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Private The Boyfriend and His Girlfriend's Daughter


Location: Vulpter
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Nitya Xeraic Nitya Xeraic , Jairdain Jairdain

"I wonder what surprise that NJO has for me now?"

Jax landed his X-Wing on the planet Vulptren the Jedi Knight didn't have any fond memories of the Vulptren considering a few years ago Jax nearly died to a Vulptren Podracer named Dudlious Bolt the descendant of the legendary Podracer: Dud Bolt. The arrogant blue bastard challenged Jax to a one on one Podracing. Jax won which caused the egotistical Dudlious to send Maladian assassins after Jax which after a long and bloody battle the Jedi emerged victorious though he had to spend a few weeks in a Bacta Tank to fully recover. As Jax exited his X-Wing he sighed, he didn't think he'll come back to this planet again but of course the NJO had a mission for Jax here as well as surprise. Might as well figure what's going on?

Her mother had actually decided to spend a bit of time with her. This one small act by itself had made months of feeling alone not be so bad. Jairdain had been busy with her Jedi duties and time in the Netherworld with her dead husband. After she had returned, she had started to spend more time with Nitya. It made her life better and the girl was happy. Then this journey happened and she had been dropped off on this strange world to meet with Jax...her mom's boyfriend.

She really didn't have any feelings for or against him. They had never met but that was going to change in the very near future. All she had to be was patient. Waiting in the shadows, she had learned well from her mother and wasn't noticed by those walking past her.

Her hood covered her dark hair and she watched for Jax to arrive. Seeing his ship come in, she didn't step out yet. She wanted to get a look at and read on him before they met. Letting out a sigh, she watched him come out of his ship.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Vultper
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Nitya Xeraic Nitya Xeraic

Jax looked around the place feeling a little uncomfortable, he didn't want to stay on Vultper longer than he needs to be. Dudlious was a fairly popular person on the planet and has some friends that could spot Jax and inform him. Maybe it's Jax's paranoia speaking but he much rather get this mission done quickly so he can get the frack out of here. Just then, the Jedi Master felt a tremor in the Force a fellow Jedi who gave a familiar vibe almost similar to Jairdain. "Strange," Jax mumbled to himself while he continued to walk.

He sensed a young woman observing him. Looking up, Jax's heartbeat stopped for a brief moment, his eyes widened with shock. He couldn't believe who he was seeing, the girl.... she had pale skin, strands of her long black hair that fell past her face, and violet eyes though one of them was a darker violet. The girl possessed a calm demeanor to her similar to Jair it was then Jax realized that this was no mission. That this was just a setup most likely by Jairdain to get Jax to meet her daughter. "Oh no," Jax moaned his voice a whisper.

In their time together, Jax was very reluctant to meet Jair's children. It didn't feel right to be the man whom Jair was seeing while their father became one with the Force. Jax couldn't imagine the pain they were still feeling when their father past, it was probably magnified when they all found that their own mother was already dating. Despite Jair's insistence, Jax did everything in he could to resist the notion of meeting her kids. He wasn't parent material nor will he replace Yuroric. Besides, he imagines that the children will just lash out him for possibly seducing their mother.

"Hello there," Jax said sporting a nervous grin. "So.... you're the one to help with a mission for the Galactic Alliance?"

He knew it was likely bogus but decided to act as though he didn't know. Maybe Jair's daughter wasn't aware of what was going on anyway.

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Typical...even though she could get ignored by the general population, a Force user could pick up on her. Knowing exactly who was approaching didn't change the fact Nitya had failed to keep herself hidden from him. Realizing she just wasn't yet as good as her mother, she gave up on trying to hide and took the hood off of her to reveal her dark hair. Much like Jairdain's, it wasn't as long. Instead, the teen kept it cut shorter and it stopped near her shoulders. She just didn't want it to get in her way and she was far more active in fighting than her mother ever would be.

"Good afternoon, Master Thio."

While who he was meeting was a surprise to Jax, the girl knew who was coming. Easily picking up on that fact he was nervous, Nitya didn't do anything to help or hinder his feeling. She just accepted what her mother would do. Maybe she was too much like her but it was sometimes the fate of children to follow in the steps of their parents. Her sister was much more like their father than she ever could be.

