Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Shattered Soul


Location: Jax's Apartment
Equipment: Casual Clothing, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Spasa Spasa , Jairdain Jairdain


"All right Spasa," Jax said reaching out to the cabinet to prepare himself and her some cereal. "Good morning to you I trust that you've slept well?"

Jax knew that she didn't, but said it anyway to form a sense of normalcy with Spasa. It had been quite a while since he rescued her from Pom's clutches and she had hardly said any words. Spasa even had issues sleeping saying that the voices could come back to haunt her. When Jax pressed, the young witch said that a Dark Lord: Carnifex had cursed her and wasn't sure of the magic she was injected with. The Jedi Master sighed, Pom was obsessed in killing her other self something Jax knew would end in disaster. He didn't know Spasa until Ziost when Jax infuriated Pom when he told her about a sister of sorts. The Jedi Council when looking over Spasa, concluded that something about her was altered and Jax was tasked with watching over her. Now Pom was still hellbent in trying to find her "sister" and end her. The only person who stood in her way was of course her hated nemesis: Jax. Yet Jax for all of his newfound abilities was pushed to the limit by Pom. He can even feel the pain across his chest, the scar that Pom inflicted Jax with Dark Side energy back at the Netherworld.

The scar ached and no amount of Bacta could fix it, part of Jax feared that Pom could infect him with a virus which was why he called Jairdain not only to help Spasa but Jax as well. "Don't worry Spasa," Jax said taking out some milk from the refrigerator and pouring some cereal into the bowl. "An old friend of yours is coming soon."

Jax took out a box of cereal from the cabinet and poured some of the cereal and milk into an empty bowl and slid it to Spasa. "Come on Spasa," Jax smiled. "Eat up! It's good old cereal part of a nutri- well scratch that it's sugary chit but It's still a good and enjoyable breakfast."

Jax held the cereal box close to his face forcing a smile, it was one of his favorite cereals to eat as a kid. Jax couldn't get enough of it, though Jairdain would tell him not to eat too much. Bah! What does she know about good breakfast?!


"I'll help you heal Spasa," Jax said placing a spoon into the bowl. "But come on you gotta eat! Get your energy so she can examine you."

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Any knowledge of her history was gathered by working with a Mindreader to piece together the course of events concerning the missing pieces of her life that wove the tale of what occurred to lead Pomsty and Spasa to co-existing. Spasa had so much background noise within her mind, monsters creeping into her peripheral vision, and voices from beyond, from somewhere distant, dark and unknown that she never seemed to be fully present within her surroundings. The healers warned the Jedi Counsel of the threat Spasa posed as one living among them, correctly identifying PomStychTivé as a Nightsister allied to the Sith.

She became an expert at avoiding any serious topic he presented. There is always something else she can focus upon. The young witch leaned across the table as the strange smell of flaky bits stemmed from the bowl and lofted into the air between them. She reached across to lightly slap her palm down upon the table to gain his attention while he ravenously indulged. "I cannot comprehend how the galaxy doesn't just lie down to die after living this way for as long as you have." She comes from an indigenous people determined to stay the progress of technologies and industry, preferring their skilled advancement in Magick. Could it have been their goal to include the rest of the galaxy in their plight, the Nightsisters would have had a tactical advantage considering their magick capabilities; sadly they were simply a culture who evolved too late! They cultivate their own existence out of the land they occupy. And of course, what they struggle to sustain, there is the art of Potions to compensate. Those Potions too are brewed out of authentic organic materials! Luckily for Spasa, Jax appeared hungry enough for the both of them. She slowly slid her bowl over to rest within his reach, staring oddly at him as she did so. Her little experiment to see if he could eat her's too, amused her very much.

"You wouldn't by chance have any jerky and eggs, or at least some bone broth?" He never does. "Or at least a game bird that I can boil into Bone Broth?" She had gone to the market a while back and scrounged up a few of the necessary provisions to produce a batch of somewhat mild vitamin cubes. At least she won't die! She chose not to wither away slowly which is Jax's way either, a fine example of her innate will to live!
For everything bad that he thought Jairdain did, he was rather mistaken. She never once said anything about him eating a specific cereal for breakfast. In fact, she rarely did or said anything about what he did or didn't do. About the only thing she disagreed with was how he kept his home. That was constantly messy, dirty, and filthy. Every time she visited, she had to clean it up and listen to the arguing from his stinking droid. The one that actually caused the mess and clutter.

