Yula Perl Yula Perl Iris Arani Iris Arani Silas Westgard Silas Westgard Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Haro Harend Haro Harend Dhalinar Greystar Dhalinar Greystar Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Eslo Anderson Eslo Anderson Jorah zos Darnus Jax Thio Jax Thio Bernard Bernard Leon Gallo Leon Gallo Romi Jade Romi Jade Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei Inosuke Ashina Inosuke Ashina Tieuvelli Renlas Tieuvelli Renlas Keiran Varn Keiran Varn Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich Amanda Amanda Madison Starr Judah Lesan Judah Lesan Xarielle Pavanos
SITH: Mercy Mercy Dimitri Voltura Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis Cadere Cadere Del Del Halketh Halketh Kaiah Nihl Kaiah Nihl Darth Mori Kogdud’Kkurs Kogdud’Kkurs Darth Kalyptos Darth Kalyptos Thalia Senn Thalia Senn Lord Letifer Lord Letifer Blade Ice Blade Ice Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze Darth Vow Darth Vow Erion Justeene Erion Justeene Hacks Hacks Adriana Fortemps Adriana Fortemps Darth Howl Darth Howl Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis Firrerreo Firrerreo


Issue #2 vs. Adriana Fortemps Adriana Fortemps


Stealth vessel,
en-route to Asog

The Jedi gathered in the main hold for the final brief before the strike. The chattering quieted down as he stepped up closer to the massive holoprojection of the Sith superweapon mining operation. He'd already informed them all in detail of the plan, the contingency, and the contingency of the contingency. Now, all that was left were words of encouragement. The weight of more than a dozen eyes weighed down on his shoulders but his back remained erect. How many would they leave here in unmarked, early graves; how many more ghosts would haunt his sleepless nights. His eyes craving bounced around the hold looking for Ryv, the Sword of the Jedi, but he found only his trust.

He cleared the forming lump in his throat and spoke, "We've been pushed back to the brink, to the edge and yet we've persevered. We always will. But now's the time for us to strike back, the time for retribution. Put them on the backfoot." blue eyes scanned his fellow Jedi; how many had they lost in this war? "You all know what's at stake here. Another superweapon in the hands of the Sith means another apocalypse for a world. It's not the fate of the Jedi that only rests on our shoulders but the fate of the galaxy. It is our duty, our service, to protect it with our lives..."

His glare settled on Yula, "May the Force be with you."​



Superweapon mining facility,

They traversed silent as ghosts through the forest up the hill. Their muffled steps halted when the last line of trees formed the final border between the forest and the mining facility atop. The sound of machinery at work echoed from the quarry. No rest. Day and night, night and day, to unearth their prized weapon of annihilation in their restless pursuit for power. The repugnant miasma of the Dark Side permeated the Jedi's senses. It forboded death and despair.

He felt his hand squeeze Yula's for hope and strength. Squeezed tighter than the grip of his lightsaber hilt.

In the blackest night, the forest lit up brightly with the swords of the Jedi.

The Light came to meet the Dark.​



Issue #6 - Retribution: Jedi Strike Back
Objective 2: Strike Team Skywalker

Dimitri Voltura Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis

Repulsors kicked desert particulate into the air, blowing loose grains of sand and dust around the stealth ship as it came down. Landing gear extended and a silent hiss filled their surroundings. From the dark interior of the shuttle, exited Zaka, tightening the straps of the Guardian armour over his wrists as he surveyed the area around them.

In the mountainside ahead, only a few hundred feet away, there was a depression. Intel said it was a cave that led into the excavation, connecting to a network of latticed tunnels. When he’d asked Dagon how he’d come by the information, he only mentioned ‘the Sword.’ But he’d heard tale of a device known as the ‘Wayfinder’ in the past.

Brows furrowing, there was no time to question the plan. No time to go over it again. Those times were past. The weighted feeling in his gut wasn’t going to go away. He’d been in tense situations like this an increasing amount of late. Zaka had no intention of failing as he had time and time again. Looking back, he drew into himself and pushed his shoulders back.

Let’s go,” the Padawan said in hushed tones before he turned, making for the side of the mountain.

His steps were quick and light, barely disturbing the packed sand he took flight upon before he reached the stone wall.

The dark of night hadn’t made it easy to find what he was looking for, but pushing outward with his Senses, he could feel the path beyond. With naught but a wave to signal to keep moving, he stepped into the darkness.

