Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction (SJC) Prepping for Danger Saber Training in Form 1: Shii-Cho


Location: Silver Rest
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: @

Jax Thio gazed at the Silver Rest.

So many Jedi coming and harnessing their skill with a Lightsaber or just trying to learn more about the force. From the meadows down below he saw many students children or adult attempting to mediate and lift the rocks around them. A small smile formed on his face, he remembered the time he was mediating or didn't really he was often sleeping instead of mediating which the teachers obviously saw through. Jax did learn some lessons from that was that as long as the force is with him, anything was possible and giant boulder can be no heavier than the size of asteroid if one really applied themselves. Jax sighed in many ways the Silvers reminded him of back in the Jedi Temple were things were simpler and blissful. There was no politics, no war, none of that there was just large walls and a relaxing atmosphere where a person can be with their peers and just study the force or sharpen their Lightsaber skills.

Speaking of Lightsaber skills......

In the never ending pinball of important events, Jax was asked by Jairdain Jairdain to help train any Padawans in case of the likely event that The Bryn'adûl attacked Kayshkk. With the fall of Charros IV, there was nothing stopping the Bryn from coming over to Kayshykk. Jax knew that the Jedi were willing to fight to the death for Kayshykk but he saw the carnage at Charros IV how remorseless and powerful the Bryn were.... they were more monster than person efficient like a Battle Droid and twice as deadly. Jax reluctantly accepted the task though he has barely got any rest because he was fresh off the events at Byss where he had to help the Galactic Alliance deal with the blockade. Still with Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor still out of commission, Jax was pretty much the only swordsman with plenty of experience even though he wasn't part of the Silvers. He was only working with them part time as an ambassador of sorts.

Jax put up the notice that today there was training for any Padawans or Knights who desired it notably in the Jax favored form: The Shii-Cho. Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor taught Jax Juyo/Vaapad and ever since then, Jax has been using it as his main form but he wasn't proficient at it as Shii-Cho. Sighing heavily Jax crossed his arms and waited for anyone who was willing to learn. "Let's just hope they apply this," he muttered to himself.

She had just gotten off of a shuttle from Coruscant, the scars from Charros IV that ran along the left side of her face had closed by then, though were still bright and red; having not been healed all the way as she requested. She wanted the reminder that the Bryn'Adul had left for her. She wanted to be reminded of how easily war could claim them. She was thinking the same things Jax Thio Jax Thio was thinking about. How beautiful this planet was, and how much she wanted to defend it. In that battle, she had felt herself almost welcoming the Darkside; desperate to win a losing battle, she had tapped into anger in the middle of the battle. Perhaps the only one she think really knew was Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor . Though he hadn't said anything to her yet. She had no interest in bringing it up.

She pulled her Witchblade from her back, and ignited it, flicking it out in front of her with the grace of a skateboarder about to pull a trick. Hopping aboard, she let the Witchblade soar from the platform, more than a few eyes drawn to such antics, it wasn't everyday you saw a Jedi riding their lightsaber after all. The purple beam emitted an intoxicated whistle as it flew, cutting the air. She observed the Jungle of Kashyyyk, short hair rusting in the wind. Aayla had learned to maintain a certain back and forth curve to help maintain her balance, only rarely flying in a straight line aboard the Witchblade.

Alone, and high enough in the air to die from a fall, she thought about all the things that had occurred over the last year. Certainly, she wished she had heard from Ilwynog Cysgod Ilwynog Cysgod . As she had not yet given up on her hopes to join his ranks. All the same, she felt a certain guilt worrying about herself now that she had officially faced off against them... The Bryn'Adul. She had to put her own wants aside, and become stronger. Even more skilled. From the civilian landing pads, it wasn't far until she could see that shining beacon that was Silver Rest. Aggressively arcing the blade towards the trees, she flew just above the tree-tops, making sure not to damage anything as she broke the clearing and lowered her altitude.

Supposedly, Jax would be the one holding a training course in Shii-Cho today, something she had ultimately fallen back on in their last outing "together". It couldn't hurt to brush up. Though she was certain she would kick most anyone's ass in open saber combat. Outside of the Knights, and Masters of course. Just another minute would pass, and she was hopping off of that Witchblade, grabbing it and collapsing the purple blade that emitted from it. Deactivating the device, she slotted it on her back, and approached the training field; glancing around to see if there were any familiar faces.

She had spotted Jax on the way in, but didn't beeline to him, instead moving to greet a group of her 'sisters' she hadn't seen in some time. She would engage in discourse, and talk about their most previous missions, as well as hers, and the scars on her face, as they were sure to ask about them. Otherwise, she would hang around and shoot the breeze with whoever was interested in talking until the training officially kicked off.