Hoping...probably false hope that it was actually cleaned for her, he had invited her to visit. Jax only told her an old friend would also be there. Curiosity filled her as she approached early in the morning. Luckily, she could hear the conversation going on and knew Jax and his guest were both awake. Stopping before unlocking and opening the door, she couldn't help but draw in a surprised gasp. The female voice was a distant but familiar memory.

It was asking for something else to eat than the cereal Jax had offered. Opening the door, she decided to play a trick on the two of them. Waving a hand, she made an illusion of the cereal turning into the jerky Spasa had requested. Giving them both a smile, she raised an eyebrow in an almost unspoken question.


There was so much more that could be said, but she kept it simple for now. Joining the two of them, she took a seat at the table after making sure the path was clear for her feet.

Spasa Spasa Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Jax's Apartment
Equipment: Casual Clothing, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Spasa Spasa , Jairdain Jairdain

"What can I say?" Jax said unknowingly beginning to eat out of Spasa's bowl. "We're too stubborn to die but that doesn't stop us from trying to kill ourselves that's for sure."

Spasa came from a society that preferred magic from technology, there were some Jedi in the NJO who argued that the Jedi's continued reliance on technology has dulled their senses to the Force making them reliant on the technology themselves. Even though Jax himself was critical on some aspects of how the NJO handled things he wasn't sure if he agreed. Like the Lightsaber, technology was just a tool, an extension in which the Jedi can serve the Force and the Galactic Alliance. Jedi Shadows adapt to technology using the Force via Mechu Duru, to Jax the Jedi were just adapting to a rapidly evolving society. It's necessary to know how these new innovations work, like how Soresu was invented as an answer to blaster wielding deviants. It wasn't so much reliance as it was adaptation.

"Well I'm banned from bringing in live animals," Jax said continuing to eat Spasa's cereal. "There was an incident where BB-12 bought a Anoatian Pit Beast from the Dark Web."

The Jedi Master shuddered reliving the memory. "He was supposed to be a Watchdog BB said, he's fracking untamed beast acquired illegally I said. Well turned out I was right and let's just say it took a group of Coruscant police, a couple of my neighbors pets and a few strikes with my Lightsaber to take out that wild animal."

He and BB-12 had to pay heavy fines to avoid jail time and the Landlord nearly lost his legs in the process. Not a happy time for Jax nor his neighbors whom tried to sue him for animal abuse. Jax looked down realizing that he was eating Spasa's cereal. "What the frack?!" he said pushing the meal back. "Real funny Spasa if you don't want to eat then fine! Just wipe that chit eating grin off your face."

His face was reddened with embarrassment, so much for trying to accommodate her. Just then, the cereal turned into Jerky as Jax smirked sensing a familiar presence. "Hey Jair," Jax smiled getting up and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "I'm glad you came."


Spasa learned to expect Jax to make jokes. He always eased her stress. Each time he did so always brought her out of whatever she found herself obsessing over, and typically caused her to break out in a spontaneous smile.

The man could eat! It didn't matter what either! She felt that she could slip nuts and bolts onto his plate and he would inadvertently pop them into his mouth before realizing that not everything around him is an actual food.

He spoke about how his droid brought home a pet. "Interesting," she remarked at the close of his story. "Why didn't you just levitate it in order to remove it from your home? Did you eat it?" she figured she would at least ask, but doubts his culture would know how to gut what they kill. These aspects of life here, she will never get used to!

Spasa didn't even notice the illusion of the cereal changing visual appearance, for Jax was hovering over the bowl like a youngling over the last candy in the galaxy. Hearing the familiar voice, Spasa jumped up and shoved Jax's kissy face aside to pull Jairdain into a bear hug.

