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Approved Location The Halls of Healing [Silver Rest]

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Silver Rest, Kashyyyk

  • Structure Name: The Halls of Healing

  • Classification: Medical/Healing Center

  • Location: Silver Rest, Kashyyyk

  • Affiliation: Order of the Silver Jedi

  • Accessibility: Open to all members of the Silver Jedi and their allies, readily accessible via Silver Rest and the surrounding temple campus. Other guests are also welcome to seek healing and may be admitted by the Chief Healer or Silver Assembly.

  • Description: The Halls of Healing are a mix of the traditional healing center and advanced medical facility. Crafted in a calm, minimalist aesthetic, there is an abundance of light and natural wood surfaces. The Halls adjoin the main temple, separated by a small courtyard. Here, members of the Silver Jedi, allies, and guests may come to seek force healing and conventional medical assistance. Staffed by the healers of the Silver Circle and physicians, the Halls of Healing is a tranquil place to recover from ailments, wounds, and other trauma.

Main Lobby/Healing Center (pictured above): The main entrances opens up into the lobby of the healing center. Here, there are tall windows that provide natural light and peaceful views of Kashyyyk. An effort has been made to keep this high-traffic area spacious and welcoming. From here, one may visit the traditional Healing Center to benefit from consultations and simple treatment via force healing, crystals, and other natural remedies. A good place to start with many of the normal maladies. [Sprains, broken bones, general sickness, fatigue, ect]


Healing Crystal Meditation: Within the Healing Center is a meditation hall, where Jedi may come to be in the presence of the Healing Crystals of Fire. It may assist with simple self-healing and especially with recovery from mental/spiritual trauma. There is a hall for open meditation, and a few private suites are available as well.


Garden Atrium: In keeping with the natural theme, a long atrium was constructed to bridge the healing center with the advanced medical suites. This space is open to patients in treatment, where they may take time to be near healing plants and herbs. Many of these plants are used in treatment, especially to make blends of tea and medical tinctures.



A Patient Room

Med-Surg Unit: Any in-patient care takes place in the Medical Suites, which is kept separate from the main Healing Center. If any case proves to be difficult to treat, severe, or life-threatening, the patient will be checked in here for additional treatment. Comfortable rooms are provided for each patient, and they are welcome to stay as long as is needed. [Traditional medicinal treatments, surgical procedures/recovery, intensive force healing]


Critical Care Unit:
This is where patients are taken for complex surgical procedures, treatment of infectious disease, and intensive care. Cases that come here are generally very serious and may require a longer stay. Equipped to handle a wide variety of ailments, the healers and medical staff regularly work with members of the Silver Sciences Research teams to pioneer new cures and treat patients. [Bacta tanks, intensive care unit, stasis chambers, quarantine, medical labs]

High. As the Healing Halls are connected to Silver Rest, it is protected by the same defenses.

A product of the Silver Circle and their emphasis on health and healing, the new Halls of Healing on Kashyyyk were designed to provide an advanced level of treatment to the Order and their worlds. The home base of the Silver Circle, the healers work tirelessly to tend to the patients in their care. The Healing Crystals of Fire were brought from their temple on Voss and placed in a meditation hall to be available to any of the Silver Jedi that may wish to meditate in its presence and benefit from its healing power. This, along with proper counseling, is especially helpful for patients recovering from trauma.

Along with natural remedies and force healing, the Halls of Healing provide a level of advanced medical care as well. Equipped with emergency units, intensive care, surgical suites, and advanced care options, the Halls of Healing are well prepared to handle most any case.
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