"What mission do you need help with, Master?"

The teen appeared to look at him. One eye clearly focused on him, the other was too but its gaze was hauntingly like Jairdain's. She had learned how to use the Force to see how people felt and it was with this ability that she looked at him with. Unless he actively tried to block her, then she would easily be able to read his surface emotions and thoughts. Even including his reluctance to meet her.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Vulpter
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Nitya Xeraic Nitya Xeraic

Jax continued to watch Jair's daughter from afar sensing her disappointment. Judging on how she kept her distance from him and how she covered her face with her hood, the young girl probably wanted to keep herself hidden. Jax felt a little guilty, it wasn't easy trying to erase your Force presence the most subtle and mundane actions can summon the Force. Once a Jedi is connected to the Force, it's tough to leave which was the reason why Jax once rejected an offer to join the SIA and become a Jedi Shadow. He just wasn't proficient enough to hide his Force presence. The young woman emerged from her hiding place and walked towards Jax removing her hood and revealing her long, black hair. Jax wondered why he was sent here to meet her, if it was Jair who sent Jax to meet her daughter then he has some choice words for her.

The Jedi didn't want to interfere with her family he didn't belong but it seemed that Jair got the better of him this time. "Good afternoon," Jax said forcing a smile and bowing at her. Master Thio..... It's usually used by padawans or nobles to address Jedi regardless of rank. Although Jax desired the rank of Master, he didn't think he'll ever attain given his attitude and questionable ways he'd completed missions.

It was then the young woman asked what mission he needed help with. "Wait?" Jax gave a nervous chuckled confused by what's going. "What mission are you talking about? I've been sent here by the NJO to do a mission but I haven't got any details."

Things just got even stranger now, the daughter was just as confused as Jax was of the whole situation. "I was under the impression that you knew about what was going on?" Jax said looking around nervously.

What the frack was going on? Thankfully Jax had a copy of the message he received, he'll have to scan its contents. "Looks like we've been lead here," Jax muttered shaking his head. "You're one of Jairdain's daughters right? Might I know your name?"

Might as well get it out of the way, maybe the Force bought them together. Either way Jax felt it was inevitable that he would have to face Jair's family.

The teen might be half-blind but she didn't mix that Jax gave her a false smile. When they actually got face to face, he asked her what mission she was talking about. Shrugging her shoulders and giving him a bland look, Nitya shook her head and pointed at him.

"You're the one that mentioned it first. Now you tell me, you don't know what you're talking about?"

Letting out a disgusted sound, she crossed her arms over her chest and waited to hear what he had to say about this. Then he said he didn't have any details, she shrugged again.

"I don't know anything about any mission, Master Thio. Only what my mother told me and that was to meet you. My name is Nitya Xeraic and yes, Jairdain is my mother."

Not that she thought it too important who her mother was. He obviously did. Of course, he would. He was dating her mother.

"Why didn't you want to meet me, Master Thio?"

Keeping her hands to herself, she did not try to reach out and shake his hand. Lifting one of her eyebrows, very much like Jairdain, she again waited on him.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Vulpter
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Nitya Xeraic Nitya Xeraic

Well Nitya definitely is Jair's daughter, who else can pull the "Jair face" of calmness well? She also was a bit annoyed with Jax being just as confused as he was as to why they were here. "I think I know what's going on," Jax said shaking his head. "I think your mother was the one who arranged all of this."

Jairdain wanted Jax to train her daughter not only because she wants her trained properly but also so Jax can start bonding. Nitya was pretty persistent despite inheriting Jair's patience. "I mean," Jax began to chuckle nervously. "It's not like I don't want to meet it's just that it's too soon to meet you know?"

Why is Jairdain doing this to him? Nitya pretty much confirmed it was her mother who did arranged this. "This has your mother's fingerprints all over it," Jax said shaking his head. "Considering that she's the only source in all of this."

Might as well tell Nitya what was going on. "Your mother wants me to train you Nitya," Jax said. "She also wants me to bond with you and the rest of her family, but I'm not exactly comfortable with that. I feel like I'm encroaching at a bad time."