When Spasa pulled back and laid eyes upon Jairdain, her face caught Spasa's attention. There is evidence that her dear friend had aged slightly since they last met. It was that moment, the idea that what snippets of her recent past the Jedi accused she has suffered, she imagined a little more plausible. As Jairdain and Jax sat down at the table, the younger Nightsister's brow furrowed and she stiffened as she settled into the chair, the weight of the matter more seriousness then she could have believed, although she suffered insistently. "Did he tell you some weird shite about me?" she asked pointing at Jax.
It wasn't that Jairdain ignored her lover as he greeted her but more because she found herself wrapped up in a large hug given by Spasa. This was a hug that could have lasted all eternity and it would have been too short. Feeling the arms of her friend wrapped around her was something she needed very much. Returning it, there might have even been a tail hug included. Eventually, it ended though and they let go of each other.

When Spasa looked at her, the aging would be minimal due to her race. However, Jairdain had been through a lot and some of that weight might have aged her more than she expected. Then again, she couldn't actually see herself unless she used the eyes of Sage...who poked his nose out the pocket made for him after getting squished by her old friend. Climbing up on her shoulder, it seemed like he also wanted to hug Spasa.

Unless she moved away, he would try to jump onto her arm and run up that to nuzzle against her neck. With their reunion having completed, Spasa asked what Jax her told her. Giving her a smile, she shook her head and was quiet for a moment.

"Actually he didn't tell me much at all. Just that he had an old friend staying with him that was looking forward to a reunion. So here I am. It is great to see you again, Spasa. Far too long has passed and I'm not even going to ask how it happened. You can tell me if you want though and I won't stop you."

The Force worked in mysterious ways and she somehow wouldn't be surprised if she had just popped out of the Netherworld and came back that way.

"Is there anything I should know?"

Before Jairdain was going to try and help them all, she wanted to get everything out between them.

"Oh! I have something for you."

Reaching into one of her pockets, she took out a package of beef jerky. Handing that to Spasa, she hoped it would be enough to satisfy her hunger for now.

Spasa Spasa Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Jax's Apartment
Equipment: Casual Clothing, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Jairdain Jairdain , Spasa Spasa

Jax was slightly annoyed that Jairdain ignored him, but it went away quickly when Spasa gave her a big hug. A large smile formed on his lips his heart fluttered with happiness. It was good that Spasa saw Jair again, Jax wanted to keep it a secret from Spasa so he could gauge her reaction once Jair entered his apartment. Needless to say, the witch was herself again at least according to Jair. "Really Jair?" Jax chuckled shaking his head. "To think that all the processed food I've given her and the only thing to satisfy Spasa's appetite is Beef Jerky."

The Jedi Master wasn't overly fond of beef jerky. It was too damn salty and it was hard to chew. However, if it was Spasa's favorite food then Jax would have to make note of it the next time he goes out shopping. "Read the books Jair," Jax said shaking his head. "Hard for me to really make an proper assessment without brining in the expert."

Jax smiled placing a hand on Jair's shoulder. "The past few weeks have been crazy Jair," Jax said. "It's good to see you again and on equal ground. The NJO has promoted me to Master."

It was odd saying that, for years Jax didn't feel that he was worthy of being a Master yet it was strange to think that his fellow Jedi felt that he was. Even the Force seemed to agree with them even though Jax didn't believe it. "I'm not sure if I'm Master material," Jax shrugged. "But I'm going to take full advantage of it. I'm not going to let the rank deter me from what I was trained to do."

He was talking more to himself than to Jair, but right now there were more pressing matters. "So Spasa has been struggling with voices calling out to her," Jax said. "I've done some basic probing and felt powerful entities swarming around her."

Jax shook his head. "They're like a pack of vultures circling around their prey," he said. "I suspect maybe Pom is still trying to reach her? I'm not sure though. I'd figure you'd have a go at it."



'Don't be ridiculous! No, it CAN'T be true!' she thought.

'Yay food!' Spasa thought as Jaridain produced the jerky, much thankful she wasn't going to have to go hunting for strays in dark street alleyways… A girl has gotta eat!

Her predicament was discussed right in front of her, and she was referenced like one of her own potion experiments. "Jairdain! Tell me, is he mad but harmless?" she asked referring to Jax. Had Jax never mentioned knowing Jaridain, Spasa might have not tolerated his raving lunacy. "Or is it you have proof to convince me?" she asked, only, she is not truly certain she can handle hearing anything that will support Jax's take on events. "It all sounds like rantings to me, and I seem to have lost my vest packed with potions to heal him of his ailment." This is the first time she actually remembered she ought be in possession of her things. "I say," she remarked, more to herself than to her two friends, "I never was so careless to have absolutely no idea where my things are." She turned towards Jax, "Did your Order take them?" She pat her sides and produced her little Kyber crystal wand and set it down upon the table. "It will take years to reacquire them. I hope they plan to reimburse me. Worse for them, I hope they don't plan to run experiments on my Potions! They will suffer grave consequences if they do any such fool-hearted thing!" she warned.