Shoden Moz

Lady Mischief of Nordel
In stark contrast to others, Shoden's boundless joy and optimism was left seemingly untouched by the wars, by the Bryn'Adul. While she may be untouched by the horrors of the latter, she was far from a stranger to the former. Having watched her home be assailed by the Sith what felt like a lifetime ago, she knew what war could be. What it could do to people. What it did to her Dad. What it must have done to people like Jax Thio Jax Thio and Aayla Shan Aayla Shan , though she had never met them. War was a horrible, sad affair.

Which is exactly why she wouldn't stop smiling.

Of course today there were other reasons as well. For one, she thought she looked rather cute in her father's armor, with his lightsaber angled and clipped to the belt behind her. For two, she'd stockpiled the utility belt with all sorts of candies, enough for even her mad sugar tooth to last the trip here to the Silver Rest. And of course the final reason, she had managed to get here, to a jedi temple, without seemingly anyone noticing she wasn't supposed to be here at all! It really did make her feel good to know she was able to blend in, or at least feign her belonging there.

Maybe she really was a good spy candidate.

All that aside, she had the helmet of her Dad's armor tucked under one arm, keeping the hat on to hide her hair and partly help her look less like herself. She wasn't really a force sensitive (to her knowledge) and had to hope no one questioned her joining a saber class here. She was, of course, ever so slightly able to touch the Force, enough that her luck had carried her so far in life, and in the play sessions with her Dad she'd done well with toy swords before.

At the least, padawans should be something she could handle! Right?

She giggled at the thought of getting to duke it out with real padawans and maybe actually doing alright. Oh she could dream. And dream she did, right up until getting to the meeting grounds. She waved politely to everyone with her left, hand-less arm, before putting the helmet down. "Helloooo! Hope you don't mind, I didn't have any clean robes and thought a nightgown might be inappropriate."

And her suits and dresses but let's not talk about that!
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Be careful what you wish for.



Location: Silver Rest
Conservator and Vanguard 2.0 (Lightsabers)
Comm-link, Rebreather, Custom Robes
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Dilorian in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio

The ship was packed, and prepped, and "the Cinnamon Roll" had to gather her things so he had some time. He hoped to come back someday, but where he had to go, what he had to do, it was too important, he had to leave. However, he could take the time and watch those he was leaving behind one last time. What better way than the class that none other than Jax Thio Jax Thio was about to teach. This was his show, and Caltin would not interrupt, so he would mast his aura, at least the best he could with what going on with him. The Padawans wouldn't know he was there, but Jax might, and if he didn't no big deal.

As... "humorous" as he was, Jax was more than capable of teaching a class, Caltin saw first hand his knowledge of the blade, and on top of that, there was something 'familiar' that was becoming more and more clear to him. Ever since they ran into each other on Naboo with Joran Del-Finn Joran Del-Finn . Caltin knew what was up, but he just could not prove it yet. Not that this was a bad thing. That would also be for another time. Right now, he was going to take a seat from high above and just watch, and if Jax saw him, he would just get a polite nod.

Don't mind me, kid.




Location: Silver Rest
Equipment: Jedi Robes Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Aayla Shan Aayla Shan , Shoden Moz Shoden Moz , Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

An hour passed as Jax continued to look down on the Jedi practicing their force skills, there were a clan of younglings who were sitting on the grassy fields doing deep breathing exercises with a Jedi Master. Jax smiled but then turned around to see that there was no one who came to his field to study Shii-Cho. He sighed, maybe the Jedi who read his notice board didn't feel the need to learn Form 1 after all it was the first form that a Jedi learns when they first touch a training saber. Shii-Cho wasn't exactly a difficult form to master only a complete uncoordinated nincompoop could frack the form up. And there definitely wasn't any nincompoops amongst the Jedi, still Jax was hopeful that at least one padawan could learn from him. The Bryn were planning something and it was only a matter of time before they reach Kayshykk.

He was interrupted when he saw Aayla Shan approaching him seemingly willing to train. Jax hadn't seen her since Charros IV and she picked a scar or three from that bloodbath of a battle. To think it wasn't that long since the evacuation of Charros IV, the memories of that battle still lingered in his mind motivating Jax to keep going and keep battling. The true threat wasn't the Sith, it was the Bryn who consumed fleets of thousands and were about to destroy an organization that stood for hundreds of years. "Aayla!" Jax said chuckling. "It's been a while! How you holding up? You here for my class?"

Just then a pale skinned woman appeared wearing elegant armor and had her hat over her hair. She said that she didn't have anything appropriate for the class which caused Jax to force a smile. "The armor is good enough," Jax said. "The name is Jax Thio: Jedi Knight of the Galactic Alliance I know this is Silver territory but I work part time for them and the bladesmaster is still recovering from Charros IV so the Triumvirate had chosen me to teach any willing Padawans or even Knights to sharpen their skills."