Giving him a rather good glare with her good eye, Nitya listened to the answers and thoughts given to her. Lifting a hand to her chin, she tapped it with one finger in thought herself.

"You said you were sent here on a mission that came from the Alliance? How does my mother fit into that picture? That's not something she could or even would fabricate."

Blinking her eyes a few times, the teen recrossed her arms over her chest and almost appeared to be hugging herself. While she was a lot like her mother, she was not the same person. Feeling a bit lost, she did her best to be like Jairdain. Calm, collected, confident...most of the time she was. However, not right now. Trying to cover her insecurity, she got a little snippy with Jax.

"Why would she want that? She and my father trained me before he died."

Of course, she was not entirely clear about what she meant. Then again, he was the adult here and should be able to figure out what her question applied to.

"Facing the death of a loved one is never a good time. It's been a few years since it happened though. Besides, I'm much closer to my mom than I was Yuroic. Bond, huh? Well, we're off to a good start. Figuring out what this mystery mission is you were sent on."

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Vulpter
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Nitya Xeraic Nitya Xeraic

Even though Nitya's mentality in many ways was like Jair's, she still had that teenage sense of uncertainty. She can put up a strong front, but after a few seconds the cracks started to show. "Your mother may be a calm and reserved woman," Jax said. "But she does have a mischievous side."

Jairdain loved to trick Jax by placing illusions of herself or other items. There was a time she offered Jax a peach in which he eagerly took as soon as he bit into though, his tongue bit into a hard, green leaf. Jairdain had transformed the Peach into a Cabbage to get him to eat more vegetables much to Jax's chagrin. "I wouldn't put it past her to cast an illusion on letters and what not," Jax said. "She really wanted us to meet."

The Jedi Master's face was creased into sadness when Niyta bluntly stated that she was closer to Jair than her father. That may be true, but Jax could sense her insecurity. He knew that deep down, she missed her father. "Saying that your closer to your mother is not erasing the fact the you missed your father," Jax said with a sad smile. "It's okay to continue to mourn."

Jax wasn't Yuroic, but he is her teacher and he's going to have to go with it. "Your mother....." Jax said. "Wants you to complete your Jedi training, you're not done and there's more that you need to learn. So I guess I have to take you on Niyta."

This is going to suck, training his girlfriend's daughter who's still fresh off mourning her father. "I'm also guessing that this a good way to heal from your father's.... well..... you know," Jax gulped. He kept saying that he doesn't want to be a replacement for Yuroic, but Jair is really not making this easy for him.

The girl was familiar with the tricks her mother liked to play on people. Though Nitya did not think this was the type of prank she would play.

"I know those same tricks, Master Thio. I'm not as good as my mom yet. Someday, maybe I will be. As for the letter of a mission for you, may I see it?"

If he gave it to her, she would look it over. With both of her eyes. One with the Force and the other physical. Pulling it close to her face and really taking a good look, she handed it back to him. Waving a hand, the simple spell Jairdain had used to make it look authentic disappeared.

"It's a blank message. Just a piece of paper for all intents and purposes. How did she get Alliance paper?"

That probably didn't matter in the long run but it was something the teen was curious about. Handing Jax the paper back to him, she listened to his other comments. Tears started to well up as he spoke about her mourning the death of Yuroic. Trying to blink them away and not show just how vulnerable she was feeling, a spike of anger hit her. Unlike her mother, Nitya had yet to be able to control herself when some feelings gained strength.

Opening and closing a hand for just a second, before she really thought about the action, a palm was connecting with his cheek. Drawing in a sharp breath, that hand covered her mouth in surprise.

"I'm sorry, Master Thio!"

Looking like she was ready to run and hide, she maintained enough control of her instincts and stayed put.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Vultper
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Nitya Xeraic Nitya Xeraic

Jax knew that Nitya was going to slap him, it was foolish of him to even press the issue about her father to a grieving young girl. The Jedi felt a sharp sting across his cheek, a tiny bit of blood came out from the corner of his mouth. If there was one thing that Nitya had was strength, Jairdain was nowhere near as fierce as she was. Jax remained calm even though Nitya looked like she wanted to run and hide.

