Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Seeing Stars [Part One]

Location: Svivren.
Tagging: Pitié Pitié .

Svivren was a lush green world located in the Outer Rim Territories; it survived on its trade exploits, bringing in millions of credits and was possibly one of the richer worlds of the great expanse. Balun Vale had read about the planet when researching other Jedi Temples, Enclaves and groups beyond the core worlds back when he was living with the Order, and today such knowledge had sparked an idea that was far, far more mischievous than his usual endeavours. Today, he had decided that he wanted a Starship for himself and his friends to traverse the Galaxy together so they wouldn't have to take public transport anymore.

The plan was simple in nature. Go to the Port and sneak aboard a ship when no one was looking. He had the Force; Balun could get away with this, right? He had assumed that flying a ship shouldn't be any trouble; of course, his experience was null and void in this regard. He already had a name picked out. 'The Terentatek'! He had been imagining the successful borrowing of such a ship for a number of days now and had finally found the courage to go ahead with it. However, standing in the Spaceport and looking over one of the Terminals, it suddenly dawned on him. What kind of Starship did they want? Surely something for five or more people right? One they could basically live in, but also one that could go fast if they ever needed to get away from someone. Like today if this plan of his went really badly.
A lush and green world that wasn't dangerous would probably be the best place for Pitié. The planet she had grown up on always wanted to try and kill a person. Svivren would be like a walk in a park for the teen. Unless she got herself deported for stealing food. The girl always seemed to be hungry and needed to eat.

Getting off at the spaceport, she grabbed a pack of food from the transport that had brought her. Having been doing almost nothing but traveling for the past few months, she had learned more about how to get along in society. That did not mean the wild child was tamed, though.

For one of the first times since leaving Veradune, Pitié calmly walked through the spaceport. There was still a lot of wildness in her movements, and she did her best to pay attention to everything going on around her. She did not have eyes in the back of her head and didn't see Balun standing there. She collided with him as she backed away from the ship she had arrived on.

Stuffing the last food into her mouth, she turned to see who was behind her.


While she was getting better at communication, she still hadn't entirely mastered interacting with people.

Balun Vale Balun Vale
"Oof!" Balun's breath was removed from his lungs as something collided with his back, the young male turning around to see what or in this case who had bumped into him. He didn't expect to see someone like Pitié Pitié , who by first impressions seemed a little out of her depth in the capital city of Svivren. "Nah you're all good" Balun replied, a smile coming to him as his initial shock faded, seeing that she was of no threat to him.

"No offence, but you look a little lost" Balun spoke rhetorically, suggesting the obvious. Pitie seemed to be hyper-vigilant, as if always looking to her surroundings as if something might happen. Was she in some kind of trouble? "Are you looking for something or someone? Maybe a friend or something?" he asked, trying to get a bit more of a clue as to who this person was and what she was up to.

"Oh, my name's Balun, by the way" He smiled once more, a genuine and friendly gaze settled upon her. He wasn't sure what it was about the girl, but she seemed as though everything around her appeared to be stunning, new and surreal. She clearly wasn't a local, but then neither was he for that matter.
There was something about Balun that kept the girl rooted. Drawing in what she thought to be a calming breath, it might have come across as something more feral than she expected. When he clearly accepted her apology, she smiled at him. Being still quite wild, when she smiled, her elongated canine teeth showed, and it might look more like a growl.

Lifting a hand up to gently itch her neck, she calmly listened to Balun and nodded along with his words.

"Lost no. Am I looking for a friend? I don't know anybody so maybe? I am Pitié."

She had an accent, and when she said her name, it sounded like she said pity. If she had a name other than that, she didn't remember it. Even though her attention was on him, she would still glance around now and then. A loud noise happened behind her, and she turned around quickly to make sure nothing was going to attack her.

An ash-colored tail might have accidentally brushed Balun before the young woman turned to face him again.

"What now?"

Her ears tilted forward, and her body language indicated she was interested in an answer.

Balun Vale Balun Vale

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