She trusts Jairdain and prepared herself for anything her old friend might declare. Personally, it felt to Spasa like she were setting herself up to brace herself, the levity of the room already not in her favor! Jax had urged Jairdain to render her own verdict. Spasa began hoping she would realize Jax to be certifiable and be done with this whole nonsense once and for all. She sat upon the edge of her chair and leaned her head slightly forward towards Jairdain, with both brows raised in curiosity she awaited her old friend to decide both the fate of herself and of Jax!
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"Beef jerky isn't processed though. Not when I make it. The stuff you get at the stores is and those are just gross. Way too much salt and not enough flavoring."

Moving from Spasa to her lover, she would give him a kiss on the cheek and then back to her friend. Unless he totally avoided her and didn't want the peck. When he mentioned books, she made a small raspberry with her mouth and shook her head.

"Even I can't read, dear. Congratulations, Master Jaxon Thio."

Squeezing his hand, she did listen to what he was saying but more of her focus was on Spasa. Looking at her through the Force, she remembered the first conversation she had with Spasa. Her other hand opened up and made a few almost primal-looking signs or motions. If Jax was paying attention, he might sense or even see a few spirits start to surround them.

Of all things, some were flowers, others were more human and several were the actual souls of what had been living people. This might be an aspect to Jairdain that Jax was entirely unaware of. If he could even see or sense them. Spasa would be able to easily since it was she that had taught her about them.

Inclining her head to each of them, she let go of Jax and walked over to Spasa. During the time she had been next to Jax, it should have given her friend enough time to eat the food she had brought.

"Who isn't mad these days?"

Smiling as she said it though, there was some truth to her words. They might even be considered mad for doing what they were doing here. That did not matter to the Master though and she wanted to help her friend. Shaking her head as Spasa was talking, she turned to apparently look at Jax as she attempted to guide her friend into another room.

"If you will allow us to look you over, we would greatly appreciate it."

There was a reason she had started talking in a plural form. She also included her spirits in the conversation.

Jax Thio Jax Thio Spasa Spasa


Location: Jax's Apartment
Equipment: Casual Clothing, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Spasa Spasa , Jairdain Jairdain

"Remind me to teach you how to read," Jax said. "I'm still surprised that you managed to accomplished so much despite never having learned to read." Jair was truly an amazing individual to reach her levels without being able to read was impressive. It mad Jax seem small in comparison.

"Thanks," Jax said giving Jair a curt nod. "It's still embarrassing to be called a Master. I didn't know what I did that impressed the council but I guess I'll take it."

Now to the matter at hand, Spasa's nightmares and the souls that were haunting her. "Yeah Spasa," Jax said. "We might need to probe your mind and see what these spirits want. It could be because of your unusual and the way you were separated from Pom is why the dark side spirits want to consume you."

Jax frowned. "Theoretically speaking," Jax explained. "You are all intents and purposes a person of pure light while Pom is a person pure darkness."

The Jedi Master began to pace around for a bit. "But with life, comes the light so you Spasa are your true self because with darkness according to the Living Force the dark side represents death and decay. You and Pom represent an anomaly of sorts and from what I'm theorizing it's something the Force is trying to bring into balance. Hence why the Dark Side spirits."

But then again, it's just a theory.

"Yet we won't know until we look ya over," Jax said staring at Jair. "Get ready." he stated.


A number of ethereal associations Jairdain had unleashed began to circle around Spasa. Some aggressively touched her, other's shied away. Spasa suddenly felt nauseated. Her body began to lightly twitch uncontrollably. One from among the lot of spirits joined suddenly with her's, while others backed away. A blinding light consumed Spasa and radiated from within her. A black entity roared as it found itself half pulled out of Spasa, but rebounded once it would not be severed. It's grip on Spasa's soul is just too powerful to be severed without a properly plotted magickal assault.