He then sensed a familiar presence: Caltin: The man whom Jax learned a lot from. The Jedi remained silent and observed Jax as he gave him a curt nod. Jax knew that Caltin was just observing him, but he couldn't help but feel that there was more to this visit. "Anywho," Jax said clapping his hands he knew how to teach he has a padawan: Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin Jax hoped that Aveline was okay that they would reunite to continue her training. "I'm just going to wait a little bit longer until more students but in the meantime can anyone of you ladies tell me what is Shii-Cho?"

Aayla was still engaging in small-talk. Listening to what her Jedi Sisters had to say, while learning bits and pieces from them about the happenings in the Galaxy. For instance, she now had learned about the rumors the Bryn'Adult war machine wasn't slowing whatsoever. In fact, they had sensed, and scouted them massing to invade the neighboring planets and systems of Lexrul, Ruusan, Sev Tok, and Shador. The information shouldn't have been a surprise, but here she was staring agape at it. One of the girls leaned over, whispering something into Aayla's ear, which caused her to look over her shoulder directly at Jax Thio Jax Thio . Whatever it was caused Aayla to blush, and immediately turn to put the other into a light headlock.

Her Jedi sister pushed her off, causing them both to laugh aloud. Aayla got into defensive position as if to fight, but would simply back away with a grin. They would spar later for sure, but she wanted to talk to Jax as well.

After he spoke, she offered him a bow of her form, seemingly her spirit was untouched by the horrors she'd witnessed on Charros IV, the young woman only seeming more full of life the more time that had passed from then. In the moment, sure, she felt alone; overwhelmed even by the amount of hatred the Bryn'Adul had inflicted, but today she stood stronger because of it.

She had built resolve from it. And she even had a few names that one could consider apart of her list. Sylok, and Galak... Bryn'Adul generals she had engaged first hand on Charros IV, the former even considering her to be 'his kill'.

Well, she was going to put that to the test. She was going to be ready for them next time.

"Of course, as if I could miss training with the man that saved my life... Is Master Dragovalor still outta' commission?" she asked curiously, gray hues widening as she turned and spotted Shoden Moz Shoden Moz approaching the training field. She couldn't help but notice the other was missing a hand(edit). Beyond that she couldn't but but wonder how it was lost? Bryn'Adul? Sith? Seemed like everyone treated them like a punching bag these days.

Aayla offered her a nod, and a smile as she greeted them in such a cheery manner. After offering a very brief frown at the missing limb, Aayla refocued on the Jedi Knight Jax Thio, eyes alight when he posed the question.

"Form One, Shii-Cho is the first saber form most students learn.. Referred to as The Way of the Sarlac in old texts, and more recently as The Determination Form." Aayla prattled, never one to miss out being a nerd.

She pulled the Witchblade from her back, and its custom sheath, resting the glorified speeder-saber atop the former, and turned to draw her lightsaber to her hands. Walking back past them, she turned and ignited the weapon, adopting the basic rest position of Shii-Cho with ease.

"If I remember, its the oldest Saber Form, and was in use well before the concept of Force Users fighting each other was a thing, which lead to the creation of Form two, Makashi"

After the brief lesson in history, as if either of them needed it, she slowly but deliberately performed a few slow swings from the rest position, making certain to observe her surroundings. After she demonstrated it a bit, she deactivated her saber, and clipped it back on her belt, again glancing over to Shoden Moz Shoden Moz with a strange look on her face; in truth she couldn't help but wonder how the other could Master the form while missing a hand. She simply wasn't rude enough to call her out on it. Not to mention, for all Aayla knew, the other might be able to teach them both something.
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Location: Silver Rest, Kashyyk
Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio Aayla Shan Aayla Shan Shoden Moz Shoden Moz Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Varn had seen a lot of things in his years as a knight of the Order. He'd seen men and women he had called friends fall in battle. He'd witnessed the death of worlds, seen the horrors of war and what came after. He knew the weight of fear, knew how the pride and optimism of youth could kill just as quickly as a blade could. So, when a padawan barely fourteen years of age spoke of how he couldn't wait for a chance to partake in real battle, Varn couldn't help but shake his head in pity. "You'll have to work on your footwork before the Masters decide to send you against the Order's enemies, young one." The Zabrak shifted his stance a touch. "Now, defend yourself."

A downwards cut of his practice sword sent the padawan rushing to parry. A feint. The blade tapped the young man's ribs. A gentle reminder.

"Footwork, lad, footwork." Frowning, the boy's face took on a more focused look. When Varn struck again, the boy slid to the side, turning the knight's blade as he did. The smile that followed was worn by both of them. "Good! Very good. Again." A couple hours passed before Varn decided to call the training to a halt. His students -padawans of various ages and races- gathered around him to listen as he explained to them the importance of balance and footwork. Some looked bored, others paid attention, but they all went away knowing a little bit more than they had at the start of the session. Varn took comfort in that.

