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Approved Tech TBG/AG-01 "Regrush" Type Vibrosword

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  • Intent: To make a nifty vibrosword for the Blackblade Guard Officer Corps
  • Image Source:
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source:


  • Classification: Vibrosword
  • Size:
    • Large (Standard Blade)
    • Average (Shoto-style)
  • Weight: Average

  • Lightsaber Resistant
  • Extreme Durability
  • Exceptional Cutting and Piercing Power

  • Lightsaber Resistant
  • Durability
  • Cutting Power


  • Difficulty Against Strong Armor
  • EMP/Ion Vulnerability
  • Melee Range

Out of all the atrocities perpetrated by the Blackblade Guard, all pale in comparison to Operation Decimation.

The systematic annihilation of the Mandalorian people that saw Mandalore transfigured into the planet now known as Moridinae. It was conducted in utter secrecy and at a bewildering pace. Most of the galaxy had no idea of what was truly happening until it reached its conclusion, and only then did they react in utter horror. The perpetrators of this were well known and had conducted the most thorough, efficient genocide in modern galactic history. It broke the backs of the Mandalorian people, saw much of their cultural identity erased beneath a tide of death. Countless clans were annihilated in the firestorm unleashed by Decimation. To the Blackblade Guard it became their greatest achievement to finally enact bloody vengeance on their hated foes, for the sins of the far past.

For the dedicated commanders who prosecuted this vicious genocide they deserved recognition, and in the eyes of their dark masters? A reward. In the aftermath of the development of the Hask, a new terrible weapon was conceived. It would share much of its design components with its highly successful predecessor only there would be many changes. Chief among these changes was the decision to utilize the terrible ore Tal'Beskar in its creation. It was fitting due to the horrific tale behind the creation of such an alloy, that an instrument of death would be forged through an alloy meshed with the victims slaughtered by genocide. The blades were designed in pairs with one larger blade, one smaller all specially designed for the enhanced size of the Blackblade Guard.

These weapons were outfitted with the latest technology in an ultrasonic vibration generator, and electro-plasma filament. The weapon itself was made of a unique compound using cortosis weave, a mullinine edge, and its core of tal'beskar. It ensured the weapon was entirely lightsaber resistant, with a superior cutting edge that would never dull, and a potential to short out lightsabers. Any design of the Blackblade Guard needed to be modular, efficient, and specially made for its unique warriors. They possessed a very ornate design, including a bright crimson line down the middle of the blade from the tal'beskar. Each one could similarly be personalized through the inclusion of unit insignia, individual insignia, flourishes and other alterations to the content of the individual. These were issued to every officer serving within the Blackblade Guard, and quickly became a symbol of their status as well as a source of pride. It was given the name in Ur-Kittât of "Regrush" or "Oblivion", a name chosen for the fate of the victims of Decimation.

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis

Simple and solid! I found one problem, the image link is broken, but I found a different site where it is also can be found. So please edit this. And if it not a big question, I would like to ask you to add my main account to the image source as well as I made the headers. Thank you in advance!
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