Nowhere to go but forward.

There was some comfort in knowing that he had a part in the first strike against the New Sith Order, and Solipsis. After months of chasing them back and forth across the Core from Jedha to Adrathorpe, to Cato Neimodia and now here, they were finally taking the fight to them.

Some would say it wasn’t the Jedi Way. That, striking first was against the Code and made them no better than the Sith. But to sit back? Passive? Allowing the nefarious to plot and devastate worlds while they waited, hoping for one day that the monsters in the Unknown Regions would vanish on their own… As he tread through the dark, he felt the familiar feeling of the Dark Side emanating from deeper within.

He followed it, and in his mind, he took comfort in knowing that this was the path forward.

The tunnels forked ahead, and Zaka signaled that it was time to split up. Drawing his hilt from his belt, he forged into the darkness on his own with nothing but his weapons, and the explosives to complete the job.

Today, the Jedi struck back.
Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Location: Mining facility, Asog
Objective I.: To perform a diversionary attack
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood | Closed
[ Valhalla Calling ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

A diversionary operation involving Jedi knights and masters. Although Eina was not a Jedi, she was a Lightsider with a radiant and very strong Light Side aura that could be felt from afar. That's why she pledged to come and help the Jedi with the task at hand. Of course, she heard about this task at Ashlan Crusade. So she came because she hoped she would be able to help with her presence. If she has managed to get the attention of some of the more powerful Sith Lords, she has already been able to do so.

As usual, she came from the Netherworld; for her it was the fastest and easiest mode of transportation. The world was dark and barren. Eina thought that such places should not exist in Realspace; it was plenty enough to have such places in her home. The Valkyrja did not like the existence of the Superweapon in this place. She really hoped they would be able to stop what was here in this place. That is, to destroy. With the blessing and guidance of Ashla.

Such superweapons have always filled the girl with sadness. It would have been nice if they really managed to destroy it and never, ever again, would there have been any such weapon again in the two worlds. Sometimes she was still shocked by the limitlessness of the living’s evil. But that’s when she always remembered that these will be the most corrupt demons in the Netherworld, and every demon was once mortal.

In such cases, she always remembered their shared dream with her betrothed, their shared vow to fight tha Bogan and as many Bogan's followers as possible, to make the Galaxy safer, to heal and save as many worlds from the Bogan’s corruption as possible with Ashla's blessing, and to help others. This shared dream and oath that was told with Geiseric Geiseric has always given the Valkyrja strength.

Upon arrival, she hovered over the other Jedi; used her wings to keep herself at the right height, motionless. As always, in the Force she glowed with a beautiful golden light, as did her aura. Eina hoped she would really be able to make some opponents to make the rest of the Jedi's job easier. She watched the other Jedi, waiting for the order or permission to start the mission. For a moment, her gaze stared into the distance, toward the building.

She hoped they would succeed. they had to; And with Ashla's blessing, that's how it will happen…





Judah hated being in the open. He was a shadow, and would rather be taking the fight to the Sith in a much more covert way. Yet, as a shadow and sentinel he also understood the need for diversion and distraction. Today he may be in the open, ready to fight, but he was also serving his purpose. He would draw out the main force and make way for the others to move below the surface unhindered.​
That was the plan anyway.​
The master shadow had been around long enough to know that most plans rarely ever happened the way they were intended to. Judah drew in a deep breath as he made a silent prayer to the force that today’s plan would not fail. It had to succeed, if only to justify the time he and Valery Noble Valery Noble spent on Korriban.​
She had found him there, led to him, and it had been for a purpose. Some of the resentment Judah held toward the New Jedi Order still beat in his chest. After all, how could he overlook the call to kill some Sith and justify an alliance with an Imperial Regime that committed as much genocide as the Sith they wanted to eradicate. Logic, he could get over that, and Valery had helped Judah see the error of his self-righteous indignation.​
His eyes searched for hers on the dropship. She would know he was uncomfortable with certain aspects of the plan, namely where a lot of killing would be involved. It was as though he was looking for her to affirm that this was their best option, or even their only option. The weapon had to be destroyed by any means necessary. Judah simply wished they had better solutions.​
<<“Don’t die,”>> he said reaching out to Valery’s mind. The connection was brief, and very much in line with who he was as a person, a Jedi, and a Lesan.​
He would flash his signature smirk if she looked in his direction.​
Leaping off the ship, Judah took in a deep breath. His feet landed silently as he used the force to cushion and quiet his fall. Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze was already leading them quietly through the forest.​
It would not be long now.​


ALLIES: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Valery Noble Valery Noble | NJO
ENEMIES: Brotherhood of the MAW | NSO



Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla Cadere Cadere Del Del

Like an akk dog chasing speeders.

