Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Campaign Rise of the Wolf: Mataou

Relationship Status: It's Complicated

WEAPONS: Ferrum Solus | Blodmåne | Strømafbryder

Mataou was a world where the history read more like a work of fiction rather than a simple recounting of facts, campaigns, and events which impacted the galaxy around it. Everything about it was the opposite of Hoth. The climate and terrain were just as hostile however. Gerwald hated them both. Neither boasted a forest where the wolf could simply run free and explore. His duty was not to enjoy the planet, but rather it was to root out the remnants of Tsis’Kaar which were hiding out in one of the planet's ancient sites.

The Necropolis, a Hutt burial site, had also been a haven and a base of operations for an elite group of assassins. Their Waters of Truth had been used to test initiates strength and resolve. It was toxic, a poison, but those who survived found themselves admitted into the order. While it was not his primary objective, if Gerwald could return with some of the water and gain its formula, perhaps the academies would find a new way to test those wishing to join the Sith Order. It would be a way to root out weakness on the front end.

Everything the wolf had been working toward would be put to the test with this particular campaign. It had been enough for a time to simply serve as Darth Empyrean’s Wrath, but time had elevated the Eternalist leader to the seat of Emperor, and with it his mistress Srina Talon Srina Talon found herself in a more public position once again. It painted a target on both of their backs, and Gerwald had dedicated his loyalty to ensuring that he repaid the debt he owed her. While she had never been his master in a formal sense, she was the closest thing to one the wolf still had in his life.

Those that posed the greatest threat were the Tsis’Kaar which refused to come under the banner of House Marr, or fold into the inquisition which Darth Strosius had made his own. They were a rogue element which needed to be brought to heel, and it was not only Gerwald’s role to accomplish the task, but it was his duty.

The mission would also provide an opportunity for those wishing to prove their loyalty to the Emperor and the Sith Order. The former Lord Commander had gathered a small force which was designed to infiltrate and eradicate while a larger force was tasked with destabilizing the area. If the Hutts were busy trying to squash unrest in their cities they would not notice the happenings in other parts of a world they controlled. It was a simple assignment in theory, but that did not mean things would not get complicated.

The Tsis’Kaar remnants were not to be underestimated.


Infiltrate the Necropolis and eliminate the disloyal remnants of the Tsis’Kaar hiding out there. There is no interest in taking prisoners. Sending a clear and decisive message is the goal. Considering the Necropolis is a burial site important to the Hutts who currently control the planet, damage should be kept to a minimum.


Deep within the Necropolis is an area which houses the Water of Truth, a toxic water which had been used in initiation rites. Its secrets are well guarded. Eliminate those protecting the waters and secure a sample of the waters. Keep some for yourself if you wish, but a sample must be delivered to the Emperor’s Wrath.

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Relationship Status: It's Complicated

WEAPONS: Ferrum Solus | Blodmåne | Strømafbryder

Armored boots sank into the sand as the weight of the wolf’s landing was the first of many to follow. It had always been in his nature to be the first one off the drop ship, and the last one to get back on. Leadership demanded that he be willing to do what he asked of those who followed him. If the wolf was unwilling to take the first drop, how could he expect the same of the remaining drop ships. There would always need to be someone off the ship first. Gerwald would always lead by example.

“Eliminate the guards, and someone needs to slice that gate. We don’t need the Hutts mad at us for destroying their burial grounds.”

It was not that the Order could not take care of the Hutts if they ever caused a problem, but it was also not wise to not be the reason for escalated hostility in this particular instance. They were not there for the Hutts, they were there for the Tsis’Kaar. While Gerwald had embraced what it meant to be Sith, his training as a Knight Obsidian still bled through his command. He had been Acanthus and believed in balance. Had that philosophy not failed him, perhaps he would still walk a more neutral path.

The wolf was certainly not neutral any longer.

He did not wait for anyone to comply with his orders before charging the wall. Any lookout would have seen the small force approaching, so it made no sense to hide their attack. Rather they would move swiftly and decisively to take out the first line of defense. While the Tsis’Kaar had been formidable, the remnants which had scattered across various regions adjacent to Sith space were not what they once were. The former Lord Commander expected them to put up a fight, but he did not expect them to be a threat.

He refused to underestimate them, but he would not overestimate them either.

The force sped his movements. His beast came alive inside knowing the man was on a hunt of his own. It was exhilarating, and the idea of several fresh kills were enough to pique the desire of the wolf to be free. With practice and training, Gerwald had learned to keep the wolf from taking over, but that did not mean it would be held at bay for the entire fight. He knew the weapon the beast was, he was. His dual nature, man and beast, one in the same, made him unique, and it made him strong. Those who were not aware of it tended to think he was nothing more than a brute, and Gerwald allowed it. He wanted to keep the advantage it gave him.

