Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Throughout her life, the young woman has been left alone for extended periods. When she needed to spend time being social, she needed to take breaks to have solitude. Alicia had brought her to The Home, an ancient asteroid facility built by a long-dead Sith Lord.

Jogging along the quiet corridors, the former Jedi reached out with the Force to try and feel for life around her. She would be considered a high-ranking Padawan within the Jedi, but she wasn't with them. Having said goodbye to her old and worthless life, Alicia opened a door for her, and Nitya gladly stepped through. It had led to this somewhat desolate rock in space, but the young lady felt at home.

Her hair swayed as she moved, and her dark clothes helped her blend into the darkness. Taking a few breaths, she thought she was alone and let out a sigh. Not wanting to show any weakness in front of these new people, Nitya chose to do it now. Leaning against the cold wall, she slid down it, and almost silent tears fell from her eyes.

Halitus Veikis Halitus Veikis Joy Joy

TAG: Nitya Xeraic Nitya Xeraic

Halitus had arrived at this asteroid hold out from the information Veikis had retrieved when he was made a Disciple. There aboard the hidden facility he walked and examined what had been wrought by a Sith Lord of old. His eyes penetrating the corridor as he came to a door and felt it.. distressed feelings. He had masked his approach with saber hilt in hand to do the bidding of The Worm Emperor. How convenient that The First Son (Veikis) had become a disciple of the enemy and now in this fleshen vessel he could slay Alicia Drey Alicia Drey when.. the silent sobs stayed his movement, Halitus felt a rush of something within the Young Man’s flesh and then his mind flooded with voice,

Father! Listen to me! Listen to me now!!!

Veikis was taking back parts of his soul like rooms in castle. Halitus tried to make walls, but the emotion.. the sheer emotion was like a storm. Halitus fell against a wall as Veikis took hold with one hand of the wall, and blinked his blood red eyes. He looked at his gloved hands and then closed them.

He then uttered,

Where am I?

He could hear sobbing and he rounded the corner and saw a Young Woman who was sitting on the floor. In his black leather collar and coat he approached her and said in a soft voice that had been suppressed,

Are you alright?

He looked at her as he knelt down on a knee to her level, there was no guile in his tone, only sincere concern. Veikis knew what it was like to suffer, he had a war for his own soul within, and his own upbringing riddled with abandonments. So when he felt hers, it stirred memories which had brought him back from being buried in the sarcophagus of his own flesh…
The hoped-for solitude was shattered, and the former Jedi quickly tried to stifle her tears and rub them from her eyes. Sensing some genuine concern from the young man about her age, she stopped pulling away from him. Rubbing at her dribbling nose, she certainly felt like she was making a good impression—not. Her eyes looked to the cold floor and then into his glowing red.

Sniffling slightly, Nitya buried her perceived weakness and, like her mother, put her emotions into a box. Her arms were wrapped around her knees, which were drawn up to her chest. Deciding to open up to the man, she released her grip on her legs.

Laying them out in front of her, she patted the ground. Nodding just a little, she had to break her silence. Drawing in one last shuddering breath, the girl let it out and looked up into his glowing eyes again. Keeping a question about his heritage to herself, she didn't think he could be one of her people.

"I am as well as I can be, I suppose."

Tilting her head, she looked from his hand to face and tried to give him a slight smile. At least, the corners of her mouth turned up a degree, and she appeared to be accepting of his company.

Having been lost in her misery, Nitya had not heard his question of where he was. If she had, she would have done her best to answer it.

"I am Nitya Xeraic. Who are you?"

Like Veikis, there was no deception in her, and she was truly curious.

Halitus Veikis Halitus Veikis
TAG: Nitya Xeraic Nitya Xeraic

The newly returned First Son was a little disoriented, he had been kept buried in recesses of his own mind by The Father. When this beautiful Young Woman responded, that she was well. He knew that as code for do not inquire further, for he had used the same words himself.

Then she gave a name, “Nitya,” which waa pleasant to the tongue.
Nitya ot is a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” he said with a bow, and then added, “I am Veikis.” To say his own namesake made him stare as he looked a moment at his gloved hand. He had been trapped deep inside, like ond buried alive in a coffin, and now he had been unearthed and was free to breath again.

He wondered if Halitus was buried in the same place now, and how he may purge The Father from his consciousness altogether. It was these thoughts that drew him away for a moment, when his blood eyes returnees their focus to Nitya,
Forgive me.. I have a great deal on my mind too. I’d explain it if I could understand it myself.” His eyes stayed fixed on her golden ones, she seemed so unlike the women he had faced before. Thus he decided to attempt flattery, not something he was good at mind you, but he would try, “Your eyes.. they are most striking, strikingly beautiful..” The delivery was poor, he wanted slap himself across the head. Still an attempt was made at conveying that he thought she was beautiful, and at least he did not call her an angel or something cheesy like that.