Spasa noticed a chain running from her own ankle, over to Jax. Spasa's eyes widened. A second chain revealed itself to be wrapped around Spasa's ankle and this one trailed off into oblivion.

'What lay at the other end? Carnifex? His imprisoning armor? This other Pom?'

The redeemed's brow furrowed in confusion. "Jax! Did she put the Blood Trail on you?" Spasa gasped. It is the only thing that makes sense! Pom lay at the other end of this long tether for certain. Perhaps either of her other suspicions beyond that. Pom chained to her Master and the cursed armor. Anything is possible, and all of it dark and unholy. "There is no greater dark magick for a Nightsister! To steal one's freedom in such a manner." Such is more self-serving than raising the dead once again to fight wars. There is nothing more belittling to one's soul than to be ensnared in the Blood Trail. Worse, there is no galactic awareness of any magick ever orchestrated with the ability to undo it. A Nightsisters' magick has never been anyone's life focus of study.

Spasa closed her eyes, and Sith Runes in conjunction with her native script of Paecian lit visibly hung in the air as burning flames proliferating such Magick, giving proof to her ensnarement. Spasa opened her eyes and turned to view the composite spell. She felt a hopelessness wash over her, as if the runes reinforced her state of helplessness. It would require a lengthy study and genuine magick to revert such and produce their freedom.

Her amulets, likewise her relics revealed themselves imbued with the same negative forces. These are the staple of her magick, the same worn by Pom, only Spasa's moonstone cabochon rests over her heart and is spared from taint.
"Reading isn't everything, obviously."

Saying this with a smile, she rarely enforced with any of her students the need to call her Master. There were certain situations when it was needed but in a private class, it usually wasn't.

"I know how you feel, Jax. Maybe you'll get used to it and then again...maybe you won't. Don't worry too much about it and just remember when it is needed. You'll make a great Master."

Listening as Jax said what they might be doing, she just shook her head. While some of it might have been accurate, she had no intention of trying to play around in the mind of Spasa. Unless there were no alternatives, then she would as a last resort.

With her spirits and guards and guides out now, Jax might actually start to get a small idea of what she was capable of. Then again, he might be blind to this aspect and not be able to see them around him or what happened with Spasa.

"Please remove all of your jewelry...except the one piece. You know which one I mean."

This might help strip Pom of at least some of the connections she had on her friend. The worst thing that could happen was nothing. Jairdain truly hoped that wouldn't be the case though. As for the question asked, she did not have an answer for it and only Jax did.

"Can these be severed with Force Light?"

That was among one of the strongest Light Side abilities and Jairdain knew how to do it. So if it could work, then she would ready herself to perform it on both of them.

Spasa Spasa Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Jax's Apartment
Equipment: Casual Clothing, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Spasa Spasa , Jairdain Jairdain

"I sincerely hope so," Jax sighed when Jair comforted him about being a made a Master. The promotion came out of the blue especially in a battle that Jax wasn't even in. The Jedi Master spent most of it in the Netherworld fighting off Pom but no matter, he needed to solve whatever is happening to Pom quickly.

Just then, Jax raised an eyebrow when Spasa asked if Pom put a blood trail on him. "Well....." Jax tried to remember back at the netherworld where Pom struck him on the chest saying that he was marked. Jax didn't know what it meant but he thought that the Oneness would've erased whatever curse she placed on him already. "I think so, but I thought the light side would've eradicate such a weak attack?"

Perhaps it wasn't so weak after all......

Jax immediately stared at Jair. "Is it possible that this blood trail is responsible for Spasa's nightmares?" he asked his tone of voice shaking a bit. Ironic if Spasa's woes were derived from Jax other than Carnifex. It was agonizing thinking about it.

"Right before we do anything...." Rifling through his pocket, Jax took out some Chthonic perfume and tossed two bottles towards Jair and Spasa. "It's a perfume called Chthonic," he explained. "Bought it off Senator Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn 's store from the Holonet. It can ward off dark spirits from the Netherworld. Its smell is repulsive towards to them causing them to keep their distance."

Jax took his bottle and began to shake it a bit. "It cost me a chunk of credits," he said. "But It's worth it I'd say at least according to the reviews on the Holonet. Spray the perfume on your neck and wrists it says that's where it's most effective at."

