Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Ten Thousand Immortals

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Location: Hamesaki Spa, medical wing
People: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor @Anyone else

The trip to the world had been largely uneventful.. the large medical ship able to handle the trip easily enough and getting the boy down to the world itself wasn't bad. The Spa looked normal to most on the outside as it was the interior that gleamed and pulsed with the force. He had been brought through and itno the wing as they secured him and started with the Repli Implants that would be for the limbs. THe jedi healers using art fo the small to make sure they were connected and bonded at the smallest levels to function. The implants starting at the microcellular level to grow. Then it was waiting a few days to make sure they took.. the implants needing to be checked and tested as the next series was being given Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body and Muscle enhancements.

THey could be applied at the same time as he would be abel to get stronger and support himself. The Hemo enhancements for blood flow as the biogel that was used with it benefitted everything. Several days later as they worked on it they implanted Hawkeye implants to work on and fix the damage to the eyes and the Advanced Medical Implant which would aid in maintaining the implants and work on fighting rejection. The chamber he was left in filled with Scentzy as the healing spray could be inhaled and it was much stronger at beginning the healing processes. The jedi master checking on him as they continued to work and monitor the implants as well as his own condition. CHances of coming in and out of consciouness or his parents being here was a given so she planned for that... other visitors wanting to see him was there as well.

"HOw are we doing today? THe jedi master said it as she walked in and looked, the chamber filled with the best in terms of healing crystals and energy but it was also for physical movement. He needed to be abel to move and keep active as much as he could and the limbs themselves would grow and grow stronger. The rest of the room was set up with monitoring stations for the boy and some areas showed the projections of the growth of the limbs or what he should be able to do. Droid projections didn't factor everything in but they were helpful for a baseline and idea of what could happen. THe other thing was food and they were bringing a lot of food so he could eat and try to keep himself full with the physical toll the body was going to be taking in most cases. She found a place to sit and looked at datapads with information scrolling for the boy.
We will either find a way, or make one.
An eye for an eye only ends with the whole world blind.

Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant
[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
SECTOR: Hamesaki Spa, medical wing
MISSION: Recovery, that’s it.
TAGS: Matsu Ike Matsu Ike | Ryana mina Ryana mina (only if you want to, no pressure) | OPEN




How long has it been?

Does it matter?

His mind replayed that fateful day, over and over again in his mind while Connel was in stasis. That fateful day on Vendaxa where he drove off one Sith in Darth Ira, but in turn was defeated, crushed, humiliated, deconstructed… broken by Lord Kizash Lord Kizash . He knew that he would not “win” every fight, that was not realistic to think about, but this? This was humiliation, this was a message. As the young Jedi Knight revisited each crushing blow repeatedly, whether he wanted to or not, his will began to deteriorate.

What was the point?

His life would be a life of fear now.

His will was going… he would be one with the Force…

… until he woke up…

He woke to a body that did not feel his, he woke to a room he did not recognize... and in fact the only person Connel did recognize was Master Ike sitting not far away.


No chance at talking yet... oh well... was this real? Was this a transition? Did he have to live his life knowing it was forfeit?


Tag: Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

Ryana had made the trip with buster of course pip came but he stayed on her ship she could feel his mischievousness wasn't there so she trusted pip. As she walked the halls buster in toe the dog at her side seemed happier since they came his tail wagging "maybe connel will be awake this time" she said. Buster barked softly happily as the lethan and aak dog walked the spa buster had a littl gotten bigger and was a wee bit chunkier under ryanas watch.

Her and buster met up with one of the caretakers at the spa who instructed ryana where to go. As they walked she had to admit this place was beautiful even if that's what it was designed for it was the most beautiful place she had seen with her own two eyes anyway. As they got just outside the room ryana looked at buster "sit" she commanded with a loving tone as buster sat she walked in and saw matsu and she saw connel was awake she waved at him before looking back at matsu "master Ike is it safe for him to see a certain someone" she said pointing to buster who was wagging his tail and looked extremely eager to see connel.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Ryana mina Ryana mina

He was waking up and she gave a nod of her head. Seeing the other one join them as she spoke. "He can the implants have taken to him so he will be able to move just needs to rest and try to recover enough." She rose up and moved to look at the boy as she offered a soft smile. "Connel, you should be able to move but take it easy. THe implants for your eyes will take a little getting used to processing information." She said it and moved looking at the twi'lek as she gave a nod. "Just be easy on him, we can heal the body but the mind can be much harder and there is no telling what he might remember." She said it while walking and checking on the scans.
We will either find a way, or make one.
An eye for an eye only ends with the whole world blind.

Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant
[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
SECTOR: Hamesaki Spa, medical wing
MISSION: Recovery, that’s it.
TAGS: Matsu Ike Matsu Ike | Ryana mina Ryana mina | OPEN
What is this new experience?

His eyes could not be trusted right now. Everything he saw was “different”, not just in the scenery and location but as a whole. What was wrong? What happened? There was a feeling of anxiety as Connel tried to look around but could not even lift his own head. Wiggling the fingers was good, but that was it. What was happening?

Why was he here?

Connel had no idea. It felt like he should… wait… what was with the hands? The immobility? The eye sight? He felt like something important happened, but could not remember for the life of him. The confusion was bringing incredible anxiety into Connel’s mind and while he was conscious of it, and trying to calm down, it was proving… difficult. He could sense, and see Ryana come in and wave at him, all he could do was look her way and wave just his hand.

Was Buster here?

The bark out in the hall, the excited cries, yep “wigglebutt” is waiting until Mother came walking in, holding him. Buster was his normal uber-excited wiggling wagging self, yet when he broke free from Mother’s supporting hold (and her scratches), surprisingly, the Gallinorese Mountain Aak Dog was gentle. He did jump on the bed, but at Connel’s feet, and slinked on top of them, positioning himself where his head was “in” one of Connel’s hands so it could get scratched.

It felt like this was the first time in months that the Jedi Knight was calm, and happy.

Mother greeted both of the other two (Matsu and Ryana) and was all too happy to listen. She was just here for her son to have some sense of normalcy, no real business at hand.

Tag: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Matsu Ike Matsu Ike

Ryana smiled as matsu said buster could come in but as she turned she saw connels mom walking in with buster giving him scratches the dog was definitely loved by alot of people "hello missus Vanagor" she said. Although ryana felt unneeded at the moment connel had his mother here and ryana wouldn't be of use in healing connel in any way that she knew of. She was just busters dog sitter until connel got better she did enjoy the time with buster as buster was more of a snuggle bug than pip.

Still as she looked at connel and buster she saw the love the two had for each other. She knew how it felt she loved pip and pip loved her although he also loved making her life difficult sometimes aswell so when she saw that love she didn't try to get in its way especially in a situation like this. She stayed out of the way for now but was alert if she was needed.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Ryana mina Ryana mina

She bowed to the woman and seeing the pet offered a smile. The scans were coming and she moved a little to give some privacy but also be ther ein case anything happened. SHe looked down when one of the Glydr came in moving. THe small droid on its two legs for a moment as she grinned. "Well are you here to make sure he is safe?" SHe said it and picked him up while looking at buster and the others. "You have another visitor, the Glydr droids we made are designed to protect and he seems to have taken a shine... just don't feed him to much but he'll make sure if there is an attack you are protected and the dozen others on the planet."
We will either find a way, or make one.
An eye for an eye only ends with the whole world blind.

Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant
[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
SECTOR: Hamesaki Spa, medical wing
MISSION: Recovery, that’s it.
TAGS: Matsu Ike Matsu Ike | Ryana mina Ryana mina | OPEN

As Connel and Buster seemed to be happy, and the addition of “Glydr” being around, that part of the room seemed to be settled. With that, Chrysa seemed to be a little more relaxed with that. Oh, she would visit with her son, but she had something else to handle first. No doubt Mina did not consider watching Buster while her son was crying convalescing a big deal, but Chrysa knew what this meant to her son. He was always someone who had a hard time making friends, so this was comparable to standing between him and a lightsaber.

Casually, Chrysa asked Matsu to give Ryana access to any medical files that would normally be restricted. She said this recognizing how awkward the Twi’Lek seemed to be and that she was “family” now and that is what families do. With that being done, she wondered how her son’s progress was going.