Watching the padawans leave, it wasn't long before he turned to leave, too. The sight of Jax Thio Jax Thio standing at the edge of the practice field made him pause. The small group that had formed around the man was unfamiliar, though, that didn't stop the zabrak from turning in their direction. Curiosity or something much alike it made him approach the group as one of them, a young girl with a scar on her face, finished giving a speech of sorts. Varn couldn't help but overhear the word Makashi being thrown in there nor could he stop the wry smile that followed.

Makashi. Now, there's a Form I know, he thought, stopping a meter or so from the group. He nodded to Jax as he did, conscious of the fact that he might be interrupting something important.

Shoden Moz

Lady Mischief of Nordel
Oh boy, everyone was staring at her missing hand weren't they? She awkwardly rubbed the wrist-stump with a bit of a goofy grin. Hopefully they didn't think she was just a stupid girl for coming here, she'd really have to make a good impression now. Fortunately for her, Jax Thio Jax Thio was opening it up with a question rather than any physical exertion on anyone's part. This she could hopefully do! After all she did listen to her Dad's lectures back in the day, whenever she'd snuck out of the palace in time to catch them. Now how did he describe Shii-Cho again?

Fortunately the nice lady ( Aayla Shan Aayla Shan ) spoke up first, giving her time to rack through her memories. Her words helped a bit, as did taking up a stance and practicing a few slow swings. At first it just helped to emphasize her points, or at least appeared that way to Shoden, but when she glanced back at her... well that irked her ever so slightly. The strange look on her face, she really was judging her for the hand wasn't she? I mean, she was totally expecting that but really now, was that how she made first impressions?

Her turn.

She found herself a little space from the others and reached back behind herself, unclipping her dad's lightsaber. She ignited the yellow blade, and a split second after the main blade the crossguards flared to life as well. "It's swordplay adapted to lightsabers, and refined to remove basic principles that served no purpose anymore such as edge alignment. Despite that refinement, it's wild and raw when you compare it to later forms, minus one. It's also generally considered a poor choice for dueling, since almost everyone at least knows the form."

She lifted the weapon up into a proper Shii-Cho stance and gave a few swings of the weapon. Like she'd said, they were a bit more raw, and compared to Aayla they were almost clumsy in execution. She wasn't actually trained after all, and it had been a while since she practiced with anything besides her stun batons... which were naturally heavier than this. Still, she managed to keep from hitting herself, fortunate since the weapon was still set into a quite deadly state.

"Jedi aim to disarm opponents with this form often too, since aiming to kill with that wild nature is a pretty easy slippery slope. Right?"

She glanced at everyone in the area quickly, just to make sure she hadn't accidentally knocked anyone over or gotten something wrong. And also to give Aayla specifically a big grin to try and reassure her that she was fine.

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor :|: Varn Barakis Varn Barakis
As of late there was very little Dagos liked about living with the Jedi but if there was one thing he would still get excited for it was saber training. Dagos was going to be leaving Kashyyk soon to return to Commenor and for that reason(among others) had been blowing off his classes but when he saw the flyer put up by Jax Thio Jax Thio for some training in Shii-Cho, he decided he would go and blow off some steam. Dagos had seen Jax around a few times but did not know the man personally. In fact the last time he had seen him was the last time Dagos joined a group training session, where he had been taught the basics of the swinging gate by Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor . That had not been Dagos finest moment but ever since that day he had spent his down time honing what he was taught by the jacked Jedi Master. He had improved a lot too! Maybe he would get a chance to show Master Vanagor before he left the forested world and The Silver Rest.

Dagos walked through the vast field toward a small group of people who were swinging lightsabers around and as he did he saw he was about to cross paths with a group of Padawans who were going in the opposite direction of himself. They carried practice swords and were mopped with sweat and dirt. He overheard one of them mention ‘Varn’ and boot lick to the tallest boy telling him how great he had been during their own training session. The tall boy was Wellson Harrtt. He had thick black hair tied up in a bun, sun tanned skin and a look of superiority that one got from being handsome and talented and constantly being told about it.

“If it had gone on any longer i’m sure I would of gotten one on him eventually.” Wellson said smugly. He went to speak again but was cut off by Dagos intentionally shoulder bumping him hard as they passed by each other.

“Whoa there Terrek! As bad at walking as you are at showing up for class?” That smug jerk Wellson asked.

“Shut the kark up ‘fore I slap yo chit eating mouth.” Dagos shot back clearly, not quite as concerned about being out numbered by a group of boys with weapons as he should be. Training swords or not they could do a real number on him if they wanted to.

“What did you say to me?” the bantha herding jerk asked incredulously as he and the other three boys turned to face him.

“You heard me sucka!” Dagos practically yelled ready to swing a fist the second the other boy gave him a reason too. Wellson and the others just stood staring at him nt really sure what to do. Sure they had him on numbers but Dagos had at one time or another beaten each of them in sparring matches. He had beaten one of them so thoroughly that the padawan had to spend the night in a bacta tank.