Blue eyes, the color of ice, looked up at the top of the wall. His approach had not been without attempts to kill him, but he had been too fast. A grin crossed his lips as his hand lifted as though he were reaching for the nearest guard. A scream could be heard in harmony with the echo bones crushing as the wolf used the force to break his enemy from the inside.

He made the first kill, those following would soon respond in kind.
Location: Necropolis - Mataou
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner

Cipher 666’s feet landed gracefully in the sand mere moments after the heavy armor-clad figure that she knew only as the Wolf disembarked, leading the way in the attack. While the Aetharian Cipher Agent would have preferred a more subtle, methodical approach, 666 could not deny the merits of the Wolf’s approach as she swiftly processed the enemy’s response.

It was nothing if not chaotic, sloppy, and flat-footed. For the moment, it seemed that the loyalists held the advantage.

“I will take care of the gate, my Lord.” 666 answered the Wolf’s command and thereafter took the initiative, before suddenly fading from both sight and sensor after moving into cover behind a nearby pillar. She then proceeded towards the gate, while taking extra care to avoid stepping in the sandy areas and thereby, risk exposing herself. Nevertheless, the cover provided by the Wolf, who was already a priority target given his imposing stature and aggressive presence, saw the small, cloaking device-concealed Cipher slip through the metaphorical cracks.

Before long, 666 was within the first line of defense. Then, while still shrouded within the technological miasma of her cloaking device, she jumped up onto the wall, her body propelled upward by a burst of thrust from her anti-gravity implant. Upon landing, 666 made her way to the control terminal, before moving to pull out the multi-slice tool on her belt.

That was when her large, sensitive ears gave a sudden twitch upon registering the subtle, ultrasonic humming of a vibroblade being activated directly behind her.

666 reacted instantly, anti-gravity implant throwing her body out of the way via an explosive burst of lateral acceleration only a decisecond before the vibroblade would have ripped her open from shoulder to hip. As she came to a stop, the Aetharian pivoted around on the balls of her feet to face the assassin that had nearly succeeded in ambushing her. She casted the dark-robed figure in a brief glance, taking note of the sigil of the Tsis’Kaar on his left arm.

A Sith Assassin, then. Likely an Acolyte or an Apprentice.

666 didn’t hesitate. She extended her left hand and out from the fingertips came an explosion of galvanic energy that burned through the air in branching discharges before reaching its target. The assassin raised his vibroblade in an attempt to block the blast, but the kinetic force manifested by the galvanically-induced shockwaves knocked the weapon from his grasp as electricity surged into his chest. Subsequently, the assassin gave a shrill cry as the electricity coursed through his nerves, causing his skeleton to light up while his flesh was cooked from within. A second blast sent him flying over the wall, before landing outside of the fortress with a sickening crunch when his body struck the ground.

With that, 666 spun around and punched her multi-slice tool into the control terminal’s socket, thereby initiating the program to slice the gate. The Cipher managed to complete the task just as a number of soldiers on the wall leveled their weapons towards her, before proceeding to open fire.

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Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge

Objective: Waters of Truth
Equipment: Lightsaber, Sword, Dagger, Robes
Tags: Revna Revna / Open!

When Darth Strosius had first read the message sent to him by the Wolf, he had been expecting something mundane. A request for aid to quash some disloyal Sith Lord and their entourage which had stepped too far out of line. An invitation to help rid another pocket of rogue Tsis'Kaar remnants which were camped out on some Hutt world was the last thing that he expected, but it was certainly of interest. And for more than just one obvious reason too.

He hadn't heard of the Necropolis nor the remnant that had taken root there, as usual his master's secrets were well kept even from him, but a quick bit of research during the hyperspace trip over had made their choice of base make sense. A Hutt burial site was a fine place to hide given that the dead hardly asked questions about who dwelt among them. A shame that the remnants would have to share a grave alongside the Hutts, disgusting creatures that they were, but such was the price for not falling in line when himself and Malum called.

He had his fill and then some of slaughtering the wayward elements of the Tsis'Kaar however, instead his interest had been captured by these supposed 'Waters of Truth'. Some toxic compound used as an initiation rite evidently, and one that Gerwald himself apparently wanted. It certainly had a slew of applications and potential that made the masked Sith grin at the thought of having a sample or two for himself at any rate.