When Dagon found a lead, he went after it with incredible tenacity. Cracks within the Alliance coupled with Jem's fall only made him more relentless, more reckless, more dangerous. He'd learned a lot, though. They both had, refining their respective skillsets in the heat of battle and the grime of the underworld. Clashes were inevitable between a man of the law and a criminal, and yet they persisted. Thrived, even.

They didn't ask questions. None of this was supposed to happen, until it did. Flash forward to a few years later and you've got an apartment, a staggered routine, and a bond running so deep that you can't even see how far the roots go down. His uneasiness flowed freely to her even without the vice grip on her hand and she squeezed back, funneling her anxiety into focus, a trick that he'd taught her. Fear had never stopped either of them, to be fair.

As her eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, Yula glanced at those who'd volunteered to become bait for the saboteurs. Jedi and allies from around the galaxy, each answered the call knowing full well that there could be tax on their lives. Idly, she wondered if she'd even be here if it weren't for…

A sensation struck her, agonizingly familiar, one she hadn't felt since Jedha.

Yula wrinkled her nose, trying to shake the ichor of the Dark as it infiltrated her senses. Keep your head clear. It had to be a conscious reminder.

Her thumb brushed against the saber's ignition, and a yellow blade cut through the night along with a dozen others.

The akk dog had caught his speeder.

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Going on the offensive was never really Kahlil's thing. Not like this. Sneaking into an enemy camp purposefully looking to fight. Well, it needed to be done.. That he did believe. Another super weapon meant another Csilla. He let out a sigh, glancing to Valery Noble Valery Noble beside him. Giving her a brief smile. He didn't need to be around her to fight effectively, not any more. So they'd chosen to split up. Cover more ground, cover more of the Knights around them. Take on separate threats.

"We're ready for this, yeah?" Them both going into a mission together was.. Dangerous. If only because that meant Vera was home without them. He reached down, squeezing her hand for a moment. A rare show of affection from the giant who usually refused to do such things in public.

"See you at home, when this is over."

Then he was gone. Rushing from the group to find his intended target. Darth Mori. His father's cousin. It only seemed fitting he'd go to find the Zambrano of the Maw to handle. Now was just a matter of where she was.



"She's here." She wasn't sure how she knew, not exactly, but she could feel it. The pull of the Force. The colors. Her gaze shifted to Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri , nodding once to her fellow Padawan. Their goal was to destroy the super weapon, but.. She was here. Thalia Senn Thalia Senn . The one who took Domxite. Her grip tightened on the hilt of her new saber. What was she supposed to do? Go with the plan or save her friend?

".. I want to find her."

Location: Asog
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Baddy Tag: Kaiah Nihl Kaiah Nihl
A mission like this was practically made for Valery, a former Jedi shadow who had grown used to taking the fight to the Sith. While she had given up on those duties in pursuit of being a more visible Jedi, she was more than ready to do what had to be done. A lot depended on them completing their task, and failure wasn't an option, so she was extremely focused to complete this mission.
"We're ready for this, yeah?"
Valery looked up at Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble and smiled softly in return, as he squeezed her hands. "Wait..." she raised herself on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss against his lips. A quick one, because she knew how he was in public. But this was the first time in a while that he'd be fighting separated from her, at his own strength as a new Jedi Master. He was extremely capable but she couldn't help but feel just a little worried.
"Now I'm ready, see you at home," she said with a warm smile.
Then he was gone, and her attention shifted to Judah Lesan Judah Lesan , who had also traveled along with the Jedi to help with this task. She had originally found him on Korriban and as a Jedi Shadow, she knew exactly how much he'd be able to help out here. So Valery was certainly glad to see him.
<T> "Wasn't planning to." she told him in return with a slight smirk.
Her attention finally shifted to Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , who had organized this gathering of Jedi Knights and Masters. She trusted him with her life, and so she'd follow him into this clash without any hesitation.
"Let's get going." and with that, she moved in to help engage the facility. What Valery didn't know, however, was that the Force had special plans for her this day. For the first time in her life, she was on a collision course with a Sith whose path was very different from others who would be here today.


// Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze //

The winds blew cold and harsh across the parapets of the mining facility, silver strands unfastening themselves from a tight bun as the Echani made her way across. Supervising parts of the Mining facility had been a far cry from the former respect she had received as Inquisitor. Workers whose respect for their government moved their hands far faster than a new officer ever could.

Dull amber eyes turned to the horizon, the muted colour of the dead rock almost soothing in its own way.

Another Wasteland, another superweapon.

The Ancient Sith certainly did have a type of planet they preferred to put their secrets, hiding whatever weapons of war they could beneath sand and stone. Of course, it was probably the presence of these weapons that turned the planet into how it was now. Lifeless. A husk of what it could have once been. Unattuned to the sensitivities of the force as Jorryn was, she could still feel the energy of whatever it was they had been digging up below. It disturbed her.

Perhaps it was age or the war, but the Echani had begun to lose her taste for violence. The office of the Lord Inquisitor had suited her, tiring as it may have been. The silver-haired Sith had found her skills aligned with Paperwork and Bureaucracy as much as they did her blade, occasionally more so.

Maybe one day she could retake that role in the New Sith Order. For now, she knew her orders. Supervision was hardly a new position for Jorryn, though her experience had been in leading warriors, not tradesmen. Still, her new masters wanted their prize uncovered and she would help deliver it to them. The former Lord Inquisitor was still a new member of the Maw, having been approached during the final stages of the war. Her titles in the Sith Empire hadn't awarded her any special position or treatment, forcing her to climb through the ranks as she had in her younger days. Still, being with the Sith was comforting in its own way. The familiarity had made the transition simpler for her. Easier.

It was funny how the path of least resistance always lead to the Sith.


Location: Asog | Mining Facility | Private Quarters
Defend the Facility
Ill at Ease
Equipment: Loose Fitting Black-Red Robes | Purple Lightsaber | Telos IV Orb (Force Talisman)
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

The world around her pulsed along with her pounding headache. She was on a field of ash and bone, a barren lifeless wasteland as far as she could see. The silt went up to her knees and made it difficult to walk. At times it felt like it was pulling her down into a dark abyss. She continued on, toward a distant soft light. She had been traveling for a long time, yet it grew no closer.

Something changed. She looked down to find herself aflame; the fire that danced across her arms was a deep dark red. She watched as it slowly started to turn her fingers to ash. Great plumes of smoke coalesced around her, obscuring her vision and blocking out the light. She stumbled forward desperately, but she was disorientated. She didn't know where the light was. All the while the fire quietly burned, inside and out. She knew that soon she would be ash, unless she could reach the light. She wept, her tears turning to steam as they left her face.

A pair of orange eyes appeared in the smoke, silently observing her. Despite their familarity she knew they were not her own. She shivered, her stomach turned. She couldn't tell if the eyes wanted to heal or harm her. The unseen figure dashed forward, and Kaiah screa-

-med as she trashed in her bed. She sat up in her meagre cot, breathing hard and covered in a cold sweat. She rubbed her eyes and breathed deeply, trying to shake the feeling.

The dreams had started during her first night at the mining facility - though they had come on slowly and subtly at first. Each night it wormed in deeper into her mind, leaving her prone to greater and more severe visions. This was her most vivid one yet.

She donned her robes, feeling for the pockets that contained her lightsaber and the orb. Her brain pulsed and ached as she grabbed the artefact. She should not have brought it. The orb and Asog itself were messing with her mind and her emotions. She wished she could return to apathy.

Feeling claustrophobic she pushed open her door and made her way into the facility proper.



Del Del | Yula Perl Yula Perl | Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla

This was a sickening predicament.

Instead of pursuing more knowledge, Cadere had been relegated to babysitting duty. Del, Darth Insatious Darth Insatious ' recent pet project, his supposed descendant, his heir - Cadere would be the first to admit, with his 'Master' pouring all of his attention into the girl it left Cadere to his own devices. But as the girl grew in the Force, in the Dark side, it seemed apparent that Insatious would require more involvement from the Kiffar going forward. Perfect.

Overseeing a mining facility was grunt work, he could be doing more right now. While he knew the importance of this operation to the Sith, he didn't care, and he was sure Insatious didn't either. No, this was all just some glorified test for the new addition to the Sith Lord's 'family'.