“You’re not worth it. There gonna kick you outta here before long anyway.” Wellson said dismissively.

“Kark you!” this time Dagos did yell. He wanted more than anything to provoke these kids into a fight because they were right. He knew if he threw the first punch they would send him away. Back to his parents or to agriculture core or something that didn’t give him a light saber. They turned and walked off heading back toward the temple leaving him to fume alone.

“Karking punks.” He spat he himself turned and joined Jax’s group brushing past a Zabrak that positioned himself near the group but far enough away that he may not have actually been a part of it.

The group as it were was small. Two young women and Jax. One of the women was clad in armor. At least he wouldn’t be over dressed. He wore simply black sweat pants, a black tank top and sneakers.

He didn’t acknowledge anyone that he was there, they probably heard the shouting anyhow. He just waited hoping he would get to hit something soon.

Varn Barakis Varn Barakis Aayla Shan Aayla Shan Shoden Moz Shoden Moz
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Be careful what you wish for.



Location: Silver Rest
Conservator and Vanguard 2.0 (Lightsabers)
Comm-link, Rebreather, Custom Robes
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Dilorian in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Tag: Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek Shoden Moz Shoden Moz Aayla Shan Aayla Shan Varn Barakis Varn Barakis

He listened to everything so far.

He had seen everything so far.

He had heard and seen enough.

Jumping off of his high-point and landing on the ground, Master Vanagor stood erect. The big guy was with his ever-present... ... well it's a glare that he had. Reaching through the Force and speaking only to Jax, he looked at each individual.

~Don't worry my friend. I will not overshadow you, not try to anyway.~

Pulling Conservator to his hand. Not the newer, sleeker version that he likes to call "2.0", but the original, the big guy ignited the Permafrost blade and began to not only swing it around but would occasionally slip into Shii-Cho stances.

You are looking at one of the finest practitioners of Shii-Cho in the galaxy... not me... him... He nodded towards Jax. He is... unintentionally, I'm sure... done a disservice when the claim that Shii Cho is a poor choice for dueling is made. Cracking his neck, he thought about his days, when he learned the form itself. What he also thought about was the fact that he was indeed beginning to overshadow Jax and make his point as quickly as he could.

Maybe one on one there might be an issue for those who like to embrace their natural aggression, but I think back to a Nautolan Knight I once knew. He was a Master of Shii Cho himself and embarrassed a monster that was considered almost unbeatable thanks to his four arms, a lightsaber in each hand. As for the form itself, remember nothing else but the fact that NO form is particularly better than the others. EVERY form is better than another.

Satisfied that he made his point, Caltin glanced back at Jax. Sorry to interrupt my friend. I won't do it again...

Walking off to the side, he disengaged his weapon and went back to watching. The big guy sure did notice Dagos and his anger... if he didn't have somewhere to be, he might stick around and chat with the kid. He obviously needed a friend.

I'm probably going to anyway.


It was hard to not notice what was happening with Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek . At first she had noticed their collision, and winced at it, silently observing the things that transpired after. She didn't say anything, but knew all too well how he felt. In fact, she couldn't help but wonder if that was how she was back then... How she was now, in a way. She waved to him, and waved him closer to the group.

"Can't hear anything over there..." the older padawan mumbled in his direction, of course the irony of that being he could've heard them perfectly fine. In any case, she remembered feeling a certain hatred because no one reached out to her, when it was all she wanted in the darkest moments. No doubt he felt the same way, and the least she could do was try to let him feel welcomed. Sure, the Jedi were all nice and cheery, but people tended to forgot how competitive the Academies could get.

Maybe she had focused so hard on getting good with a lightsaber because she was tired of getting burned, and picked on... The girls could be savages too...

Her smirk was suddenly disturbed by the sudden appearance of Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor .

THE FETH is it with Jedi falling from the sky this month, she wondered, straightening up as soon as she saw him. After all, if it wasn't for that man, among others, she would be watching this event from inside the Silver Rest somewhere... Probably.

She listened to what he had to say, becoming mystified by the precision of his Shii-Cho. Listening to his words, and committing them to memory. When he finished, she would nod and offer Caltin a brief bow
"Thank You, Master Caltin.. May I ask, what kind of beast could use four lightsabers at once... Seems almost like over-compensating." she asked curiously, of course the situations in question were well before her time, but even a long dead droid could give her insight into the things she might expect to see within her career as a Jedi.

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Jax Thio Jax Thio Shoden Moz Shoden Moz Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek Varn Barakis Varn Barakis
Varn watched as Shoden Moz Shoden Moz distanced herself from the group, the flare of her lightsaber reason enough to do so. The short speech that followed reminded the Zabrak of the childhood he had once lived. Of the lessons, both theoretical and practical. In hindsight, those had been good days. The best of days, even. Funny how the realization only came after the fact. It was kind of sad, really.

When Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek brushed past him, the knight didn't protest nor raise a hand in greeting. For a moment he simply watched as the lad fell in alongside his peers. Odd. Varn could've sworn he'd sensed a certain... anger simmering just beneath the young man's skin as if it were his own. Thoughts of a life once lived turned to feelings of concern as he looked at the boy more closely. It was pretty clear that the kid had something bothering him. Whatever it was, he was trying to hide it behind an aura of aggression that Varn felt didn't quite belong. He made a mental note to take the padawan aside for a quiet word later, maybe once the lesson Master Thio led had been concluded.

Before then, however, Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor appeared. Varn could not have said where the Jedi Master had been beforehand. Yet, here he was, leading the group in a short, masterful display of what Shii-Cho could and should look like. The knight found that amusing. It was exactly like the lectures his own Masters had given him way back when. The nostalgia the big Jedi's words caused was most welcome. He smiled as Caltin handed the reins back to Jax. There was a history there too, it seemed. Varn knew it was not his place to dig into it, but a part of him was curious.

A dangerous thing to be, truth be told.


Location: Silver Rest
Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Aayla Shan Aayla Shan , Shoden Moz Shoden Moz , Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor , Varn Barakis Varn Barakis , Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek

Jax nodded giving Aayla a sad smile. "Unfortunately he is still out," he responded. "And given the shortage of Swordsmen who are still out on the field fighting off the Bryn. The SJC assigned me: An Alliance Jedi Knight to fill in, don't worry Aayla you're in good hands."

Aayla kept mentioning that she owed Jax after he saved her on Charros IV, Jax embarrassed about the whole ordeal told her that Jedi should be honored for doing what was expected. Though admittedly his ego did grow jut a tiny bit when Aayla gushed about him.

The ladies recited what Shii-Cho was which was solid albeit a bit basic but still Shii-Cho was essentially babies' first Lightsaber Form well aside from Form Zero of course. "Good," Jax said placing his hands behind his back and began to pace around the ladies. "It's the form we learn when we first hold a training saber. Shii-Cho was the first form to be developed by veteran swordsman when the Lightsaber was first constructed. Shii-Cho is the root form that every single mode of Lightsaber combat has taken."

"Shoden is correct on the fact that is on the weak side for dueling," Jax said. "But only if you just practice the basics, when taken to the next level to a more viable dueling style. Shii-Cho can be randomized and unpredictable rivaling that of Juyo masters, I myself have specialized in Shii-Cho and I've taken on many Sith Lords with this style and won. Yet the main thing I want you all to learn-"

He was cut off by Dagos who arrived, he trained with the young man before when learning Broken Gate. "Welcome Dagos," Jax said. "Please join us." Jax coughed. "I was about to say that Shii-Cho is great at one thing that I hope you take after this lesson: Crowd control. Against multiple opponents you will be like as efficient as a BX Commando Droid wielding a Vibroblade. But Shii-Cho is also great for disarming people."

He looked at Caltin who interrupted him. "No need to apologize Master," he said smiling. "Even I have a lot to learn and Master Vanagor has taught me many things."

Sighing a bit, Jax took out his Lightsaber. "Now," he said. "Let's go over the basic maneuvers and stances. Choose a partner and make sure that your Lightsabers are set to low level. You all don't want to end up like me."

Jax held his Prosthetic Arm to the crowd of students.


Shoden Moz

Lady Mischief of Nordel
Armor: father's armor
Weapon: lightsaber

Oh that was a lot of people talking. The girl kept turning her head around quickly, trying to keep track of everyone talking. It was a bit difficult for her, since sitting still really just wasn't her thing at all. All the same, she managed to follow along to the really big Jedi, the teacher, the padawans, and even managed to notice the grumpy looking boy joining them... sort of. So many, many people...

She nodded along right to the end. Caltin had a valid, good point regarding the usefulness and strength of forms. One that she herself thought she was making already, but probably in a bad, broken manner the more she thought about it. Perhaps next time she should just stay silent.

She turned off the yellow lightsaber and rejoined the rest, taking a place close to Aayla. Wanting to answer her question she whispered rather quickly, "Some species have four arms, and you could probably make a droid with four arms. Or cyborg for that." She could easily imagine it, though it would still be a nightmare to not hit yourself.

As she was speaking, she clipped the lightsaber away and dug in her belts pouches, pulling out a few hard candies. Wanting to be nice, she offered some to both Aayla and Dagos. Camdy makes everything better right?

All the pleasantries had to end though when Jax called for partner selection. She checked that her lightsaber was set to training mode, and tried not to get too flushed in the face realizing it hadn't already been so. She wiggled her stump-wrist playfully in reference to his prosthetic arm, giving a grin that hopefully hid her red cheeks. "Got a head start on that, sorry teach! Now then, you've been eyeing me up already so... partners?" The second sentence, of course changed from addressing Jax to Aayla.