Tag: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Matsu Ike Matsu Ike

Ryana was glad connel had family she never knew what the feeling the closest she ever came was pip and the few friends she made at the temple. But she never knew the love of her own mother she never had her own father tuck her in at night. "I'll leave you four alone for now I'll be back" she said as she stepped out of the room and out onto the outer courtyard staring at the spa. She gasped as she saw a familiar furry face swim by she stared him down as their eyes met "how'd you get out of the ship" she said looking at the small racyon.
The loose fitting attire was comfortable around her stomach at least, and billowy enough to hide in. Each step feeling like a hike that had gone on for an hour too long as she tried to keep her pace even. Naboo was a pleasant place, but shut in as she was, she was still making the occasional escape with each excuse she could find. Even if the ship she'd been made to take was a gleaming eyesore regardless of the angle you looked from and hardly fit for attempting to sneak away. Her clothes a mix of warm colors denoting Naboo once more as if the shuttle hadn't announced the point.

Lossa's presence here once again challenging the order to remain at home once she learned the whereabouts of Connel in his healing sleep.

He'd been a sore sight when he'd been in the bacta tank. And she'd skimmed the details that had been shared with her after her return home to Naboo. Appeasing the worry warts about her own health before making another trip to get an update on the Knight that had helped her on Jakku. SID-10S "Sid" SID-10S "Sid" still hot on her heels, and making her mindful of the need to pause soon to rest. A comment made from habit and programmed concern. But the words sent a spike of irrational anger through her. As though she weren't mindful of herself after the repeated check ins at home by the Jedi Healer that Bri had found to stay with her.

Or the near constant appearance of the doctor that had, dropped by to get an update after hearing a concerned word from the Jedi Healer. It probably wasn't near as constant as she perceived it to be, but it certainly felt that way to her.

The droids word was merely the final straw on the dewbacks back as she rounded on him, wide eyed and brows knit together as she pointed a finger at him.

"Bri might not be able to take your arm off without her lightsaber, but I can. And I will beat you with it if you remind me again in the next half hour." Once again staring up at the droid who had yet to lose one of their staring matches with the ebb and flow of her ire and sorrows.

"I have set a timer for half a standard hour. As well," Sid cocked his head slightly as if mimicking a biological's moment of thought. "You should refrain from making threats. Undue stress will only cause issues-"

"We. Are. In. A. Hospital." She hissed through clenched teeth, taking a step closer to the droid and wondered how much Bri actually liked her droid. "I. Will be. Fine."

For as unfeeling as a droid could be, she could have sworn there was a speculative twitch to the shutters of his eyes. A scoff ended this spat between them as she continued on, eventually finding herself in the spa area, spying the twi'lek that had been present before. Offering a single handed wave as she made to move on, pausing to look back at Ryana once more and appearing indecisive as the droid towered over her.

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Ryana mina Ryana mina Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Listening she gave a nod and allowing access to the medical information for Ryana was different but fine. She turned her attention as Lossa came with a large droid and standing in the middle area the Jedi master bowed. "Welcome." She said it walking around to the side and able to look at Connel. She looked down at him and spoke. "His implants are holdings, it will take some time for the biogel to fully adapt to the body but it will ease the process. The repli-limbs will regrow but need to be worked out. All and all if is in a good place to recover physically, the staff here are some of the best and additional doctors or healers are a jump away. The Arisen can handle more as I am needed to step away and over see the newest temple being built." She said it and moved back before heading towards the door leading out into the small garden and standing at the center. "I will return later. Talk, there is food and do as you can to keep him maybe not cheery but positive in this. If help is needed we do have specially trained and developed biots that oversee a jedi's mental state."
We will either find a way, or make one.
An eye for an eye only ends with the whole world blind.

Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant
[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
SECTOR: Hamesaki Spa, medical wing
MISSION: Recovery, that’s it.
TAGS: Matsu Ike Matsu Ike | Ryana mina Ryana mina | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | OPEN

A few moments later, as Lossa was walking into a pat on her back, Ryana would be met by none other than “Mrs. Vanagor” herself. Almost immediately her eyes turned to saucer plates and her jaw fell a couple of inches at the sight of Pip. Wanting to kneel for a moment to pet the little (no doubt) mischievous ball of fur, she paused at the thought to stand next to Ryana.