So he decided to accept the Wolf's invitation, dispatching a handful of his own forces to help bring destruction to the Hutts while he himself pursued the Waters. Not without some help of course though, especially with how this little excursion could be a good opportunity for learning. "Stealth and subterfuge are two very ancient weapons of the Sith, young Revna." The masked man spoke low as he led the way through the dark halls of the Necropolis, having used the initial fighting against the remnants as an entry point to slip deeper into the tombs and burial sites. "It is a shield of shadow and deceptions, one that we all must wear from time to time."

Objective: The Waters of Truth
Gear: Armor, Sith sword
Tags: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius // Open

Little Revna would never turn down an invitation to learn something from her Mentor, nor would she turn down the opportunity to travel outside of home base and see other places within the Galaxy itself. Her High Priest had received his own invitation from someone that Revna did not know, and upon accepting whatever the task may be, he had informed his young Acolyte that they would be going on yet another mission, one which would include learn opportunities for her…which of course only filled her with excitement.

However, she was informed that this particular mission would be filled with perhaps stronger threats than what she had faced thus far, and she was to stick close and do everything her Mentor directed her to do.

Thus she found herself following the Sith Lord closely and silently as they both traversed the depths of the Necropolis. Though alert to her surroundings, she made sure to give him her ear as he took the opportunity to teach her a lesson while ‘on the job’: that stealth and deception were weapons wielded by the Sith throughout the ages, assets that she would need to learn and use for the future. This was the perfect opportunity for her to learn, as she learned best by example.

Stealth was something that Revna had a keen interest in. She was small, agile, fast, and light on her feet and moving within the shadows and even becoming the shadow was something she was ever eager to learn. She practiced her stealthing capabilities on her own from time to time, testing herself by trying to slip past the notice of Squires at guard, the priests and priestess at the Cathedral, citizens who lived around the structure…even Darth Strosius himself if she could manage it. But while she had used deception and subterfuge in the past in various situations to benefit herself (namely to keep her from beatings from her slave-masters), it was still an art that she needed to learn more in depth.

For what purpose are we here exactly?” the young Sith asked of her Mentor in a low tone of voice as well. The reason for why they were inside this musty Necropolis had not been revealed to her yet. “...I assume that these lessons on stealth and trickery have something to do with why we are traversing these Force-forsaken tombs?
Relationship Status: It's Complicated

WEAPONS: Ferrum Solus | Blodmåne | Strømafbryder
TAG: Phaelissia Phaelissia

Gerwald watched as a body fell and crunched into the ground upon impact. Whoever this CI-6660 was, they had enough skill to take care of themselves. The wolf continued to battle with those on the wall as she worked on the gate. He was certain there would be a contingent ready on the other side of the blast doors once they opened, so he remained on the ground to deal with whatever he would find.

Four Tsis’Kaar, armed with lightsabers. Perhaps they thought they stood a chance with four against one. Gerwald was not any ordinary Sith. While he often fought like a brute, he was far from it. His chosen of lightsaber combat required an agility his size did not often allow, though he was more than human. The beast allowed him greater agility even in his human form, though it was limited compared to the wolf should he choose to shift.

He thought about changing for a brief moment. The outcome would be the same for the Sith which stood against him, however. They would die.

Gerwald charged the assassins in front of him. The first one did not have time to defend before the red blade of Gerwald’s lightsaber broke through the man’s chest. As the wolf stepped forward, he threw his hammer which crushed the skull of the Twi’lek to his left. Spinning on his heels, Gerwald blocked the slash which had been intended to relieve his head from his shoulders. Lifting the blade, the wolf pressed the emitter of his second saber against the gut of the attacker. Once the blade activated, another of his enemies was dead.

The fourth decides to run. Gerwald took chase, and leaped into the air. In a matter of second the wolf was free, and the final assassin was soon on his back. Sharp teeth pressed into the jugular of the wolf’s prey as strong jaws latched onto the neck of the victim. Gerwald could taste the iron in the man’s blood, and once satisfied the beast walked away from body. Shifting back to his full stature, Gerwald collected his hammer and placed it back on his belt.

His eyes looked up at his partner on this excursion.

“Nice work. Now, get inside.”

Location: Necropolis - Mataou
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner

The enemy soldiers opened fire and at the same time, CI-6660 brought her arms up to either side of her body with both of her palms facing towards a fireteam of five armed fighters each—a jumble of mercenaries and traitor Inquisitorial Troopers. Then, just as the first bolt winged her left shoulder, causing the Aetharian to grimace, a sudden, violent explosion of kinetic force detonated from her hands in a manner akin to a concussion grenade. With it came a harsh, earsplitting crack as the air was suddenly pushed outward at hypersonic speed to manifest a powerful wave of concussive overpressure. The ensuing effects ripped and tore the soldiers asunder, tearing limbs from bodies and heads from shoulders, while blowing open torsos wholesale to expose and pulverize the vital organs within until they were reduced to gobbets. Bits and chunks of what had once been living sentients were sent flying backward, painting the ground in a mess of crimson essence, severed limbs, and decapitated heads.