The Young Man waited for her response, still on bended knee. Being such close proximity to her made him nervous and yet at the same time he did not intend to put distance between them. Maybe it was being back in control of his own fleshen vessel, maybe it was an overactive romantic drive that had been suppressed for years, or just maybe it was that Veikis did not feel alone. The sorrow on her face that had fallen in tears was a testament to trauma, and he had suffered his own. Perhaps that was the link, the pull he felt that made him more flirtatious than normal. To find someone in the galaxy with the same marks of suffering was exhilarating, it was liberating. Though Veikis must be patient, his haste was prompted by a fear that at any moment Halitus could retain control again. It was mike trying to catch a breath in the sea when the waves keep pulling you under, which is why he tried to make the most of every moment, every second that he had.
Returning his bow with a nod of her own, it would be difficult to bow while sitting on the ground.

"It is both of our pleasure then, Veikis."

Not looking away from his eyes again, she could tell he looked away from hers for a moment. This did not last long, and he was speaking to her once again. Lifting her chin and drawing in his scent, he said something that struck her in her heart.

"Your soul is fractured. Like my mother's. She went to Voss to get healed, but I honestly don't think it worked entirely."

Shrugging her shoulders slightly, she couldn't help but smile at his false compliment. Even if he intended it to be authentic, the young woman took it the other way. Nitya didn't believe him when he said her eyes were beautiful. Letting out a sigh, she blinked them at him and turned her head away.

"Yeah, right. To people, I'm a freak. Nobody likes my eyes."

A small part of her was trying to tell her he wasn't lying or trying to deceive her. However, she wasn't listening to that piece and ignored the truth...for now.

Halitus Veikis Halitus Veikis
TAG: Nitya Xeraic Nitya Xeraic

She responded as we, who was both? Then Veikis realized something, he recalled a echo, he saw Halitus and a planet of lava. And then.. his eyes began to tremble with their bright reds. There was more.. he tried to access the memory but it made blood drip from his sockets, making two lines of crimson below his lower lids.

Then she mentioned him being “fractured,” which seemed to denote something he was having trouble grasping. He wanted to inquire what she meant, to find our why she claimed he was like her Mother, when he felt something grab his head and apply pressure. He did not understand, was she doing this?

He shouted,
Stop! Enough!” The loom he saw on her face belied it was not her doing. So he tried to respond with his own power back, which forcees him against the wall beside her and he slide down next to her.

Panting, the First Son said,
I am freak.. not you.. your eyes are beautiful..” As he said this he was pressed against the wall.
“Is there someone else here? I am not doing this..”
The teen sensed Veikis' curiosity about something she said, but she did not try to pry it out of his mind. It might have happened at another time, but not today. Nitya was not yet that kind of person. After she finished speaking, her own words seemed to strike him.

Watching as his eyes started bleeding, the girl drew in a sharp breath and reached out to try and heal him. She probably wouldn't accomplish much without knowing what was injured or how it happened. He said to stop, and the former Jedi did just that. What she didn't know was that he wasn't talking to her but to the person inside his mind—the one who fractured his soul.

To soften his fall, Nitya tried to catch him with the Force and helped lower him down next to her. She had invited him to sit a few moments ago, and now she got her wish. She shook her head when he said he was a freak; she disagreed with that.

"It is just you and I, Veikis."

Halitus Veikis Halitus Veikis
As Veikis felt this resistance, he began to her whispers in his mind, and the visions of Mustafar, the Molten showdown with his Father stirring in the recesses in his kind. He felt and saw bolts, and something tearing into his very soul, he was now on the floor beside Nitya Xeraic Nitya Xeraic when there as she applied healing to him, he began to beat at back back door of his brain, trying to access the memory, but there was scarring, scaffolding of another’s making and when he tried to touch it he felt faint and nearly collapsed.

Looking over at Her, he said, “I hope you are right.. something is happening to me that I do not understand, the answers are sealed beyond my reach..

He then turned his attention back to her,
Forgive me.. my behavior is unsettling. You were the one in tears.. how may I offer comfort?”

He found when he looked in her eyes that his restless soul calmed somehow. She was more beautiful than any one he has seen. And yet she seemed unaware of it, as if blinded to the fact that a look with those glowing golden eyes she could stop hearts and the steps of any man who had sense. He was glad that it was he that found her and got the pleasure of her company, Veikis had been lost and the days passed away in his mind, uncertain of when he last had power of his eyes, his smile, and his heart…
The vision that Veikis saw was not given to her. It was probably a good thing he was already on the floor when he started to collapse again. Listening to him, Nitya drew in a breath. Shaking her head slightly, she had seen her father lose his mind to dementia and didn't want that to happen to her new friend. New tears filled her eyes, and she rubbed them away quickly.

"I can help you! I won't let you lose your mind like my father."

Of course, she didn't quite understand the difference between the two men, but she held onto the memory of her father as he had been when she was a child. A powerful Jedi Master, the kind that gained respect through good work and kind services.

"Let me help you."

If he allowed her to touch him, she would place her hands on either side of his head. Trusting in her training and her own ability, she attempted to find out what was going on in his brain. Most of what Halitus was trying to keep locked away remained that way. However, the teen did see what Veikis had seen moments ago.

"You are not alone."

The statement was simple but could be taken in several different ways, and Nitya wasn't entirely sure which way she meant it. When Veikis mentioned that her own tears had drawn him, she smiled shyly.

"I'm much improved now. Thank you."

Halitus Veikis Halitus Veikis

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