Stood atop a scaffolding, the Dark Jedi overlooked the desolate wasteland as he robes flailed in the cold wind. Reflecting on his first encounter with Del, their relationship was already on thin ice. She had mistaken him for one of his moronic, inferior clones - judging by her previous and current hostility, it wasn't hard to figure out that his clones must have given her a hard time.

His lips twitched, almost crinkling into a smile, as he thought back to their initial duel, the contempt she had for him was amusing. She was spirited and had a lot of her forefather in her. The girl would go far, though he didn't care to be around to see it.

Right now, the only thing he wanted was Insatious dead at his feet. Everything else was simply white noise.

Unexpectedly, Cadere felt something jolt his body awake. Feeling like something akin to a small electric shock, a sensation of alertness followed the invisible shock. His expressionless mask jerked his head upward slightly as the crimson visor scoured the area, searching for what could have possibly brought on this feeling. Nothing. He saw nothing.

Hopping off the scaffolding and landing with little difficulty, Cadere spun on his heel and made his way back to the facility's interiors. Whatever it was he felt, he'd remain vigilant.

Jorah zos Darnus


Jidite su'ku slaret het ajonatara pu kai, ni bisi ar sino.

The words resonated, again and again, in the youth's mind. The last words said before he had departed Alaris Prime. The last words that anyone from his Clan had for him. All that he was, all that he had been, come to a single moment.

Jidite su'ku slaret het ajonatara pu kai, ni bisi ar sino. In Basic, it translated as: Return with the blood of the Sith on your hands, or not at all.

It was a blessing and a curse. Success would allow him to return to his people. If he failed, then he was dead to them. It was more or less the expectation. If he could not secure victory for his Nightsisters, then the least he could do would be to die well.

He was a male. That made him more a tool than an actual person. It was the order of things. He was a Nightbrother. His was not to question his Sisters. His was to simply obey.

Some of the Jedi on the shuttle may have harbored misgivings about their task or purpose. Jorah was afforded no such luxury. The Sith had made themselves an enemy of Dathomir. There was no mercy. There would be no forgiveness. Death answered death. The Nightsisters understood this.

"Kuk yol lakitra, ci meni tzela," the youth uttered quietly, dropping to his knees as he knelt in prayer to the gods and his ancestors.
As of this moment, I am dead.

"P'far slari," he stated firmly, as he rose to his feet.
Victory is life.

His life was over. If he was to leave this planet alive, he would have to earn it.

The shuttle touched down, a Jai named Zaka Zaka leading the charge. Jorah did not know this man, except that he liked this one. In contrast to many of the Jai that the Nightbrother had worked with, this one seemed a warrior. He guided them into the caves with determination. A conviction of spirit that belied the reluctance that the Nightbrother had come to expect from Jai when it was time for action.

As the strike team split up into the tunnels, the boy pulled the lightsaber from his belt. A flick of his wrist extended the shaft out, but he didn't activate the weapon yet. It would not do to give away his position to an enemy who may be looking for a light in the darkness. Instead, with his free hand, the Nightbrother made an arcane gesture as he whispered, "Ama veshet s'lotirat shuree pareva naletnit pareva."

The youth's amber eyes turned an otherworldly shade of green as the spell took effect, as the boy put his head down and focused on what was in front of him.

Were the Jedi right by this? He couldn't say. All he knew was one truth, and that truth had become both his eulogy and his chance for a new life.

Dathomir remembers.
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Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei | OPEN


ASOG '74


"Belek tiu! Belek tiu!"

The chant of the Battlemind further invigorated each strike of the power picks, mauls and rock drills as they beat and cut against the abrasive earth around them. The Khot Vong were all but molded for these tasks, raised up from the vile Sithspawn and Vongforming of Kalyptos and his once mentor Setheus, the hybrid beasts, part Umbaran man and part Yuuzhon Vong were a tough breed molded to carry out this sort of industrial labor, all done in loving servitude to the supposed Star Gods that Kalyptos would hail once more. The return of their long dead and long wayward brethren to shape the Galaxy a new.

The weapon that this world concealed would be a vital next step in their plans of the march toward a final apocalypse, a great rebirth and genesis for a sickened Galaxy. The Children of the Void would unearth the beast and do what was needed.