Moments later, CI-6660 drew in a deep breath as her eyes took in the carnage of the scene around her. Her gaze lit up upon catching sight of a wounded mercenary, at which point twinned beams of ionized CryoBan lanced out from her synthetic eyes, snap-freezing the mercenary’s brain inside of his skull.

“This sector is clear.” CI-6660 said as she turned around to watch the Wolf transform before her eyes. On cue, her gaze widened as He unhinged his jaws before latching them around the jugular of a hapless assassin. The ensuing scene was the picture of primal, canine violence, leaving no doubt as to the Wolf’s ferocity. The small-statured Cipher immediately understood why the Emperor’s Wrath held such a fearsome reputation, in spite of other rumors regarding his private affairs that she had come into knowledge of as well.

Then, almost as if the Wolf could read her mind, his piercing, predatory gaze came back towards her.

“Yes, my Lord.” CI-6660 answered quickly, before turning back around and jumping off of the wall, then landing in the fortress proper. On cue, the Aetharian scanned the area as she pressed forward, her senses and sensors alert for any potential threats. Before long, she found a computer terminal near one of the equipment stores, at which point the Cipher quickly sliced into it, bringing up multiple camera feeds in the process.

“The first infiltration team has broken into the fortress, my Lord.” CI-6660 said, before pointing out the two lone infiltrators who were but vague shadows ( Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Revna Revna ) in the feed. “Are we moving to support them or should we clear out the buildings to take out any potential reinforcements?”

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TAG: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | Phaelissia Phaelissia
GEAR: In Bio




Hiding like cravens.

Why she fell in with the Tsis'Kaar was above her. Sure, they were assassins, but they weren't worth shit. But at least her blades got to taste some blood now and again. Not being loyal to anyone meant you got a lot more jobs stabbing people who deserved it.

But fleeing from the rest of the Sith wasn't exactly Azelle's definition of a Sith Assassin.

She wasn't the one who had upped and got herself killed, rendering the rest of the order a liability, now was she? But here she was, cornered with the rest of them. With the Emperor's Hound hot on their trail.

She'd be eradicated over her dead body.

Like she would even let it get that far. The one thing on her mind was survival - as it has always had been.

Azelle wasn't with the rest of the Assassins providing some futile resistance. She was perched on an inconspicuous part of the wall, barely seeing how those she didn't care about fall at their fellow Sith Imperials' hands - including the little large-eared monster. Her amber eyes were, instead, on the cause of the incursion - the Lapdog leading it all.

Well the hunter was about to be the hunted.

Employing the skills she had honed her entire life, the Assassin moved. A shadow, masking her presence in such a way as not to draw any undue attention - just the slightest bit of presence seeping through to mirror those all around. Azelle was on the ground, flitting through and around other people, taking care to stay down-wind, hounding the Hound's footsteps, remaining in the shadows, Shrouded as she was.

When she saw him transform into his wolf-form, however, she took back to the rooftops, taking more care than before to stay down-wind. Every few paces, she checked the wind direction, however slight a breeze, to be sure to keep her smell as far as possible from him.

When the opportunity of him halting ever so slightly to speak to another, shifted back to human form, she launched herself from above.

A projected insignificant presence falling until the silver dagger plunged toward his jugular at the last second.

Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge

Objective: Waters of Truth
Equipment: Lightsaber, Sword, Dagger, Robes
Tags: Revna Revna

Darth Strosius kept his lightsaber in one hand, his sword in the other, as the pair of them slipped deeper into the dark hallways of the Necropolis. They may have had the distraction from the wider assault going on but there was no guarantee that all of their enemies would have gone to the main scene of action. There could be ambushers or traps waiting for them with every step forward, and he intended to be ready to greet them if they should appear.

"We are here to secure a sensitive and rare substance. As well as ensure that the last remnants of my master's loyal minions are put down." The masked man responded, not glancing back at the Acolyte as he spoke and instead keeping his gaze focused forward. "My master wasn't called the 'Mistress of Assassins' without reason young Revna, her servants were by and large proficient with masking their presence and eliminating their targets with little to no chances of detection." He should know, he was rather capable of such feats himself of course.