Shoden did feel the need to prove herself after all.

Jax Thio Jax Thio :|: Aayla Shan Aayla Shan :|: Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek :|: Varn Barakis Varn Barakis :|: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Dagos gave Jax Thio Jax Thio a ‘what up’ nod when the Knight called him by name.

At the invitation of Aayla Shan Aayla Shan Dagos shrugged and moved closer to the group.

"Can't hear anything over there..." she said trying to make him feel more included. There was a part of him that was grateful for that gesture but at the moment that part was buried underneath the anger that remained at the forefront. His anger no longer burned as hot as it had when faced off with Wellson but it was still there, omnipresent. It was like a layer of snow, covering and dulling all his other feelings. Every experience he had was filtered through his anger it seemed.

Dagos opened his mouth just a bit but closed it almost immediately without saying anything. He had no idea what he would say. Hello? Thanks? Sorry? No he instead kept his mouth shut and probably looked more than a little standoffish. He didn’t know this person and despite her kindness, he did not fully trust it. She was older than he, with hair white as the plume on a derstyl(a predatory bird from Hoth), and bright angry scars on her face. She was clearly someone who had seen much and more, what reason would someone like her have to even notice him, beyond pity.

His anger was starting to become less dull. Who was she to pity him? He didn’t need her condescendence or anyone else's. His seething was interrupted by the sudden crash appearance of Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor . If one thing could be said it was that the Jedi Master knew how to make an arrival. If another thing could be said, it was that the Master knew how to monologue. Not that it was always bad, Cal seemed to always have lived something in his life that brought a lesson to what ever current situation he spoke about and that helped whenever he decided he was teaching.

Caltin praised Jax’s skill at Shii-Cho and that got Dagos’ attention. He had obviously come here to learn from the older Jedi but it wasn’t an easy thing to have Caltin Vanagor call you the best at something, Jax must be very good at this form. He spoke of a four armed monster and the Jedi that defeated it using Form I. A legend to be sure but one of those that sounded like it would be exciting with a lesson to be learned at the end about simplicity triumphing over flash or whatever. The padawan that waved him over asked to hear more from Cal as he took a place off to the side to let Jax get back to running the class.

The red-haired girl, Shoden Moz Shoden Moz leaned over and whispered something to the white haired girl before pulling a handful of candy out of her pocket to share with them. Dagos grabbed a purple one and popped it in his mouth. Yum, spice fruit.

They were asked to pair up and it seemed like the two girls were keen to face each other which would leave him...alone. Great. Maybe he should of just decked that blow-hard Wellson, because it didn’t look like he was gonna get a chance to hit anything over here.

Varn Barakis Varn Barakis
Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Aayla Shan Aayla Shan Shoden Moz Shoden Moz

The GA man did a good job of leading the class. Varn should've been taking notes, but it wasn't one of those moments and -honestly- he couldn't be bothered. His lessons were done for the day, and they'd ran relatively smoothly all things considered. A few raised tempers, sure. A few doubters, one or two braggarts who'd need to be knocked down a peg before their arrogance got them hurt. Every lesson was the same in that regard. There were always students who excelled and those who lagged behind, and those who couldn't help but settle in the space between the two.

He did his best to pay attention to them all. No small ask but what could you do?

When Jax told them all to find a partner and practice, Varn couldn't help but frown. The two girls -young women in truth- partnered up. Caltin had ghosted. Which left the angry guy who went by the name of Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek alone. Well, almost alone. On closer inspection, Caltin hadn't ghosted after all, and there was still Jax to consider. All the same, Varn figured he'd do the two of them a favour and step in. 'Sides, practice made perfect, and now was as good a time as ever to work out some of Dagos' frustration without anyone getting hurt in the process.

Fingers crossed.

"Looks like it's you and me, young man." Varn said, falling in alongside Dagos as the girls found a spot to practice. The Zabrak tilted his head in the opposite direction. "Let's make some space 'fore we cross sabers. I'd rather not take off Master Thio's other arm. Might strain relations somewhat, y'know?"


Aayla listened to what had been said, smiling at Degos as he came nearer; he was all full up with angst, it was sorta' funny. Now sucking on a hard candy from Shoden Moz Shoden Moz , she grinned as the woman drug her away to spar. Fair enough, she was eyeballing her became of the one hand, might as well give the girl a chance to strut her stuff. She would walk away from the main group, around ten feet or so. Entering one of the premade rings in the field. Nothing but painted grass, nothing permanent, and it would probably wash away the next time it rained; taking up a position on one of the rings, Aayla finally turned and glanced at Shoden curiously.