Ishani is a trustworthy source for a politician that is, it wouldn't hurt for Jax and the others to get some sort of protection even if the protection is weak. If it wasn't effective at all, then Jax will leave a one-star review and demand his credits back.


Spasa is not certain that the Blood Trail Spell can be severed. At least it is not known to her nor among the Nightsisters, had a severing ever been accomplished before. "Well…the Blood Trail has always produced lifelong effects, but honestly I cannot imagine it has ever been used to enslave welders of Lightside Force Magick before. I imagine it will take quite an exhaustive measure to succeed. Perhaps a bit of study is in order, so we don't fail and alert…my darker counterpart." Perhaps a visit to the Witches of Dathomir is warranted.

She knew the Blood Trail may have been cast appearing as an inconsequential move on the Nightsister's part, but the powerful staple potion is reinforced by a ritual performed in secret after the initial encounter and marking of the subject, which really enforces the bond.

Spasa carefully removed her jewelry, one article at a time, setting each into a suede drawstring bag she untied from her vest pocket. She felt a sense of nostalgic attachment to each piece. She felt suddenly unbalanced as sadness of the separation overtook her. Each of her jewels had been a part of her identity. She felt bare and a helplessness produce as she removed most of them. Their purpose has ever been to make her life easier, to make Magick produce forth from them without effort. Jairdain is correct, her jewelry has been instilled with her Magick over her lifetime. They are adornments passed along to her during her youth by her elders, long empowered with unique charge by her ancestors.

Spasa soon found her senses assaulted by a stench when Jax produced three bottles of perfumes. No doubt one of them had a cork that may have jarred loose leaving it improperly sealed. "Is that what I have been smelling ever since I came into this apartment!" It is! She thought there to be a piece of fuzzy citrus left under his furniture somewhere. She couldn't believe her ears hearing his explanation for these. "Ghosts…smell…this and…WHAT?!" Her eyes rolled. "OMG…Jedi!" 'So gullible!' She really should go into business of selling her potions. She would be rich BECAUSE her's work. However, Nightsisters are very vain about their talents and would never opt to have their product copied, if at all possible considering the tediousness from selecting ingredients, to timing, and well the whole process! "Wow," she said aloud, finally examining the liquid stating such a strange and brazen, ridiculous claim for its purpose.

She could not make herself put this stuff on her skin, for her cells to soak up an unknown element. She felt some energy inside the opaque ornate bottle. She couldn't even bring herself to eat his cereal crap, how could he expect her to go along with this? Spasa glanced over at Jairdain, waiting to hear what she thought of this. "Anything can go seriously wrong. Or, nothing can go wrong. Or worse, something does happen and then we suffer side-effects or from long term reactions!" she thought for a moment. "If Jax believes in it, maybe he can go first!" knowing the potential for error, this would be cruel. "Maybe there is a test subject we can experiment upon, instead of blindly inflicting ourselves?"

Here, kitty, kitty…
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Listening to the conversation going on between Jax and Spasa, she shook her head to indicate she didn't have an answer to his question. Rubbing her hands together a little bit while Spasa took off her jewelry, she could almost feel the bond between her and Pom weakening. It might all be in her mind though. Time would tell.

Accepting the perfume, she raised an eyebrow at what he said.

"The worst that happens is we have an allergy reaction and die."

Spraying the liquid in the suggested areas, she coughed slightly and handed him the bottle back.

"I don't think you needed three bottles. We could have all shared one. Hopefully, you didn't spend too much on these. Let me know if you need any payback. Besides, we're not dealing with anything from the Netherworld here. So don't think it'll protect us."

As Spasa removed each piece, Jairdain picked up on her sense of loss. She was empathic and a friend to the woman. So it made sense. These items might have been a part of Pom and Spasa since they were young. Jairdain almost felt bad asking her to do this but she felt it was needed. Things could be replaced a person could not.

Smiling at the reaction from Spasa about the perfume, she shrugged again and held out her wrist for the other woman to smell.

"Now, how do you feel after taking all of that off?"

Motioning to the jewelry, the items in question could be cleansed and maybe even Pom's touch could be targeted for removal.

Spasa Spasa Jax Thio Jax Thio

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