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Empire of the Lost

A coalition of former Imperials and displaced refugees based in the Lianna system rallying behind the idea of establishing an empire to secure peace and order for their people, noted for their realpolitik attitude and flexible internal affairs.

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The Imperial Crusaders



Background Info
The Imperial Inquisitorious was the first Force-Sensitive division of the Empire of the Lost, primarily tasked with hunting force-sensitives, either for recruitment or elimination, and finding valuable artifacts for study by the Empire. They comprise the Intelligence branch of Force Operations within the Empire of the Lost. Often working clandestinely and in the dark, they are the Emperor’s invisible hand countering the machinations of Jedi and Sith.

Thanks to their efforts, the Empire of the Lost is now able to deploy a more militant branch of force-sensitives. These personnel are trained in militant matters, ready to oppose Jedi and Sith opponents across the open battlefields of the galaxy. This militant Force-sensitive Order is known as the Imperial Crusaders, and is just now emerging as a special force in service to the Emperor.

Imperial Crusader Info

The Imperial Crusaders: The Crusaders see themselves as being at the forefront of the Imperial Crusade. Their only goal is exercising power on behalf of the Emperor. The Emperor’s will is their Crusade, and their purpose is to enforce it openly in opposition to those who would wield the Force against him and his interests.

Attitude towards the Force: Unlike the largely religious or spiritual orders found in Sith and Jedi circles, the Imperial Crusaders prefer neither Light nor Dark. The Force is a tool for the Crusaders, not a goal in and of itself. It is also but one of many tools in their toolbox, as every member of the Imperial Crusaders receives training as Naval and Army officers in addition to their studies in the Force. This means that every member of the Crusaders is a capable combatant even without their force abilities or lightsaber weapons.

Ranks of the Crusaders: The Crusaders are led by a Grand Master, who acts as an equivalent to Fleet Admiral or Army Marshal of the order.

Grand Master: The Grand Master is the overall leader of the Crusaders. They oversee the general function of the Crusaders and often appear in overall command of important battles or engagements. They report directly to the Emperor, as opposed to being part of the normal Navy or Army chain of command. That having been said, they will often subordinate themselves to higher-ranking military commanders (Grand Admirals and Grand Generals) when not operating under the direct authority of the Emperor, or when the Emperor requires it, they may function under the authority of other officers. The Grand Master operates for the glory of the Emperor, so matters of jurisdiction seldom trouble them.

Seneschal: The Seneschal assists the Grand Master, and acts as his right hand within the organization. Their rank is equivalent to a General within the Army branch, although it is uncommon for them to command more than a Brigade of men personally. (1,000 men.) However, they will often collaborate with Naval or Army forces to influence larger deployments, especially when they are operating under direct orders from the Emperor.

Beneath the Seneschal are Captains, Commanders, Lieutenants, Sergeants, and Brothers of the Organization.

Captains of the Order command Companies (groups of up to 200 soldiers), although they could be placed in command of a limited amount of additional forces for special operations requiring them to do so, or command smaller groups for critical missions.

Commanders act as commanders for a Troop of soldiery. (80-100 soldiers.)

Lieutenants are granted command of Platoons on the ground. (Up to 40 soldiers.)

Knights may command Squads on the ground. (Up to 10 soldiers.)

Squires are the individual combatants of the order, the lowest members who are nonetheless counted among the most elite soldiery of the Empire.

Initiates are members of the order who are recruited from the pool of Force-Sensitives discovered by the Inquisitorious, but who have not yet completed their military training. They will often learn in the field alongside a full member of the Crusade, enjoying the benefit of on-the-job training with an experienced officer.

The Force abilities of the Crusaders allow them a certain degree of prescience, a sense about the nature and turning of events on the battlefield, and the capability of responding to extreme threats with a degree of competency that defies the abilities of common officers and soldiers. While it is possible for highly trained ordinary soldiery to defeat members of the Crusade, it can not be denied that Force abilities give the Crusaders a distinct advantage over their mundane counterparts.

Because force-sensitives are much rarer than ordinary officers or soldiers, the Crusaders must do a great deal with comparatively fewer men and machines than the main military branches possess. The Empire employs them at key points in key battles, often in opposition to the Force-wielding enemies of the Empire. Typically, they find themselves facing off against the Jedi or Sith, either in dazzling dogfights among the stars or epic duels on land.

Fortunately, the willingness of the Empire to recruit force-sensitives without regard to particular alignments towards the Light or Dark means that the Crusaders tend to be much more numerous than the force-wielders of opposition forces. This is good, because while the Crusaders are loathe to admit it, many of the galaxy’s best Force-warriors are in the ranks of their enemies, and it sometimes requires superior numbers to root them out and raze them.

Are you a force-sensitive with a zeal for the Empire and a desire to hone your talents? Have you been found and marked by the Inquisitorious, and desire a future in the military?

Join the Crusaders today. The Emperor Wants You!

Resources of the Imperial Crusaders:

NPC Entry for the Imperial Crusaders

PC Members of the Imperial Crusaders

Grand MasterTeckla Tane
SquireLucretia Lister
SquireOola Ven
SquireKharuna Tan
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Members of the Empire of the Lost who have Force Sensitivity may apply to become a member of the Imperial Crusaders. Simply provide the following information:

Link to Bio:
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(Up to Captain - Admin will select for promotion to higher ranks)

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