Aayla pulled her saber from her waist, using what fingernail she could to force the intensity setting to a low, it would still sting like hell, but wouldn't burn like usual; definitely wouldn't be cutting anything off. With that done, she didn't activate her saber, and instead would pop the candy out of her mouth to regard Shoden.
"Don't take it easy on me, I'll judge you for it.." she said, returning that candy to her mouth and letting that saber hiss to life. It certainly wasn't as loud as it usually was, just a light ticking emanating from it. With that, she turned to her side, entering the basic form of Shii-Cho, saber held in front of her navel as she observed Shoden with interest.

It was hard to not wonder just how much power the other could harness behind her strikes with just the hand, and to make a point Aayla would loosen herself within the force, not content to use any enhancing abilities like Force Valor, or the like. She wouldn't just started, but wasn't sure what Jax wanted them to do, if anything she would just let Shoden get the first strike.

Shoden Moz Shoden Moz Varn Barakis Varn Barakis Jax Thio Jax Thio Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor


Be careful what you wish for.



Location: Silver Rest
Conservator and Vanguard 2.0 (Lightsabers)
Comm-link, Rebreather, Custom Robes
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Dilorian in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Tag: Jax Thio Jax Thio Varn Barakis Varn Barakis Shoden Moz Shoden Moz Aayla Shan Aayla Shan

As he stood to this side, Caltin did intend to answer Aayla's question, but the other Padawan spoke up, and she was right. He could have left it there, but if he Aayla, he knew her to have more questions afterward. This was not bad at all, an intuitive mind is good for the path she was on and she would need it.

That Jedi's name was "Kit Fisto". He defeated a Kaleesh cyborg.

He did not know the Nautolan well, mind you, but he did know the fellow Jedi and had heard the rumor. Staying off to the side, Caltin did not want to interrupt anymore. He had to go in a minute, but if Jax wanted to get him to help "show them how it's done", he would oblige. It was his class though, and the big guy overshadowed him enough.


"Looks like it's you and me, young man." The Zabrak said to Dagos. It looked like Dagos would maybe get to hit someone today after all.

“Alright, fa sho.” Dagos said as Varn Barakis Varn Barakis suggested they move away while cracking a joke about Jax losing his other arm.

Dagos stepped away walking to a spot that was close enough still to Jax Thio Jax Thio to hear his instruction and lesson but giving him and his partner enough space to get into things. He faced slightly away from the Jedi Knight who stepped up to partner with him and let loose a long soft exhalation of breath in a bid to calm his nerves and ready his mind.

Dagos was not short on confidence, while he had never been in a true life or death fight with another forcer, he had done very well every time he had stepped into a training circle against other Padawans. The man in front of him now however was no padawan. He was several inches taller than Dagos was, significantly wider and heavier and at least a decade older. In reality Dagos had little to no chance against the larger, older, more experienced Jedi but there was a part of him that was desperate to prove himself. He had a less than impressive outing the last time he was in a training session with Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor and Jax both there to see.

Maybe it was on account of how much Master Vanagor looked like Joran, that Dagos wanted to impress him. Maybe it was on account that Master Vanagor himself impressed Dagos, that he wanted to impress him, he didn’t know. He for whatever reason just didn’t want to let him down again or weirdly Jax for that matter.

Dagos stood ready. His lightsaber still clipped to his belt.

Aayla Shan Aayla Shan Shoden Moz Shoden Moz


Location: Silver Rest
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Aayla Shan Aayla Shan , Shoden Moz Shoden Moz , Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor , Varn Barakis Varn Barakis , Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek

"Master Vanagor," Jax said motioning the Jedi Master to come. "Would you mind helping me observe the students as they undergo the basics of Shii-Cho? I want to make sure that they know the proper form."

Caltin was a very observant Jedi Master, helping Jax with the Broken Gate technique and the Juyo and Vaapad training. His assistance would be valuable if he accepts it of course. "We're gonna start from the basics," Jax said placing his hands behind his back while pacing at the students who were now paired up.

They paired how Jax expected, Shoden immediately went to partner with Aayla and Varn with Dagos. Shoden immediately hit it on with Aayla and Jax suspected that she might have a slight crush on her. He kept it to himself though, Dagos shook off the unease Jax sensed when he first came to the lesson and quickly befriended Varn who was standing at the ready. "Normally a teacher would bore you to death lectures about body target zones and zone based attacks." he said. "I won't do that, while it's good to have knowledge in my view experience is what matters. You can read all the books that you want but if you don't apply this to a battle or a duel it is useless. Learning through experience, training your body to the point where all the techniques are embedded into your muscles."

"There are two forms of Shii-Cho," Jax said. "Ideal form and Live combat form, for now we're going to do Ideal form. Where all the moves and maneuvers will be performed at perfect right angles. Strikes to the head should be executed using a vertical overhead and strikes to the side should be executed with horizontal sideswipes."

Motioning Caltin to come close to him, Jax took out his Lightsaber. "Master Caltin and I will demonstrate," he said. "And you will all follow."

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