Even if he did prefer more direct methods these days. "I have no doubt that some of them will be guarding the fluid that we're here to procure; if not hunting us outright. There is no better way to learn infiltration and stealth than to fight against those using the exact same methods." Either they would manage to go undetected and take out any opposition without much fuss, proving how superior both himself and Revna were in that field, or they would be noticed and would be set upon by assassins in turn. Regardless the Acolyte would learn firsthand the methods of the Sith Assassins and that was almost as valuable as the Waters of Truth in his eyes.

Objective: The Waters of Truth
Gear: see first post
Tags: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius // Open

So they were on a retrieval task, for the most part.

The Acolyte felt a greater sense of caution when she heard that they might be coming up against assassins…those who served his late master, of all people. Revna was smart enough to understand that these individuals would end her existence if she wasn’t paying attention and aware of her surroundings at all times. And she and her Mentor could still be ambushed, and she needed to be prepared for that. She felt her grip on her sword tighten slightly.

She had been warned that this particular mission would be dangerous. Now she understood why.

To know that there might be some of these Tsis’Kaar remnants guarding whatever this rare substance was, if not perhaps already hunting her and the Sith Lord, furthered the little woman’s sense of vigilance. The idea that someone was hunting her through the same shadowy catacombs and tombs that she traversed with her Mentor both thrilled her and put her on edge. She wasn’t afraid, but she certainly was far more alert than she normally might have been.

I…can’t promise I’ll be able to defeat trained assassins, but I certainly will give them hell if we do come across any.” the little Sith murmured before falling silent, recognizing that by talking, they could very well be giving their position away. She would watch her Mentor periodically to read his body language, his movements, for that in turn would give her an idea of what he might be sensing or hearing and even alert her to danger, before turning her attention and focus to what was around them, probing the shadows with her own senses to see if she might catch onto anything amiss before it was too late.

She was acutely aware of the fact that she was still very much new to all of this and inexperienced. But the Sith Lord was right; this was the perfect opportunity for her to learn and test her own stealth abilities and infiltration skills she had been learning. If they made it through and managed to get some of this rare liquid substance and back out without detection, then it would show her that she could do this.

And if they were ambushed or discovered…then she would learn how to fend off trained Sith assassins, or die in the attempt.
Relationship Status: It's Complicated

WEAPONS: Ferrum Solus | Blodmåne | Strømafbryder
TAG: Phaelissia Phaelissia | Revna Revna | Darth Strosius Darth Strosius | Azelle Narzisce Azelle Narzisce

“Infiltration team?”

It was a distraction, one Gerwald could not afford. His eyes diverted long enough to catch a glimpse of a familiar set of robes. It seemed that Darth Strosius Darth Strosius and his apprentice had decided to attend the gathering. No doubt they were headed for the Waters of Truth. Gerwald had earned the Inquisitor was always looking for a way to position himself in the best way possible. While he was not overt about his motives, the wolf understood this one to be a more shifty sort.

He was different than Malum.

The few seconds his attention had been taken from him were enough to prove near fatal. Gerwald should have known there was another on his trail. Despite the fact she remained down wind, his sense of smell was far too keen for her scent to go completely missed. He was a predator after all. Unfortunately the gross smell of the Hutts ensured he could not distinguish too many various aromas surrounding him.

His hearing was a different story. While she had done well to remain silent in her pursuit, the sound of fabric rippling though the air caused Gerwald to look in her direction in just enough time to see the blade which was determined to pierce his neck.

Raising his hand, the wolf caught the woman in mid air and threw her to the side before he turned back to his counterpart.

“Offer them whatever support they need while I deal with this one.”

A firm nod was the last he would give before turning back to the one he had cast aside.

“You should stand down.”



TAG: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner
GEAR: In Bio





Just as she was almost sure she had him, he flung her unceremoniously to the ground, hitting the earth a few feet further. Gasping for air, she struggled hard to get to her feet, body aching from the impact.
“You should stand down.”

Finally on her feet, she held onto her side with one hand. "Screw you, Lapdog." she coughed as she ignited her saber with the other hand. Amber eyes burnt brighter with every breath she allowed back into her lungs.

Settling into a defensive stance, saber at the ready, she glared at him.
"I'm not going to die today, Dog. I don't give a shit about the rest of them, I won't be one of them. The chances of you and your leash-holders letting me go are slim to none, so I'd rather see you dead than me saying cheerio to the Galaxy. It's nothing personal." At these words, a smirk pulled at her mouth. Then she shifted her stance and leapt into action.

Azelle had regained her breath enough to zig-zag toward him like lightning, dancing around him, trying to find an opening to strike. She wasn't lying when she said it wasn't personal. It was purely survival driving her actions.

She kept dancing around him, saber only striking when the opportunities presented themselves. She was much smaller than he was. Though he was fast, she was far more mobile and flexible.

She wouldn't die today, come hell or high water.

Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge

Objective: Waters of Truth
Equipment: Lightsaber, Sword, Dagger, Robes
Tags: Revna Revna

"Oh have faith in yourself young Acolyte." The masked man couldn't help the smirk that spread across his face as he spoke, idly peeking around a corner and surveying the continuing hall for a moment before moving forward. "These assassins may have been trained by Darth Ophidia's most trusted and deadliest instructors, but you are being trained by one of the two assassins that were capable enough put their mistress down." A fact that he of course took immense pride in, even if he did need assistance for such a feat.

"Besides, the best among the ranks of the Tsis'Kaar are either dead or have been brought back into the Sith fold." Of that he had made sure personally. It was his responsibility to end the Crisis given that he had started it after all. "This bunch are mostly garrison forces that should have far less experience and weaponry for us to contend with, clutching to their last orders as we close in on them. Just keep your wits about you and a weary eye on every corner above and below and you'll have nothing to worry about." A bit of an overstatement perhaps but he knew well enough what the Tsis'kaar remnants were capable of, he had slain enough of them by now to learn just about all of the tricks and tactics of the Sith Assassins.

Darth Strosius paused as they reached a more open area, holding a hand up to signal for Revna to stop and stay silent as well. The hall led to a room that, while rather small, did feature a few columns and alcoves. More than likely some small mausoleum for the lesser known members of a larger family, those that hadn't earned the honor of their own burial hall.

His head slowly turned from one side to the other as he scanned the room and tightened his grip on his weapons. "Observe Acolyte, and watch your back." He sudden spun on his heel and flung his sword right over Revna's head, impaling a robed figure which had been creeping up behind her through the chest and nailing them into the wall.

With a flick of his wrist his lightsaber ignited as he turned back to meet the strike of another robed figure which had seemingly just emerged from one of the shadows that dominated the room due to the pillars, the crimson blade meeting what appeared to be a glass one and blocking the attempted stab. Using his free hand he let loose a storm before the assassin could move away, blasting the figure back against a pillar and leaving them a smoking pile of robes slumped against it. "That trick doesn't work when your target can see in the dark, amateur."

Relationship Status: It's Complicated

WEAPONS: Ferrum Solus | Blodmåne | Strømafbryder
TAG: Phaelissia Phaelissia | Azelle Narzisce Azelle Narzisce | Darth Strosius Darth Strosius | Revna Revna

Lapdog… Dog… they were meant to be insults, but ones Gerwald had heard too many times. They did not have the intended effect which they were given. His mind laughed every time his leash holders were mentioned. Gerwald knew that no one had an accurate view of who truly held his leash or how free he actually was. The assumptions were allowed because they cast a shadow on the truth, and Gerwald had learned a long time ago to keep certain things hidden.

Not everyone needed his secrets.

Her movements showed practice. The skill was that of a fighter trained in the art of killing. Flexibility and agility were things which came in well for an assassin, but they were also markers of a wolf. Her smile showed she did not know her opponent, and this was why the former Lord Commander ensured that not everyone knew his secrets. She did not need to know of his ability to dodge her attacks now. Instead, Gerwald blocked and parried before blasting her with a force push the next time she moved in close.

It was meant to send her flying again. Whether it worked or not, it would at least cause a break in the combat for Gerwald to respond.

“You attacked me when you could have run from here, and now you dare tell me that you won’t die today? How foolish are you?

He stood ready for whatever she would try next.

“I do not have to kill you today, but if you continue this futile exercise, I will. The choice is yours.”

Objective: Waters Of Truth
Tags: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius

Revna felt a slight heat come into her cheeks when her Mentor gently admonished her to have more faith in herself. His comments about the truth that she was being trained by one of two of Darth Ophidia’s best assassins-her former apprentices-brought a rise of pride within the young woman. She felt incredibly fortunate to have been brought under the wing of a Sith Lord who’s late master had been one of the three Triumvirs. Clearly, he thought that she could handle these hidden assassins should she have to face one directly…otherwise he wouldn’t have brought her. His words did help to bolster her courage a bit more; she could face these hidden, stalking shadows and best them herself, even if she was but an Acolyte.

She did as he told her to do, and kept herself alert and aware of her surroundings. There was a certain…tension…in the air that she could feel. She paused when he did, keeping herself close to the shadows as possible, the tension growing stronger and tighter.

Revna almost felt as if something was going to happen and her entire body felt tight, like a coiled spring ready to be unleashed.

Darth Strosius spoke again and bid her to observe him, and to watch her back…then spun on his heel and she saw his Sith blade fly past her head and she heard the distinct sound of sharpened metal sinking deep into flesh and bone and she whipped around to see a figure pinned to the wall by his sword. She swallowed, realizing that had he not been paying attention…she might have been cut down without a chance to fight back.