"Nitya," Jax walked towards the young woman placing his hand on her slender sending calm energies of the Force throughout her body. "It's okay to miss your father. I didn't want to see you because, I was afraid that you might think that I'm replacing your father."

Jax sighed. "But I'm not going to replace Yuroic," Jax continued. "I can't but what I can do is to train you in the ways of the Force. Just like what your mother would've wanted."

He smiled at the young woman, another apprentice taken under his wing. It was funny that he was given a slew of Padawans now and days. "It's time for you to become a Jedi," Jax said. "Just like your father."

Sniffling a little, she was glad Jax hadn't gotten mad at her for slapping him. Besides...she felt he deserved it. Lifting a hand to wipe at her good eye, she tried to calmly listen to what he had to say. When he mentioned she was afraid to be the replacement for her father, Nitya shook her head. Again, crossing her arms over her chest, she hugged herself while he tried to comfort her.

"You're right. You will never be able to replace my father. Not in that aspect, what we can agree on is a working relationship. Maybe someday, I will think and feel like you are a father to me. Today is not that day."

Breathing in and out a few times, there was a bit of silence between them while she did this. Feeling much calmer, she did not know if it was because of his calming touch or through her own actions. Either way, she would attempt to shrug his hands off of her shoulders and stand in front of him. As tall and as proud as she could.

"Master Thio, will you teach me how to use a lightsaber?"

Jairdain was all about mental powers and hardly knew how to use hers. Yuroic had been all about physical fighting...he had died before passing much of his knowledge to her.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Vultper
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Nitya Xeraic Nitya Xeraic

Jax didn't want to be a replacement for Yuroic, he didn't even want to be here but Jair just wanted to frack that up for him. He'll have confront her on this in another time but right now, he has to deal with Nitya. His Padawan. "I'm not your father," Jax stated. "I'm only your master Nitya, it's best that you see me that way."

He wanted to avoid the awkwardness between them, Nitya must've felt horrible knowing that her Mom was already dating the moment her husband died. It was best to get some ground rules out of the way so they can have a student-teacher relationship. Forget their personal lives, it was time to train the next generation. "You'll be part of the New Jedi Order," Jax said. "Of the Galactic Alliance, you are representing the GA and will be undergoing missions with me. I expect you to act in a manner worthy of being a Jedi Nitya."

She then asked if Jax could teach her how wield a Lightsaber something which caused the Jedi Master to chuckle. "In due time Nitya," Jax said. "Do you have a Lightsaber on you at the moment?"

"I already see you that way, Master Thio!"

Growling, she had pretty much just said that. Was he deaf or dumb or something? Maybe he just didn't want to hear these words coming from a child.

Pulling her head back a little in surprise when Jax said she would be a part of the New Jedi Order, she wondered what was wrong with the Silvers. If Nitya was being honest, she never really looked outside of the borders of her home. What he said was acceptable and she nodded in agreement.

"I will do my best, Master."

When he asked if she had her own lightsaber, she shook her head.

"My fighting skills are about as mom's...which is next to nothing. I do have this."

Unclipping what looked like a training lightsaber, she held it out to him.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Vultper
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Nitya Xeraic Nitya Xeraic

"Good I hope it stays that way."

Jair wants Jax to bond with Nitya? Fine but it's going to be strictly Master and Padawan relationship. If Jair thinks that she wants Jax and Nitya to grow beyond that than what she's asking is unrealistic. Jax is going to make it his mission to make sure that Nitya will be a Jedi but he doesn't want the young girl to think of him as a replacement. Judging by her bratty outburst, Nitya has that same mentality as well.

"Nothing wrong with the Silvers," Jax said. "Was raised by them when I was kid, but right now I'm part of the Alliance Nitya and as long as you're my Padawan you'll be going on missions for the Galactic Alliance."

Jax looked around and sighed, hopefully there was no one who recognized on this planet. He really needed to get out of here "glad you at least have a training saber," Jax said. "Do you have a ship of some sort? We really need to go, got a lot of things to do and stuff to see."

Speaking of which, Jax really needed to train Jair in Lightsaber combat. Hard to believe her skills are almost non-existent for a master.