The Battlemind approached the hooded Prophet, speaking in a low hushed tone in the tongue of the Yuuzhon Vong.

"It will not be much longer, Master. The scent is growing stronger...our salvation nears." He iterated to the hooded man who peered back with pale, empty eyes.

"We are not alone here, Battlemind. Jedai...approach. Ready your Neophytes, if we need to, collapse the tunnels behind us. They can not jeopardize our mission here." He commanded to the other Neophyte who fastened his respirator to his face once more before motioning a hand signal to a unit of Khot Vong.

"To me! Ready yourselves my martyrs!" He commanded, bringing forth a particle beam pistol from the holster at his side and a vibro-axe from the other side of his hip, waving the latter weapon to call a group of Khot u gVong to him, the Sithspawn mutants taking up their blaster rifles before they followed him back into the tunnels, readying their respirators as they walked. The low light vision they were imbued with from their Umbaran genetics enabled them better sight in these tunnels, leaving their light discipline at levels that might've been intolerable to most other mortals but ideal fighting and working conditions for this breed of Vong. Setting up at the last fortified checkpoint before the final stretch of tunnel toward the weapon occupied by Kalyptos, they waited, preparing heavy repeaters and poison grenades for the Jedi soon to approach.

"Belek Tiu." They sounded off in unison as they readied themselves in position, their weapons trained on a darkness soon to be eclipsed with the burning light, only to be snuffed out by blackest night thereafter.

All the while, under the noise of grinding rock and shale, Kalyptos closed his eyes and waited for that fateful encounter, when one of the deluded crusaders of false virtue would spark their cobalt blade in purpose only to be struck down.


New Horizons

Location: Morellia
Notable Equipment: N/A
Tags: Cadere Cadere Yula Perl Yula Perl Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla


Him - Del, standing a few metres behind him to his side, stared at the Kiffar's back. He was undearable, annoying, obnoxious, selfish and so many more things - just like the others. But he had defeated her. It was enough to create a truce between them. For them to work together however - that had required the intervention of Darth Insatious Darth Insatious who had sent them there to do something. Delphine didn't know the true goal of their mission, only that she had to work with Cadere. She must really have annoyed the Lord - for few punishments were as bad as this one.

Clad in warm robes, she crossed her arms in front of her chest. Her lightsabre hilt hung by her belt to the left while a humble vibrosword hung by the right. It was an odd combination which was only amplified by the blaster she carried. Still, if they were going to fight someone, something or each other, she would be prepared for it.

While she did experience growing unease, her senses were not yet on the same level as those of her senior. When Cadere jumped - to what could only be described as high alert - Delphine followed suit. Whatever it was that they were looking for, however, was still rather unknown to her. Taking a few steps forth, she wanted to ask what it was that alerted him. Before that was possible, however, he hopped down. Perhaps it was for the best - she could do without the emotional strain of having to talk to him.

Crossing her arms, all grumpy and sour, the girl shifted her gaze back up - away from Cadere and onto the horizon.
Location: Asog
Objective: 2, Destroy the weapon
Tags: Darth Vow Darth Vow / OPEN

Never did he expect it to arrive so soon. Since completing his initiate training, he wasn't anticipating being sent on a mission for a long time yet. Although, after impressing them at the trials they seemed to be assured enough to throw him into the deep end of some real action.

He had been placed with a team of Jedi to destroy a weapon deep within the caves of Asog, one that was sure to meet resistance the more they pushed forwards into the enemy's grasp. Apparently, the Sith was adamant in keeping the secret hidden and would do anything to halt their advance. Silas needed to keep his wits about him at all times, who knew what the Sith had hiding in the black sheet of darkness ahead of them.

"Remember your training... follow the force and everything will be fine"

To say he wasn't nervous would have been a lie, considering he was constantly reassuring himself he was ready for this. At the end of the day, Silas was right. He had come a very long way to get to this point, all he needed to do was trust his teachings and destroy the weapon that the dark forces had conjured up.

Looking to his fellow teammates he spotted Iris Arani Iris Arani and Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri talking amongst themselves. They both looked young, probably a few years older than himself in comparison. Nonetheless, they seemed to be calm and collected with the danger that approached them within the cave. For the moment, he chose to calmly follow them in a silent yet focused manner. Now wasn't the time to get to know the fellow padawans, especially when they didn't know what was around the corner.


