Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Catacombs

  • Something is lurking in the catacombs beneath the old Sith Temple on Bastion.
  • Strange noises, tugs within the Force, an uptick
  • in nightmares for the weaker residents,
  • all point to something dark and particularly nasty. Discover the
  • source and decide the best course of action for dealing with it.
  • Warning, it may object, violently, to you poking your nose in its business.
  • This is a message to all Sith in the local star system. 10K CREDIT reward.
  • If accepted, report to Sith Temple rendezvous on your monitor's coordinates.
  • Meet Darth Mortus at the site. Mission fail, no credits.

Darth Mortus waited on the surface of the planet, levitating in the air as he meditated and probed the underground with his mind. There was something very old, and very powerful here. He doubted if this mission would be anything different from the last; messy situation and dead Acolytes.

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