"Why are you part of the Alliance and not the Silvers?"

Even if she did not want to go beyond a Master and Padawan relationship, Nitya still wanted to get to know him. She asked the question without the hope of getting an answer from Jax. Expecting to get blown off, as most adults did, she waited for him to finish his own line questioning.

Pointing to the ship he had come in, she shook her head.

"No, Master. Mom dropped me off to wait until you showed up. You're the one that came in a ship."

Giving him a look that was just like something Jairdain would, it was clear she was her daughter. Wondering again, if they were the right fit...she went along with things...for now. If it got too odd, then she would just return to the Silvers for a drink or two and wash her hands of the whole thing.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Vulpter
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Nitya Xeraic Nitya Xeraic

Jax frowned, Nitya was one of the few people who asked him that question. "For starters," Jax said. "The NJO were looking for more Jedi to fill the NJO's numbers. If I recall correctly, It was supposed to replenish their numbers from the wars against the First Order and the One Sith. I was ten years old when I chosen for the exchange. I was a Padawan under the apprenticeship of a Master Oda."

He paused for a moment wistful as memories swarmed his mind. Jax was never the best student, often giving Oda a hard time due to his rebellious nature. Jax wanted to explore and do things own way which contradicted Oda's teachings. However, Oda never gave up on Jax teaching what he needed to know about the ways of the Force and of the cave at Ach-To. "Remember your trial at the cave," Oda said to him. "A Jedi's greatest enemy is not the Dark Side, not even the Sith it is....."

"Themselves," Jax spoke in a whisper so Nitya wouldn't hear. If there was one event that Jax struggled to move on from was Oda's death. It was through Jax's recklessness that got him killed at Tatooine. Yet when they met again in the Netherworld of the Force, Oda didn't bear him any ill will even saying that he was proud of Jax. Not everything Jax did was something to be proud of and he wondered if it was just soothing his guilt. But Jax will take comfort in that and try to do better.

And It will start with his many apprentices.

"Right," Jax said. "This will be a problem, I left BB at Coruscant though his ass didn't want to come with me."

He sighed. "That means we're going to have to rent some transportation," Jax said. "So let's get to it."

Jax really did NOT want to go deeper into planet, now he knows he'll get caught.

"And we aren't looking for members?"

She snapped this back at Jax before he even finished speaking. So Nitya didn't hear the first part of his story. Only the finishing part about him being in some sort of exchange. Maybe it was something that was no longer around. Perhaps, it was and nobody ever approached her. Considering her parent's positions within the Order, it more than likely had to do with them thinking they were keeping her safe.

Clenching her hands at her sides in a flash of anger at them.

"I am not a child that needs to have their hands held."

Both of them seemed to whisper their statements at the same time and neither one heard the other. Shrugging her shoulders, she fell into step behind Jax and kept quiet.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Vulpter
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Nitya Xeraic Nitya Xeraic

Jax sighed when Nitya became randomly flippant with him. It was odd that she has become bratty for no reason. "I did say exchanging Jedi between the two faction Nitya," Jax said. "First rule is to tone down the bratiness please."

It was a little rude but Jax had it with brats, from Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin to now even Spasa Spasa threw temper tantrums. Jax was feeling a little unlucky in regards of getting padawans who throw fits. "Now come on Nitya," Jax said staring at his X-Wing. "We're gonna need a transport for the two of us, I'll just contact the NJO and have them send pilot to bring my fighter back to the temple."

Muttering under her breath about how Jax should meet his sister before judging her as bratty, she fell into step behind him.

"Will I get to mind trick them into getting us free transport off the world? I could also make you look different...or try to. Look, I can tell you're upset being here and I have no idea why my mom would drop me off on this rock. We need to learn to work together, Master, before we get much further."

Then a thought crossed her mind and she stopped walking. He was likely out of her reach but she lifted an arm to try and stop him or catch his attention.

"Why don't you just call them and hitch a ride when they pick up your ship?"

If they were to hide in the same shadow she had been in when he arrived, then she should be able to keep them hidden through illusion. Making them look like nobody was there.

Jax Thio Jax Thio

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