Location: Asog
Equipment: Desert Garb, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain, Eyepatch
Tag: Firrerreo Firrerreo (Enemy)


If he had a choice between sand and the nsow. Jax fancied the snow, a white sheet plastered all over planet where one can walk through the soft frozen particles and enjoy the cold air. Even though he hadn't been on Illum as much as he liked, the planet provided had snow, Jedi Lore and more importantly: the kyber crystals for the Lightsabers. Asog on the other hand was filled sand annoying, gritty, and just in the way. However, the Brotherhood was threatening to desecrate this planet, Jax assisted his fellow NJO members prepping the defenses for the inevitable attack. The Brotherhood of the was looking for a victory after enduring numerous losses in their campaign to conquer the Jedi and the Alliance. It seemed that ever since the sacking of Coruscant, the Brotherhood wasn't as all powerful as they claimed to be. Yet as Jax learned from the Stygnan Campaign, an enemy that's cornered was at its deadliest.

As the Jedi Master stood in the middle of the desert, he remembered the bloody battle of Korriban and what a disaster it was for the GA. By interfering with the Sith Empire's defeat, they've instead invigorated them making harder to get rid of the Sith. If the Alliance and the NJO just stayed out of the NIO and Sith civil war. If they didn't ally themselves with the NIO maybe they wouldn't be in this conflict where now the NIO were turning their backs on the GA. It wasn't surprise, the NIO were after all derived from the Sith and treachery was the way of the Sith. Jax took a deep breath, trudging through the pile of snow. He and other Knights and Masters were tasked with holding the line while the other team tries to destroy the weapon on Illum.

Madison Starr was with Team Skywalker, Jax was hesitant in letting her go on her own. But after what she did at Cato Nemoida, he saw how much she had quickly grown when he first started training her. Madison would be fine, Jax taught her enough to do this mission and get out without any hassle. Still, that didn't mean that Jax should worry. Plans never go as well as you expect, which is why improvisation is important. He sensed a disturbance in the Force, a dark figure approached. Taking out his Lightsaber, the yellow blade emerged from the weapon. With a smirk, Jax got into his stance and awaited the Sith that came.

"Time to party." He mumbled to himself.

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Super weapons. Fascinating.

Firrerreo had never truly cared about the destruction of worlds or the control of the galaxy. Maybe controlling the galaxy would make it so people stopped breaking his stuff, though. Yeah, yeah! Absolutely. He'd have to help out, then, if he wanted to complete his work in peace. Peace. Heh. That was a lie. Get it? Cause Si- No one was listening to his thoughts why was he trying to hard to make jokes.

His lips thinned as a different sensation came over him though. People were here? He stood to his full height, red eyes gazing out over the snow. Who..? Jedi? Eyes focused on Jax Thio Jax Thio . Not just the tall Lords. Behind him, Uzul lifted it's sickly green gaze, glowing ever so faintly in the billowing sands.

"Have you eaten today yet?"

A low growl was the only response.

"Feel free to feast, then." He raised a hand, and the draconic creature leapt forward towards the Jedi. Poison dripped from it's maw, the cloud melting the sand that touched it. Claws extended, it went to rend the Jedi and enjoy it's next meal.
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Destroy The Superweapon
Fight The Maw

Darth Kalyptos Darth Kalyptos


The cold air of the cave chilled the Knight’s lungs with each breath.

He, along with the rest of the Jedi here, had one goal: Keep the Brotherhood of the Maw away from the superweapon. After that, they were told to bury it here in the caves. There was a very real chance that they were going to be buried in here with it. Maybe the others hadn’t taken it in, but he had. It was a sacrifice that might need to be made.

Soft echos of dripping water were soon accompanied by the distance sound of marching footsteps. Hundreds, maybe thousands, on there way here. All for a superweapon that time forgot. With each second the steps grew louder, and louder, and louder. The Knight stood at the ready, lightsaber in hand.

The marching figures soon came into view as there shadows began to decorate the walls. Extending out the hilt he ignited the double bladed lightsaber before bringing it to his side*. The blue and white blades illuminated the area around the Jedi, as if to act as a final warning sign. When the Maw soldiers finally came into view the Knight let out a angered call.

“You are not welcome here. Turn back now and I’ll spare your lives.”

If they chose not to turn around, which he doubted they would, then the Knight would be left with no choice than to send them back to the hell they came from.

This was for Coruscant.

*(32 Seconds In)

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