“So, you’re coming back in, right? Not just to pick up Buster, but well. To sit with us?” The Patriarch smiled. “You know… family gathering?” There was clearly more to that.

Meanwhile inside, Connel was still trying to figure out what had happened to him and why he was having trouble moving. Buster seemed to be all too happy to move himself into the best possible position for scratches and make his human smile (or try to anyway). He hoped mother would talk to Ryana, he liked her (not like that) and the fact that she was here meant a lot to him.

Wait, Lossa’s here too? Hhh hhi Why can’t he talk? He could barely…

~Hey there. Sorry I’m like this. I don’t know what happened. How are you?~

His body may be slow and weak, but his mind more than made up.

Tag: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Ryana gave lossa a wave back as the woman walked by before looking back at the small racyon who continued swimming in circles. "I am he's the reason I came out" she said pointing to pip who was still swimming in front of them part of her was thinking of ways to scold pip for breaking out of her ship. Unfortunately she would have to watch buster aswell "come on pip" she said as pip swam up to the platform they where on and crawled on shaking himself mostly dry causing ryana to scoop up the small racyon in her jedi cloak and dry him off in that as she and connels mom walked back in.
Her indecisive moments allowed for Master Ike to move about. The bow and greeting matched with the ever growing practice of noble manners that Lossa had found herself mired in. "Greetings, Master Ike."

Watching the Master pass her by to move to where Connel likely was before the Twi'lek waved to her. A warm smile paired with her own wave back to Ryana as Matsu's voice caught her attention. The severity of the words failing to wipe away the smile on Lossa's face as she watched Ryana and Mrs. Vanagor speak to one another.

A brush against her mind however made her sharply look away to find the source.

Sid followed behind her as she carefully circled to spy Connel. The additional augmentations might have caused another to pause, but time in the Outer Rim had schooled the jolt of surprise out of her system as she let the feeling of joyous warmth fill the air at the sight of him.

"Hey to you too. And don't worry about it. I came because I wanted to. Even if I have to have the murder-can for company." Nodding behind her to Briana's droid SID-10S "Sid" SID-10S "Sid" that tried his best to compact his size. Eventually scanning the room before moving back to the more open space to keep an eye on her and let the biologicals have the space. "An I'm doin. Trying to stay on my feet anymore."

We will either find a way, or make one.
An eye for an eye only ends with the whole world blind.

Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant
[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
SECTOR: Hamesaki Spa, medical wing
MISSION: Recovery, that’s it.
TAGS: Matsu Ike Matsu Ike | Ryana mina Ryana mina | OPEN

As everyone seemed to come (or come back) in… maybe it was his weakened state… maybe it was his broken spirit… maybe it was something else… no matter what it was Connel was feeling emotional at the sight of everyone.

He may be having serious difficulty moving and making little to no progress, but Connel’s eyes were meeting everyone else’s as he looked around.

... H… H… The frustration was evident as he was able to mouth the words he wanted to say, but there was all but no volume to them. ... H… H…

Chrysa moved around to the other side of her son and crouched down next to him, she was going to be his mouthpiece the best he could. She retold how he was sorry that he dragged everyone here, which is ridiculous in her, and she had no doubt everyone else’s eyes. He did not know what happened to him, but was certain it was something stupid as Father did not see himself to show. Chrysa then took a moment to tell him how wrong he was, how she pushed Caltin back out into the galaxy and used her skills in the Force to enable him to do so with no emotions. She told him (and everyone else by proxy) that he was sinking into despair feeling the failure(she was meaning the failure of a father who could not prepare his son, but he was understanding that Caltin was broken at Connel’s failure out of embarrassment). This might have been something to be said in private and just the two of them, but it was out there now and that was that.

Looking up with a sheepish smile, she realized this and apologized for the awkward moment. She then went to change the subject and asked about Lossa’s child… the gender? How far along? Hopefully she did not lose her arm in combat with child.
We will either find a way, or make one.