Red light suddenly bathed the area as the Sith Lord ignited his lightsaber and caught an incoming strike from another robed figure that had appeared from the shadows to attack them, and the little woman observed his saber clash with an object in the assassin’s hand which appeared to be like a glass or crystalline dagger. Bright whitish-blue light flashed and flickered suddenly as the scent of ozone and electrified flesh filled the tomb, and Revna’s attention was briefly torn to watch the magnificent beauty that was Force lightning which had erupted from her Mentor’s hand to fry his attacking assassin.

Her loss of focus almost cost her her life. She noticed a flicker of movement from the corner of her eye, a shadow within a shadow, and her sharpened combat training took over as she shifted her body without second thought, narrowly avoiding a blade that swiped for her neck. Her own Sith blade came up to deflect another blow, just barely, and the shadowy assassin was on her and had her pressed against the wall of the tomb before she knew it, seeking to drive their blade into her body. It was a test of strength and wills for the briefest of moments, before the little woman summoned energy from her core and unleashed a Force push against her attacker, which flung them into the wall directly opposite from her with enough force to stun her assailant and without any hesitation she was on them with a vicious snarl crossing her face, her blade descending to end their life without a second thought.

Her gaze pierced the shadows, now hyper alert to any further attacks, breathing deeply as she did so…but none came, at least for the moment. It dawned on her that she had just killed her first Tsis’Kaar assassin…surely a small achievement for a young Acolyte such as herself. A glint on the floor caught her eye and she crouched to pick up one of the assassins’ discarded blades, holding it in her free hand as she rose back up, studying the blade for a moment before she looked at her Mentor with a curious frown on her face.

What…kind of weapon is this? It’s…pretty. In a dangerous kind of way.


TAG: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner
GEAR: In Bio




She had him on the defence at least.

She kept dancing, but knew that at some point, he would try something else. She was ready for most scenarios. Even with the insults she threw at him, she knew he wasn't just a simple, mediocre Force User. He was in his position for a reason.

Sure enough, it came in the form of a Force Push. She was able to block it easily enough, keeping her footing, but the force of it still skidded her back a few paces.

Her face contorted in disgust at is words while she straightened up after blocking the Push, pulling one of the songsteel blades as well and positioning both blades defensively. He dared call her foolish? He'd pay for it one way or another.

"I do not have to kill you today, but if you continue this futile exercise, I will. The choice is yours."
Azelle snorted as she positioned her feet in such a way to move at a moment's notice.
"You and yours came here to kill us today, didn't you? Why stay your blade now? Why the double standards?" she sneered at him. It made no sense for him to say that. She was by no means loyal to this merry band of Assassins, but she was still one of them. Why treat her differently?

Something wasn't adding up.

Relationship Status: It's Complicated

WEAPONS: Ferrum Solus | Blodmåne | Strømafbryder
TAG: Phaelissia Phaelissia | Azelle Narzisce Azelle Narzisce | Darth Strosius Darth Strosius | Revna Revna

The Wolf grinned. Everything the woman did was anticipated. She led with her temper and not her instinct to survive. Her aura was not red hot, but something even more dangerous. It was the color of a blue flame, one which burned almost white with its intensity and potential to destroy. Gerwald wanted to control it. This was not a flame to snuff out.

He regarded her stance. This one was prepared to fight to the bitter end, but at least she paused. Rather than advance she stood still. It was the first smart thing she had done since she tried killing him. The young assassin knew his power. She had felt the grip of the force around her as he tossed her aside like a rag doll. There was no need to tempt his words.

They were not a bluff.

A laugh rolled from his mouth when she suggested he was operating on a double standard. It was followed with a scoff.

"If you think anyone holds my leash other than myself then you are blind."

Gerwald took two steps forward with his blade at the ready. If she chose to attack he would be ready.

"I came here to eliminate those unwilling to pledge themselves to the Order. Your death would be just another footnote in the final chapter of Darth Ophidia's story, or you could turn those blades against the rest of the assassin rebels here and see what pages in your life remain to be written…"

The choice was hers.

"It is not a double standard then if you prove yourself loyal… and useful."



TAG: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner
GEAR: In Bio




"If you think anyone holds my leash other than myself then you are blind."

As he stepped forward, Azelle spread out her stance while raising her blades to the ready. She'd wait for him to make the first move this time. He wasn't the only predator in the area.
"Oh, you've been trained to walk yourself? Good boy." she quipped as she followed every little movement he made.

