Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Question So we notice changes are being made to the Factory, but what about the Codex?

Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Couple of minor quibbles, re: Species Creation -
  • Could we rework "Virus" to "Pathogen"? Not all pathogens are viruses, and making it broader in spectrum would be nice for those who want to make parasites or bacteria, etc.
  • Could we add a Third Mysterious Category for species that are technically neither Fauna or Flora? The Silentium are from the same galaxy as the Yuuzhan Vong, and while absolutely considered droids, are also their own species of synthetic life.
This is an idea for the planets section, but maybe add sub-folders to the approved planets with the area of the Galaxy they are in? So one folder for Outer Rim, one for the Core, one for the Mid Rim etc.

Could make it easier to look through the list and maybe find something fun to RP on within the section of the Galaxy you like. I do realize that it'd be a pain in the ass to sort the currently approved planets for it, so maybe only move those to a folder when requested by the author? And then make it something for newly submitted planets to be moved to the right folder.

Could also be possible for other parts of the Codex to get some extra sorting options like this, but planets is a bigger one for me personally. Choosing a planet/location is one of the first steps of almost every thread I write, and I think others might feel the same way!
This is an idea for the planets section, but maybe add sub-folders to the approved planets with the area of the Galaxy they are in? So one folder for Outer Rim, one for the Core, one for the Mid Rim etc.

Could make it easier to look through the list and maybe find something fun to RP on within the section of the Galaxy you like. I do realize that it'd be a pain in the ass to sort the currently approved planets for it, so maybe only move those to a folder when requested by the author? And then make it something for newly submitted planets to be moved to the right folder.

Could also be possible for other parts of the Codex to get some extra sorting options like this, but planets is a bigger one for me personally. Choosing a planet/location is one of the first steps of almost every thread I write, and I think others might feel the same way!

Just got done talking to the Factory and Codex teams, we’re gonna add a wiki for planets this weekend.

Maybe it expands. I dunno. Its failed twice in the past and i think like three days ago i said im never doing it again but i think we gonna do it again lmao im crazy the walls are talking
Just got done talking to the Factory and Codex teams, we’re gonna add a wiki for planets this weekend.

Maybe it expands. I dunno. Its failed twice in the past and i think like three days ago i said im never doing it again but i think we gonna do it again lmao im crazy the walls are talking

That's cool! Looking forward to seeing what's being made :) Loving all the energy and hype right now, too
Couple of minor quibbles, re: Species Creation -
  • Could we rework "Virus" to "Pathogen"? Not all pathogens are viruses, and making it broader in spectrum would be nice for those who want to make parasites or bacteria, etc.
  • Could we add a Third Mysterious Category for species that are technically neither Fauna or Flora? The Silentium are from the same galaxy as the Yuuzhan Vong, and while absolutely considered droids, are also their own species of synthetic life.
To add to this, and I hadn't thought about it previously... there is mineral life in Star Wars.
I guess they wouldn't be flora, but are they fauna, or something else?
I think Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau mentioned a mandatory tagging system. I think this could work and end up being useful.

All subs required to have preset tags. I'll use a location sub as an example. I think it would be prudent to have the planet, location name, affiliation name, creator name,etc all as mandatory tags. Someone wants to find everything affiliated with the Trade Federation? Just an easy click due to affiliation tabs.

On a more personal note, maybe more Codex contests to drive a broader interest. Staff too busy? Recruit some volunteer CJs for the event, make the volunteers do the legwork while the FT CJs are the guide rails.

This is pushing it too far but what about a subforum for each faction in the location and NPC sections to categorize their subs easier? Granted the tagging system would be an easier solution than this, just tossing the idea out.
Couple of minor quibbles, re: Species Creation -
  • Could we rework "Virus" to "Pathogen"? Not all pathogens are viruses, and making it broader in spectrum would be nice for those who want to make parasites or bacteria, etc.
  • Could we add a Third Mysterious Category for species that are technically neither Fauna or Flora? The Silentium are from the same galaxy as the Yuuzhan Vong, and while absolutely considered droids, are also their own species of synthetic life.

To add to this, and I hadn't thought about it previously... there is mineral life in Star Wars.
I guess they wouldn't be flora, but are they fauna, or something else?

These things are easily doable and don't require any technical changes. I have some thoughts of my own on how to get it done, similar to what we've done in the past, but I would like to see what your ideas are on a new template for both options.

If I add it I'd like to make sure it's functional and meets the goal we want to achieve.

So, feel free to take an existing template, modify it as needed, post it here or shoot me a PM. That goes for ANY template addition requests for the codex corner. I welcome any suggestions, though, I can't guarantee they'll all be added. (Ex. Sometimes...People ask for templates we already have or they don't realize there's already one that will fit what they need. I love options but I do want to avoid bloat.)
I think Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau mentioned a mandatory tagging system. I think this could work and end up being useful.

All subs required to have preset tags. I'll use a location sub as an example. I think it would be prudent to have the planet, location name, affiliation name, creator name,etc all as mandatory tags. Someone wants to find everything affiliated with the Trade Federation? Just an easy click due to affiliation tabs.

On a more personal note, maybe more Codex contests to drive a broader interest. Staff too busy? Recruit some volunteer CJs for the event, make the volunteers do the legwork while the FT CJs are the guide rails.

This is pushing it too far but what about a subforum for each faction in the location and NPC sections to categorize their subs easier? Granted the tagging system would be an easier solution than this, just tossing the idea out.

All im saying is if i dont start getting more contests, people are gonna start getting fired, its so easy to do and should be the bare minumum.

Like just have a contest and choose a winner lol

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