LOCATION : Hamesaki Spa, Medical Wing | OBJECTIVE : Continue Recovery
TAG : Matsu Ike Matsu Ike | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | @Ryanna Mina​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"
It had been several days since he had awoken from the medical stasis. Slowly his body, the actual body, not the cybernetics, what was left of it was starting to “wake up” and regain some semblance of strength. It was still a drain on the psyche to feel like you could take on the galaxy (physically) without breaking a sweat only a few days ago, and now be perilously out of breath and need help to simply sit up. He was told he was making progress, and he was but Connel did not feel as such. The young Jedi Knight was broken, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

The nurses and attendees coming in and out were nice enough, often stopping to chat with him about anything other than his medical needs and just “shoot the breeze”, or eat their meal with him so he did not feel so alone. Make no mistake, neither his mother, nor his father were “absent” in any way. It was Connel who told the both of them that he would be fine and that they did not not need to lord over him every minute of the day. They had lives and responsibilities and while he would welcome their visits (though for some reason father showed absolutely no emotion about this, he had always been “stoic” but this was new) but he was only hindering their existence right now. So they agreed to make contact every other day and visit as much as possible. Something that they have surprisingly kept to, the both of them.

It was weird sitting there during his therapy session, or meal time without Buster. Ryanna… thank the Force had him for now so he was in good hands. It was just weird that he could eat a meal in peace. The thought made him laugh, he had not laughed for a long time.​

... or so it felt...


Tag: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

Ryana walked in with an extremely happy buster for the first time since their last visit in toe "hey connel i heard you where making progress plus I have someone who's been anxious for his next visit." She said as she picked up buster and set the small dog on the bed she gave him head scratches before buster ran up to connel. She smiled the love buster had for connel was remarkable "he loves you far more than you know connel" she said standing there.
She watched as Ryana mina Ryana mina went to see Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor first.

Sid was still present over her, taking in the sights around them and cataloging every being that entered and left Connel's suite. Something that the droid had made sure to inform Lossa was a security measure more for her than Connel. It hadn't stopped the slight curl of a smile from forming on her face as she nodded along quietly.

The droid was overbearing, curt, and all too happy with threatening everyone. But he had his moments.

Sitting at a table both Sid and the staff had been kind enough to bring around to keep her off her feet as she waited to keep from overdoing the guest count for Connel.
We will either find a way, or make one.

LOCATION : Hamesaki Spa, Medical Wing | OBJECTIVE : Continue Recovery
TAG : Matsu Ike Matsu Ike | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Ryana mina Ryana mina Mina​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

He actually smiled with the arrival of both @Ryanna Mina and Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus . He was maybe ten minutes on the other side of breakfast, so the young Jedi Knight saved a few sausage links, something he would normally do for a quick snack an hour later just before physical therapy, but today…

He had another visitor.

This had brought the biggest smile on Connel’s face in years, and I mean years. Letting his best friend quiggle, wiggle, jiggle, and squiglle his way closer before slowly, exhaustively pulling the aak pup even closer, Connel hugged and scratched his best friend like there was no tomorrow. All the while mouthing the words “You’ve been a good boy? I’ve missed you… Good boy.” Ryanna swelled his heart at her observation of how Buster felt. He then nodded at his best friend whispering something unintelligible, stopping and trying to repeat himself several times.

When one of the nurses began to make way over to the nearby tray stand, he waved her off, knowing what he needed to do in a time like this.

Lapping his own lips, Connel waved off the nurse and went for his cup of ice water. It was as if he was trying to lift a freighter, but he pulled the cup to his mouth and drank. Several “GUH”’s and esophageal strains later, the younger Vanagor struggled and strained, but put the cup back on the stand successfully. Even smirked at the droid pointing at his success.

“I see… it’s about time!” She laughed and then whispered to both of the other Jedi he’s always doing that, but spilled it many times. It’s been a source of irritation for him.”

T… tha…. Thank you… he’s…… he … he saved my life. It was more than half unintelligible, but yea, he was working on speaking. Of course there was more to what he had just said, but that would be addressed down the road.

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