But he didn't advance anymore. He just gave her an ultimatum. A shit one at that. All because she just chose a group where her skills could be used to bring about true Sith supremacy once more. How was she to know that the leader of the damn group didn't want to bend the knee and had gotten herself killed?

She was still weighing her options when he spoke again.
"It is not a double standard then if you prove yourself loyal… and useful."
Those last words had the Dragonling of Narzisce raising its prideful head within the Assassin.
"Loyalty? Usefulness? How dare you suggest that I'm neither of those things, you nobody?" she hissed, electricity crackling in the air around them. "You and your supposed loyalty was nowhere to be seen on the frontlines against the Ashlans and their kin on our ancient worlds. No. It was my family and I." She had straightened up and sheathed her weapons. "My loyalty is right where it has always been - with the Empire and then the resurgent Order."

She moved away from him, but kept her shrewd eyes on him.
"I am not your dogsbody, so don't even think of treating me like one. The Order has my blade, but do your own dirty work in killing these delusional fools. I'll only fell those that actually get in my way." she told him.

She sure as hell wouldn't be his puppet.

Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge

Objective: Waters of Truth
Equipment: Lightsaber, Sword, Dagger, Robes
Tags: Revna Revna

His head snapped back to the Acolyte as he heard movement behind him, narrowing at the sight of another assassin engaging her. She almost looked as though she had been somewhat caught off guard, did he not tell her to watch out for that one? He'd already taken out one of her opponents after all. Speaking of which, his slight step towards Revna when he looked back at her had evidently been the exact moment that the last assassin was waiting for before they revealed themselves.

The hooded figure leapt from an alcove and bore down on the masked Sith with their Shikkar in hand, ready to deliver a fatal stab to his shoulder. With a swift movement of his arm he brought his lightsaber up and batted away the glass blade just in time, his free hand catching the assassin by the throat and ending the threat with a simple twist of his wrist that resulted in a sickening snap. Darth Strosius dropped the dead assassin and looked back at Revna to see her indeed triumphant over her own opponent. A sight that made the tension in his shoulders slacken ever so slightly.

"That, young Acolyte, is a weapon unique to Sith Assassins. A Shikkar." He summoned his sword back to his hand as he moved back to the Acolyte's side, idly inspecting her for injuries for a moment. "It's forged using Sith techniques to imbue the fragile blade with a deadly and agonizing poison. Once stabbed into a target the blade will be broken off so that it cannot be removed before the effects begin to take hold. A deady and beautiful weapon indeed."

The blade of his lightsaber retreated back into the hilt with a simple movement of his thumb, there was no need to make their presence any more obvious of course, before he turned back to the path ahead. "Keep it if you'd like, feel free take whatever you wish from the assassins. They will not be needing it any more." As a student of his Revna had as much claim to the weapons and tools of the Tsis'Kaar as any of their assailants did after all. He didn't wait for her to pilfer for long though, continuing his steady yet surprisingly silent pace forward past the opening and back into the narrow hallway ahead.

Objective: The Waters of Truth
Tag(s): Darth Strosius Darth Strosius

Another hidden assassin made an attempt on her Mentor’s life, just as she was fighting against the one attacking her. She barely registered that he’d been attacked again, as her primary focus was on staying alive and overcoming her opponent. In the end, however, both assassins were slain, Revna’s Mentor having dropped three in the time it took her to kill one.

The voice of the Sith Lord came into her ears, answering her question on the unique weapon the assassin had been carrying. She tilted her head as she inspected the undamaged Shikkar, pausing briefly to stand still as he inspected her for any injuries. She had sustained none, of course, which he quickly concluded himself before explaining to her a little bit about the weapon in her hand. Her eyes and face lit up with curious awe when she heard of its function, and the fact that it contained a poison within the fragile blade.

A useful weapon indeed for clandestine activities.” she remarked as the humming red blade of the Sith Lord vanished back inside of the hilt in his hand. Her head shot up to look at him when she heard that she could keep it, and her smile widened briefly. “I’d love to keep this. I’m sure I could find a use for it at some point…beats having to buy or make one myself anyway.

Revna took the opportunity to search the corpses of the fallen Tsis’Kaar assassins, picking up another undamaged Shikkar blade, stowing it and the other in her belt, before she followed after the silently retreating form of her Mentor.

Striking down the assassin who had attacked her had given her a boost of courage and confidence; if she could kill one, then she could kill another. And this time…she made sure to pay extra attention to her surroundings as they moved onward. Perhaps...she'd get a chance to use one of these new weapons against another assailant. Wouldn't that be ironic? -she thought to herself. An assassin killed by their own blade. She rather enjoyed the idea of that.

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