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Approved Tech The Bryn'adul | Ultra's Pride

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  • Classification: Anti-Energy (Blaster/Lightsaber)
  • Weight: Extreme
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Extreme
    • Kinetic: Extreme
    • Lightsabers: Extreme
    • Sonic: High
    • Elemental: Very High
    • Ion/EMP: None
    • Radiation: Average
    • Vacuum: None

  • Ammo Feed - The storage of projectiles and munitions cartridges within the back of the armor allows for rapid reloading of whatever weapon is being held - choosing between precision shooting and suppression has never been easier.
  • Rebreather - The armor is able to hold enough Type III atmosphere for its wearer to survive for around 7-8 hours depending on level of exertion. This is a sealed system and protected against interference by general air pathogens and chemicals, but the suit is not able to protect against the crushing weight of the vacuum.
  • Pocket Space - The suit comes with a utility belt and several different pockets and grip-points across it where weaponry, ammunition, and other general tools and items may be easily and conveniently stored for later use.
  • Jump Jets -Utilizing a small pouch of prepared Draemidus Prime Ore, it is possible for the armor's user to ignite a portion of this highly volatile material in order to propel themselves upward and forward. This is limited to about five jumps before it will need refilled - a process that requires significant time and is not easily performed in the field.
  • In-built Quilxyn - The Quilxyn built into the armor is capable of providing shielding both against more direct threats, and against the frigid temperatures of certain planets. The wearer is able to operate without needing to worry about the weather as long as the Quilxyn is intact.
  • Shock Absorbers - A series of shock absorbers located along the shoulders and arms make it easier to continue swinging heavy melee implements without building as much fatigue and exhaustion as is usually caused by using such implements of battle. Effectively, the armor helps make it easier to keep fighting.
  • Eyesight -A number of different viewing methods are available with the helmet of the armor including the ability to zoom in on a target from a distance, view objects in "normal" sight, and utilize thermal and IR sights. There is even a blacklight available.
  • Mist - An in-built gauntlet on the left hand has been outfitted with a Sun Quaker Ink sprayer. With the press of a button, a large volume of this mildly poisonous and highly obscuring agent can be secreted into the air, providing an excellent cover in the event that the wearer must retreat or reach a difficult position under fire.

  • Jump Jets - The versatility of movement provided by the presence of the Draemidus Prime booster jets allows for the wearer to traverse the battlefield with a heightened degree of verticality and motion.
  • Layer Upon Layer - The use of several thick layers of Verikast is sufficient to dispel all but the hardiest of blaster bolts and energy weapons such as these as is the nature of Verikast. The extra thickness of the armor combined with the presence of several coverings of Barricas Oil mean that it is possible to prevent even the slash of lightsabers.
  • Shielding - A Quilxyn Shield helps to prevent wounding by projectile weaponry, deflecting these items by means of its energy field. While this field is sufficient to stop most projectiles, it is not indefinite and will require a few moments between every few hits in order to recharge.
  • Keep Swinging - The presence of the shock absorbers in the armor make it all the easier for the armor's wearer to continue using weapons of immense size and weight without feeling their effects as quickly as they otherwise would - this allows them to prolong combat for longer than normal.

  • Ion/EMP - The nature of the combination of Verikast metal and the energy shield surrounding this armor is that any kind of Ion or EMP strike against the armor will travel along its entire length until it finds a suitable conduit or else dissipates. As such, any electronic device on the wearer's person can be short-circuited with relative ease.
  • Vacuum - While the armor is sufficient for combat missions, it has no protection whatsoever against the vacuum of space. Any kind of exposure to this vacuum is liable to kill the wearer as easily as if though they were wearing nothing at all.
  • Extremely Heavy - The immense weight of this armor provides two distinct weaknesses: it cannot be used for stealth purposes whatsoever, and it cannot be used to walk across unstable areas without risking the instantaneous collapse of the floor. Furthermore, attempting any kind of climbing while wearing the armor is ill-advised as even success would almost certainly fatigue the wearer. Swimming is impossible.
  • Weak Spot - While the use of the Draemidus Prime Ore does allow for rapid movement, it also presents a very obvious target for enemies who know what to look for. Located around the heels are the small pouches of crystals used to power this feature of the suit. A direct hit here that penetrates the armor - or several hits that over-heat the area even without penetration, may be able to ignite the crystals, and cause a catastrophic explosion.

Following the loss of the Chieftain to unknown causes, there were a number of shifts throughout Bryn'adul society. At least one of these was that the Juggernaut Ultras - a unit of the fiercest and most powerful of the Baedurin - were left without a direct supervisor or leader. While it was the whim of the Ish'makra to direct them to battlefields hither or thither, many among the unit seemed to express discontent with this arrangement, and many of the powerful Warlords and leaders of the Empire gradually began to realize that they may need to attempt to appease these terrible and frightening warriors in order to utilize their services.

Utilizing the Bryn'adul facilities on Caerdar and Traedaris, and borrowing a number of vital materials from other Warlords, Osam was able to commission the creation of this set of armor which is highly derivative of the usual Superior Juggernaut Assault Platform for one of the most prominent members of the Juggernaut Ultras - Gordrak Gordrak in the hopes that it would serve as a "payment" or "incentive" for his continued service as a warrior of their armies.

Recognizing the tremendous strength of the Ultras, it was determined that a heavier set of armor than normal should be commissioned, leading to the half-ton "Ultra's Ton" set of armor to be created. Utilizing similar designs as those discovered in previous iterations of armor creation, but with additional layers of thickness, and aspiring to use more recent construction methods such as the implementation of Quilxyn Shields within the armor, this suit was designed to allow Gordrak to lead a battlefield from the frontline and to hold until the very last of his soldiers had been slaughtered before needing to pull back.

The armor can thus be likened to a wrecking ball - for by means of its creation and the use of its wearer, it is able to afflict terrible damage wherever the forces of the Bryn'adul require it.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Osam Osam

This is a very nicely made and detailed submission! However I found three problems:
  • The faction link is broken, please fix is.
  • Please link Gordrak's bio (or profile if he don't have bio) to the Affiliation.
  • And your armour is underpowered (-6), if you want you can fix it, or you can keep these ratings.
That's all, please let me know if you edited these.

Thank you! :)

Fixed the link. It was to our "Discussions" page, which is technically private which is why it didn't work properly. I also added a link to Gordrak's bio in Affiliation.

Per the underpowered aspect, I raised the Sonic resistance and removed that weakness, and then just kinda shifted around a few values here or there. Hopefully the numbers all add up now. Thanks again!
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